Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Dec 1978, p. 16

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PAGqE 12, WEDNESDAY, D MBR2.19R-ITVRP D Free. P.ress Emporium Coul 668i6 11il EmpoiumAds wilI only b. accepted subject to the following Conditions.' SUMMER TIRES & IALENSNOWTIRES, $10., Sumrnêr J695x14", G78x15',' C78x14$. ATCHBAM Snowtlres - F78X1", E78141", I-lcdtionK 1ke new. Traller wheeî tire, 4 ne6-076 odto, boIts, 400x8". Truck type 4.Way îe 68.076. wheeî wrench, $15. Phone Dec. , 79 668-3495 or appîy at 711 ,Bunns Dec. , 78 St. W., Whltby. RINO, new Nov.ý 8, 78 302 motor. e668-0744 or 2-F78-1511 SNOWTIRES on - Ford rims. Good condition, $30. Oct. 18, 78 Phone 655-3890. INA, body _______Oct. 18, 78 $125. Also, s 2, body ln 2-155-15 MICHELIN MS Winter 25. Phone Tires on 4 Boit PatternRims, like new, $70 for the pair. 2-645-15 Goodyear Tires, $4 for Oct. 25, 78 the pair. 4-H78-15 Goodyear Polyglass Tires; 2-H78-15 Winter Tires, Standard, haîf wonn, $25 for ail. Assorted king $1075. hub caps, $1 each. Phone 668.0621. 'Nov. Ï5, 7f Dec. 20, 78 ring condi. ,200 or best 23. N 4ov. 15,,78 'OM, $500 or Nov. 29, 78 361 V8 5' take Off. 18' $2500. fhone 1Oct. 18,78 Truck, good box, ,new, leade hand 1away 0515, ter.- Phono Nov. 8, 78 E 500, good 'Ive train, 4- Dec. 20, 78 pi.APPLINÈIJ 1 SIMPLICITY *PIN-DRY I washing machine, -$155s. 1 G.S.W. portable dryer, -$155. 'BotI-i'in excell.ent condition. Asking,$250 for the pain. Phone 655-4610., MACH I NE, condition, $200. Phci r Q1XIU774 burri stove, white, veryç asking,,$30.- 1 Ea Electnlc:lroning I Phono 683-7538. 1 F RIDGIEDAIE, STOVJE in good waîi tion. Ask'ing $75. Phc Oct. 18, 78 WASHING excellent Dne62-75 Nov. 15, 78 ion kitchen good cond., 4syý., Brendl Boa rd, $ 30. Nový. 29, 78 1 MPER-1AL 'klng condi. ione 668-5104. I.L', 1 fII PIE BOX, rôti - VHCI r, 92, hîgh, rs to ioed 0o" DOQ ' or best- le' SCAMPER TAýw Frdëîý'sfoef urnace,, tÃ"llet. condition, '$2500. Phonoé ýpe663,78 m.0676. -. RE$ - ta'No.8,7'> liaWs 'Utéd i ~' * 1 BOMB9ADER S54(1 BOOmÉ SKI 900 SLED, asklng $125. Nov.2978 , Phono 668.8967, .141", $20 for Dec. 13, 78 58-0268. 1974 SUZUKI TM125 Moto- Nov. 29, 78 cross, Glrllng shocks, excellent condition, $5.Phone 655-4107. ID TANKS. NOV. 15, 78 rwater. A-i1 ______________ ach. Phono 1972 KAWASAKI1, 100 cc Enduro. 'Excellent condition, Oct. 18, 76 $30. Phono 655-4107. M RADIAL Nov. 15, 78 15", brandt !3543.1V' ALL STEEL BSt,$40, 18 Nov. 29, 78 h*p. mot«r. $20. For sale. Phone 655-3879. p~, g~Aug. 16, 78 miles, $200. _________ 31 FOOT GLENDETTE'House Nov. 9, 78 Traiter . 2 bedroom. Asking 1500.00.L Phone 6M-3745 atter 6 TIRIES on p.m. imiles, cost 97. P:on Nov. 22,78 Nov. &$78 TRAIL STAR #HARDTop TENTRAILER, opens to 2o 1.8 ltre 5 foot, fnridge, steve, furnace, 12 x lo.8 litre), 14 awniflg. Wall Io wali shag, po hao>. FM 8-track. Other extras. Must 100 or best s1, $1750. Phone cays 725-2828, W eveings. n.ghts 668-1139. 