PAE18, WDEAY,!*~DER 22,1l978, WYMFMFEPZMF Windsrlce opened Friday Coumt'd frorn. P. 1 He pointe out that the people of Canada recognize and oweaà tremendous debt to, those who are now its senior citizens, and stressed the co-operative nature of the projeet, which was aided financîally by the federal, provincial and municipal governments. DurhaMgn We st MPP George Ashe also stressed the co-operative nature- of the governrnent of Canada hbas been committed' to senior citizens for many years. i "The senior' citizens l Canada are bette r served than any senior ,citizens in the wor1d',bar noue, in termn of their hoùsi ng a nd inzomnes,"I sait! Mr. Cafik. He pointed out that the people of Canada recognize and owe a tremendous debt to those who are now its senior citîzens, and stressed the co-operative nature of the projeet, which was aided financially by the federal, provincial and municipal governments. Durham West MPP george Ashe also stressed the co-operative nature of the government effort which went into the Windsor Place apartment. On behaif of the federal government, -Mr. 'Cafik presented the résidents with a Canadian flag, which was aéccpted by George, Bates;- and on. behaîf of the Ontario Ministry of Housing, Mr. Ashe presented Mrs. Ivy Tutton with a Province of Ontario tes pot, for the use of the residents. Pave Harries, vice-presi- dent of the Whitby Rotary Club, informed the residents that the club will provide a plaque for the old sehool bell which is mounted on a concrete pedestal behind the apartments. Rev. Grant Schwartz, president' of the Whitby Ministerial Association, gave thé prayer of dedica- tion, followed by the ribbon cutting,-by the officiaI party and some of the residernts, of Windsor Place.,', The -site'of "Windsor' place ,was occupied from 1846 to 1975 by a school. In ils early days, it was the 'Whitby Grammar School, and later the Whitby High School. 1Th e noted Toronto archi- teet Henry Langley designed a new building on the site in 1873, and it stood until. 1975. From 1880 to 1911 it was the Whitby Collegiate institute, and served as the Whitby, Higli School until 1954 when it became a senior public school. Hot truck for garbage Ontario Riding MP Norm Cafik, Minister of, State for Multiculturalism presented a Canadian flag to George Bates, a resident of the Windsor Place seniorýcitizens' apartments Friday. This presentation at the, officiai opening. was on behaîf of the federal- governmeft, which.provided a lban to'finance the construction of the 104-unit building. Free Presls Photo INAUGRAL COUINCIL MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT TUE CORPORATION 0F TRI "TOWN 0F WHITBY WILL HÃ"'LD THE INAUGURAL MEETING 0f THE 1979480 COUNCIL AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 Rossland Road East,, Whitby On Monday, December 4h 1978 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. Citizens are cordially invited the attend this Inaugural Couneil Meeting. Those persons planning to attend the meeting are requested to advise Mrs. V. Roberts, at the Whitby Municipal Building (668-5803) accordingly, on or before November 3th, 1978.