Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Nov 1978, p. 20

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PAE20. wvnNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1978. WHIlTBY FREE, PRESS rree trress Cou l668-6 oruum Emporium Ads wiliI only Vbe ccepted subject to- the foIIowing Conditions. 1977 DOdgfe ASPen, 2 door sedan, green, 6 cylinder, 4ý speed overdrlVe, sunroof, rustproffed, sflows & rlmis, rear window defogger,'Ps, amn radio, tachometer, fog famps, 30,000 miles, wiII certif y, $3,300 or best offer. <Phone 728-1831 Oct. il 72 AUSTI NMARI1NA. Body needs a littie work, $125. Also, 68 Austin 1800 Series 2, body ln gooci condition, $125. Phone 579-4880 Oct. 25, 78 74 MAZDA 808, 4 cyl., 51, miles, good cond. $800.V certify. Caîl 668-1041. Augo. 30, 1970 FORD,,800, 361 V8,,5 speed, with power take off. 18',alumlnum van body,, 900d condition. Asking $2500. Phone 655-4107. dri. 18, 78 72 MAVERICK, auto., radit As is $275. Celi 668.0776. 1Aug. 23,7 19 7 2, CADILLAC ELDO'RADrO.Excellent condition. Power steering, brakes, Windows,, iocks, seets,,trunk & suri roof. AM' & FM stereo, climate control air cond., cruise control, tilt & teiescopic steering wheei, rear, window defogger, twiight, sentinel, cornering and map iights.. Leather uphoistery, front wheei drive, a 'ir shocks, Michelin tires. Asking $2,995, wHii certify. Cail day or evening 668-0581 1000 Nli 78 72 CHRYSLER Town and Country Station WAgon. FulIy equlppedwith V8 auto., P/S, P/B3, P/W, lncludling talgate Window, power seat, 8-track stereo, air cond., roof rack, electrîc tailgate lock, crulso control etc. this Station Wagon hes been maintaîned and is A-i mechaniccaîîy. Transmission was iust rebult. Rad just rtcored. New water pump, fan beltsispark plugs, 01 f ilter etc. Recent bills, on this work avallable to prove same. Will seil certif led for a reesonable off r. Caîl 668-6111 from Y-a. 71 DODGE Polare 2 dr., hrtp., V8, auto., good cond. $600. Cal 668-5638. SAUg. 23, 78 71 PONTIAC CATALI NA neOds somne work. In running cond. $200. Ceil 668-4058. - Sept. 20, 78 70 CHEV Bei. Air gooW cond. Must seili$895. Cali 655-3583. Sept. 20, 78 69CKEV, 6 cyl. auto., 4 dr., sedan' $600 certif led. Cali 668-6408. AUg. 30, 78 69 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon, runs good, needs somne body work $150. Cail 668-3931. Sept. 13, 78 69 4 cyi. ENVOY Epic. In good cond. As is $400. Cali 668-8090 ask for Aifie. _________ Sept. 20, 78 68 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Engine in good cond. body solicf $300. Celi 655-3654 or 668-5471. Sept. 20, 78 69 VOLKSWAG(i,. repainted 6 months ago, runs good. Extra Wheel and snow tire, extra heater and Pa rts, $200 or best of fer as is. Phone 655-3890 Oct. 18, 78 1973 'GRAN TOÜRINO. New tires, radio, P/B, 302 motor. Asking $1995. Phone 668-0744 or 668-8623 of C18. 781 78 66 4 T n c F ci ci F S E Lmpnd hau it that enieralds originate in griffmn nests. 16"'ALL STEEL Boat $400 18 h.p. motor $200. For sale. Cali 655-3879. Aug. 16, 78 >'FOR SALE- 1 herdt.op tent. trailer, electricity & canopy included. Asking -$450. Cali 666-1893. Sept. 6, 78 rENT WITH ettached dining shelter. Tentmaster 121 x 12' sleeping area, dinlng erea 61 x 121 in good cond. $100. Cali 668-3931. Sept. 13, 78 1967 ,Yamaha Motorcycle 250cc, 2 stroke, $175 f irr-m. 2, 12" snowtires with rims, $30 for paiîr. Phone 987-5439 Oct, il STU D'ENT MUST SELLý 1978 750 Yamah Regular. Only 5000 Kilometers. Askfng $2400 or best offer. Caîli-655-3654 'or 668-5471. Sept. 20, 78 1971 VAMAHA Snowmobiîe. rAodel GP396 in good cond $150. Caei 668-0744. Sept. 27, 78 75 HP CHRYSIER 16' Mason Boat and Trailer, $750. Phone 655-4107 Oct. 18, 78 AUTO PARTS 'AIR 0F 878-13 tires In excel- ,nt condition $30. Phone 68-1063. October 4, 78. 