Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Oct 1978, p. 20

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]PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRES Free Piress EmI Coui 6618-61 Emporium Ads wili onlybe accepted subject to the foll S 1968 ChrysIer, good motor and PLEASE READ tr2smss6n4 2 00. P honahnte ver se Item iii be deempoed tofoh av be forn trasmssin4 2 00. P hoe Whntever ô,teitem i old dspoed tofouav lbe for October 4, 78 commission wili be charged based on THIE ADVERTISED PRICE METEOR krtn-- 1 as iiiustrated beiow, regard iess If price is stated with "best offer", ."io-.-uun .r i, - i. -% ,",, p., 351 motor, P/S, P/B, new tires, new brakes 60,000. Ex. running cond. $1000 or witt trade for pick up truck. CaII668-1588 Sept. 20, 78 74 MAZDA 808, 4 cyt., 51,000 mites, good cond. $800. WI certif y. Cati 668-1041. Aug. 30, 78 73 PLYMOUTH Fury, V8, runnlng cond. As is $450. Cati 668-5318. JuIy 19, 78 73 PLYMOUTH DUSTER. Auto., Big 6, new brokes, radio. Certif led $600. or best offer. Catil 668-5643 evenings or weekends. Sept.20, 78 72 DA TSUN, Auto., radio., rear defroster, good cond $1.150. CAII 668-5450. 72 AUSTIN Marina Body needs a ittle work. $100. CaIl 655-3006. Sept. 20 ,78 72 MAVERICK, auto., radio, As is .$275. Cali 668-0776. Aug. 23, 78 72 C HRYSLEWR Town and Country Station Wagon. Fuity equipped with V8 auto., P/S, P/B, P/W, inciuding taitgate window, power seat, 8-track stereo, air cond,, roof rack, eiectric tailgate Iock, cruise controt etc. this Station Wagon has been mointained and is A-i mechaniccaiiy. Transmission was just rebuiit. Rad just -recored. New water pump, fan beits, spark piugs, oit f liter etc. Recent bilts on this work availabte to prove samne. Witt seti certif ied for a reasonabie off r. Cati Sue at.668-6111 fromn 9-5. 72 DODGE Demon, 318, 3 spd. standard, headers, tack & oul gauge, 60 series tires att around. Needs work. As is $700. or best offer. Cati 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 71 DODGE Potara 2 dr., hrtp., V8, auto., good cond. $600. Cati 668-5638. Aug. 23, 78 71 MVGB dark Green, rebuilt engine, good body, two tops, tQnneau cover, good tires, witI certify. $1700. Cati Sam at 655-4794 after 6 p. m.' Juiy 19, 78 71 PONTIAC CATALINA needs somne work. In running cond. $200. Cati 668-4058. Sept. 20, 78 70 CHEV Bel Air good cond. Must seil $895. Cati 655-3583. Sept. 20, 78 69 CIIEV, 6 cyl. auto., 4 dr., sedan $600 certif ied. Colt 668-6408. Aug. 30, 78 69 CHEV, 4 dr Sedan, 327 in good working order. Needs body work. $250. Calit 668-2810. 69 VOLKSWAGEN Station wagon, runs good, needs some body work $150. Ciii 668-3931. Sept. 13, 78 69 4 cyl. E NVOY lEpic. ti good cond. As is $40. Cot 668-8090 ask for Allie. Seo. 24, 78 ,a, 68 pLYMOUTM 4 tdr. Engine li gooti conti. body sOuid $30 Cat, 64ci.3654 or6"8-5471. 67 FORD Falcon. Ex. cond. As is £125. or - best offer. Cati 725 0.45 or 725-2195. JuIy 19, 78 63 CHEVY Nova, -6 cyl., converted 283 V8 auto., posi- trac rear end with 411 gears comptetety new Interior. Tear drop hood scoop, headers, good conci great winter.project $400 or br t offer. Cati 655-3481.,» Aug. 9, 78 RREATIOMAL RENi IS 73 V< (WASAKI 125 good cond. new piston and 'rings. Nice cliýnî tittie dirt bike. Asking $275. Firmn. Cali 655-3527. .iJuiy 26,'78 12' CAR TOPPER f ibreglass f ishing boat-in Ex. Cond, with 4.4 h.p. Chriysier outboard. $400. or best offer. Cati 579- 4918 or 683-3019. Juiy 26, 78 HOME MADE Camper for 1/2 ton truck. Complete with jacks $200. Cati 668-8214. Aug. 2, 78 OFF -ROAD Dune Buggy comrpiete tubuiar frame. New brak-s, lies & cylinders. 