Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Sep 1978, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1978, PAGE 7' H istori Whi'tby cal BENGOUGH FAMILY One of the most intenesting and influenlial families even associated with the Town of Whitby was the Bengougb family. 0f this large family, the mosî welI known in their lime %kér- John Wilson Bengough, founder of "Gnip" magazine, ani Canada's mosi famous l9th century carloonist; and Thoma Bengough, a pioneer in the development of shorthand ana modern reporting and office procedures. During the next few weeks we are going, Ihnough Ibis column, 10 take a 100k at the history.of the Bengough family and- ils association with the Town of Whitby. Much of the early bistory of the famnily is unknown, but fror the evidence available, we are able 10 determine that the Bengougbs seîiled in Witby in the 'mid 19th century and members of the family lived here until tbe latter part of the century when they went their separate ways 10 seek faine and fortune. The first members of the family 10 corn 0Wbitby were John Bengoigph Sr. anibis wife. Inoha nna Jackson, bot h born in Br~ in ~: ~yines, A Warrn Hello 10 AIl! We do need il Ioo! The weaiher sure has gotten cooler ihe.se last few days. 1 gues fail is here. Le's hope we have a nice fa 1. and our summer doesn't lead mbt winter again. Now for the important news: on Monday Seplember il, Group '74 held their first meeting ofithe fali season. At the meeting a new execut ive was elected. The new execulive is as follows; Linda Tripp is secretary; Marg Andrews, treasurer; Betty Catherwood, Vice President, and Pam Scheufler President. The next meeting is, on October 2, and new members are always welcorne. Ta become a member please gel in toucb with anyone who is a memnber or Marie Fçrguson aI 655"4751, Who is Mernbership Chairmman ('Chairwoman?, On Saturday September 30, at the Ashhurn' Cornmunity Centre there will be a Bake Sale and Auciion. The bake sale starts the day aI 1 pin.. followed by the auction ai 1:30) p.m. Hienry Kahn will be the auctioneer. There will als() be White Elephant Table. Now a note regarding ARts and Crafis. There'are stilI openings for the following classes; Crocheting, quilting, apple dolîs, off loom weaving and wood carving. Al ihese classes are beld on Thursday cvenings. Potteny, which is held Tuesday cvenings also bas opcnings. The fiîness and fun, exercises bo music, Tbursday mornings from le tb il a.m. is looking for more students. To register please caîl Cathie Neeley aI 655-3245. Classes stant Thursday September 28, So please negister Ibis week if possible. The sooner the bettet'. For' fees please check your pamphlet. Don't forget that registration for Ibe pre-sehool story hour and the afternoon discussion group will be froin Monday September 25 through 10 Satunday September 30. The prograins will get underway on Tuesday Ociober Il froin 1 p.m. tilI 2 p.m. For registration information, please visit your library or cal 655-3191. The Durham Board of Educalion is offening a new way of' leanning for your kindergarden aged childrein. Il is a French prograrn. The kindergarden will be held ai Westmnount Sehool in Oshawa. The prograin is idenlical bo that ai Meadowcrest, with tbe exception of the French. Everytbing is taught entircly in French. By the tinte your ch;' r àeaches grade ihree of Ibis prograin he/she will be fluent in F neh. ,- or more information on this exciting way ta teach youn cbildren please cal Mrs. Reveler at 655-4803. Caîl now for registiaiion. An important note is tbai, if your child is not happy or is unable 10, cope wiih the French, and you wish him/hèr tb cope with the French, and you wish im/her 10 be moved, that can be donc. This is so, because of the classes being the saine. Il is betten 10 lG UIDA &DINOII INSTIUTE 0F BE$AUTY Engli-sh classes Engiisf classes for new Canadians will begin again Sept. 26 at St. Mark's United ( mic 1h ll use, a t the eorneî' il -11 vron aind ('oit ni nj. The 1w'? ai mi>. led eer 'Iuesda \ ai 1(1 'huisdlai vfii 1:30 p1).11) u 3:30 P.11, is SI)olisol.(ý(: îJy the NI ilisIi y l'y ('i mlirîe mi dIRec<ati<)n and start Sept,. 