1 VOLKSWAGEN gas heater complete, $25. Phone 655-3670 Oct. 25, 78 STYLE STEEL wneeîs .131 rrim rings - dust caps & lug luts $100.00 or best offer. ail 668-4804. Sept. 13, 78 OUR RALLV Wheels :mplete with centre Hub, and bromne rings will fit Monte :arlo, Camaro, good cond., Irice $100. Cali 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 -F78-151 SNOWTIRES on Ford rims. Good Condition, U0. Phone 655.389 0(1. 18, /8 il PLIMI KIAD When the advertlsedi Item is sold, dlisPosed of, or unavaliabie for whatever reason, the Item wili be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged baseci on THE ADVERT ISED PRICE as ilustrated beIow, regardiess if price is statec i wth "best offer"' If the item isNOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiIl be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARIjE of $3.00 wili apply. Ail advertlsements must be placed on an exclusive besis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not sold. RATES [if article is sold]: 5% of advertised price'up to $400.0' 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00 1commission due $6.00 [minimum chçirge i5 $3.001 Priva te advertising onlyl Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertlser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediateîy when item is sold so that we may delete it f r.om the following Issues. Ail ads not f ittingthe Er-npv.rlum guidelines will be treated anci charged per week as regular classified ads on, a pre paid basîs such as: services, heîp wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type.ads, or ads not quotlng price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate hendings. Il in doubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, L THlE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS'US THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., 9I MOFFAT STOVE, g'ood working condition, $50. Moffat fridge, also in good working condition, $25. Phone 668-5526. Oct. 25, 78 ACME STOVE an oldie but goodie. 4 burner works per-fect. Stove a bit unpredictable $35. Cali 668-2301. Sept. 13, 78 COMBINATION ELECTRIC fryer & Grill (Moffet) $450. Steam.Table $350. Showcaso Fridge. $650. Electric Deep Fryer $275. Eîectrlc Grill $300. Black Vinyl Chesterfield Chair $350. Commercial Gas Stove $250. Cali 668-8091. AUg. 23, 78 IPORTABLE Kenmore Idishw4aSher, white, 1 year Old, $225.ý 1 black & white T..V., good condition, $5 Phone. 668-2806 Oct. il 1 SIMP LICITY SPIN-DRY wvashing machine, $155. 1 .S.W. portable dryer, $155. Both in excellent condition. Asking $250 for the pair. Phone 655-4610 OCt1. 