Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Sep 1978, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1978, PAGE 5 Corridor g-Cape.,rs It's great to be back in the swin of things with ail you marvelous readers. To ail who called with news items, a big thank you. Residents south of highway #2 are overflowing with summer newspapers. If any of you readers are 4ware of a paper drive scheduled for this area, please *èâi1. CORRIDOR RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION ELECTION FORUM The Corridor Area Ratepayer s Association Will sponsor a Town of Whitby election forum, on Wednesday, November 9 at Dr. Robt. Thorniton Seho1 ifnra dptaiis later. WhiÏtby Downtown By John'Roberts It is expeeted that Council will appoint a Board of ýManagement in the near future, possibly as early as this week's meeting, to be responsible for the funds accrued under, the terms of the Business Improvement Area by-iaw, passed this autumn. The six members' names submnitted include myseif, Bob Catton, Bill Condor, Sharon Hewson, bill Brant and AI Kirby, aiong with a member of Council, likeiy Tom Edwârds. There are a few things that should be kept in mind here. The money that thisgroups will be working with will corne directly from businesses within- the designated redevelopment area, collected through a Ievy on businesses in addition to the normal business tax. In case this is news to anyone, the subjeet has been written upon at length throughout the spring and summer of this year. But the thing to remember is that it is money, someone else's money to be exact, that this group is working with. In my opinion this makes the entire affair a very responsible undertaking. Thisis flot to say that those on the Board are not responsible; on the contrary, if they weren't, Council "would neyer have Sapproved of the list of names submitted. But I think that goes Sbeyond the matter of dollarsand cents. I was quoted in a local Snewspaper ast week as saying that 1I"m convinced this isour last gasp, and if we don't do a good job, everything anyone- has ever worked for'on downtown revitalization will be for naught. IThis comment applied to the Retail Merchants Association, but could just as wellbe expressed in regard to the Board as well. ¶There were no serious objections to the assessment when the Stown Passed the bv-law desiî!natina downtown Whithv as a e' "~" "~' ~0~ 9* # *~ * * wiai-ioniii ici ciuM ITOU e * Custorn Ice Cream Pies and Cakes * H and packed ice cream Cones, * Sundaes- and Shakes * Mon ,IhwUStIl m.m.te1Opu. S.md.y 12 imms te 10p. 370 Ireck St. S.i -Sefewey Contre 668-3231 le-le*... e e.e***.tw e e e e e e e e e e e -e e e e e e e e e e ANNUAL MEETING The annuai meeting and election of officers of the Associatiun will be heid at Dr. Robt. Thornton School on Thursday November 23 at 7:30 p.m. The nomination committee consists of Herb. Visser, Glen Shortt and rnyself. Those of you, wishing to assist on the executive in any way, please cail one of the members. CORRIDOR CAPERS DANCE Tickets are-now available for the 7th Semi-Annual Dance. Our'Association sponsors only two fund-raising events each year. Corne out, enjoy your evening, meet your neighbours and hvie fun. Place:. Heydenshore Pavihion Time: 8:30 to 1:00- Admission: $4.00 per person. Lunch, Refreshments, Prizes. DR. ROBT. THORNTON SCHOOL MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT Thé Principal and staff of the Dr. Robt. Thornton schooi have planned a special evening 'Meet the Teacher' on ,Wednesday September 27 (to>-night),frojn 7:30 to 9:00. Pare's'f- will have the pleasure of meeting their chiid's teacher ini the redeveloprnent area. Therefore, the merchants and business and professional people mrust trust whomever is appointed as the Board of Management to handie their money competently, and îndeed show some resuits,' be they long or short termn. And if the rèsuits are flot forthcoming, the Board should be willing to -take >ail of the, criticismn it receives and deserves. And it shouid also be prepared to realize that any negative effects it engenders will likely setback downtown redevelopment by five years. But this article isn't rneant to be negative. It reflects, merehy, my sense of the magnitute of the task facing me as a member of this Board. It can't be approached lightly. So what are we going to do with this opportunity? Well, the first task is obviously the redevelopment of the downtown area. I can't imagine anyone saying that it couldn't use some work. But how best, to direct our efforts, how