Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Feb 1979, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Security service provides guards and investigations Security is an important aspect, of life today, and takes on many more forms than the average person rea- lizes. The, only security business based in Durham Region is Pankhurst Security Services Ltd., located on Wentworth Street in Osh awa. The com- pany was founded 10 years ago by Mike Pankhurst, whose parents have lived in Asliburn for,20 years. Today lie is c hairman cf the board Of his company. Manager cf investigations for Pankhurst Security is Gerald Jolinston who re-. signed from- the Durham Regional Polce in June, 1978, after 14 years as a detective. He is a partner in the busi- ness and is vice-president. "We will investigate any- thing anywhere within the legal concepts of the law and have done considerable amount of.work in Whitby," he said in a recent interview. Missing persons are a common- problem Mr. Jolinston has to deal with. ,Recently a Whitby resident' asked him to find her brother whom she had not seen in m fany years. Within three, weeks, lie was located in the' ýMADETOORDER RUIlER STAMPS Business, Leterheads, Custom and Personal, Etc> Etc., Rusonable Prices 1 Day Service Possiblé Many Type FacesAvailable To flukeA Prof essional Stamu For You T.P. 'Distributln'g, 725-2138 ANYTIME CORPORATION 0F THE 979 INTERIM TAX NOTICE FIRST INSTALMEN T T irst instalmeént 0f taxes for 1979 is due and payable February 18, 1979. if payment is flot received by the due date, penalty at the rate of 1 per cent'per month wiIl be charged on the overdue balance. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby Bank without bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Roadl East, Whitby, Ontario. Gail E'mpèe?, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. evi m9 southern United States. Another area of investiga- tion is finding evidence for divorce actions and helping separated parents who think their former partner is mis- treating their chidren.' Undercover services are also available for such occu- rrences as employee thefts. Mr. Jolinston relates how Pankhurst Security solved one case where a Whitby indùstry reported a substan- tial amount of goods being stolen. The theft had been going on for many years, and was'solved in two and a half months. The matter was set- tlled privately between the employer, and the guilty employee as is often' the case, said Mr. Johnston.- Retail security in stores to protect against shoplifting is another part cf Pankhurst's investigation« work. Plain- clothes personnel, who.look like ordinary shoppers keep their eyes open in the store, and shoplifters .are appre- hended and the police are called. A court appearance is usually the resuit for the guilty party. Mr. Jolinston reports that 30 people were apprehended by his staff for shoplifting in Whitby since Dec. 1, 1978. "We do any stores no matter what size," he says, and points out that custo- mers have to pay more for goods because of the security required to stop shoplifting. Investigations 'can lead Mr. Johnston's staff any- where. A routine surveilance matter started in Whitby at midnight and ended up in one of Canada's western pro- vinces the following day, lie said., Mr ,Tnhinstoni has been to Nevada, Waehîngton, and New York State several times on investigations. His investigating teamn consists of three men with 40 ycars combined of police experience. Mr. Johnston lias 14 years of detective work behind. him, Don Baumhauer has il 'years, and Bill* Tan e, a former Sergeant with the'Durham Region Police has 20 years of experiencc. Mr. Tane is Pre- sident ol Pankhurst Security. Mr. Jolinston explains that the benefit of private inves- tagators over the police de- partmfent is persona] contact' with the client. "The -police department has a big volume to handle and can't get- involved as personally as it would like to," he says. Presently, Pankhurst Security is looking at- legal steps for people to trace their roots. This is a particular problem for persons' who have been adopted. Mr. Jolinston would like to help in this field but lis personal opinion is that lie would want to lie surethat applicants seeking records are s'creened properly. "I would not 'want to see any investigator walk into a hos- pital and have access to records;. I want to see it supervised," lie said. Many useful services can be carried out by private investigators. Mr. Johnston relates how a family came to him and asked him to talk to their daugliter, aged 19 who was into the drug scene and living ini what they consi- dered was the wrong envi- ronmient. .The parents gave Pank- hurst officers money to give ta the girl, they talked to her, and she