Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Oct 1978, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4,'1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby Voice of the Cou nity Town Michael L Theonly Whitby newspaper independently owned end oper SERVINO OVER 28,000 READERSr !an Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor ratea by vvrnrDy residents for vvrnrby resiaents. Community Editor -Brian Wnter Publisbed every Wednesday Contribbting Editor -Jim ùQudIl Production Manager -Marie'BurgOsý M.B.. Pulishng~Prînt & Promro.tîona' <by MBM ulsig Manager -Robin LyoP - S and Photography hIn.1 Classif ied Ad Manager '-S. van Deeler S Phone 668-6111 Circulation Manager -Shiarn LV6nÎ T1he Free Press Building, 131 Brock Streit North,. -?.0. Box 206. Whitby, Ont. Mailing Permit No. 460 Meffiber of the: Better Business Bureau of Toronto WhtbyChanberf mmrce Base balle rs Dear Sirs: On behaîf of the Whîtby Minor Basebaîl Assoc- iation we would like ta express to you our sin- c ere appreciation for the cooperation extended us this past season. If might be worth men- tioning the service it pro- vides a community. First, the press given minor sports like base- bail gives the public and *the sponsors a chance to appreciate those people who support basebaîl fl!n- ancially and it also keeps people, informed of the standings and scores of *past action. It might be Worth men- tioning the service it pro- vides a commun ity. First, the press coverage given minor sports like basebaîl gives the public and the sponsors a chance ta appreciate those people who support basebail financially and Dear Sir: Regarding the new pope, ane was impressed wtth his humilifyï graciousness, simplified protocol, stand on abor- tion, communismi, and general moral integrity, ail enhanced by the dlgnity, beauty of' variaus kinds, notably music. Vet the Roman Church should be evaluated rather by Its doctrinal stance. It was, of course, gaad ta see their leader breaking many years of traditions, albeit minor ones. The phrase "Roman Catholic' is, however, canfradictory, 'Catholic' meaning universal, 'and 'Roman' particular. At least up ta 300 A. D., the Christian, apostolic churches remained R. C. New Testament teaches faithful ta the Gospel and the Apostles' Creed. Needless ta say, the R. C. New Testament teaches the supremacy of Holy Writ aver tradition, justification by faith alone, direct access ta God through Christ, the variaus f reedoms, separafian of church and state, et aI. And if daes believe in the inspiration of scrip- ture, deity of Christ, hell, et all--basics questioned by many liberal, Protestant m inisters. But note that their Bible nowhere says 'Mother of Go' or proves her sinlessness and assumption. Furiher, no mention is mnade of a sacrificiflg priesthood, fwo types of sin, extreme unction, regeneratifg baptlsml prayers for the dead andi purgatory. say than ks it also keeps people informed of the standings and scores'of past action. Another reason cornes by way of a related story about an eleven-year-old player who was advised by his buddies, in school that his namne was in the Free Press, 'a home run', at that. Well, needless to say, his buddies didn,'t see hlm after school and mohrreports he was home in record time, f ifteen minutes of scrarnbling through old papers, lifted his head up and a gleamn in his eye told you he's f ound it. And before another minute has passed by the article is ail clipped ouf and laid beside father's plate at thesupper table. 1 guess that's al1 that needs to be said, except, Thank You T. Van Doleweerd W.M. B.A. Two offten quoted verses First Mt. 16:18, where Jes us, using a pun, slnd, 'You are Peter (Gk. 'Petros', stone), and on this Rock ('petra', large rock) 1I will build my church...', indicating that the Lord would found the church really on Himself. By the way, Christ is 40 times called a (corner)-stone rock, as in 1 Pet. 2:6-8 and 1 Cor. 10:4. Moreover, there is no proof for Peter'9 ever being In Rome as bishop or pope. Second, the next verse. 'l wili give you the keys to the kingdom of 'heaven, and whatever you bind or loose on earth shall (already) have been bound or loosed in heaven'---the truer version. This power, given ta aill disciples (Mt. 18:.18), was but ta declare symnboli1cal11y God's terms of forgiveness and salvation, the key being the Gospel of Christ, who Himself has the absolute authority. True truth (a phrase coined by F. A. Schaeffer) need not fear campefition fromn any undemocratic, subjective religions, open ta insecurity, vulnerability and finally self-defeaf. 0f course, anyone trying to offer constructive criti- cismn runs the risk of arousing enmity, but he cares enough for proven evidence ta, take a chance. Someone "'has said 'if you dontf want ta be criticized, say nothing, do nothing, try nothing, and be nofhing.' John Kgnott, i7 Quebec Street Oshawa. A dog bites a child; it's "un forgivable" Dear Sir: Your editorial of Sept. 2711gb about dogs biting children was well-writtenl and, the subject is important. lt's bad enough -that somne people inconsider- ately permit their dogs ta run about leaving filthy, droppings on neighbour- ing lawns, and strewlng the contents of garbage bags around the streets-- these dog owners delib- erately mock aur efforts to miake Whitby the dlean, bright town we want it ta be; but when a dog bites a chilId, then it's unforgivable. 