18, 78 SET> 0F RADIUS 1A ioud speakers, Rated et 75 watts RMS. Nine years left on warranty. Seli for $200 for the pair. Phone 668-3471. ' Aug.. 16, 78. ONE BRAND NEW AM4 Radio w ith front speaker. Neyver used will fit Monte Carlo or other General Motors Car $70. Cali 668-3587. _________ Aug. 23, 78 RECEIVER WITH Garrard turntable and sPeÊjWr encîosed 1fl34"x 23" cabin«ýBargain at $40 or best offer. Phone 668-4915 Sept. 13, 78 GRETSCH CHET ATKINS hollow body guitar with hard sheli case andi Fender $75. oe 668 2105oer v75.broea6p8-210c, er Oc f. 18, 78 Ii~i~k~~ I crib, $25, infant srowsuit $7, ote Ion wafflemnaker, $15, Schick Facial Sauna, $10, Swing-a-.matic Baby Swing, $15, Freestanding liI,Y umper, $7, double- sized bedspread & matching drapes, $20, collapsable walker, $5, collapsable stroller, S8, Little Mac Hamburger maker, $10, expanding circular fence, $10y, high chair, folds to table & chair, $25. Ail good candi- tien. Phone 668-8780. Oct. il White Solidle Pine Hutch $650. Dinnette set (SOl id maple) with four chairs $200. Phone 668-3926 af ter 4:30 p.m. October 4, 78. GOOD FOR REC ROOM OR COTTAGE.- Kitchen table & chairs, $20, chestor'. f ield, $50, double bed, $45, 2 dressers, $25 each, 1 TV stand, $5., Buy'as a group, $12É.00. Phone 668.9722. Oct. 25, 78 SINGLE BED,1 $35, .-Minister cerpeting, 40lx27"1, $40. Ceiling tules & T-Bars, $20, enough for 160 square foot area. Viking heevy-duty f 1oor polisher, $6. New lounge exorciser, $30. R00m divider, $20. Ph o ne 666-1847, Oct. 4, 78 Antique Secretary. Excel- lent condition, SOUI walnut, 61 tait by 22 widel Bookcase with 3 shelves & carved glass doors, drop -leaf desk with 3 drawers underneath. 80 yeers old, $550 or îbest offer. Phone 668-1436' - - - - -Oc t. il FOR SALE - LIKE NEW, 2 Electirc Train Sets with ail accessories. Complete Power Peck, Ho Sce le. ,Ready to run, $60 for both. 2 inside doors, size 22"x80", and 24"x80",..One door with door jams, other-door only, $10 each. 1 Humidifier, like new, $50. Chrome T.V. ,Table, 24" wide, $5. Stamp accumulation, Canada, U.S.A. & Europe, $100 or best offer. Phone 668-3495. Oct. 25, 78 DELUXE ACURN FIRE. PLACE, burnt -orange, brass trim on front, black pole screen, cernent hearth, mint condition. Selling to remnodel, $250. Phone_668-4096 -Oct. 2-5, 78 SHORTWAVE EQUip- MENT Marconi CR55 Reccîver. 100 Watt bi lincar power supply. Ha% CB lrcquency 2 Johnson Viking transrnitlltrs, in workinq condition. pack aQe delal of $150 or bcst oter. Phono 668 098 1 WHOLEHOUSE PORTABLE HUMIDI- FIER, Woodgrain cabinet, $35. Phone 668-1041 Oct. 25, 78 SWIMMING POOL above ground 15 feet dlameterî fNew liner ail equlpment included $200. Cali68-4430. Aug. 23, 78 2.- 10 SPEED bikes, womnans & mens, $100 each or $175 for both. Cali 666-1101. Aug. 23, 78 KENMORE VACUUM cleaner with power beater. Like new, Cost $270. Self for $1$0. Cali 6685638. ,Aug. 23, 78 PING PONG TABLE $39. Two lamp shades, white ex. $4.50 eech. Electrlc f Ire log wlth mnotor $16. 1.26"1 inside door $5. 2 siîken, brocade bedspreads made in 1Indiea. Tuirquois & gold, Yeloôw & gold $35. each., Cali 668-0592. Atug. 23, 78 26" COLOU R consolé eeev1ion in working cond. $160. Cali 668-1041, Aug. 30, 78 PURPLE CORDROY Bean Bag couch. Round foamn chip chair $100. for both. Cali 668-4757 after 4 p.m. Sept.' 6, 78 MESH PLAYPEN $25. Infant rocker $5. Cali after 5 p.m.. 579-2791. Sept. 13, 78 GIRLS HIGHRISE bicycle $25. Çaill 668-1063. Sept. 20, 78 LEATHER BAR in ex. cond. $175. Single -dresser -with mi rror $35. Drapes 84 x 150 gold thermolguerd foam backing $25. Cali 579-4605 after 5 p.m. Sept. 20, 78 GENDRON POOL table complete With pool & snooker balis, cues & table, '5 chairs& buffett $500. Cali668-0006. Sept. 20, 78 SELKIRK TYPE fîreplece, hardly usod, A-i cond. Asking $1 MO Cali 655-4995. Sept. 27, 78 SOFA BED FOR $65. 