came home. She lias remained at home for four months with no further pro- blems, said Mr. Johnston.1 In another case, a man in Burlington loaned a vehicle ta a friend in 1975 and later wanted ta locate it. Pank- hurst Security found it 40 miles from Ottawa in a tawing compound at a far- mer's residence. Mike Pankliurst, chief executive officer of Pankhurst Security Services Limited, stands beside a board of key blanks which are part of, lis associate company, Canadian Lock and Key. The board sliown in this picture is one of three large panels which contain blanks for keys of alm.ost every type produced in Northi America. Besides dealing in keys, Mr. Pankhurst's company provid es security guards and alarm services and carnies out private investigations. Free Press Photo li turned out that the friend *was living under a fictitious name and was wanted by numerous people throughout southern Ontario. "We helped a lot of people with this one," said Mr. Jolinston. Wlien asked wliy people sometimes want to get infor- mation on other people, Mr. Jolinstan said most want it for civil actions, such as people wanting ta marry, or emplayers who want to know the background of their em- ployees. When asked for an exam- pie, lie said one persani wha wanted ta marry, found out through an investigation that the intended partner was already married. An embar- assing and illegal situation was thus avoided. *KNIGHTS 0 F COLUMBU, IVBINGO CABLE CHANNEL 10a 4 61BIGCAMES a 1EVERY WEDNESDAY *UP TO $375.00 IN PRIZESa r for $1.00 (M edm) m m LAST WEEKS WINNERSI a Mrs. E. McPhee, OshawaI Mrs. C. Jeffrey, Oshawa 1 OD. Amrie, Oshawa * N. Whorms, OshawaI * E. Burrows, Oshawa * GRAND PRIZE WUERSI * OG. Mather, OshawaI * BINGO CARDS AVAILABLE AT: * County Bowl - 118 Byron St. N., Whitby * Baskin-Robbins - Saf evmuy Plaza, Whitby Oshawa Meat Products & Delicatessen -1818 Dundas St. E., Whitby I I Shorty's Cigar Store- 121 Brock St. N., Whitby * Shorty and Son Billiards - 130 Dundas St. W., Whitby * Bailey Pharmacy - Brock St. S., Sarfeway Centre * Jury & Loveil Drug Store - Whitby Plaza 3217 Brock St. S. I Whltby Glass &Mirror -210 Brock St. S. -mm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmmul Investigations are only one aspect of the work of Pank- hurst Security. The company lias the only monitering sta- tion in Durham- Region where someone is or, duty 24 hours a day to respond to alarms installed in stores, businesses, residences and industry. About 20 'of these alarms are located in Whitby. Mr. Jolinston explained that the system can moniter temperature, pressure and break-mns. The manager of alarms and electranics for Pankhurst Security is Trevar Skidmore. In addition to the moni- tering station, the company lias a patrol officer who patrals the areas where alarms are located. When an alarm rings the patrol of- ficer and the police, are called. The -patrol officer does, spot checks on homeswihen owniers are away on holidays and-can t 'ell anywhere an intruder is-,iW a business premises . through- control room monitering. Pankhurst Security lias a,' staff of 130 security guards available for lire. Uni- formed officers patrol large industries in Whitby and also many smaller businesses.. Large public events sucli as the Brooklin Spring Fair, the County Town Carnival Trade Fair, and the Durham Region equipnient action are patrolled by uniformed secu- rity guards. Guards are available for businesses and residences on Halloween when there is a potential for 'va îidalisrn, and îbey do home and business spot checks.1 Another use for guards is at fairs when they are shut down at night and prowlers could lie lurking around. Pankhurst Security lias sublet dogs frorn another firm for services wlien re- quired, mainly in industries a( night, ta sniff out intru- cers. An associate. company of Pankhurst is Canadian Lock and Key, which can supply Cont'd on P. 15 611 1979 ÊHEVROLET CHEVETTE TWO-DOOR HATCHDACK COUPE CHEVETTE IS SET FOR 1979 - The Cheïroei Chevette bas slyllmg and engineering refinements to solldlfy ls position as a North American subcompact favorite. A distinctive new prille Mmd ahorened hood, as wefl as saimUe rectugular headilampa, ad dams to the front appearsce. Roda taudard and optional 1.6 âtre englues have extensive refluements lndudflng uew staged, twobarrel carburegor that provldes sieady, positive power ln the fini stage aMd gond hlghlway acceleratlon and paulung ablllty ln th second stage. Heavier pistons adi to dabiffty aud there is aàrelaceable air diseer eent wblchcetsmintenance coïts. Ire lime cn"slatof two aud four-door hatchback modein, amd "Smoter" batchisacis coupe. Bank of Nova Scotia Financing Available. &2SONSLO Chevrol.t i- OïdamObll

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