PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27,1978 WJIITBY FREE PRESS Concil appoints ils boards and commiUtees for 197 The Whîtby town council is ready to take on its duties for 1979, having appointed its boards and committees for the new year last week. Couinil's Administrative Committee will be chaired by Bob Carson, with Bob* Attersley and Barry Evans ap the other members. Gerry Emm is chairmfan of the operations committee whlch will also include'Joe Bugelli and Joe Drumm. Councillor Attersley will serve as acting mayor until Nov. 30 1979, and Councillor emm will serve from Dec. 1, 1979 to Nov. 30, 1980 ini the absence of Mayor Jini Gartshore. Serving one-year ternis on the cemetery board are Councillor Emm,' Russell Batten, John - Batty, Alfred Jackson, Bill Manning, Jack Paterson and Alfred Wilson. Coundillor Carson will act as the mayor's designate to the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital Board and Concillor Emm will be Whitbv's, regional, government representative in 1979. Fenceviewers will be Ted Appleby, Charles Broughton, Joan Bryson, Ross Law and Philip Lyon. .The gamne preserve com- mittee wiIi be composed of,- Mat Agar, Fred Ashton, Chartes Brougbton, tom HRenstock, Riarry Jermyn, Patrick Shannan, Ceeil Vale, Paul Wicner and Joe Worona. They will hold office for one year., Councillor Bugelli and Bob * * Fromn The Management 0f ,IOLN MERCURY & Staff SALES LIMITEC> hi * M * i * N * s .Collins will serve one-year terms on the Whitby Public Library Board, Ruth Spratt two years and David Watson three. Councillor Enîm will be chairmin of, the Twinning >Committee, withCouncillors Bugelli and Drumm as members ini 1979. Councillor Carson bas been appointed the-mayor's designate, to Whitby, Arts Incorporated until the end of 1979. * Councillor Emm 'is the mayor's designate to the Whitby Yacht Club. Members of the committee of adjustment are BobHeron and Mike. Worona, one year; Patricia. Ferren, two years; and Ross Batten and Tom Edwards, three.years. Councillor Evans has been appointed the, mayor's designate to the Whitby His- torical Society for 1979. The' Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee will be made up of Councillor Ev&fns, Sheila Cormiack, Terrence Joyce, Gail Kennelly and David Milis, one year; Ronald Henders'on, Arthur Lariýsh,- Catherine Schell and Brian Winter,' two years; and Eugene Henry, AI Kirby, Eric Laycock- and Don McQuay,, three years. .The property standard committee will be composed of Mike Burgess and Don Lovelock, two years; John Smith and William -Winter three years and Clarence Stolen car firpped. While two members of the Durham Régional Police were on patrol they noticed soniething strange at, the side of Rossland Roëad, West', Whitby. On further investi- gation the two constables discovered a upside down and extensively damaged car. Lt was a single car accident and no one was found ini or near the car. The damaged car had been reported stolen from 1006 Wardman Crescent, West, Whitby, prior to midnight Dec. 17. Lt was found about 3 a.m., on December 18 in the "extensively damaged" con- dition, Police said. Freek, four years. Mr. Joyce will serve a one-year term on the board of management of the museum, Eric Laycock and John Pritchard, two years and Ben Brackenbury and MaY Nurse, three years. Councillors Bugelli and Drumm have been appointed as the- town's representa- t'ives, on the Central Lake Ontario 'Conservation Autho rity for 1979. Councillor Bugelli wilI act Senior as the mayor's designate on the regional animal control committee. Councillor Drumm is the mayor's designate to the Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Association. for Retarded Children. Serving two-year terins on the Whitby Central Business District Improvement Area COMMittee will be Councillor Evans, Bill Brant, Bob Catton, Bill Conder, Sharon Hewson, At Kirby and John Roberts. the merchants for' Supporting gentre The New Year's Eve dance The County Town Singers tickets for the New Year's and the Senior Citizens Choir Eve dance at the Senior were in excellent form enter- Citizens' Activities Centre on taining the group early In the Brock Street, Souith have evening and the, entertain- been sold out since the mid- ment concluded with danc- die of December, the Board ing. There was something for of Directors report. everyone to enjoy. They are thrilled with the Speaking of partys, the results of the Christmas Board of Directors and Staff Party and the Decemnber wish to thank the merchants Birthday party. > of Whitby for their generous " IWe have neyer had such a donations of goodies and large turn out for a party as flowers that formed cor- we have had for this month's sages and decorated the birthday party," "Margaret Activities Centre. McMinn said. "Lt is reall Board of Directors and wonderful." Staff members at the Senior As for the Christmas Party Citizens' Activities Centre it was "fÉantastic". Yes, fan- wishý to extend to one and al tastic 1$ the word, almost a Happy Yuletide and a everyone present used to Generous' and Prosperous describe the Party. New Year. Mary Johansen of Brooklin, was among recent visitors to the John Hancock Observatory, at Boston. The observa tory is located on the 6Oth floor of John Hancock Tower - 740 feet above street level - and offers an unparalleled view of Boston as well as four major èxhibits including "Boston 1775", a topographical scale model of Boston as it was during the Revolution. 1 120 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY 668-5893