13, Il When the advertlsed Item Is sold, dlsposed «, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wIll be deemed to have been sold and a commission wilI be charged based on TIE ADVERTISED PIRICE as Illustrated below, regardless If price 15 stated with "lbest offer"l. If the Item Is NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARÇE of $3.00 will apply. Ali advertisements must be placed on an exclu*ive basis wlth the WHITBY'FREE PRESS and run at least one month If -not sold. RATES [If article is sold): 5% of advertised price Up to $40000 2% of balance over $M0.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $120.0 commission 1due 5«.00 [minimum charge Is $3.001 Private.advertlsing only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertlser. Pleaisp notify' the Whitby Free Press immediately when Itemn is sold so that we may delete it f rom the following issues., Alil ads not f lttlng the Em«p%,rium guidelines wiil be treated anci charged pen week as regular ciassified ads on, a pre paidbasis, such as: services, help wanted,,clothlng, neal estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear ln the' Emporium section under appropriate headings. if in doubt, cal 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM' P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLIN E FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 19 '.75 HONDA XL '7,5 Di rtbike. Excellent condition. Portable gos tank included. $400 fîrm. Phono 728-3158. Dec. '6, 78' 1967 YAMAHA MOTOR CYCLE .2sQ cc, 2stroke;, %175 fîrmn. 2, 2 snowtre6 Wjlth ri ms, $30 f or 'pair. Phono 987-54,39. Oct. 11, 78 1978 VAMAH'ADJ-175 for sale. 'Excellent condition. Mas 1500 miles on it.. $1200 or best offer. Phone 668-7105 aften 4:30 p.m. Dec. 27, 78 1 SET 0F PEARL DRUMS,- mint condition. lncludes snare, bass,,filOor tom tom, hlgh tom tom, 141 cappilng symbols, 16", sizzler& stool. $400.. phone M689022, Nov., 15, 78 AGi.AMFM Recelver. -30 Watts per channel. A-l condition, $175. Ptione days 725-2828,nghts, 66-1139. Dec. 13,'78 FRENCH PROVINCIAL COFFEE TABLE, excellent condition, $75. Webcoee Tape Recorder, $40. Armed Chair, refinlshed, ready for uphoîster. ing, $15. Phone 668-.808 Dec. 13, 78 1 ANTIQUE FLOWERBED HOLDER, $5. 2 Antique Oressers with mirrors, $50 each. 1 Ladies Vanity, $30. 6, Stok Cast iron Chars with Red Uphoîstery, $15 ýfor ail, assembly required. 1 Black Room OivlUter, $2. 1 Baby Carniage, $20. 1 Baby Waiker, $2. 1 JOlly Jumper, like new, $10. Phone 668-0621. Dec. 20, 78 DELUXE ACORN PIRE. PLACE, burnt orange, brasa trim on front, blacik poee Screen, cernent hearth, mint condition. Selling to renmodel,- SM5. Phone "a8-4096. OCt. 25, 7t CRIB, $25, infant snowsuit, $7, Teflon wafflemaker, $15, Schick Facial Sauna,- $10, Swing.'