Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Jan 1979, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESAY, JANUARY 17,1979, WI-TTBY FREE PRESS Free, Emporium Ads wiII onlybe accepted subject to the fo Ilowing Conditions. FýM KA When the advertised iItem os solo# dispO*sed 0of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wiIl be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiII be charged based on THE ADVERTIsED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless If price is stated with '"best offer"#. If the Item Is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiII appîy.' All advertisements must be*placed on an exclu*ive basis wlth the WHITBY'FREE PRESS aàd run et Ieast one month if flot sold. RATES [if article is soId]: 5% of advertised price Up to $40000 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00 commission due $6.00 [minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising onlyl Please notify us if you t md a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Pleaise notify the Whitby Free Press immediateîy when Item is sold so that we may delete itf from the following Issues. AIl ads not f iffing the Ernpurium guidelines will be freated anc4 charged per week as regular cîassif ied ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, cîothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads nof quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under Ippropriate headings. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1974 VEGA HATCHBACI automatlc, radio. A-1 conditio asking $1200. Phone 668-0776. Dec. 6, - 1971 VW SUPER BEE'TLE new bafttery, 2 VW snow- tires,' winter old, 4 good summet Stires, Winterized, gas heater electric rear wlndow drfrosfe, Gooci running condition. Seilias is. Asking $700. Phone 985.868ý after 6 p.m. Jan. 17, 79. 1971 VOLVO, 144S, Standard, good condition, asking $1075, Phone 668-7163. Nov. 15, 78 71 PINTO, in runnlng conc fion, uncertified, $200 or bes offer. Phone 668-0723. N ov. 15, 7 1970 FORD CUSTOM, $500 or besf offer. Phone 579.6144. Nov. 29, 78 66 FORD GALAXIE 500, good 289 Engine and drive train, 4 very goodi tires. A s 10 Phone after 6 p.m. '655-3546. Dec. 20, 78 AUT PAT 20 FOOT VAN TYPE BOX, roll up door, side door, 92" high, has furnifure louvers f0 Ioad or fie furniture. $1500 or besf offer. Phone 668-6448. Dec. 13, 78 GR78-14 SNOWTIlRES - Atlas Mar 'k V Steel Radials. Used 1 season. Rims included, $75. Phone 668-1815. Nov. 29,78 302 ENGINE, complete, good condition, 40,000 miles, $200. Phone 655-3006. Nov. 29, 78 4 VW SUMMER TIRES on - rims, Iess than 600 miles, cost $110, sale for $75. Phone 668-6236. Nov. 8, 78 1 DELCO BATTERY Y87 for sale. 7 months old. Paid $55, wiII seIl for $25, or besi offe Phone 655-4373. .Jan. 10, 79 MG B/MARINA 1.8 litre 5 bear- ing cylinder block (bare), plus four matched pistons and rings, unused, $100 or best off er. Phone 668-2864, evenings. Dec. 27, 78. SUM M.ER TIRES & SNOWTIRES, $10. Summner 695x14", G78x15"', C78xl4". Snowf ires - F78X14", E78x14", like new. Trailer wheeî & tire, 4 boîts, 400x8l'. Truck type 4-way wheeî wrench, $15. Phone 6Ç68-3495 or appîy af 711 Burns St. W., Whitby. 1 78 er Is 14 5. Ci ýst s P e' c' lé Ei 319 cri TEn 1 Nov. 8, 78j 2 VOLKSWAGEN SNOW TIRES with rims for sale. Used one winter. Asking $60. Phone 668-5211 af ter 7 p. m. Jan. 3, 78. 