Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Sep 1978, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1978, PAGE 17 CLASSIýF1lED AÀD, AI cmm s nohn d changsmust b. moe by Monday 5 p.. I AUTOS! >TOOL SALE Haif price on al hydrau lic iiicks, vices, socket sets, wrench sets, micrometers, drill sets, 12 speed drill press, and many other tools. for. mechanics ROOKLIN TOOL CO. Complete Automrotive Garage Supplies SWIMMING POOLS fortease for homneowners, option f0 buy. Comptete wlth watkway,,deck and fencing. No monthly pay- ments titI 1979. Try before you buy. Cali toti f ree 1-800-268-1944 LEADING SWIMMING pool manufacturer must vacate premises, wili sacrifice ail 1978 pool modets 30%- 40% - 5Q% off, most sizes ln stock, prlced f rom $1,322.00., Immediate delivery and one day installa- tion. No monthly paymnents tilt 1979. Cali to It free- 1-800 268-1944.$ SMALL TREES FOR SALE .Spruce, Pine, Cedar, Slver ,Mapte, Locus, Darkblue titacs, Sfrawberry rhubarb. ýSîzes 2 f t. :and up. Everything very reasonably priced. For more information catt 655-4525. 241 ROUND above ground swimming poot with sand f itter and cover $550., G.E. dish- washer, 'Top Ioading copper. tone fin ish $175. Keystone trait1- bike needs pull cord $65. Cal 666-1159. GRADE13 text books, ancd University year 1 Generat Engineering. Catt 668-5450. 1976 THOMAS ORGAN Modet 263 Catifornie. Excetlent conditi oning. Asking $3500. or best offer. Calt 668-8354. 1977 STAR CRAFT traiter, 8 sleeper, refrigerator, 3 burner stove. New useci onty 6 fimes. ZENITH 261 cotour Console T.V. (pecan wooct-> 24" ADMIRAL stove (white). Everythlng in excellent cond. Calt 668-5263 anytime. PORTABLE HUMIDIFIER, electric barbeque, single bed, electric range, electric bug kilter, skitt saw, kitchen set, typewriter, 2 snow tires. JR 78 15 CAtI 576-4905. SOLID WOOD f ireptace with electric log. Like new Cost $650. WiII selI for $300. Calit 655-4009. FREEZER FOR SALE Cait 668-7102. WASHER AND DRYER in gooci cond. $275. f u11 pr ice. Caît1 668-6919. LADY WANTED housework by the day. 668-6638. CLEANING LADY ikes house- work. Own fransportafion. Brooktin area $5 per hour. Cal 655-4009. EXPERIENCED FOSTER Parent for over 9 years. WouîId Ilke fo do babysittlnq at home. Chiidren eny ege weîcome. Location Kinsale Rd. Opposite Audtey Rd. and No. 7 1 min. from FHwy. 7'CatI 655-4009. MAN WITH TRUCK & experiefice to do odd mnoving lobs, Cati683-9863. YARD SALE Sat, Sept. 23rd. 10 - 2 p.m. If rain Sun. Sept. 24th. 113 Winchester Rd. Brookiin. Cati 655-4204, numerous items, Something for evervone. YARD SALE Sept. 22 and,23 at 114 Green St. Whitby. GARAGE SALE Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. Sat. Sept. 23, 78. Time 10 - 4. 770 Fernhill Bivd. Oshawa. GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept. 23 at 9 a.m. 113 Broadview Ave. Whitby. FOR RENT tndustrial-Commnerclat Office Space. Up to 20,000 sq. ft., sprinklered. Hopkins St. Cal cottect, Toronto 633.1615. I WANTIU WANTED TO buy top quatity used furniture, cottectabtes and antiques Cati 6839863. R ELP WANTED HELP WANTED .Working mother would ike housekeeping help. 2 -3 hours per, day. Box 536.- Brooktin. HELP WANTED Mature retiabte lady f0 care for 16 month otd chitd in our home. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mon. - Fni. Please caîl 668-9505 after 6:30 p.m. DRAFTSPERSON PART-T IME LeRoy or Alpha tettering most essentiat. Must be fast and accurate. Be prepareci f0 show samptes of work. Please Ct 668-3989. AVON Need èxtra money for Christmas. Representatives needed In Whitby & North Oshawa. Caîl 668-6740 ask for Mrs. Shultz. WANTED Hairstytist for new Salon. Opening soon in Whitby. Experienceci wifh own ciientele. Senci Repties f0 P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ontario. N OUSBE FOR SALE WHITBY TOWN immaculate 3 bedroom home, f ireplace, appliances, targer lot, garage. $52,900. Privatety through PRtNCIPALS ONLY Colt 655-4492. FOOD PRDUCTS I Pick' your - own APPLES Red Wing Orchards, week- ends only, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (weather permitting). Container provided. North side of Hwy 2 between side of Hwy 2 between Whitby and Ajax. This weekend featuring Mclntosh and MacOlun. 668-3311 MAJOR EMPLOYERS The Canadian chartered banks ermploy nearly 135,000 men and womnen, an increase of 78 per cent IN TH.F ESTATE 0F Josep-i Keyes, Refired Salesman, Married, deceasei. At'Il persons having ctaims as creditors and heirs againsf the estate of the above mentioned, lafe of the Town 0f Whitby in. the Regional Municipalty of Durham who died af the City of Toronto on the 27th day of December 1970, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 2th day of October 1978. Affer that date the Pubtic Trustee witt proceed to distribute the estafe, havirig regard only to the dlaims of which he then shaît have had notice. DATED at Toronto this 13th clay of September 1978. