Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Dec 1978, p. 15

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MY FREER, WEtyWSAY, DMIER 13, 1978, PAGE 15 Whitby man gets $200 carelesa driv ing fine for hitting a parking meter "The -Court recognizes this was not a normal case of careless driving that usually appears before the Court." said Provincial Court Judge Norman Edmondson. "But the rneandering of your vehicle is a serlous' matter as it was meandering about the streets. Not only was the vehicle meandering about the downtown streets it was in collision with a parking meter and that occured in downtown Whitby. 'Regardless of the Iateness of the heur the collision occured in an-area to which the public generally has access," Provincial Court Judge Norman Edmondsofl said as he passed sentence.' Heè fined'-Jamùes Thomas MgGann 29 of Whîtby $200 or 20 days in jail on the charge of careless driving. His Honor ordered the driver's license be suspended for one month. Mr.'McGann who is, eniployed in Ajax was given 60 days in which te pay bis fine. He pleaded guilty to the charge. Region of Durham Police Of ficer Kapuscinski answered a cal te the inter- section of Coîberne1 and Brock St reets in Whitby. He assisted two Metro. Toronto Police Officers on an incident, the Court was told. Constable Kapuscinski fou nd the accused McGann in the custody of the two Metro Police Officers in the early hours cf the morning of October 15 the court was told. 'Metro Police Contstable Dionne anid'bis fellow officer were on their way home from work. Metro Police Officer Dionne was driving when he and his fellowvý officer noticed a car being driven in an erratic manner after they le! t Highway 401, and were northbound on Brock Street. 1The car stopped at the intersection' of Dundas and Brock streets for the traffic lights. He stood there for two changes, ef the traffic light. Then the ýcar drove north on Brock street te the vicinity o! the Royal Hôtel where the car made a U turn. In making-the U turn the car mounted the curb and struck a parking meter then returned te the street again. It, went south te, Dundas street stili being driven in an erractic manner turned west went te the Spruce Villa where it mounted the curb as it made a turn in thepakn Furniture Stnpplng P40 dip àUiqu causica >roceou REPAIRZD-REFINISHED, Antiques & Uphlstery Older furnture antiques bought & aod IT'PA YS TO HAVE..VOUR FIJRNITtJRE RE*UPHM0STERED" 1413 Dundas St. E.- NO' CORPORATION 0F TI, TOWN'0F WHIBY E 0F INTENTION NOTICE is heroby given that the Council of the Corporation, of the Town of Whtby" intends teo pass a by-iaw to -*top up, close end ssii that unopehied portion of Gilbert Street ashors- inafter dsscribed, namly: - That ^portion of Gilbert Street shown on Werden's Plan, west of Brook Street, lying betwesn Henry Street and King Street, bounded on the north by property municipaily known as 300 King Street (King Street Public Sohool) and on the south by properties municipaily known os 401 H-enry Street and 400 King Street, and designated as Parts 1, 2 and 3 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Pian 40R-4729. UNOPENED OGLBERTSTREET]F1 [ 1 AND FURTI4ER TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Comm-r ittee of the Council of the Town of Whitby will, ot the heur of 7:30 p.m. on the 1I th day of .ianuary, 1979 in Committe Rooni Numr. Two of the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, heer n porion or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent, any prion who claims hlm lanmd will be prejudicilly affectd lW such by-law end who opplies to be heard. Otied at Whtby, Ontario ttiis 22nd day of Nowentser, A.D., 1978. Wm. H-. Walsce, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. CerkAdministrator Th. t;orporattoli of thse Town of Whitby 575 Rossid Rond Sait Wtitby, Ontario lot. It left the parking lot went ente Dundas street to the Whitby Hotel, "where he mounted the curb as he went into the parking lot." Then the car turned ente the street and was "going from curb almost to curb" as it was being driven in an erratic manner before being taken into custody at the inter- > CangMFof the The Mlta ociaClub of' Durham Region will hold a "'Changing of the C6oo? ceremony at St. John the Evanaelist, Church, on section of Coiberne and Brock streets. Acting Crown Attorney Paul Fletcheâ said, "the driving was very bad. The extensive risks te thée public. caused by this very bad driving is the reason wby the two Metro Toronto off duty officers