2-155-15 MICHELIN MS Winter Tires on 4 Boit Pattern Rims, like new, $70 for the pair. 2-645-15 Goodyear Tires, $4 for the pair. 4-H78-15 Goodyear Polygîass Tires; 2.H78-15 Winter Tires, haîf worn, $25 for ail. Assorted hub caps, $1 each. Phone 668-0621. Dec. 20, 78 ~APPLAES WESTINGHOUSE WASHING MACHINE, excellent condition, $200, Phone 623.5715. Nov. 15, 78 1 FRIDGEDAIRE IMPERIAL STOVE in good working condi- tion. Asking $75. Phone 668-5104 Dec. 13, 78 SERGLER OIL HEATER* fai rorced f rom bottom of stove Like new. Asking $250. on( sing le cut frame $S.White cool< sfove 3011, 4 burners $50. Damaged bicycle $10. 3 burnei propane. stove. Like new $40, Phone 668-3282. Jan. 10, 79 1l-DIXI1E* 4 burner kitchen gaE 5tove, white, very good condiý tion. Asking $30. 1 Easy Brand electric ironing board, $30, Phone 683-7538. Nov. 29, 7E ERATIOATINAL VELES 6' SCAMPER TRAILER. :ridge, stove, furnace, toilet. êood condition, $2500. Phone $68-0676. Nov. 8, 78 1BOMBADIER SKI' BOOSE KI 000 SLED, asking $125. hone 668-8967. Dec. 13, 78 P73 SUZUKI TM125 Moto- :ross, Girling shocks, excellent 3nditlon, $450). Phone 655-4107. N ov . 15, 72 02 KAWASAK1, 100 cc nduro. Excellent condition, 10. Phone 655-41*07. Nov. 15, 78 FOOT GLENDETTE House railer - 2 bedroomn. Asking ;00.00. Phone 655-3745 after 6 M. Nov. 22, 78 AIL STAR HARDTOP NTRAILER, opens to 20 t, fridge, stove, furnace, 12 x aWning. Wall f0 wall shag, A8-track. Other extras. Must 1$1750. Phone days 725-2828, ihts 668-1139. Dec. 13, 78 OLYMPIC. Good condition. king $200, or besf offer. mne 655-4495. Cail anytime. Jan. 10, 79. If in doubf, cail 668-6111 MAIL'ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LUN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE I FRIDAV PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. *1975 HONDA XL 75 Dirtbike Excellent condition. Portabi( gas tank inciuded. $400 f irm Phone 728-3158. Dec. 6, 7E ,.1978 YAMAHA DJ-175 for sale, Excellent" condiltion. Has 150( miles on if. $1200 or best offer. Phone 668-7105 after 4:30 p.m. Dec. 27, 78 1978 POLARIS SS 340 Snow. mobile. Like new. Hardly used. Asking $1,500. Cail 655-3006. Jan. 10, 79. 1 1975 TX 440 POLARIS snow- machine. Asking $1200 or best offer. Good running condition. Cali 686-0060. Jan. 17, 79 MUICL STEREO FOR SALE. AM/FM, 8-track, turntable anc speakers. Asking $90. Caîl 668. 7595. Jan. 17, 79. 1 SET 0F PEARL DRUMS, mint condition. Includes snare, bass, f loor tom tom, high tom tom, 14"1 clapping symbos, 1611 sizzîer & stool. $400. Phone 668-9022. Nov. 15, 78 AGS-AM/FM Receiver. 30 Watts per channel. A-i condition, $175. Phone days 725-2828, nights 66-1139. Dec. 13, 78 EICL LAN EUUS FRENCH PROV INCIAL :OFFEE TABLE, excellent :ondition, $75. Webcore Tape kecorder, $40. Armed Chair, ef inished, ready for uphoîster. ng, $15. Phone 668-8028., Dec. 13, 78 F k r i. 4 Gallons of Moores Red Bari paint, $5.00 per gallon. Phori 655-4107. N ov. 15, 71 1 UNIVERSAL PRECISION gauge, $ý0., 1 7 1/4 inch Black8 Decker saw, $35., or best offer. Al1 new. Phone 668-2656. Dec.* 27, 78 CROSS COUNTRY SKIS*'870 cm with poles. Boots size fhree. Asking $25. Phone 668-1921. Jan. 10, 79. GIRLS, 20" BICYCLE, $15 Phone 655-4349. NOV. 29, 78 CHESTERFIELO & CHAIR- rust/brown/beige. Reasonable condition. Best offer. Cali 668- 9947. Jan. 10, 79 le 1. 8 a p *n le SKIS, POLES and boots for sale. $45. Good condition. Phone 683-6638. Dec. 20, 78 BABY NEEDS Crib/Mattress/Playpen,/C,. Bed/Walker/Carry Seat/Bath Change Table/GM Loveseat, $95 for the lot or wiIl sel separafely. Dehumidifier, $55. Baseboard heafer, $15. Phone 668-7816 affer 2 p.m. Dec. 13, 78 1 ANTIQUE FLOWERBED HOLDER, $5. 2 Antique Dressers with mirrors, $50. each. 1 Ladies Vanity, $30. 6 Black Cast Iron Chairs with Red Uphoîstery, $15 for ail, assembiy 'required. 