PAGE B 6, WEDNESDAY, DECEM BER 20, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS* Frosty the Snowman was a jolly happy sou!. With a corn cob pipe and button nose and.two eyes made out of coal. Frosty the -Snowman is a t'airy tale they say. He wasmade of snow but the child- ren know how he came to life one day. W. hope YQisr Chrvstmm htolldeys ore f illed witr vomth end futn tht nVour home rings with leughter and good cheer. Tb mt vishus of the meson to wrfyone. From the manageme nt and staff of There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found. For when they placed it.ou his head he began to dance around. Oh Frosty the Snowman was alîve as he could be, and the children say he could Iaugh and play just the ,> same as you and me. Thumpety thump thump, Thumpety, thump thump, lookat Frosty go. Thumpety thump thump, Thumpety thump, thump, Over the his'anid snow. Lullay, Thou littie tiny child, Bye, bye, luIIy, lulIay, lulIay, Thou littie tiny Child Bye, bye, lulIy, lullay. O sisters, too, how may we do, For to preserve thisday, This poor youngling for whom we sing? Bye, bye Iully, lullay. Herod,,the King, in his "raging,,, Charged he hath, this day, His men of might, in his own right, Ail children young t ly <-WiJikng aulOf c and pattoni t£/e tItng Jo'L£t& c<:21 DU'IJL f'a indi. /0% ouLt Loyal g Eldorado Cheese & Dai ry- Bar 102 Coiborne St. E.b rWanuest wlébes for a bright and happy holiday season. May the pence anad poy 0o istums be youars today aM every day of the year. CHIRISTMAS CAROL PULLOUT SECTION You know Dasher and Dancer and - Prancer and Vixen, Cornet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen - But do' you recali the most fanious reindeer of ail? Rýudophte Red-Nosed Reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it you would <even say it glows, Al'of the other reindeer used to Iaugh and cal! him names. They neyer let poor Rudol1Zh Join in any reindeer ganies.' Then one foggy Christmas eve Santa came to say: "'Rudolph with your'nose SQ bright *Won't you drive my sleigh tonight?" Then how, the reindeer Ioved'hi m As they shouted out with glee "IRudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer You'II go down in history. " Here are Great Gif ts for Hlm,: A wool blend plaid shirt wilI be a welcome addition to bis wardrobe; he can wear it over his favorite turtleneck shirts ýfor the latest layered (and warm!) look. Luxurious bath sheets wiIl be an.' appreciated chanhge from. the usual,- -skimpierbath towel. Choose masculine shades such as the popular new eartb tonies. .Leather gloves for-driving will warm bis heart on' Christmas Day, bis hands on ail the other cold days, to corne. Fragrance is "in", for men! Gift him with a set of soap-on-a-rope with lotion. I Treat hlm to a dlean, close shave by gifting him with the Iatest in electric razors. He'll appreciate a hand- some decanter to grace his bar, especially if it's covered in beautiful Italian leather. A handsome identity bracelet, engraved wîth bis i.nitiais or flame wilI comple- ment bis favorite outfit. Gift bim witb the ideal way to relax - his own lounger, perfect for TV view- ing or readinZ.- A brass ship's dlock will make a bandsomne, practical addition to bis'den. *He'I1 appreciate a mani- cure set of fine implemnents t'O aid bis grooming routine. 1Organize bis closet with attractive'racks to hold ties and beits. A wraparound'robe solves size problemns, is sure to, please. The busy executive wilI appreciate a smart, battery- operated pencil sharpener to keep onis desk. A personal-size TV set wiII let bim catch that ail- important game ini bis den or% at'the office. If he's a gourmet, gift him with one of the newest omnelet pan or wok cook- ware. A handsome, leather briefcase will tell the young exeçutive he's on his way up the ladder, Santa. If' he's a jogging enthu- siast, gift him witha design- er warmup suit, to keep him fashionably fit. > If he wears vested suits, surprise bim with a genuine pocket watch, complote with vest chain. The man wýho travels of- ten will be appreciative of a good-looking carry-on tote or shoulder bag. Running off pages of Best Wishs for a Merry Christmas to ai of our wondrful customers.. Thonks for makia; thWsa greal BAILEY IDA PHARMACY Sof ewov Contre 668-2100 W hitbv" 668-2100