-a.matic Baby Swing, $15, freestanding 1011v jumpen, $,doubleslzed bedspread -& matchinà drapes, $20, collaps. able walker, $s5, collapsable stroller, -$8, ýLittle Mac Ham- burger,,malien, $10,,7expandting.: cincular fonce, $10, high chair, fdsta table & chair, $25. Ail goad condition. Phono 668-8780. Oct. 11, 78 1 -STOVE, presently'solling for $325, asking $200, 2411 white stove, 6 mths. oldi, removeable doon, contin. dlean oven, 2 coats - 1 bIue with white fur trim, veny goadi cond. size 10, $15, 1 imitation fur with brown leathen trim, sizo 12, practic- ally new, $25. Phone 655-3814. Pl A E: 3c Si 46 21 Cr PN A68 Oct. 18, 78 1UNIVERSAL PRECISION aauge, $50., 17 1/4 inch Backà& rocker>saw. $35.-, or best offen. %Il new. Phono 668-2656. Dec. 27, 78 il INSULATED CHOMNEY -181' and '1-3W' Sections. Double wall with Staliess iteel Innen pipe, $25., Gallons of Moofes Red Barn wint, $5.00 per gallon. Pthone 65-4107. Nov. 15, 78 SIRLS 20" BICYCLE, $15. Dhone 655-4349. Nov. 29, 78 %NTIQUE SECRETARY. xcellent condition, solid vaînut 6'taîl by 22 wlcfe. Book- ise with 3 shelves & carved oass doors, dtrop feaf desk with drawers underneath. $0 years I, $55 or best offer. Phono' 68-1436. Oct. 11, 78 END TABLES, 1 coffee table, W. Phonoe668-2806. Oct. 18. 78 BaY NEEDS ib/Mattress/PlaypenC*,. Ld/Walker/Carry Seat/Bath lange Table/GM Leveseat, 5 for the lot or wii soul parate#y. Dehurnidifier, $US. sseboard hostos-, $15. Phono 8-7816 aftfer 2 p. m. Dec, 13. la k. SKIS, POLES and boots fo, sale. $45. Good' condition Phono 683-6638. Dec. 20, 7 1 WHOLEHOUSE PORTABLE HUMIDIFER, Woodigralr cabinet, $35. Phone 668.1041. Oct. 25, 7î POOL TABLE, 4' x 81, al accessorles included, $400 Phone after 5 p.m. 668-0127. Dec. 20, 71 CUSTOM I LINED DRAPES, red antique satin, tie baci style, 3 years old, 112" widex 88" long, $190; matching shorty drapes, 6611 wide x 4411 long, $25. P hone 655-3510 af ter 6 p.m. Dec. 13, 71 SLIM ROW ROWING EX ER CISE R, aî1most new, $25. Phone 668-0268. Nov. 29, 78 1 LIVING ROOM square table, $45, neyer been used. Phone 668-9009. Dec. 13, 78 DINING ROOM SUITE WITl BUFFFET AND HUTCH, $350. 60", bathroomvanity complete with marbelized arborite top and oval sink, $150. R.C.A Console Stereo. with Garrac Turntabîe and AM/FM Stero TYCOMNTE GLOW RACING SET, In ver, good shape, large amount of track, 5 cars, l2 power packs, etc., $60. Phono 655-3773. 1 ROCKING CHAIR aven 100 years oîd, $110. 1. lounge chair in g01d, $40. 1 smalî primitive oak table approx. 24 X 24, $40. 1 Butternut Capta ln's Cahir, old, $55. Phone 668-0881 after 4:30 p.m. Nov. 29, 78 FOR SALE.- Inside "doors, size 22"x80" and 24"lx80". One door with door jams, other - door onIy, $10'each. 1 Humidifier, like new, $50. Chrome T.V. table, 24" wýlde, $5. Stamp accumulation,, Canada, U.S.A. & Europe, $100 or best offer. Phone 668-3495. Oct. 25, 78 11409 UNIT FREIONT TRAIN, 36 foot trock and 2 trans. formers, plus some access- orles. Asking $35. Portable record ployer, $20. Phone 655-3514. Nov. 15, 78 MEN'S REMINGTON MARK Ili RAZOR, like new, $20. Men's Samsonîte Leather Bniefcase, excellent condition, $25. Torcan Interlor Car Wa3rmer with timer, $20. Phone 6611198M. 1974 VEGA HA automatic, radio. A asklng $1200. Rhor, 1973 GRAN TOI tires, radio, P/B, Asking $1995. PhonE 668-8623. NOV. 15, 78 2 PRS. 0F GIRLS SKATES uizes I & 2, $3 