1 Black Room Divider, $2. 1 Baby Carriage, $20. 1 Baby Walker, $2. 1 JoIIy Jumper, like new, $10. Phone 668-0621. Dec. 20, 78 TYCO NITE GLOW RACING ET, in very good shape, large imount of track, 5 car,, 2 )ower packs, etc., $60. Phone i55-3773. Nov. 22, 78j POOL TABLE, 4' x 81, accessories included, $ý Phone af fer 5 p.m. 668-0127 Dec. 20, SLIM ROW ROWIè EXERCISER,aîmost new, $ Phone 668-0268. N ov. 29,7 1 LIVING ROOM square tai $45, neyer been used. P% 668-9009. Dec. 13, DINING'ROOM SUITE Wl.r BUFFFET AND HUTCH, $35 60" bafhroom vanity comple with marbelized arborite tc and' oval sink, $150. R.C.ý Console Stereo with Garra Turntableand AM/FM SterE Radio, $225. Phone 655-3661. Nov. 22,7 1 ROCKING CHAIR over1 years old, $150. 1 lounge chi in gold, $40. 1 smail primifi oak table approx. 24 x 24, $40. Butternut Capta in's Cahir, ol $55. Phone 668-0881 after 4: P. M. Nov. 29, 40 CHANNEL BASE CITI ZEN'S BAND RADIO, Bas Station Anfenna, 501 coax cal le, $125. 41 by 5' eîectric railwa Iayout, 4511 oval track, 2 trani formers, 2 engirles (1 steamý Cars and accessories $110. Fo further information caîl 661 6744. Ask for 'Rob. Jan. 17, 79 MEN'S REMINGTON MARI 111 RAZOR, like new, $20. Men's Samsonite Leathei Briefcase, excellent condition, $25. Torcan Inferior Car Warmerwith timer, $20. Phone 668-9880. Nov. 15, 78 -2 PRS. 0F GIRLS SKATES sizes i & 2, $3 eah. 2 pr. of ski boots, ladies 8Y, mens 10, $10, Pink Sheers, 86"x 45", $5, gold & brown, 88" x41 ", $7, snoopy bedspread single, $7, 2 white scatter mas, 34"x56", $10 each, 1 50"x8", new beige shag carpet, approx. 8'x4',* $15, Phono 668-1921. 1 PORTABLE BLACK& WHITE T.V., $45. Adjusto- matic Dress Forn-vf wire& Nov. 29, 78 MORNING EXOTIC DOVES -3 varieties. Asking $5 each or best offer. Phone 668-4349. Nov. 29, 78 SLEEPER SEATS for soat, $50. Phone days 725-2828, nights 668-q 139. Dec. 13, 78 ANTIQUE DEACON BENCH, pine, 5 1/211 long, $75. Phone 723-771. N ov. 29, 78 PORTABLE BLACK LEAT- HER BAR for sale. Asking- $175. Phone 579-4605. PiMm es00C6ImsIld Ad. for 'mort 1al ;400. ?7. 0, 78 NG $25. 78 ble, one 178 TH 150. ete top .A. 'eo 78 100 iair ýive 0. 1 Id, :30 78 ise b- 's. or $8- 9. $ r te 1 BLACK & WHITEWEÎÏSTriNG-* HOUSE TV & record player, reconditioned, $60. Headboard for single bed white plastic, aîmost new, $10 Phone 668.7145. Nov. 22, 78 GARWOOD OIL FURNACE, 95,000 B.T. U. Use for garage or cottage. Asking $200. Phone "68-8967. Dec. 13, 78 10 SPEED BIKE for sale. Previously used ln racing. Excellent condition. Asking $200. Phone 668-7105 af ter 4:30 p. M. Dec. 27, 78. WESTINGHOUSE T.V. FOR SALE. Good condition. Black & *White, 26"' screen. Asking $40. Stereo f àr sale. Wood cabinet. Almost new. Asking $160. 130 Byron St. N. Whitby. Jan. 10, 79. FOR SALE Two snowmobiîe helmets, one skidoo, both almosf new and bofh with visors. $15 each. Cali 668-3497, evenings or mornings. Jan. 17, 79. >GREEN CHESTERFIELD 7 feet long. Asking $50 or best offer. 1'4" WHE EL- TRICYCLE $20, Ride-on-car $5, tractor & trai- ler $10. Cali 668-6087. Jan. 10, 79 FOR SALE 32 gallon aquarium wifh wrought iron stand, can- op3Y, fully equipped. Asking $100. Cai 668-4473. Jan. 10 Add longer life to shower' Jrtains and liners by laun- ering them before water Pots, scum and mildew uild up and become dit- cuit to remove. Launder id dry fabric ensembles ,cording to fabric types. astic items maY be ma- Ûne washed in warmn wa- rand for a short time about four minutes. Dry astios In a dryer, usirg ir" setting only. - Imm #""RSALI"# w' i Pres EmPoriu -, .. - n 1

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