1200 CC VW engine, runs great, reacty to go $200. FIRM Cati 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 10> H.P. JOHNSON motor and gas tank with 8' Sea Fiea for $150. Cati 655-3710- ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 KAWASAKI 100 CC 400 original miles A-i cond. Cati 723-7055. Aug. 9, 78 161 ALL STEEL Boit $400 18 h.p. motor $200. For sale. Cati '5-38179. Aug. 16, 78 FOR SALE - 1 hardtop tent- traiter, eiectricity & canopy lnciuded. Asking $450. Cali 666-1893. Sept. 6, 78 TENT WtTH attoched dining shetter. Tentmaster 121 x 12' sleeping area, dining area 6' x 121 in good cond. $100. Cali 668-3931. Sept. 13, 78 75 KAWASAKI 500, 2 stroke, Asking $1000. Can be certif ied. Cati 668-8634 Sept. 13,78 UTILITY TRAILER - Light- weight steel box. Wiil carry sand, f irewood etc. $250. Cati 666-1690. Sept. 13, 78 STUDENT MUST SELL 1978 7.50 Yomah Reguior. Only 5000 Kitometers. Asking $2400 or best offer. Cati 655-3654 or 668-5471-. If the Item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad witt be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will appiy. Ait advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY'FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month if, not sotld. RATES [if article is soid): 5% ot advertised price up to $40000 2% et balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $120.00 - commission due W.00 [minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertlsing oniy! Please notify us If you find a retailer tisted as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whltby Free Press immediately whé item i s sotd so that we may delete it from the foiiowing issues. Ail ads not f itting the Emporium guidelines will be treated and charged per week as regular classified ads on' a pre paid basis such as: services, hetp wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personat message type ads, or adls not quoting price or quantity:- Private classified ads may appear ln the Emporiumn section under appropriate headings. if in doubt, cai 668-6111 MAIL AD$ TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO; 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AUTO PARTS 4 F-14"U GOODYEAR custom steel guard radiais, HR78-14 Whltewalis, asking $65 or best offer. 2 - Atlas Snowshoe beited, H78-15, Whitewaits, Asking $40 or best offer. 2 - Firestone G78-15 snowtires asking $15. 2 - Goodyear 775-14 snowtires, mnci. rims, asking $20. 2 - Dunlop H78-14 snows, with rims, $15. 2 - Canadian Tire F78-14 snows, with rims asking $15. 2 - Mansf ieîd G78-15 with Ford rlms. Asking $25 or best offer a set, branci new. Set of 14" hub caps $20. or best offers. 20 Tires plus second hand tires 14"1 and 15" $5. & $10. each. Cati 725-6045 or 725-2195. July 19, 78 1 G7815 tires $30. Cati 655-44j7. Juiy 26,-78 2 F6015 TIGER Paw Raised tletter tires, new $90 for the Pair. Cali 655-3411. Aug. 2, 78 2 - UNIROYAL RALLY MA&S 155 13 Radiai snow tires useci one winter on Voikswagen Rabbit $24.50 each. Aug. 2, 78 394OLOb ENGîNE with 6pack and Muncie racing parts, with pair of extra heads, water pump and one Offenhouser manifold for 2 four barreis $475. or bes t off er. CatI1 668-3495 after 4:30 p.m. and ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 5 TIRES, E7814, with rims $40. 