followed him. The co lor is Dec. 17 Giffard Street, Dec. 17 at 3 p. m., The -chairman and memnbers of the Durham Regional Council have been ivtedteattend. Whitby Public Utilities Commission. MONTHLY RATE SCHEDULE Effective on ail bis for the perlod after Januar'y 1, -1979. RIESIDENTIAL SERVICE ____ ____ Glass of Energy Socks & .c perkwh servce - - Ail Minimum f.RW.H. sevceBlli Schoduie Airst Nxt AlNo. 250' 200 addi kwh kWh tional Regular 4.9 - 2.45 $4.80 No. 142 No. Applicable to existlng installations only. NON.RESIDENTIAL SERVICE kW- D.mand Enrgy Blocks c par kwh lass of Block Charge Firut Next Ny1t ddl ericeper kw250 9752,1uO kw kkw h whv leO w 0-50 - enerail $2.40 5. 0-5000 kw)$24 50 2.95 1.75 1.02 G eneral,,- (over 5000 * alkW à*Il *n*rgy et 1.02 c per kwh kW)500 55 minim.Um biunder 50 >kW-$40 over 50 kw - $0.25 par kw for aIl kw applicable to the maxImum bIlllng demand during the previous il1manths or the contracted amount whlchever' la the greater ___________ transformation allowance - rates ar: based upon service at util- zation voltage., Where the customer providles transformatiQ facililties,,the foilowIng ailowances wil aply - for stepdown f rom transmission voltage- 400 per kw of billing demnand par month. for stepclown tfram subtransmlssIen voltage 254 par kW ot' biigdemand par moflth. J for stepdlown f rom distributIoný voltage - 115$ per kw of billng jemnand par month. FLAT--RATE WATER HEATING SCIIEDULE NO. 142 400-waitt alermnt 450-watt sernment 500-wtt element 550-wtt elernent 600-wattelerrent 650-wattsdament 700-watt elerment 750iw.tt alormnt 800-att element 850-wattelement 900-watt alermnt 950-attelemant 1,000-att etemnt i ,00013»000watt alaennts 1,500/4.500-watt elements S5.11 purmronth 5.77 per month 6.39 per month 7.03 par month 7.67 per month 8.12 par month 8.55 par mnth 9.05 per mont 9.49 parimonth 9.90 par nmonth 1.42parmounth 10.S3per nmonth 11.36per nmonth i 2.O7per month 18.l11per month An additionai amount of 5n sha appiy to ail bis net pald on or befor. the due date. 128 BROCK ST. SOUTH4 - WVHITSV - 668-5878 * OFFICE HOURS - 8:.30 *.m.- 4:3U P.m. 1,Monclay to Friday These rots refict the endirng of the anti-inflation discount recuived from Ontario Hydra durinq 1978. The average in- crem eto uch custemer wiIl be approxiînately 5%. The intrease in thse test ef power from Ontario Hydra of 9.8% in 1979 wili be absorbd by tis commission. SECRETARY I/MANAGER CARA affects of alcohol were obvious and it was involved in the careless driving." Due to technical reasons a breath test was flot available the Court was told. *KNIGHTS 0F C0LUan~W *CA BLE CHANNEL 10 * 4 BIG GAMES I * IVERY WEDNESDAY * ~ O UPTO $375,00 IN PRIZIS . *~ 3for $1,00 (JOoch) i ' LAST WEIKS, WINNERS *Mrs. MWary Sbedy, Ohw Mr. Tom MacMillan, Oshawa Bonnis Sulliows, Oshawa H Helen'.Powlenzu k, 0Oshawa M GRAND PRIZE WINNERS * Edne McPhee, Oshawa 11H00 CARDS AVAILABLE AT: * Baskin-Robbins- Saf eway Plaza, Whitby Oshaw MeatProducts & Dïelicatessen OshawaMeat .1818 DundasSt. E., Whitby I I Shorty's Cigar Store 121 Brook St. N.', Whitby N * Shorty and Son Blilards - 130 Dundas St. W., Whitby Bailey Pharmacy - Brook St. S., Safeway Centre * Jury & Loveli Drug Store - Whitby Plaza 217 Brock St. S. * Whitby Glass & Mirror - 210 Brock St. S., omm mummmmm-mmm mmm mml PRESENTS, Carlbbean cruising aboard the, Fun Ships. . . fivemeals a day, superb service andthree great ports of call.One week froàm$559., Fun Ship Cruising The Mardi Gras and Carnivale, two of the arestcrie Iner"siling from Miami on one week itierrie zn mail accounts the most "funy" cruise you could ever dreamn to sail on. The 'Fun Ships"unqu blend of oerefree cr igwth a well disciplined, professioflal criesafto ensure that yo sa hpy enoyblholda t s ea. by i tin e rales to chooe frm: MrdiGras visits: Santo Doig~St. Thomas and Nassau. nvaevisits: St. Croix,Saii juan and Samnana. For an ail inclusive holiday a cruise aboard a "Fun Ship" is hard to beat for value and enjoyment. Ai your entertainment and meals are induded, plus 24 hour rooni service. Sample coM aPts arpe. Deatrsev.ry Sianday ziwI Wrdoir OC-10 i (bud on Inside cai'im wlih upper and Ioweir beith sud ptivata ciiini. November 59 J"uay 5 629 Feb./Mardh 56M Rates for superir accommodation and for an optional wek i Florida after your cruise are quoted in the SkyLark brochure. Ailp"ce vary according to departure date and are subject to higb season supplements. A I & ' Linda Russell A.RANDALL CHAIRMAN

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