Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Jan 1979, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JANUARy 24, 1979, WHITI Road programln*cifi The estimated cost 0f--the proposed programme for road construction in the Town of Whitby for 1979 is plaeed ut $2,485,500. This wiIl include the com- pletion of work that had not been finished last year and the construction of new road extensions, culverts and traffic lights. There will be two new sets of traffié lights, at $25,000 a set, costing a total of $50,ooo. The lights wUll be located at the intersection of Brook and Burns streets, and a set at Dundas and D'Hillier streets. At a cost of 840,000, improvements will be made on the present traffie signais located on Dundas Street, and ut Brock and Mary streets. The total cost also includeg the syncronization of' the traffie *signais on Dunlop, Dundas and Mary Streets. Work commenced on Bellwood Drive,, (east of Thicks on Road) last year will be completed this yeur at the cost of $40.000. This 'BY FREE PRESS ides pro bl< along wlth theo nsphatlng work that wagn't compiCted Iast year will bc completed this year ut a cost Of 820,000, This work aiong with new asphait work at 880,000, wil bc done ln varlous mras of the Town of Whitby. Work wlI be donc this coming sumnmer on WaInut Street from Brock Street west to Euclid Street at an estirnated cost of $240,000. But the construction of a culvert at Pringie Creek and Dundas Street, at an esti- mated cost of $175,000 total brought forth rnàny ques- tions from members of Council. Works Department Director Dick Kuwahara and Treasurer Forbes McEwen pointed out there'is a provin- i4n]l ~ idunon a nnd nr- in terse tion of new construction work done ln Town. For examplethere is an estimated Provincial Sub- sidy of $156,000 for the construction of the enlarged culvort at Pringle Creek and Dundas Street East. When it came to the point where the discussion centred on the construction of the' Manning Road extension, which will eventually 'Iink Up with Oshawa as another east-west road, tempers flared for a short time. The road project lncluded the purchase of property for Manning Road right-of-way 'at an estlmated cost of $75,000 and the construction of Manning Road from Hazelwood Road eastward at Garrard Roud at an esti- mated cost of $200,000. This means that for the construc- tion and completion of Manning Rond will be more than the estimnated total of $275,000. Why can't some of this work be spread over to the future?, wus the question frequently asked by the mémbers cf Council. Mayor Jim Gartshore couldn't see why the cost of Manning Road couldn't be spread over into future budgets. Works Department Direc- tor* Kuwuhara pointed out that some of the work alreudy done on Manning Road has been done by the developers. Where Manning Road goes through the sub- divisions the construction cf the road has been done by. the Developers at no or very littie cost tôà the Town. If the completion of the extension of Manning Road is not included in this yeur's budget "'it will be more cost1Y in the years to corne to >ction traffic light have the work done,"' he cost inthe budget," said said. . Mayor Gartshore He ex- "If it will reduce the over- pressed the hope that it ail cest cf constructing" the would mean a reduction of Incomplete Manning Road, the burden, on the taxpayers "then leave the estimated in the future. Town plan@ to replace trees eut down'iii There was a very lengthy discussion on the Works Department budget last week. One cf the items con- sidered was brush and tree trimming at an estîmated $22,300. Works Department Director Dick Kuwahara pointed Out that the work is to be over a three year programme, He said there had been many trees eut down in Town due to, their proximity t.o street allow- ances and Interferences wîth hydre wires as weli as having died, The trees are trimmed or cut down according to their interferences with hydro wires and the resulting damage that can and could be done during heavy storms, he said. He asked the Finance Committee what they thought about the idea of replacing some of the trees that have bçen cut down during the pust two or three years. One memnber of Council asked how long it has been since the placing of trees on or near privute property by the Town has been dropped? Mayor Jim Gartshore answered thut it has been two or three yeurs since the tree replacement pro- gramme was dropped. "We should Lake a very serious look at replacing trees," he DECISION Ottawa, January 15, 1979 Following a Public Hearing commencing September 12, 1978 in Huit, Quebec the Canadian Radio.television and Telecommuni- cations Commission announced on January 8, 1979 a decision concernlng applicants involving thetransfer 0f effective control 0f Canadian Cable-systems Limifed and of its licensee subsidiaries and the broadcasting undertakings operated by them. Decision: APPROVED Copies of the complete text of Decision CRTC 79-9 are available at the CRTC office, CentralI Building, Less Terrasses 'de la Chaundiere, 1 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Western Regional office, Suite 1130, 701 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, the Montreal Regional office, Suite 2114, 800 Victoria Place, Montreal, Quebec and the Atlantic Regional office, Roomn 428, Barrington Tower, 1894 Barrington Street, Scotia Square, Halifax, Nova Scotia. J.G. Patenaude Acting Secretary General *Canadian Radio-televlsion and Telecommunications ICmmsio"..dene Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications said. 3 e r It was thought that Plan- ning Department Director Kevin Tunney should be asked his opinion on.,'the matter of having trees along the streets of Whitby. Works Department Director Kuwahara said he had been discussing the matter with Mr. Tunney. When asked by the mem- bers of Council whut the Planning Director thought about the tree replucement Mr. Kuwaharu replied that the Planning Director thought it would be a good idea as the trees add to the uttractiveness cf the Town. Mayor Gartshore moved that $5,000 be put in the budget "te replace trees that have been eut down." Damage is $500 incar fire. On Jan. 19 at 10:01 p.m. there was a car fire on Dunlop Street east of Brock, which was confined te the motor area, a fire depart- ment spokesmun said. Five hundred dollars damnage was done to a 1968 Volvo owned by Clifford Martin of 242 Kendul Street, Oshawa. The cause cf the fire was reported to be. a broken gas line. Water agreement ig before, région A new agreement between Durhamn Region and three Whitby industries for sup- plying' of ruw water is being recommended to regional council by its works com- mittee. The agreement, continuing a practice in force for muny years, will enable the region te supply ruw lake water te DuPent of Canada Ltd., Firestonie Canada Ltd., and WEGU Canada Ltd. Rates will be adjusted if the costs cf supplying the water change. In 1978,"a rate cf 15 cents for 1,000 Imperial gallons was charged by the region. The committee has aise recemmended the purchuse cf two pumps for $20,250 plus related taxes te upgrade the Whitby wuter system. Under the recommended agreement, the companiès being serviced will puy the region over a 10-year period, capital and financing costs of the ujrading.- I ROAL~ 15?~-579-4000) PREMER q89?~ 710 WILSON RD. S. $24.90 OSHAWA,-NT r AU PAINT WR GUARANTEED sboPHouas Won r Fiam 6P.* Sot 1Oam 2 P om

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