26 1 lie I urlia In BIoar~d of'Educa- 1i on. a i lis fIrece luthose Milo wait ni 1<leai ' or iniorove IIweu. Etiglishi. A nursewy progr< n i ii s pî'ovided loi' (h i Irc of' sitident s anid \i)untei'teachem's. For [tntiilii m i niuriait ion, Cali B1arbtara BIagnell cit 668-106.3. TOWN 0F WHITBY 1978 AFTER INTERUM TAX NOTICE FOURIN INSTALMENT The fourth instalment of taxes for 1978 is due and payable Septeinber 29, 1978. If pay ment is not received by the due date, penalty ai the rate of 1% per rnonbh will be charged on the ovendue balance. T'axes may be paid ai any Whitby Bank wiîb bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Wbîtby, Ontario. Gail Einpey, Tax Collector, Town of Whiîby. ALUMINIUM STORM DOORS & WINDOWS OUR ALUMINUM DOORS ARE PREClSQt BUIIT FOR ACCUAT FIT WITH BUG-SCREEN à SLIDING GLASS WE INSTALL MITCHfELLBOHE IaOuN St. Andnew's Scotland in the 1790s. The date Ihey camne 10 Whitby is unkown, but they weme aclivein the comrmunity ini the laIe. 18505. John Beng'ough wýas a ship's Icarpenter who settled atI Port Wbitby which wýas a port of considerable iriporlance onILake Ontario in the mid 19tb century. Il is likely that be worked for James Rowe-& Co., the largesi grain exporter ai the barbon, wbicb also operated a shipyand wbene McNamara Marine is located Ioday. We do not know how many children the Bengoughs had but we are able bo account for two sons, Capi. John Bengough and Robent Haig B3engougb, and one daughiter. Ilarriet Glenny Bengougb. Li11le else is known about John I3engough Sr: He died ai. Whitby on April 5, 1867 at bbc age of 74, and-bis wife died Marcb 18, 18,59 aI tbe age of 69. Both arc buried aI SI. John's Cemteny at Port Whitby, and arc the grandparents of tbe famous cartoonisî J.W. Bengougb. J.W.'Iicngough's father, Capi. John Bengoufgh, was bomn in Scotland on May 23, 1819, one day liefore the birtb of Queen Victoria. Afler bis arrivai witb bis parents in Wbitby he becamfe very active in poliîics and was an ardent social reformer. CapI. Bengougb was one of the finst advocates in 'Canada of bbe single tax. One of bis 'favorite phrases was: "Mll taxkes sbould he raiscd froin tbc land and land alone." <1 Ile.would noi have appnoved of the many types of taxes Canadians have 10 pay today. Sle took a deep inlemest in the progress of social neformsall over the world and notbing gave hum more delight than 10 hear, of an advance movement in New, Zealand, Britain- andý afford il. WelI the Brooklin and District Kinsinen will lake you 10 Gcmmany for an evening of fun -.music and dancing. How can tbey do il? Well just visit the Brooklin Memorial Amena on Friday September 29 from 6 p.in. t1 a.m. or Satumday September 30 froin 4 p.m. bo 1 a.m. This is Octoberfest!! Ali proceeds go 10 cystic fibrosis. Adwlission is $2.50 per pers on per day. Come ouI and have the lime of your life!!! Born on Monday, faim in the face, Born on Tuesday, full of God's grace, Born on Wednesday, souî' and sad, B3orn on Thursday, merny and glad, Born on Fniday, wonihily given, Born on Saturday, work-bard for your living, Born on Sunday, you wilI neyer know wanî. Marie 655-3061 Brown drop-off (before 2 Sat) F'1Ms4e -ALL FRAMINO. DUNE ON PREMISES, *LARGE'SELECTION 0OFMATS -GRôupFRAMING DECOR PHO TOGRAPHICS CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHV 115 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 668-1941 NOW 8 '4, Annual Interest for five years. G uaranteed Investment Certificates VICTORIAand GREY TRUST coMNY KEITH LAWES Manager 308 Dundas St. W., ROOFING -SHINGLES& FLAT DECKS A Good Job for My Goodi Compgny Established in 1941 Bonded with Consumer's Protection Bureau General Home Repairing Service FREE ESTIMATES Prop. G.A. Whita- RR1 Brook(lin 655-4741 Mention-This Ad for 10% OFF Austramua. > lîs lively interest in social reforms bad a. considerable influence on bis son, who was to advocate temfperence ana rnany other reforms in.bis humorous magazine, "'Grip» Capt. Bengough was one of the moving Spirits ini the Reform Convention which met ai Whithy in 1858 and nominted Oliver Mowat for Parliament. Mi-, Mowai got his political star here, thanks to the efforts of men like Capt. Bengough, and went on 10 become Premier of' Ontario and Lieutenant Governor îif the province. .Capi. Bengough neyer sought political office in Whithy himself, but he was appointed 10 a number of positions hy the Town Council in the 185sO. One of these positions wvas street i nspector. île is always referred to as Capt. John Bengough, which would lead us 10, believe that aI one lime he sailed ships oui of' Port Whitby. In later years he was a carpenter like bis father. Thle Bengough family moved out of Whithy in the 1870.s antl C api. John along with aI least three of his.sons ended, up in Toronto.. Capt. John Bengough died aI Toronto in 1899 aI the age of 80. Ile left a family of f ive sons and one'daughter: J.W. I3engough, the ca rt oonist; George Bengough, insurance-agent; Thomas Bengough, officiai court reporter; James Bengough, a mechanical superintendent ai Niagara Faàlîs, New York; and William Bengough, an artisi on assigninent for the New York Mojrning Journal in the Philippines. <Nexi week we look ai the cancer of the most famous of these sons. J.W. Bengough, Canada's most important 19th cenitury Cartoonist. who started bis careen at a Whitby newspaper. c*dstie building centre , 1 By

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