Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1978, p. 16

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,IEN)AY, NOV~ER 22, 1978, MMBYFREPRES uixty children enrolled, in new French immersion progra Oièr sixty students are enrolled this faîl in the Durham Board of Educa- tion's French Immersion Program in Oshawa. This includes both morn- ing and afternoon Kinder- garten sessions and a grade one class whicli:'are being taught at Westmount Public School. Similar prograis, are being offered at Sir John A. MacDonald Public School, Bnch b, ~ * 6'~ I d '-c a M s eI language of instruction, no prior knowledge of the làng- uage is necessary for admis- sion to the French Immer- sion Kindergarten. The curriculum in both the French Immersion Kinder- garten and the grade one class is identical te, that of the regular Kindergarten and grade onte with the single exception that the teacher speak only French. Although students can converse in English, the pro- STY Fire Rsistmnt 4' x 8" Shoots 1/2" $1.95 1" $3.95 - 2## $7e95 gram is designed to expose theni to as much French as possible' and every class is, Although studfents can i(onverse in EnglIish, the pro- gram is designcd to expose !iem to as u,,rech French as possible and c(very class is, ili effect, a L-: guage tesson. Discussion, pi French, on such topic-.ç. s the fa]] season, lea v(-, turning colour and falling, f imits and vege- tables, safoty rules, num- bers, coutiting, colours, m)-emrbers (f the famnily, parts of the body, provides mnan,: opportunities for the acquisition of viocabulary skills in the target language - French. Various activity centers in the classrom have books, puzzles, toys and sand. These are also dis- eussed. 'Show and TeIl' is used as a' further means to teach vocabvla Children are asked u> it-ike a different object to school once or twice a week. The student is asked to talk abo6ut this object with the members of his or her class; subsequently, having lx.en carcfully guided by the teacher he will learn the i.ame^ for the object in French - for example a dol (Une poupee), a plane (mi avion), a hat (un chapeau). The class both individually and chorally will repeat the newly-learned word very carefully after the teacher several timnes until the new expression fixates itself. The students are taught French songs, see films, play gamnes, engage in creative play and as a special excur- sion wilIl be visiting the Farmer's Market. PUBLC OTICE DUE TO THE TREMENDOUS RESPONSE TO THE' 1l979 LINCOLN-MERCUR.Y PRODUCTS, WE ARE' OVERSTOCKED WITH USED AUTOMOBILIES: GLENWOOD LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LTD. 15 NOW ,OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC TH~E FOLLOWING VEHICLES AT WHOLESALE-PRICESI' UNCERTIFIED- NO GUARANTEE TOUR 0101(1 '177 1976 MONTEGO 4 DR. BROWN SER. 6H02H532012 1976 MONTEGO 4 DR. SILVER SER. 6H02H523099 1976 MONTEGO 2 D R. SILVER SER. SH03H523556 1976 MONTEGO 2 OR. SILVER SER. 6H03H523557 1976 MONTEGO 4 DR. GREEN SER. 6H02H532295 TOUR 0101( $lm" I.- INCOLN MERCLJRY SALES LIMFrEL> 1120DUNDAS SITTST A recently-elected, concerned and active French Immersion Parents' Assoc- iation will meet on a regular basis. Its 1978-79 executive is as follows: Chairman: Bob Abrey Vice Chairman: R. Watson Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Lorraine Banks Parent Advisor: Mrs. L. Abraham Parent Advisor and Publicity and Community Relations Person: Mr. Edward Glover Transportation is the responsibility.of the parents; however, several car pools have been arranged. Program is available to residents of Durham Region and there are stili openings in the classes. Interested parents are cordially invited to contact Harry Brindza, Principal, Westmount Public School 421 Pi'ne Avenue, Oshawa (725-1422). Tbc French Immersion tea~m~r for morning Kindcrgarten is Madame Claire, 'ioychyn, for the afternnon session Madame Jeaî,ine Hache and the French Immersion grade one, teacher is Madame L~orette Roy. A special note to Whitby resiÈtenLs: CLOCA offers trees for reforestation program The Central Lake Ontario iConserv 'ation Authority is continuing its private Reforestation Assistance Program. This programi, applies primarily to, rural properties within the Author- ity's area of jurisdiction, which extends from Lake Onitario to the top of the Oak Ridges Moraine, and from the westernmost limit of the Lynde Creek watershed east to include the Soper' Creek