Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Oct 1978, p. 5

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Corridor ~!:Capers. CORRIDOR CAPERS DANCE Friday, October 20, (this Frlday) will be the semni-annual Corridor Capers Community Dance at'Heydenshore Pavillion. The Dance Committee have been working fervently for your pleasures. Tickets are limnited.. To make the dance most enjoyable, only 150 tickets go on sale. When the hall becomes too crowded,,no-one enjoys dancing. Frank Truil will again supply us with the 'sweetest musie this side of heaven.' The local Corridor merchants have generously donated prizes for the evening. Reservation requests have been comning in fast and furiously. At the moment, it appears-to be a complete seil-out. However, on the off chance that a cancellation might occur between now and Friday, do not hesitate to cali if you stili haven't purchased your ticket. Someone else's misfortune could very well be your gain. If at ail possible, we will try to acconimodate you. REMEMBER, this Friday October 20, Corridor Capers Dance b7, at Heydenshore, Pavillion -Tume: 8:30 to 1 o'clock. Admission: $8.00 per couple. A tume for our community to have fun together. See you there. ST. ANDIREW'S C}JURCH 'KIRK' BAZAAR' Ail the ladies of' St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,- Cochrane Street in Whitby, have been workingdiligently toward a successful bazaar. A wide variety of ýarticles are Emmasksfor a-toi Councillor Gerry En4m at ,a recent council meeting a sked if some consideration could be given to having the Provincial Government provide an 'iînteérchange 'at the Whitby-Pickering Town Uàne'and highway 401. Region of Durham Road 23 (the Whitby-Pickering Town Line) is 'being completed as far as H-ighway 2 with an Beach Improvements to Whitby's 20-ac-re- iroquois ,Beach Approved Park will be finan- cially assist(ed by a $25,000 Ontario grant, Natural Resources Minister James A.C. Auld said iast week. The town will now proceed with installation of park Plant 18 uver budget Officials of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital and representatives of the Ontario Ministry of Health met Friday to discuss tenders for a new steam heating plant which came in $56,000 over budget estimates. According to Hospital Administrator John, Kunetsky, the hospital had budgeted for $iso,ooo, and the lowest tender came in at $206,000. There were four bidders, three being local firms and one f rom Scarborough, he said. The steam plant is to be funded two-thirds by the Ministry of Health and one- third by the hospital. The Dr. Ruddy Hospital, since it opened in December 1969, bas received its heat fron tlhe steam plant at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, but the underground steani pipe is rusting out. and the Hospital's Board of Governors -decidcd earlier this year to build their own steani plant. The hospital decîded to bmild its own plant, as there was nu long-terrm guarantee fromi the învicethât il' underpass at the Canadian Pacifie Railway crossing on the Taunton Road crossing.' He stated if an interchange was brought .forwrd then the Whitby-Pickering Tow n' Line road could' be used- directly to Highway 401. There is an overpass no* in use on this. road, and it shouldn't be very difficult to ets grant hydro service lines, drainage improvements, grading and secdinig, and construction of walkways and a parking area, as well as other general development. In 1977, a $25,000 provincial grant was authorized to apply on the cost of pr'epar- ing a development plan and initial development work. The Iroquois Beach Park is adjacent'to Whitby harbor. WHITBY FREE offercd for sale, such as knitted outfits for babies and children, aprons, nov elties, table decorations, macrame, home baking etc. This year's 'Kirk ' bazaar will include a tea roomn where you may chat over tea and cookies. Tume: Saturday, November 4 from 1 to 4 p.m. Place: St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall Cochrane St. Whitby. Plan to Attend. CORRIDOR AREA RÎATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION CORRIDOR CAPERS DANCE- Heydenshore Pavillion, this Friday. ELECTION FORUM- Wednesday, November 8 at Dr. Robert Thornton Public Sehool, Scott and Hazelwood Drive. ANNAUL MEETING AND ELECTION 0F OFFICERS- Thursday