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 Queen St. West, Toronto. ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE'0F - Frank Markey, Retired Janitor, Marriei, Deceased. Att persons having ctaims as creditors and others against the estate of the above mentioned, tate 0f the Town 0f Whitby ln the Regionat Municipality of Durham who dlied af the City of Toronto on the l9th dlay of December 1977, are requireci f0 file proof of same with the undersîgneci on or before the 2th day 'of October 1978, Af ter that date the Pubtic Trustee wilt proceeci to distribute the estate, having regard onty to the ctaimns 0f which he then shahl have had notice. DATED at Toronto this l2th day of September 1978. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 Queen St. West, Toronto. ADMI NISTRATOR LNOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OT}IERS IN THE ESTATE 0F ROBERT RAY CAMPBELL Ail persons having dlaims against the Estate of Robert Ray Campbell, late of 528 Kent Street, Whitby, Ontario, who died on April 22, 1978, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before thle 4th of October 1978 their names, addresses, and full particulars of their dlaims, after which date the estate will be distributed wîth regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will flot be hiable to any person of whose dlaim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this llth day of September, 1978. Mary Vanstone Administratrix, by her Solicitor FRIEDHELM ROTH 115 Athold Street East, P.0, Box 163 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L1 AUCTIONS -1 AUCTION SALE Safurday, Sept. 23rd., 12:30 p.m.. Antiques, househotd furniture, dishes, crocks, foots, etc. PROPERTY 0F MR. ALFRED PRENTîCE 251 Bigetow St. Port Perry. inciuding 6 press back chairs, bedroom suite with wash stand, oak dresser, & toitet stand, blue & white toitet set, mahogany dresser, quilt boxes, pine cup- boa rd,' oak iibrary table, oak bookcase desk, picture f ra mes, wine jug,,crocks, plus 3 pc. chesterfieid suite, Viking freezer-fricige combination, Nordic stove, B&W Consote T.V., new Fitter Queen Vacuum, chrome set with 4 chairs, Moffat spin washer, wringer washer, record player & otd records, tables, seaters, dishes, pots & pans, smatt appiiances,, garden hose, garden foots, carpenfer toots, johnny pote andi many more items f00 numerous f0 mention. Property soici, No reserve. Lunch availabte. John Pearce Auction Service. Cai 416-985-7492. 'i 1 POflTICIPO(TICfl The Canadian movement for personal filness. POLICE AUCTION DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE 77 Centre Street North Oshawa SATURDAY, 23rd SEPT. 1978 Sale Starts 10:00 am By Public Auction Whereas no dlaims have been mode by the owner of the property in possession of the Durham Regionol Police Force, by reason of having been stoten f rom ifs owners, or by reason 0f having been found abondoned in a public place and the Force îs unabte f0 ascertain ifs rightfut owner. Furfher that these articles have been hetd more thon the 3 mnonths required.- Articles for auction are as foltows: Bicycles andi misceltaneous items. Sale f0 be held on tIhe ramp of the south side of the Durham Regionol Police Headquarters. TERMS: CASH 50e M. Jeimns, Chiefof 5Pýolice. 76 MONARCH 4 dr.' V8, Auto., trans., P/S, P/B, Buckets, Ftloor mounted trans, Def roster AM Radio, W.S.W. Radiais, 730100 PICK-UP - V8, Auto Trans, 81 Box, Step Bumper, 2 Lef t R/C Mirror, Vinyl Roof. Lic NKMW 069 Tone Paint. Lic. # J53 809 MINT 1r VILAO 1978 TRANS-AM Blackbird hurst roof, auto., 8 track, 20,000 km (12,000 miles) Certif led. Best offer around $6,600., Cati 579-2506 (Oshawa) after 5 p.m. 75 MUSTANG GHIA, 302, V8, 36,600 miles. P/S, P/B, Automatic. Console', Dig. Ctock Fuit Dash, immaculate. $2900. as is $3000. certif ied. Cati 728-9064. 76 MERCURY MONTEGO Brougham, P/S, P/W, Air conci., priceci for quick sale $2995. Cali 666-1245 evenings. DONI MIX Looking For Accommodatilons?'7 2 & 3 Bedrooms in Whitby From 248 per month Athol Green Co-operat'ive, -250 Dunlop Street East Whitby, Ontario Phono 668-9641 -Occupancy 1Available After Sept. i st WNY .PAT fMORF?, SAVE ON PREMIUM OU<4LITY C AS. DIESEL FUEL .MOTOR OIL ouDO off eryumg« am. outd msxUt G: WHITBY M 4381 > us

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