system. Through the assistance program, reforestation- can ensure 'greater soil conser- vation, reduced threat of flood, and improve water quality. Reforestation also providesg wildlife habitat, aesthetic appeal, recrea- tional opportunities, and a potential economnic return, te some properties. Under the Reforestation As!sistanice Program, a land- owner with holdings of- two acres ýor more orders the seedlings from the Ministry. of Natural Resources, nursery at a cost of 1 cent per seedling. lmmaediately prior to çlanting, fhê Authority arranges the pick-up of -the s'tock ,and plants them at'a' cost, te thie oWner of 1 cent per seedling planted. Planting will commence in the spring o f 1979. Any, land- owner with appropriate'hold- ings within the Auithority's area of' jurisdiction who wishes to participate must apply to the Authority. Seed- ,ing and tree stock orders should be placed with the Min istry of Natural Resources as early. as possible, preferably by the end ofNovember. Further details and appli- cation forms are available from the: Conservation Services Supervisor, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 1650 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 2K churh plates are for sale. The UCW of St. Mark's United Church is offering commemnorative plates of the church for sale during, November at $3.25 each. For' information about these plates, cal Eve Harries ,at 668-7950, Linda Stratton at 668-1382 or Elinor Kidd at 668-4085. The plates may be seen in the assembly hall durîng and after worship receptiodn.. KNIGTSOF COLUMBUS TV BINGO CABLE CHANNEL 10 4 BIG GAMES EVERY WEDNESDAY Up TO $375.00 IN PR IZES 3 for $1.00 (.50 each) LAST WEEKS WINNERS Mis. B. Cane, Oshawa Mis. V. Ellegette, Bowmanville Mii. M. Gaiadinic, Oshawa Mîs. L. Lia, Oshawa Mis. V. Murdock, Bowmanville Mis. P. Bennett, Bowmanville BINGO CARDS AVAI LABLE AT: Baskin-Robbins - Safeway Plaza, Whitby Oshawa Meat Products & Delicatemsn - 1818 Dundas St. E., Whitby Shortys Cîgar Store - 121 Brock St. N., Whitby Shorty and Son Billards - 130 Dundas W., Wbitby Bailey Pharrnacy - Brock St. S., Safeway Centre Jury & Lovell Drug Store - Whitby Plaza, 317 Brock St. S. Wùtby Glass & Mirror - 210 Brock St. S. to Whitby residents. A 900d nrniber 'of Whtby students aie, preseint1Y enrOlled at Westrnount School .mi the. French Immersion prOgram-i Old Tyme Christmas party is, held Dec.1O For the second consecutive year, Whitby citizens are irivited to, an Old Tymne Christmas Party at the municipal building on Ross- land Road. <The mayor and members of counicil are extending an, invitation for everyone to corne and join in carol singing, entertainment and visits to Santa Claus, Dec. 1 from 2 p.m. to 4, p.m. Last year the counicil and staff set up the first Old Tymne Christmas Party, which was attended by more than 400 Whitby residents. The main foyer of the municipal building was filled With people,. joining in the sing-along. The -council and staff are hoping for an even more enthusiastic response this year. DEATHS3,, PERCYROBERT. MAYNARD (Member, of the Odd Fellows Beethoven Lo>dge No. »5.) At Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on 'Menday, Nov. 13, 1978, in his 85th year, Percey Robert Maynard. Bqloved husband. of Nora Wilson. Predeceased by Elva Smith. Dear father of Ross and Joan (Mrs. C. Johnston) , both of Brooklin, and the late Jack and Bull. Dear brother of -Russell and Eva (Mrs. Worsnop), both of Toronto, Annie (Mrs. MeGuiness) of Orillia. Predeceased by brothers Herb, George, John, Cecil and Jim and sister Alma. Loving grand- father of Nancy (Mrs. R. Gardner) of Lindsay, Judy, Debbie, and Jili of Brooklin. Rested at the Carson Funeral Homne and Chapel, 79 Baldwin Street, Brooklin, Interment Groveside Cerne- tery. Odd Fellows service held Wednesday evening. If desired donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. WILLIAM M. PARRINDER At Fairview Lpdge. Whitby, on Tuesday, Novem- ber 14, 1978, in his 86th year, William M. Parrinder, late of lirooklin; beloved husband of Margaret Ann Parrinder; dçar father of Frank of Whitby, WiIbur of Other Thicknesses Available Flbrghai & Micfil in Stock SMITCHELL BROTHERS SROOKLIN, 655.W 1974 PINTO WAGON 1974 PINTO WAGON 1974 PINTO WAGON AUTO AUTO AUTO BLUE BROWN RED 1976 SER. 4T12Y217889 SER. 4T12Y162989 SER. 4T12V313464 PINTO WAGON $155' CIOPPER SER. 5X12Y212384 la

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