Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Dec 1978, p. 13

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*Health %w V iews If you are going to shovelesnow, be careful, There's nothing prettier than a new-fallen snow-nothing more dangerous either. Each year wehear'about the nu rnerous heart attacks and strokes that occur as the resuit of overexertion.' The tragedy of the fatal or near-fatal resuht of an apparently healthy persan succumbing ta shoveling snaw tends ta overshadow a hazard that is even more common. The saine snow which causes heart stress also causes dangerous spinal distress to the' shoveler. When you consider that a shovel af snow weighs 5 ta 7 pounds, you realize the treniendlous accuniulative weight one bas ta lifî ta clear an area. The average driveway or walk- wil hold hundreds of pounids ofsenow. Snow seems ta present a challenge ta 'most* shovelers; the cold air invigarates theni ta action; and the samne cold air numbs their sense of pain and fatigue, thereby xnasking the severity of sprain and strain. The resuit: too much exertion and too much w'ork without rest breaks.' Doctors of chiropractie recommend the folowing rulis ta guard againat the snow.shoveier syndrome: 1. Dress warmnly, but don't bundie up so as ta make it difficuit and awkward for you ta move naturaliy. 2. Use a lightweight pusher-type shovel. Spray it with Tefloàn'o, snow will not dling ta it. 3. Try flot ta lift the snow or pitch it. Mereiy push it inta a pile 4. Avoidsudden'twists af the torso. Move -the entire body 5. Keep your back straight when you lift. Use your legs rather than your baci. 6. Work slowly. 7. ffyou fee] tired or short of breath, stop and take a rest. Stand up straight and breathe deeply. 8. If yau feel a twinge, of back pain, stop campieteiy and go inside the house, Isit down and rest. With snow, it's wiser ta, use the head, instead of the back. Learn ta shovel both rlght and left handed and change frequently. Under chiropractie care, a patient is ceither treated or referred after a comprehiensive differentiai diagnosis. flbse lscaltbview. are .publled by imenibers of lthe GOntaMI Chfropr*ctie Assodatloa la thse lntcrcs of botter publi heahth. Energy Futurs By the end of the twentleth century, Anmica willi use over twice as much euergy annualiy as iu 1974, aud nearly haif of that wil go for geueratlng electricity, ac- cording ta a Bureau of Mines forecast released recently by the U.-S. Departmeut of Interior. CHILICHIPS Combine 6 tablespoons soft but- ter or margarine, '/ teaspoon chili powder andi ½ teaspoon Wor- cestershire sauce. Spread 1 teaspoon of the butter mixture on each of 18 %-inch sîces of French bread. Pla ce sluces on a baking sheet and toast in 400 F oven for 10 minutes or until crusty. Ma"es6 chewable portions. SENIOR CITIZEN'ýS CORNER, 4 NHELPFUI IDEAS FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT Be Prepared deductians are often spotted More than two million peo-. by the computer and pie went fthrog tax audits brought ta the attention of last year. One, way ta be the tax screener. If you have prepared is ta file Ithe best attached a brief expianation return yau can - every of the deduction and, a copy, year. Know what You did of the receipt, the sereener and be ready to answer can head off an audit by ap- questions. Keep an account provmng the legitimate de- of the expense you plan ta ductionlien and there. deduct at the end of the year Just because you're cailed snd hold anuto the receipts. in for an audit doesn't mean Realize that when you get you've done something audited, queutions are going wrong. Each year, the MRg ta be asked about the dedue- takes a randosu sampleý of tion you have made. Par- the returus for the audit. tlcularlv larme. or. unusuai vouS may be me of these. DURHAM REGION N>ew Ypers Dn DECEMBER, 31, 1978a 681 Edith Street, Oshma HOT & COLD BUFFET SP.t pb..ber, muis Md d&r P"b $15 per person rafl: Chsarles MifsUd or fClaud Schembri WHITBY FREE DctOLL aine-lS Fast food boom temps hungry investor tooq By Jac Taylor, CA A strol downtown or a five-niinute drive along the strip bordering any urban centre will confirmn it: the fast -food, business is boom- ing in Canada. Franchise autiets offer- ing hamburgers;.,, pizza, steak, hatda gs , doughnuts, chicken, ice-cream and -al varieties of 'quick snacks are 'springing -up aIl over Gesseral finaheial, advlce by members cf the Institute of Chartered Accountants Of Ontauio. the place - and competing fiercely for thc hungry consumer's dollar. Mare important ta the- potential