Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1979, p. 1

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Bathurst-Ltd. strike.ended.Sturda Members of Whitby's Seniors Activity Centre« were getting ready last week for a snooker tournament for the Dr'. Ken Hobbs Trophy, which gotunder- way yesterd y At centre wifti the etroçhlis Gâamesl Director' Jim Smyth. Practicing- their' shots are, atleft, Vic Ig giesden, vice-chairman of the cenre's board of directors, representing Dr. Hobbs; -and Richard England at1 right, chairmanof< the centre's board of directors. The cones t for -the Dr. *Hobbs ot Trophy, which was presented -this nonth, wl consist of 'a serles of best two out of three knockout games. Free Press Photo by Brian Winter, Th nternational Wood- w o rkers of -America ne their, nine-day strike at Consolidate, Bathurst Pack- aging ,Ltd'. Saturday- after ratifyin *g a ,new- two-year contract. Walkouts aiso ended at Hamilton,, Etob.icoke, St., Thomias andSt. Laurent, and Montreal East, Quebec, with union members voting 41 8 to 312 to accept the contract. The picket lines at Whitby were. removed Saturday and' workers returned at the 7:30 a.m. shift Monday. 1Whitby union off iciaIs said the contract represented a good wage settiernent al- though "the workers i'ailed to get the finge benefits thev House' ani The Whi 'tby Fire Depart- ment ýresp.onded to . two serious building fires* early- this week. Sudyat 12:30, a.m., .30 lirefighters responded to a house, fire at 520 Watson Street East. The 'roof of a' white frame bouse was "on fire by the tme the men arrived'. Damage to the home, owned by Ed mund Larsen, is reported to be* $45,000. The fire departmnent states the cause was a faulty chimney. were looking for. The contract__was reached in mediation Feb. 2, but there was a delay in wo rkers returning to work until ail the Bathurst, plants had otdon it. The 180 workers at the Whitby plant Went on strike at midnight Jan. 31 yh!ile mediation7was stili in progress. Whitby's agreement is re- troactive to Nov. 1, 1978 and expires Nov. 1, 1981. The contract al9.ws ,for increases of 64 cents in the first year and 34 cents in the second-for the lowest expired rate of $5.07 and raises of 79 cents and 46-cents at the expired top rate of $7 an hour. i'by.fire r'irefighters were at, the .sene-until 6 ar. Sundny. * Mna.at,7,:35 a>. m., Whitby fire 'fights >were, cailed to' a blaze.that des- troyed a garage at the -back of a house Wn the,- ninth concession. The garage was rented by. Roger Morrison.* An exact dollar amount of the damage was not avail- able at press time, butthe garage was compietely des- troyed, the fire department reported. Anderson Collegiate s Alex Andrew, the first principalof Anderson Colle- giate, died Friday, Feb. 9.-at the Oshawa General Hospi- taI, at the age of 64, following a proionged ilness.' William Alexander Andrew was born March 1, 1914 at Elmvale, Ontario, a son of the late William Andrew, and Catherine Cumming, and attended school at Elmvale and Barrie. After receiving bis B.A. and B. Paed degrees froni the University of Toronto, he taught elemen- tary school in Scarborougb and High School at Mitchell and Burlington before the Second, World War. During the war, froni 1942 to 1945, be served in the CanadianArmy Pay'Office and Armored Corps.. Mr. Andrew was married to Betty Alice Kemp, who survives hirn, at Toronto.in 1952, and subsequentiy moved 10 Whitby. He had lived in Whitby for 26 years. From 1952 to 1958, Mr. Andrew was a commercial teacher at Whitby District High Scbool (now Henry Street High Sehool). Froni 1958 to 1959, be was Principal at Petaw'awa High School near Ottawa. In 1959-60 he returned, to From 1960-71 he waâs1 cipai 0 f the. new Ande Collegiate, and, superv and equipped two addii to the scbool. Af ter,,serving Il year principalof Anderson C giate, Mr. Andrew bec principal' of ýCentrai C giate in. Oshawa in wbere he served -until retirement in 1973. -- 'Wbile.principal at Ar son, Mr. Andrew served1 terni as district presidei the Ontario Seconc School TËeachers Federa, At the tume of his deati was secretary of the Su annuated Teachers' Ass( Hgh'sci fee deaâd fi rst, prinucipal Ale 1x Andrew prin- tion of Durhami Region. legiate said following his rson Mr. Andrew was very funeral that plans are being vised much'invoived in the Work ofý made to institute a memorial tions bis church and the Masonic to Mr.Andrew at the school. Lodge. Mr. Andrew is survived by s as An Eider at St. Andrew's bhis wife,, the former Betty ,ole- Presbyterian 'Churcb, Mr. -Alice Kemp; two children, ame Andrew. was also' a. contact 'Catherine of Wbitby and ,olle- 'for the Inter-Varsity Chris- Donald of Orillia; one sister, 1971 tian- Fellowsbip. and a Mrs. N. Campbell 1his member of the Faith Mission of Canada. ider- He was a Past Master of for a David T. Cimpbeli Lodge, ýnt of and Secretary of Composite dary Lodge Nb. 30 AF and AM., in tion. Whitby. He was aiso a past-, h, he president of the Wib Liper- Rotary Club. ,cia- Officiais at Anderson Col- iool reunion, 4in Henry Street High Scbool's 25tb anniversary reunion is getting dloser. and tirne is running out for former studr enta, staff and teachers to register. John Bolton, bead of the ruinsteering, committee said aI a meeting last week that April I is tbe deadline for'submission of registra- tions if thecommitbee is bo know' in .tume how* many people wilI' be ýusing Uich facilibiés booked. for the. e usApri planned at the school, Iroquois Park Arena and the Holiday Inn in Osbawa. A great deai of interest bas been shown in the. reunion, said Mr. Bolton, but- so far. the interest bas been mainly verbal, and few registration forms bave been turned in 1o' the scbooi. The registration fee is $16.50 per person, and must bc received by the school by Anyone wishing to attend is asked to contact the Hienry Street Histh Scbool Reuniôn died Friday at age of 64 (Margaret) of- London, and one brother John of London. H1e was predeceased by one sister, Mrs. F. Cowan (Blanche).« A Masonic service was held at the W.C. Town Fun- eral Chapel Saturday nigbt, and the funerai was con- ductèd Sundav at- St. Andrew's ?resroyteriaàn Church, by Rev. Frank Conkey of Pickering,,. Interment will be later at Elmvale Cemetery. - if desired,'contributions to Inter-Varsity Christian Fel- lowship or Faith Mission of Canada' wouid be appreciated. The invitation is out; ail1 you, have to do is register by Aprul 1, say these members',ofthe, stcering committce for llenry Street High School's- 25 anniversary reunion. Holding copies of the Ili-Litc, the scbool yearbook, one of the- posters. to be distributed«, and 'a coimomorabive mug bcaring the sehool crest are; left to right, Nolan Taggart', Dwigbt Esler, John Bolton, Ion Ennis, and Yvonne Chornobay. Anyone interested in the reunion may cali the, school at, 668-2731 or writebq Henry 1Sbveet }jigh- ,çcool,.6WO Henry Street, Whîtby. ,Frée . Press Photo DR. ,HOBBS DONATES SNOOKER.-!TROPHY E il pi,

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