eah. 2 pr. of ski boots, ladies 8K*, mens 10, $10. Pink Sheens, SB"x 45", $5, gold & brown, 88"' x4l1#, $7, snoopy bedspreed single, $7,- 2 wtute s=amer MMt, 3V'x56", $10 eaeh, 1 50""x8~, newbeige sdm carpet, apfwox. irx4', $i5, Phone 668-1921 Nov. 1, 78 1 PORTABLIE BLACK A WHITE T.V., 545. Adlustox. matic Dress Forrrof wire& clotIs, $15. Phonoe655-3772. Nov, 29.le MORNING EXOTIC DOVES -3 varleties. Askng $5 each or best off er. Phone 668-4349. Nov. 29, 78 SLEEPER SEATS for B~oat, $50. Phone days 725-2828, nights 668-1139. Dec. 13, 78 1 BLACK & WHITE WESTING- HOUSE TV & record player, reconditloned, $60. Headboard for single bed, white plastic, aimost new, $10. Phone 668-7145. Nov. 22, 78 ANTIQUE DEACON BENCH, pine, 5 1/211 long, $75. Phone 723-8771. UlmOR n. E ýn 0. P8 k x ti a C d si n STEEL SOAESHED *'i Also, box, stove, east iran, takos wood ta 20" $50. Phone aftor 6 pm. 65>354«. -Dec., 2u, 78 HAND-TOOLED REAL. LEATHER PURSE. Adjust- able shouldor strap. Nover been uwed. ýIdel for Chnlstrm dif t, $50. No reas oble of fer refuued. Phono 668e8623., Nov. 15, 78 2h rm Flu*& lu vmW ben yowu k' esrsch. By Joy Miler Golf May Dlot suit everyono to a tee, but in among the nost popular ouidoor activi- lies in the world. Presidents and kings play it, comedians crack jokes about it, weekend luffers groan over it, and a mail handful of professionals nake a fortune from it. * e«inle edjc ne.tinofglf ii.cain at sonitinofg if occin e réohibiting law aedbiy trh L457, h Parlieu"golfeatc 457,f cye uderwlch "godf. b ttery acryed one toasts ai aitr weeko gthe toasa ef the. Bots, Tii. QlesiIiw 2 Carter commercial heatens, practically new, 480 watts, 240 vols, $75 for both. N ov. 8, 78', GARWOOD OIL FURNACE, 95,000 B.T.U. Use for garage or cottage. Asking '$200. Phone 72 AUSTIN. MARI needs a iltile work, ~'68 Austin 1800 Sente gOod condition, $1 579-4880. 1971 VOLVO, 144S, gooci condition, asi Phone 668-7163. 71 PINTO, in runi tion, uncertified, $'À offer, Phone 6687072 1970 FORD CUSTI best offen. Phone 1970 ;,FORD, 800, speed, with Power alum fnum vam 1 i Condition. Asking 655-4107. 6DQDGE 3/4 Ton 318 ýiotor, good 75016" snows, homi wlntch~, cab rusted $300 or,- beat, f .668-6236. 66 FOIÃŽD GALAXII 289 Engiyne:and:dri verY 90C4 tires.'«* Phono after 6 pm. 20 FOOT VAN TVa up do«r, side door hos furnifure-touvei tie furniturt!,; $15 offer. Ph?Çoe64 OR78-14 SWOWTFIN Mark V -Steel Radà season. Rims inc Phone M8-1815. 5NOW 8 IRES, 78 x the Pair. Phone6a 3-00..GALLOH 5SK Use for gas, oit gr. condition, $100 ea 1 STEEL SELTER TIRE, size GR78S- new, $50. Phone 72 302 ENGINE, cornt condition, 40,000 r Phone 655-3006. 4 VW SUMMIER rima, bass than 600 $110, sale for !K bssnlng cylintber b1i pluas four matched rings, unusual, $1 offer. Phone 64-8& 668-8967. Dec. 13, 78 - 9 - --- -- 10 SPEED BIKE for sale, Pr *evlously usd ,In,,racing, Excelle'nt condi 1tion. As'king' $200.' Phono 668-7105 afton 4:-30 p.rl Nov. 29, 78 Il ý,,, ý,l Nov. 22, 78, flAw

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