've seen fao -many children tom and dis- figurred for life. Nô amount of apologies or explanations can' ever restore the poor kid's scarred face, and there's no excuse for the dog- owner. This sort of thing has happened so often that anybody over 10, Governnent finance does sound camplicated and econornist~ often talk in a language that confuses laymen. Phrases , ,ike 1 'budget deficit; cash requirements; gross national 1 radt ct; grass domestic product' are of ten used interchangeabtyad r 'ntalways understood. Add ta, this the constant use of negative words like 'restraint; inflation; weak dollar', and it is na wonder that the general public image of aur economny is one of gloamn and that many people think the Province is in bad shape. The fact is that iL isn't in bad shape at ail. Ontario has the highest credit rating possible. While there are lots of tough problems we must salve, like high unernployment and inflation, when Ontario's rack record is compared ta aur neighbours, we can then sec just how well the Province has been rnanaged. To begin with, let's look aL the deficit in aur Budget, which is usally considered ta, be the difference between aur total Governrnent spending and aur total Government incarne. For the five year period cnding in 1977, the annual total Provincial spending has exceeded incarne by an amnount ranging bctween .ý billion and nearly 2 billion dollars. These same years saw 'Ontario invest billions of dollars for new hospitals, highways. parks andi buildings. The cost of these capital additions exceeded thec total cash needed during this ime period. Money was borrowcd La pay for them (rom Canada Pension Funds, Teachers Superannuation Funds, Ontario Municipal Employees Retirernent Fund and occassionally from privale lenders. The philosophy here is that future tixpayer.s will share iii fli use of these faciliti, and should therefore also pay for a part of tlicir cost. anybody who can read a newspaper, listen ta the radio or talk to his neigh- bour, knows that dogs are hiable ta bite children; and therefore the fellow who keeps a dog is guilty as sin. He might as well have attacked the child himnslef with a knife and a hatchet! Don't tell me it's a revolting thought. 1 know it's revolting. lt's damnned well disgusting; and haw 'long are we going ta stand for if? Last week if was a girl in West Lynde, before thaf It was a twa-year-ald boy--a helpless baby; one snap of the dog's teeth and the little. fellow's in pain for weeks and his face will neyer be the samne again. Is is going ta, be your child next, or are you going to do something about it now? Vic Strickland, Whitby. Some people believe we should include the value of these new capital facilities as an addition each year in our assets, which would show that a 'balanced budget' has already been reached. However, the Provincial Government has elected flot to'do this, because few of these facilities really have a commercial resale value. Bec ause we have flot met our targets on the road to a balanced budget for a couple of many people think we have lost control of aur spending. This is just flot so. This year Ontario will borrow one dollar for each ten it spends. To compare this to another jurisdiction, the Federal Government will borraw one dollar for every four it spends.because we have kept the pressure up on reduced spending, the annual rate of' increase for the Province has been cut from 24% ta 72 in the current fiscal year. As well, Ontario for the past two years has increased its spending by 12 less than the inflation rate. Altho ugh Ontario does borrow money from the pension funds, and once in a whie from the private lenders for Government purposes, our excellent contrai on spending has continued ta win us the highest credit rating the financial appraisers can give. Taxpayers in Ontario pay a lower part of their earnings ta government than other Canadians. Our total taï take is about 333 of the total taxpayers incarne, but the Canadian average is about 422. 0f this total tax take, Ontario receives 102, the federal government geLs 152 and local governments receive,82. Money is of course very tight right now for Governxnent spending. But this is because aur inconie has dropped xather than our spending increasing. Most of this incarne loss, is a resuit of lower transfers of joney fromn Ottawýa (rom the income tax, which has been used by a weakereconarny and federal gavernment polîcies aimed at transferiring the growing lederal governerntn deficit back to tUe Provinces. To, counteract this drop in money, Ontaria basin thefive years cut provincial spending by millions of dol lars. For instance, the Federal Civil Service grew by about sîs,o in ane year, but O>ntario has actually eut out 3,000 civil servants. The Governmcnt of Ontaria believes that thÎs kind of responsible Iinancîii planning will eventually lead to a balanced budget, and wilI ease thie present economic burden being enrrled by thie Ontario taxpayers. Evaluate by doctrine, 'l Amwý

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