WHIBY REEPRES, EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER15, 197 E1 The Sou-nd That Could SaveYourLife Smoke detectors are suddenly an extremely popular item, and with good reason. ýA dependable smoke detector ca n be a lif e saver. First' Aler.'t, airead ythe choice of millions of families in North America, is the detector you should have in your home. Here's why: 0 Manufactured by world's leading maker of home smoke detectors.' " Opera tes on dual ionization principle. " Senses visible and invisible products of combustion. 0 Can provide early warning of slow, smouldering fires. lb Extremely loud alarmn wakes-even deepest sleepers. 0 Test switch lets you check ail detector fu netions. 0 Includes aikaline battery that will last one year. (Beeping warns when replacement is required). SMOKE AND PFIRE e ROOM LIVING ROOM < KITCHEN 8ASEMENT Wh ere To Locate First Alert Detectors Detectors should be located at every level of a home. First f loor, second f loor, basement, and attic if it is f urnished and in everyseparate sleeping area. If hallways are over 40 feet in Iength, detectors should be located at each end of the hallways. Sa-ve $ 4.93 , lw qXq1N. Crest ToothPaste is offeriflg a $5 refund Witt evïery purchaSeOofIa First Alert alarmI See speciaIY marked boxes of Crest f or deuails. Beaver's Reg. 24.88 (I EAVERU419 Dundas St.East, 9 00 -9 00 1Ihuis & Whtby 668-5818 M 9 00 -6à 00 S1i WHITBY FREE PRESS, 31 E