November 23 at Dr. Robert Thornton School 7:30 p.m. EXECUTIVE MEETING- The next executive meeting of the Ratepayers Association will be on October 26 at the Municipal Building at 7:30 p.m. OSHAWA CHAPTER 0F THE SWEET ADELINES Durham Region Lung Association Christmas Seal Concert - will feature the Oshawa Chapter of the Sweet Adelines at Eastdale Collegiate. Admission is,$2.50 per person on Sunday October 29. WESTMINISTER UNITEDRCURCH Choir Practice - Thursdays 7:.30 p.m. If you like to sing, corne out to practice. Westminsteil Board of Management- meet on Sunday, October 22' at 1:30 p.m. Future Activities October 28 - Turkey Supper - Westminster Church, Adults $4.00 Children $2.00. Contact members of the U.C.W. for tickets. Nov. 3-4 - Oshawa Presbytery festival of Faith at Harmony United, Cburch., Nov. 12 -' Westminsterr Church *Anivçrsary Nov. 18- Westminster Bazaar. mvn Itne, interc'hange, bave, an interchange Iocated at this point he said. The predomfinate traffie on High- way 7-12 (Brock Street north) is heavy trucks. 'If there is an interchange at the Whit.by-Pickering Town Line and 'Highway 401' it will eliminate, the many prob- lems of the heavy trucks goi4g thirough the down-town core area, of Whitby,' he said. Mayor Jini Gartshore pointed out that the Whitby- Pickering Town line (Road 23) is a Regional Road there- fore it is a Regional matter. Councillor Joe Drumni wanted to, know what is being done (o have the Thickson Road interchange improved. Pressure should be put on the Province to, have the work donc and the inter- change improved as it ' would open up a* whole industrial area' he said. Both .interchange problenis were referred to THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE PRELIMINARY LIST 0F ELECTORS FOR THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The prelirninar-y lisi of al electors pr-epared as requiredl by The Municipal Elections Act, 1977. as amcndcd, and the Regional Municipality of lDurham Act. 1973. as amended. wa puhIicly posted ini the office of the Municipail (lerk- Administrator on the 18th day of'(Ictoher, 1978. Electors should examine the lisit(o ensure thal their namnes anîd relevant information are correct]\- shown. ('omplaints in the nature of requests for- addiîtions oir c<rrecfions tb or deletions from 11he lisi înay he made 1w an eleelor cornpleting and filing a forin ohiainable at thle office oi #h 1w(lerk-A dmin ist t'a toir. 11ici lasi dhay for fi h ng lor-ms cwt ing add il ions. correct<101f S t>î de-let ions Nwillliew < >-tol>her 2711)i 1978 tw )Ion 1vflIc re>ilitiary lis'? wiII coimentCo' Tursdlay O '~hr19hk 1978 ailte Nlmi<'iitl 1'itIdinip -7.-)1Untsslandif Given under nmx hand a1 Il)#, Tomwn of Whithb 1v lits 11:îcîdLxi(i \%,Ill Il Vacv. A MNI,1('.'I '. . ',4' T'own il hitby,ý .75 tos'bînu hn;d t'îst VtiI'. )Iltario. the Operations Committee for further recommen- dations and, report. & PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCT OBER 189, 1978, PAGES5 MANNING MEWS For those of you affected by t.be Manning Mews Project, the Region of Durham has tabled the requestby the Manning Mews Corporation, for a zoning amendment to^ the Regional Officiai Plan, to allow Medium Density. It would appear that the Corporations only recourse would be to appeal to thé decision of the Ontario Municipal Board. See you al next week. In the meantime, hope to seemany of you at the Dance, of the Year, the CORRIDOR CAPERS. M. McEachern 725-8967 Ask us abo ut you Corne and tell us what you're looking for in a job. Tell us what you areý todayand what you want to ýbe tornorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. No obligations on either side. WeIl be glad to talk. And we may have just what you're Iooking for. But you'll gever know untit you ask. Visit our MobUs RcnaItin Unit CmnéuMupowor Ceuitr OSHAWA 18, 25 Octoe, 108 10:00 u.m. *.300 p.M. AMMI PF0uo:* SUNDAY, OCt* 22 $ o thrftbox. ýrjust >95 A Thrift Box contains 9 pieces of finger lickin' good Kentucky Fried Chicken, freshly cooked from Colonel Sanders' secret recipe. It's a great family favorite! Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make il 'lonigertickin'good.' OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO-SEE.YOUR PHONE B00K FOR THE ONE NEARESI '<OU. DINNEIR SPECIAL

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