Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Feb 1979, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21,1979, PAGE 17 - o - w - - w' ISEVIES CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPkOVEMENTS. M~ETRO Lic. No. B2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling,' Dryw,- il, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. ]PREE ESTIMATES. COli668-4686 -oHlIHEST PRICES .Paid for Gold and. Slver coins,1 old guns, dlocks, jewelry, - dishes, furnifure, crocks, oil paintings. and, * rîendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West,, Oshawa » ROOKLIN TOOL CO@ TOOL SAL9 Hýlf price on. all hydraulic jacks, vices, ,socket sets, wrench sets, micrometers, drill sets, 12 speed drill press, and many other to ols for mechanics Complete Automnotive Garage Supplies 683-1753 STAM CLEANINO0 Done* in home or office., Prof essiona 1 w'ork for Reasonable Rates Free Estimates CALL 655.4817 TAX RETURNS For the best deal in tawn see Tax Time at-Whltby Mail. CARPET CLEANINO IN TOUR OWN HOME New Roto-Static Methodi Guaranteed No Shrinkage No Shampoo or Residue to Attract Dirt Dry in 2 Hours' 79ILCC 28554 NTME around deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor & f ilter. Delivery arranged I0 your convience. For best selection and informa - tion cal I toîl f ree 1-800-268-1944- HAY FOR SALE!, Phone 655-3461. %Boum- - - I~I_ I I EF:L.EL HAY FOR SALE! Phonie 655-3582. FORRET #FOR RENT' Office Space. Up f0 -2,000 sq. f t. sprinklered. Hopkins St. Caîl collect Toronto 633-1615 iWIMMING POOLS TO REIAT .Will lease and install for home- owners, famiîy size, aluminumi swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting a 'Il fencing regulations on one, two, or three year rentaI basis with optiori to own. Try before you buy!call f011 f ree 1-800-268- 1944-5. SITUATIONS RELIABLE AND EXPERI. ENCED DAY CARE in aur home. Whitby Key East area. Mon. ta Fri. Good lunches. Have two preschoolers of aur own. $35 a week. Caîl 668-1218, anytime. LOSTN 1 pair brown child's glasses with speclal spring frames. Lost on Annes or Cochrane St. Cali 668-1041 if found, -AO NIOS LARGE AUCTION SALE, Brooklin Community Centre. Saturday, March 3, at il a.m. Consignment articles are wel- corne. Earl Davis, Auctioneer. Phone 728-4455. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Stratton - Ken & Linda are pleased ta announce the birth of their daughter, Arlene Kathrine, on Feb. 15, 1979 at Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Neil. WITNESS Would anyone who sawv a 1972 Cougar vandallzed* near 301 Coiborne St. E. in Whitby on Monday evening of Jan.. 29, 1979, Please cail Gary at 683. 3993. ATTENTION CERAMISTSI Have a fun night out Iearning f0 ma ke your own g if ts a nc wea rs at Liz's. Ceramic aeademy. (NCMA) Certification. Phonie 668-7219. INFLATION! Has it got you clown? Would an extra $200 a month or more, part-Urne make a difference. Calil 723-6694 and find out how ta turn your spare hours into money. EXCELLENT OPPORTU- NITY FOR SALES PERSON We are looking for an aggres- sive sa les person for sta tionery and office supply sales within the Barrie area. Sales experi. ence in thisf ield is definately an asset, but flot the main criteria for the position. Salary and/or commission, If you are Iooking for a position wlth a future, send resumne f0:* A. Hochin Northern Stationery Ltd. 29 Dunlop St. W. Barrie, Ont. L4N 1L-7 SCRAP CARS WANTED. Cali Dave at 668.4232.or 668-9633. The Canadian movement gor personal filness Fiunes. In your heart you know it's sght. House)( Land Manent' File Numbet TrO76 340 Thuckson Road South 3 Bedroom stucco bungalow with large recreation room and -double garage - workshop loca- ted on 751 x 2001 site. The house will be opened for inspection on March lth, 1979 between 4:00 P.M. ta 6:00 P.M. The property will be leased for a period of one year, commen- cing on or before April 1sf, 1979. Offer ta Lease formfs may be obtained f rom the Ministry's ted must be on the form pre- scribed by this Ministry. Highest or any Offer ta Lease not necessarify accepted. SThink small byJinx Smithi Ail Stri.ngs Attached Canadians corne in ail shapes, sizes and colours, speak two officiai languages and hundreds of unofficial tongues, work at professions ranging fromn scallop fishing to compuiter engineering, mnay be p?.verty stricken or spectacularly rich. There is, in other words, no such thing as a "typical" Canadian. On the other hand, within geographical regions, there are likely to 6e more com- mon featuret than would be found between regions. The wheat farmers of the Prairies have different occupations, different ancestors, different geography and different cli- mate than the minersof Que- bec. Naturally, the farmners have-rnany values which are different -from" the miner.s' values.' Moreover, the. eco- nomic differences between the two regions are< enor- MOUS. ýThese differenc'es. were- obvious even 111 years ago. Consequently, Canada was set up as a federation rather than a unitary state; federal- ismn leaves room for expres- sion of regional differences. Somehow, Ottawa lost track of the benefits of fed- eralism. Over the last 20 years, the feds have moved, us dloser and dloser to, a unitary govemment opposed to regional differences. The saine federal programns are imposedl on ail the provinces, regardiess of whether the programns. are in harmony with specific regional or pro- vincial priorities. Ottawa hasn't actually held a gun to the provincial heads. -But it has subsîdized the programs which it fa- vours - and a subsidized programn is much more at- tractive than a full-cost pro- gram.*So the provinces have course. And the plan is this: if regional distinctions can be minimized, unification should follow. It hasn't work- ed out that way, however.' The provincial differences baven't vanished -, they've lntensified ini this environ- ment of negleet. Regionai unrest- in Quebec and the 'West, for example - can be traced back to the govemn- ment's "unification" reliance on conditional grants. Any other outcomneis liard to imagine. A fancy health care scheme loses mucli of its value if it means, in turn,' that the province can't afford to provide Sp.' prenticeship training pro- grains or maintaiÇi reasonable local services. And the only way the provinces can realis- ticaliy choose between pro- grains is by comparing the actual costs of those pro- grams. If Ottawa truly wants to heip the provinces, federal funds should be provided on a no-strings-attached basis aliowing. the 'provinces to freely.act on their own pri- orities. The consequenices of conditional grants are waste and regional dissatipifaction. To demonstrate that it is sincere in its concern about constitutional, reform-, Ot- tawa should. start with revi- sions of its own admninis- t!rative practices. Cali W1HBY FREE P RESS CILATION DEPARTMENT 668-6111 j the Most remous in the world Phone 728-2103 WANTED cze 1

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