2 mirror wardrobe with drawers $25. Call Oshawva et 579-6786. 5 s c Chesterfild set, with romoveeble bar and tables $450. Phone 668-0920, October 4, 78. !Eîectric water heater 110 FoId $25twin bed spread and drapes $25 single bed complete 24"1 $25 eîectric range $35 vanity bench $3 black and white t.v. $10 2 table lamps $25 Phone 655-8000 October 4. 78.» WOODBURNING COOK Stove. Werming oven ebove full price $275. Spece heater (propane) complete with tanks, hose & regulator. Full price $175. 20 mtal sash various sizes $15 each. 12 pr. of origineaI wooden shutters, with f ittings $30 . er pair. Cali 655-3488. Sept. 6, 78 COOK WOODSTOVE, new grades, wood or coal. Asking $300. Caîl 655 8081. Sept. 6, 78 YOUTH SIED, $25, 2 sets of shoo ts tof it and bedspread, $20. Phone 668-6M7. 1 stove, Presently selling for $325, asking 5200, 24" white stove, 6 mths. oîd, remnoveable dOOr, conin. dlean oven, 2 coas - 1 blue with white fur trim, very goed cond. size 10, $15, 1 mitation fur wth bown I Ot-t. 18, le8 ru... n. ssih Ad.for 1 crib mattress, like new, $10-00, 1 Starrett master vernier caliper 12"1 wlth case,$80.00, 1 universal precision gauge, $50.00, 1 Starrett depth gauge, 0.9 inch, $35.00, 1 Starrett out. side micrometer, 0-1 Inch, $35.00, multi anvîl icro. meter caliper, 0-1 Inch, $20. Ail new-best offer. Phone 6.2656. Oct, il 2 END TABLES, 1 coffee table, $65., Phone 668-2806 Oct. 18, 78 2 PRS. 0F GIRLS SKATES,' sizes, 1&2, $3 eech. 1 pr. of girls skates, size 3, $6. 2 pr. of ski boots, ladies 81/2, mens 10, $10. 1 pair metal skis & polos, $10, baby curteins, 74 1x5311, $5, pink sheers, 86"lx45, $5, gold & brown, 88"'x41"ý, $7, snoopy bedUpread, single, $7, 2 white scatter-mats, 34"x56", -$10 eech, 1 50"x80", new beige shag carpet, approx. 81x4', $15. Phone 666-1921. Nov. 1, 78 GOLDE N G R E -N VELVET chesterfield and chair, 2 side- tables and cof fee table to match, asking $350. Phone 668-2259 oct. 18, 78 5 PCE WOODEN DINING ROOM SET for sale. 2 captain and 2 side chairs. In fair condition. Asking $80. Phone 668.0581 Oct. 18,- 78 BOYS SKZATES, Bauer, siz e 6, $15. CCM size 6 1/2,, $15. Like new. Phone 655-3773' Oct. 18, 78 3-500 GALLON SKID TANKS. Use for gas, oul or water. AI condition, $100) eac h. 30 cases of 2-cycle oul. Use for snowmobiîes, 24-16 ounze zip top cens per case, $7 per case. Phone 655-4107 BeautifyYour Home ,WÎth House Plants When it cornes to decorat- ing, house plants are a na-. tural. Ariy house cari benefit fromn the addition of a little greenery-and any healthy Plant will make itself at home in your home, just as long as the lighting conditions are right for it to grow. No matter what part of the house it's in, your plant should be treated and fussed over as you would a piece of fine furniture. So make sure that Uts Jeaves are always kept dust-free. A plant that is grown for its foliage, such as ficus or philodendron, will look even- better if you use Leaf Glosa to shine ît Up, Unlike other glosses, the new Leaf Gloss (rom House lu Bloorm, whieh you'll find dis played in your supermarket, won't clog the pores that plants need for breathing. Look for a plant food on display tilat is especially made to bring out the best in foliage plants. Take care of your plants--and tilcyll give you back the glft of beauty. m" bhus ,%»£AW'. Umm à - s ý m B 1 1 1 Il àà O.ri U, mIý r--,- - -L,- - -- - 1

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