10,000 mites.668-0149. Aug. 16, 78 FOUR RALLY Wheeis compiete with centre Hub, and chrome rings witi f it Monte Carlo, Comaro. good cond., Price $100. Cati 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 2 SNOWTIRES on 13" Ford rims. Used oce season $50 or best offer. Cati ofter 5 p.m. 668-0127. sept. .13, 78 4 STYLE STEEL wheets 13' - Trim rings - dust caps & iug nuts $100.00 omr best offer. 2 SNOWTIRES MOU NTED on chev rims 825 x G7814. $25. 2 Snowtires 590 x 15 mounted on V.W. rims $20. 1 Voikswagen gos heater comptete $25. Coli 655-3670. Sept. 20, 78 PAIR 0F 878-13 tires in excel- lent 'condition $30. Phone 668-1063. October 4, 78. I PL1 NNCES 1 WHITE 30" McLeary easy eiectric stove in fair cond. suitable for cottage $75. 'Colt 728-9017. July 19, 78 1 G.E. 30" r.. nr1c, burners need somec repiiir,.. $25 As is. Cati 668-2427. Juiy 19, 78 COMBîNATION ELECTRIC f ryer & Grill (Moffat) $450. Steamn Table $350. Showcase Fridge. $650. Electric Deep Fryer $275. Eiectric Grill $300. Black Vinyl Chesterfield Chair $350. Commercial Gos Stove $250. Cati 668-8091. Aug. 23, 78 WOOBURNING COOK Stove. Warin ing oven above fuit price $275. Space heater <propane) complete with tanks, hose & regulator. Full price $175. 20 mli assh various sizes $15 each. 12 pr. of originat wooden shutters, wîth f ittings $30 per pair. Colt 655-3488. Sept. 6, 78 COOK WOODSTOVE, new grades, wood or cool. Asking $300. Coli 655-8081. Sept. 6, 78 ACME STOVE an oldie but goodie. 4 burner works perfect. Stove o bit unpredictable $35. Coli 668-2301. Sept. 13, 78 Dryts- in good condition $125. Phane668619. October 4, 78t. New G. E. Dryer never used oeIiy SM2. Wringer Wastier oeity SM0 in worktng order. Phone OeI.ber4,.M I "-M i AI ELIECTRIC GUITAR, two pick up, two amplifiers, volume button, tone control, selector swjtch for each pick-up. cherry' Red colour. Hardwood body, <with case. Asking $65. or best offer. Cali 725-6045 or 725.2195. July 19, 78 SET 0F RADIUS 1A ioud speakers. Rated at 75 watts RMS. Nine years ieft on wrirranty. Sùil for 5,900 for the pair. Phone 66.8-3471. Aug. 16, 78 ONE BRANP NrW AM Radio wilthfrontni k(ý Neverused wili filtI %M (,.ito or other General Mtr.(,w r $70. Calt 668 3587. Aug. 23, 78 RECEIVER WITH Garrard turntabie and speaker enciosed in-34" x2311 cabinet. Bargain at $40 or best off er. Phone 668.4915 Sept. 13, 78 IMUSCELLANEOUSI .VIP!YL matchstick bamnboo shades, 6811 wide, 36"1 wide $15. for both. Cati 668-2427. .Juiy 19, 78 POOL TABLE 4 x 8 with honeycomb bed, compiete snooker and Boston balis, and ait other accessories inciuding score board, table tennis set. Pkg. price $400. Cali 668.2646. Aug. 2, 78 ONE LAZYBOY chair $35. Ampl if ler, walnut -cabinet 3 x 5 and speaker $150. or best offer. Wooden chest 5 x 2 x 3 $25. 2 Tables $7. each. Press back chair, reflnished, $30. Cati 683-6638. Aug. 2, 78 OLYMPIA PORTABLE type. writer made ln W. Germany. Like new wlth case $89. Super spray fin. 1 gai. compressod air garclen sprayer $9.50 Cati 668-0592. Aug. 2, 78 SWIMMING POOL above ground 15 feet diameter. New liner ail equipment incîuded $200. Cati 668-4430. Aug. 23, 78 2 - 10 SPEED bikes, womnans & rmens,, $100 each or $175 for both. Coli 666-1101. Aug. 23, 78 KENMORE VACUUM cieaner with power beoiter. Like new, Cost $270. Seti for $1». Cati 668-5638. Aug. 23, 78 PING PONG TABLE $39. Two iamp shades, white ex. $4.50 each. Eiectric fire log wl*m motor $16. 