Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jan 1979, p. 19

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WTITB FREEF, RESS, WEIDNESAY, JANUARY 10, 1979, PAGE 19 COM iING AGLOW FeLLOWSHIP "1A'Day for God' will be held by tie Wýmen§ Aglow Fellowshi p, Jan. il from 9 a.ni. to 3 p.m. at Trinity Pentecostâl Church in Oshawa. This will be a day of rejoicing, praise, worship, teaching and sharing. Bring your own lunch. Tea and coffee wiIl be provided. Babysitting wiIl also be avai- lable at the church. Cal Gayle Sharp at 728-2547. The speaker*will be Mrs.' Rebecca Mallory, wife of Rev. Mallory of the Christian Life Centre in Ajax. She is the mother of three children. BOOK TALK The first 'meeting of the Whitby Public Library's book discussion group will be held Jan. 24 at 7:30 p.mi. in the Preview Rooni. DOWNTOWN MEETING The Board of Management for downtown're-develop- ment will be meeting Jan. 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the committee room at the municipal building. Topics to be discus- sed include the Main Street program and promotion for the remainder of the year. Anyone' interested in these subjects or downtown deve- lopment is invited to attend. AFTER FOUR FILM CLUB, . Registrations are being taken at the film desk of the Whitby Public Library for the After Four Film Club:for children in Grade 3 and Up. Films are shown at 4 p.m-. in the auditorium on Wednes- days and are approximately 30 to 40 minutes ini length. Films for January are: Jan. 10, Run,Appaloosa,,Run, jan. 17, The Selfish'Giant, Jan.24, Goliath and Morris the Midget Moose, and Jan. 31, The Cricket in Tinies Square. There'will bcoa travel filmn, Jan. 17 at 7 pnii. in tie auditorium, featuring Switzerland. CONGREGATIONAL SMEETING Immediately after worship on Jan. 28, the annual con- gregational meeting of St. Mark's United Church will be held in the assembly'hall. Lunch will be served and the business will proceed prom- ptly. Members of the congre- gation are invited to attend. Ontario, has toured through- rna MUSI FORFUN out. Canada. Admission ingtik a MUSI FOR FU rec. i-k---a The children's dcpartincnt of the Whitby Public Library is starting a new prograTi for children of Grades 1 to 3 to introduce themn to music. There will be songs, gamies and a variety of instruments to try. Register now as regis- tration will be limited. The programi will begin Jan. 17 frorn 4 p. n. to 5 p. nh. and run for 10 weeks. PIO>NEER GIRLS A ncw gr<>up. for girls agcd seven to 15, called Pioneer Girls, lias started ai Faill i aptist Church, Brock Street, North. The nexi. meeting of the group will* be front 6:15 p.w. to 7:45 p.nl.. Jan. m6 at the church.,Ncw inibers arc wanted. For furthcr information, cal Mrs. Williami MacDonald, 668-2914. CLASSICAL GUITARIST Ray Sealey, a classical guii.arist,,will perform at the, Whitby Public Library, Jan. 25 at 7:30 p.mî. Mr. Sealey, who teaches classical guitar ai. the Uni'versi.y .of Western FABRIC AND JEAN SALE A Hadassah Fabric and Jean sale will be held Jan. 17 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Beth-Zion Synagogue, 144 Kings Street, East, Oshawa. Brand name jeans of aIl sizes will be offered and there wil be a reasonable and good selection of used clothing. WATERCOLOR WORKSI IOP A workshop in painting iii watercolor, will hc condu- cted by liarold.Kl1undcr at- the Whitby Arts Station Gallery Jan. 27 and, 28 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The fis.day will -be for teen- agers and the second day for aduits. Mr. Klunder who has a curreni. exhibit at the Station, will lead a. one-day semiinar for each group, designed to give exposure to abstract. design elenments through the use 0f watercolor and col- lage. Participants are asked to tcurrent magazine, rtons or other car- tons, vario us types of packa- ging, styrofoam, -leaves, twigs, nuts and any other sinall scale household odds and ends. Also bring the painting materials you have on hand and there will be various materials and pap- ers provided at the gallery. Please bring your own lunch. WHITBY ARTS ANNUAL MEETING, The annu.al meeting of Whitby Arts 'Incorporated wiiI be held at the Station Gallery, Victoria and Henry Streets, Jan. 16. A members' reception and wine and cheese party will begine at 7:30 p.rn. At 8:.30 p.ni. the business meeting wîil begin. with the President's remarks, board conimittee reports, financial statenients, appointnment of auditors and election of the 1979 B3oard of Directors. LA LECHE LEAGUE The Oshawa West La' Leche League will' hold uts next meeting Jan. 16 at 8 p.mi. at, 180 Farewell Street, Oshawa. G REAT JAN UARY I SALE January l5th m 2Oth **200/go ALL OFF IMERC HANDISE Bibles, Books, Records, Tapes, Cassettes and Gifi Items PLUS some special reduced Items UP TO 150%/0 OFF *Except SUNDAY SOHOOL SUPPLIES AND MARKDOWNS NO MAIL ORDER OR CHARGE ACCOUNTS ON THIS SALE. OPEN EVENINOS DURINO SALE - Hours: Monday thru Frlday 9:30 a.m. to9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. bok*op 104 Consumers Drive (Off Hopkins St.) Scripture Press Building'- Whitby Telephone 668-7112 '4 EVANGELICAL PLIBLISHE RS OUT B'Y 9:@00 A.M. IM UN ICI PALITY, DURAM0F DURHAM CLOSURE 0F SANITARY LANDFILL SITE The Oshawa landfiii site on Ritson Rd. N. wilI be permanently closed at 4:00 p.m. Jan. 20, 1979. The Whitby Iandf ili site will commence disposai operationson Jan. 22, 1979. The Whitby IandfilI site will be open to the public between the hours of 8 a.m.-4: 30 p.m. Mon.-Fri.- (inclusive), 8 a.m.-12 noon-Saturday. Effective January 1, 1979, the new regional waste disposai dumping rate is $8.50 per metric ton. ($7.72 per ton) W.A. Twelvetrees, P. ENG. Commissioner of Works JOHN I3ANI)URCHIN, CI-arterecl Accountant il11 BF30CK 9TREET NORTH TELEPHONES: BUS: 668-4341, WHITBY, ONTARIO .RE S: 655-4045 WHITBY DISTRICT BOY 'SCOUTS. PAPER DRIVE * NEXT SATURDAT PLEASE HAIVE YOUR PAPERS

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