bestto put to use the resources that we now have available. We must encourage the downtown to live up to its potential, devehop a new awareness of community identity, and promote the survival and deveiopment of the area as a major shopping area. But the mandate also goes beyond the retail aspects for the Board. These people must also promote Whitby, and, promotion is the key here. They mnust have the cp-operation of the Council, the Chamber of Commerce anfd the Retail Merchants Association, to name but a few, to promote all aspects of the town, to promote it as a- friendly, caring commiunity within which to live, 'work and play. And shop., It must do its part to bring the merchants together, to work with community associations and service clubs. And this is' not a smaîl task. There is a new provincial, Mainstreet Revitahization programme that Must be explored in depth, possible Ministry of Housing Grants, suchasthose used tohire studentsior clean- up iast, summer, and the resuits^ and advice - f numerous NW-USED - f'E or TONDEQUIPMENTr Food Stores Restaurants Fast Food Operations Hotals * Butchers, etc. a Clubs e Cafeterias, a Delicatessen ICE MAKERS - WALK-IN GOOLERS REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT SALES e SERVICE e LEASING COMPASS MECHANICAL CO. *8OB CROOHAN 416- 284-1117 ~ DURHAM REGION LUNG ASSOCIATION PROCLAMATION ,l publicly proclaim the Week of October i - 711978 1 ~as, LUNGS ARE FOR* LIFE. WEEk- IN *DURIIAM as -proposed and supported by the Duwn Rogln. Lunf sscato The purpose of Lungs are for Life' Week is to create an increased awareness of *the need to prote.ct ourI- ungs -against the- hazardis of air oollution and'smoking. J Walter Beath Chairm an Regional Municipality of Durham individuai ciassrooms. The teachers wilI explain the curriculum the children will be expected to Iearn during the school year. Questions from the parents will be weicomed. Many residents have flot as yet, had the opportunity of welcominfg Mr. Church as our principal. Wednesday will be an excellent, tinie for Mr., Churèh and yourself to become acquaninted. Come early; Dr. Robt'. Thornton Schooh is famous for weli attended functions. GARAGE 'SALE Friday September 29, anid Saturday September 30 a neighbourhood Garage Sale wihh take place at 121 Northview Avenue. The Garage Sale will include many original Crafts. Time: Friday from_4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:30 arn. untîl dusk, WESTMINSTERl UNITED CHURCH Choir Practice Thursday 7:30 p.m. October 23 - Turkey Dinner, Nov. 18 Westminster Bazaar. H-ave a good week. - M. McEachern 725-8967 conferences such as the recent Peterborough Conference on dow-ntowns which made recommendations on ways to improve downtown core areas suceh: as that in Whitby. These, and I assume nurnerous methods, of which we are as yet unaware, will provide us with the reasources, the funds and manpower are-available, and now we must decide what to do with them. Personally, I find the prospect exciting. Po0lice seek escapee from jail work gang Durham Regzion Police are looking for a 20-year-oid escapee from one of the jail inmates work crews. Police said George S. Fraser of Oshawa walked away frâm the work crew ast Wednes- day while working at the Iroquois Arena.- He is serving a four month termn on me charge of faiiing to comply and breach of probation. This is not the first incident'of this type, Police said. Two other inmates waiked off while working on a work crew,- at Iroquois Park, Aug., 24 and were later recaptured. 1-4- -~ ~tc~j'gfohor Custom cuting» and shaping for women, with emphaiss Cali for an appoiniment GUIDA &* DINVO INSTITUTE 0F BEAUTY 109 BYRON St. S, 668-3621 668-6031 w t::, e nergy Savers HSI1W"The Wood st",àe« Miser" a*.12 haurs burning an ana Ioad of woad a frebrick lined 0 10 year guarantee e 5 madels ta choase f rom (al on "NOUAdlsplay) Glass __ Doors Aftfer the tire goes out .M glass doors make sure the heat doesn't t energy saving and sala I "avallabla in many irnishas ta suit your decor * lî Ptgelcontofled te-circuîting system Mark 123C is both a real fireplace and auxiliary heating system lin one unit. Can be ducted to help warm one or two rooms. Fan Kit Available. OVUR25% EFFIE(Ths i, fuither increased wth addition of uiow availabte glass enclosure) VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TUES. - SATr. foS a complet. selectian of slaves, fireplaces, glass doorsanaaecceseiores. 90M Hopkins et Burns L~'oe ueWHITBY 666-3192 1 j 1

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