1.26"1 inside door $5. 2 siken brocade bedspreads mode in 1india. Turquois & gold, Yeliow & goki $35. each. Cati 668-o.05 Aug. 23, 78 2611 COLOUR console felevision in working cond. $160. Colt 66-1041. Aug. 3M, 78 1 PUR PLE CORDROY Bean Bag couch. Round fam chip choir $100. for bath. Cati 668-4757 ofter 4 p.m. Sept. 6, 78 MESH PLAYPEN $25. Infant rocker $5. Cati after 5 p.m. 579-2791. Sept. 13, 78 ANTIQUE -SECRETARY Desk - Needs refinishinq but is in gooef condition. $175-00 Cot 666-1690. Somt. 13, 78 s.c.sl MAdf« GIRLS HIGHRISE bicycle $25. Cati 668-1063. Sept. 20, 78 LEATHER BAR in ex. cond. $175. Single dresser wlth mirror $35. Drapes 84 x 150 goid thermoiguard foam backing $25. Cali 579-.605 after 5 p.m. Sept. 20, 78 GENDRON POOL table complete wvith pool & snooker balîs, cu es & rack 2 yrs. olId $325 or best off er. Antique dining room set, round table, 5 chairs & buffett $500. Cali 668-0006. SELKIRK TYPE fi used, A-i cond. As 655-4995. Sept. 20, 78 fireplace, hardly sking $110. Call Sept. 27, 78 SOFA BED FOR $65. 2 mirror vvardrobe With drawers $25. Cati Oshawa at 579-6786. Sept. 27, 78 5 Piece Chesterfild set, with removeable bar and tables $450. Phone 668-0920 October 4, 78. Single beti $35. Firepiace set $60, ceiiing files and t-bars $20, enough for 160 square foot Viking heavy duty f loor polisher $6. Dispiay cabinet $70. Rubberbacked gotd & rust cotored 12 x 15 carpet $35. New exercise bed $30. Floor iamp $15. Room divider $20. Phone 666-1847. October 4, 78. White Solide Pine Hutch $650. Dinnette set (solid maple) with four cha irs $200. Phone 668-3926 after 4:30 p.m. October 4, 78. YOUTH BED $30 2 sets, of sheets to fit and bedspread $20. Smait 10 inch wheei tricycle $12. in. ex. condition. Phone 668-6087 Eiectric water heater 110 Fotd i25twin bed spread and drapes $25 single bed complete 24", $25 eiectric range $35 vanity bench $3 black and white t.v. $10 2 table iamps $25 Phone 655-8000 Girls Coaster bike $25.Phone 655-4437. July 26, 78 Table with 3 chairs $20 bird- cage $5 carpet shîmpooer $10 2 afghan's $30 eoch Phone 668-4032 IIZ PT&SUP PLIESI'ý PONY FOR soie. 5 year oid Gelding $75. or best offer. Colt af ter 5:30 at 655-3822. Aug. 23, 78 11 year otd grey Roan Shettand approximnatety 10 hancfs, $100. Phone 655-4537. MANURE FOR SALE FOR GARDENS. Phone 655-4628. Fiutfy Mushroom Omete Rinse 'k pound fresh or 1 tan (6 ta 8 oz.) sliced miushrooms. I a medium sitillet meit 1 tablespoon butter. Add mushrooms and 2 tabiespoons diced ofnions, saute 5 mbites. Prepare 1 package (2 oz.) white sauce mix. Stir in mushrooms; set aside. Beat 3 egg yolks witb 3 tableslpoon milk until stff peak torms. Fold egg yolk mix- ture into egg whites. Met1 tablespoon butter in a 9 or 10- inch skïiiet. pour In egg mix- ture. Cook over low beat 5 minutes. Place skîllet ln preueted mode-ade oveS (M7 F.>; bake 5 mim*es or tunti lightly brown and son. Rernove ondet nAM fold Ln haît. Spo nulléM nmiglum ia t e 74 MÈRCIiRY N :orium Ilowing Conditions. 1.1 ý. 1. - - , C. - - 2 m 9

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