Theso happy chldren, each Wearing a "Pets Are Special Frlends" button, surround Mary Lynn MacKay, wife of a local veterinarian who is presentlng a special program on pets at Kathleen Rowe Memorial Public Sohool. From left to right are Shawn Emmerton, Mady Edwards, Kevin' Andrew, Stephen Wakefield, Kevin. Rankin, Marcus Perreira S toÃ" ra g e facility opé On Nov. 21, Mayor Jim It" facility in Whitby, Gartshore . eut a yellow The facility, located on ribbon to open a "Mini-Stor- Harbor Street, near Dayton Mayor Jiîm Gartsbore and George Sullivan eut the ribbon 10 ofkially open a new "Mîn-Stor -1t' facility ai Port Whitby lasi week. Il* facility provides units for storage oi possessions and Deena TCxowles. The pet programn for the Grade 2 level was set up by the Auxiilary of the Ontario Veter- inary Association, of which Mrs. MacKay is President. For story see Page 9. Free Press Photo by Brian Winter, .ned at Pa Tire Ltd., consists of 93 storageuùnits housed in two metal buildings. The owners, George Sulli- van and.Gary Shewan, say this is about one thîrd of a complex which will eventu- iilly consists of nearly 300 %znits. Construction of the remnainder of the facility is expected to begin next spring when weather permits, said Mr. Sullivan. MMJt of the units are 10 by 26 feet, wiih some 10 by 10 and 6 by 10. Ail units are metal-lined, wîth concrete driveways, and underground wiring. Each is supplied with an electrical unit. The units are rented for the storage of goods on a Inaugural meeting is'Monday The inaugural meeting of the 1979-80 counel of the Town of Whitby will hcofield MOndaY at 8 p.m. ai the municipal building on Ross- land Road. The citizens of Whitby are invited te attend ibis meeting, when the members of the incomning council wilI give their inaugural speeches and ihe oaths of office will be taken. Those wisbing to attend tlxe meeing are asked to ort . Whitby monthly or yearly basis, and are strategieally located wîthin two blocks of High- ways 12 and 401. According to Mr. Sullivan, most of the units will be used by home-owners or apart- ment dwellers who don't have enough room, to store th eir own property at their homes. The first 93 units are already open for business, and a truck was unloading goods during the opening ceremonies last week, Cadbury transfers.ý workes to Whitby; closes at Montreal's loss will be Whitby's gain, as Cadbury Schweppes Powell closed its Montreal plant last week and made plans :to transfer its staff 10 Whitby. Cadbury President T.C. Powell said the company bas, refused a Quebec govern- ment offer of special assis- tance to keep the Montreal plant'open. Tbe government had indicated it would help to modernize the Montreal plant to prevent 500 workers from losing their jobs, but Mr. Powell said it. would be. illogicGl to abandon thé four- year-old Whitby, plà nt on Champlain Avenue. The Whitby plant fils the' company's current and future needs, he said. Last Wednesday the. com- pany tookç a large block of advertising space in the national rnorning paper The Globe and Mail, stating it- was "obliged" to close the Montreal plant because it was faced with "heavy financial losses as a result of sharply reduced chocolate consumption."' A number of major steps were announced by the company to assist its Montreal employees. Transfers to the Whitby plant were offered, and severence pay basèd on years of service was offered to those who chose not to transfer to Whitby. The company says these payments wîll exceed $1.7 million. Blue Cross health insur- ance and life 'insurance would be continued at company expense until April 30, 1979, Cadbury reported. Somne temporary jobs have Montreal been offered in Montreal for the next few months, and fuli-time staff has been provided _at company expense to help employees find new jobs. The company states that the Montreal workers were given four months' notice that the plant would close there. The union representing the Montreal workers, the Confederation of National Trade Unions has said it wilt resist any attempt by the company to move equipment <to ,Whitby. Police had to act last week toenable manag- ment cars to cross picket lines of former Cadhury workers at the MotÃreal plant. The, Cadbury -.<plant at Whitby bas been undergoing an expansion during the past . few months in preparation for ti iovè fror Montreal. The Montreal union treasurer John Priestly said the workers who move to Whitby wiIl have to pay their own moving «xpenses, will lose their seniority, pensions anq vacations, end will be the first laid off in the event of slow sales. Only two. or three plan to make the mfove to Whitby, he said, The Whitby plant, opened in 1974, employs 135 workers, and Cadbury officiais have denied there was any politi- cal motivation in moving out of Montreal to an Ontario plant. They report that the consolidation 0 f the company 's operations at Whitby would save Cadbury $5 million a year. Mr. Powell announced that Conétd on P. 2 P ETn ARE .SPE1aL FRRffNDS -PARK CONSTRUCI'ION BEGINS This bulldzer and backbo were busy last week wideni 1