investor, total food-service. franchising mndustry sales leapt by mare than 120% in 1977 aver 1976, a phenomenal rise and indisputable evidence of a boom. Al of this makes it very tempting ta juimp on the bandwagon ,- - .beconiing self-employed in what is, on the face of it, a highly- profitable industry. Those who are planning ta 'do so, however, must realize that, along with the spectacul ar successes, food franchises have a long history of equaliy spectac- ular busts. Only by exercis- ing' due caution eau you pratect your investment, and your future. Be wary ,of excessive gimmicks,ý such as outiets cashing in on fads of the moment. It's ail very weli ta getin on the ground floar of a new aperation, but in Mast cases it's the better esta.biished franchises that are making the most profits. On'no account should you' sign a franchising, agree- ment wiothout having a lawyet or chartered, aeçountant review the deai aNBisfoiWS& I IKOVEERDLIUE NEWI l«m.UIwPUOUTN DII OF FASRICS TO COMPLEMENT AIMY DECOR r01K DOUE IV PROFESSIOUAL UPAOLSTERERS 14 DAY DELIVERY MELVETtUin Fumiture Strpping tanks or ooe REPAIRE-RERNISHE Okm frrdt"anmtiq bue aUpoam er IT PAYS TO HAVE VOU FURNITUA RE-UPHGSTEfr 413Owsndu St. E. WHMB IBakig this shrlmp disis and refrigeratlng beforeband "ii leavelelsure lime to entertam guests.I CERALIN SHRIMPS A KING-SIZE CRUNCH and explain it ta you, or without looking tharaughiy into the financial position of -the parent organizatian. Neyer take the compauy's ciaims at face. value. If you are investing $10,000.- $25,000 of your cash in the business "aud borrowing an additioual «850,000 ,. 8200,000 for land, premises and equipmeut, you .deserve ta have ail your, questions auswered sat- isfactorily. Look very carefuily at the> <services you get for yaur investment. These vary widely, but at the minimum they shouid inelude basic training in the business, management, assistance, help with fiuaucing, con- struction and equipment purchasing, produet pur- chasîng,- marketing and public relations. Adver- tising, so vital ta the fast food business is usually paid for on a contributing basis, sa find out exactly what 'you are getting for >your advertising< dollar. Finally, before you buy, sit down with your financiai ad.viser and draw up an independent »financial fore. cast an 1d budget. Ouiy by doing this in acivance, aud, eompariug with the resuits achieved by other franchise holdlers, ce you estimate your like 'ly return on investmeut -- which shouid form the whoie' basis of your decision. The fast-food band- wagon, like any other, ean slow down or griud <toa ahai at auy time. It's a gambie, and the be'st way ta- min- imize your- risk is ta stick with the established fran- chises sud forearni yourself with the best professional advice 3'ou eau find. Shrlmp Imperlal 250 niL tosuato jules 250 mL mayonnaise $00 g dleaned, cooloed slsrlmp 500 niL cooked ries 75 mL inely chopped green pepper. 1 niL «aM phsch of pepper 30 mL butter> 750 mL Kelioga'. Corn Flaks, crushed 50 mL slivered almonds Comblastomate Jue, .may- onnuaise, ahrlmp, rIe, groom pepper, sait and pepper. Dîvide mixture loto 6 di-e vidual baklng dishes. Ins a smmlikflet, meit butter. Add Corn Flke crumi. aad almonds and mlx to Molten. 1Sprlskl servhg. Baike et 25 minutes, Serves 6. crumbe on «chl 190C -(3750F) for or until bubbly. MADE TO ORDER mumu STAMPS Business, Lettrleuis,,Custom end Personat, Etc, Etc.' Resusble Prices 1 Day servi«s Possble Mmny Type FecesAvallable Te Make A Profaei mStnp For Yom 725i21%%38 YTM MANCHESTR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 4WDUNDAS SRI ET HT 725 FINLAT AVE,0MAAX PLAN» 24 SAVINGS lnferest CALCUL TSs Shrimp Insperlal redipe là, ans ideal choice when a con- venient main dish - la needed for home sntsrtalnlng. Baked la sinsglesesrvings, it con be prepared sshead of tinte and refrigerated, giving thse host or hostesu extra tinte with guests. The pre-coaked shrimp, is surrounded by a creamy mix- ture of mayonnaise and tamato juive with..green pepper. It is then topped with c rushed corn flakes and siivered toasted aI- mouds before baking. When crushed and buttered, corn flakes are a suitabie tapping for favorite dishes. They add crunçh and eye appeal as weil as"flavor. Several kinds of cooked fish or, seafood may, be substituted for the shrimp. Most 'recipes, l ike this one, are being developed, usiug metric measures. Using them isl easy,- so read au. 1Mr. Taylor thorue Riddell Toronto. wlth Ce.,ý r-wM P 1 lç RespG2~ ~ 668-5481

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