Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Sep 1978, p. 16

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PAGE_16e WEDNESD)AY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS AUTO$ FOR' MUÈ- 74 MERCURY METEOR hrtp., 351 motor, P/S, P/B, new tires, new brakes 60,000. Ex. running cond. $1000 or will trade for pick Up truck. Sept. 20, 78 74 MAZDA 808, 4 cyl., 51,000 miles, good cond. $800.. Will certify. Call 668-1041. Aug. 30, 78 73 PLYMOUJTH Fury, V8, w. running cond. As is $450. Cail 668-5318. July 19, 78 73 . PLYMOUTH DUSTER, Auto., Big 6, new brakes, radio. Certified $600. or best offer. Calil 668-5643 evenlngs or weekends. Sept.20, 78 72 CADILLAC Eldorado. Ex.,ý cnd., fully loaded, power sun roof., air cond., on Michelin tires. AM/FM stereo radio. Asking $3395. Will certlfy. Cali evenings at 668-0581. 72 AUSTIN Marina Body needs a 11lttl ework. $100. Cai11655-3006. Sept. 20 ,78 72 MAVERICK, autô., radio, As is $275. Cali 668-0776., Aug. 23, 78 72 CIIRYSLER Town and Country Station Wagon. FuIly equippecf wifh V8 auto., P/S, P/B3, P/W, inciuding talgate window, power seat, 8-track stereo, air cond., roof rack, electric -tailgate lock, cruise conftrol etc. this Station Wagon has been malntained and is A-i mnechaniccaiîy. Transmission was just rebuilf. Rad just recored. New water pump, fan * beits, spark pîugs, oil filiter etc. Recent bis on this work available f0 prove same. WiII seil certif ied for a 'reasonable offr. Caîl Sue at 668-6111 from 9-5. 72 DODGE Demon, 318, 3 spd. standard, headers, tack & oil gaugeL, 60 serles tires all around. Needs work. As is $700. or best offer. Cal 655-3481. 1Aug. 9, 78 71 DODGE Polara 2 dr., hrtp., Ve, auto., good cond. $600. Cal 668-5630. - Aug. 23, 78 71 MGB dark Green, rebuilt engine, good body, two tops, tonneau cover, good tires, wilI certify. $1700. Cali Sam at 655-4794 after 6 p.mn. July 19, 78 71 VEGA needs body work, uncertified $200. pair 0f B78-13 tires in ex. cond. $30. Cali 668-1063. Sept. 20, 78 71 PONTIAC CATALI NA needs some work. In running cond. $200. Cali 668-4058. Sept. 20, 78 70 CHEV Bel Air good cond. Must sell $895. Cali 655-3583. Sept. 20, 78 69 CHEV, 6 sedan $600 668-6408. cyl. auto., 41 dr. certif led, Cali Aug. 30, 78 69 CHEV. 4 dr Sedan, 327 in good work ing order. Needs body vornk. $250. Caîl 66M,2810. .iuly 26, 78 69 VOLICSWAGEN Station Wagon, ruais good, needs some body work $150. Cal668-3931. Sept. 13, la mu -61 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepfed subject to the followingConditions. g PLEASE READ I69 4'cyl. ENVOY Epic. In gooci cond. As is $400. Cali 668-8090 ask for Ali e. Sept. 20, 78 68 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Engine in good cond. body solld $300. Cali 65 5-3654 or 668-5471. Sept. 20, 78 67 FORD Falcon. Ex. cond. As s 125. or- best offer. Cali 12b -)45 or 725-2195. JUIuy 19, 78 63 CHEVY Nova, 6 cyl., converted 283 V8 auto., posi. trac rear end with 411 gears comrletely new Inferior. Tear dlrop tiood scoop, headers, good c.*>nc qreat winter project $400 rhý t offer. rail 655.34P1, Aug. 9, 78 RECREATIONAL I VEHICLES 14,' .#'ORTS pal canoe, green, rea,- for sailing, $375. WiII sel[ on ock 'only. Cali 668-5060 atp. m. JuIy 12, 78 73<è, WASAK,11125 good -cond. nov, piston and rings. Nice Cc,. utile dirt bike. Asklng: $27!. Firm. Cali 655-3527. July 26, 78 12' CAR TOPPER f ibreglass f ishing boat. in Ex. Cond, with 4.4 h.p. Chrysler" outboard. $400. or bestoffer. Cali 579- 4918 or 683-3019. July 26, 78 HOME MADE Camper for 1/2 ton truck. Complete with jacks $200. Cali 668-8214. Aug. 2, 78 OFF ROAD Dune Buggy con plete tubular frame. New bral-es, lunes & cylinders. 1200 CC VW engine, runs great, rearly to go $200. FIRM Cal 655 .,181. Aug. 9, 78 10 H.P. JOHNSON motor and gai, tank with 8' Sea Flea for $150. Cali 655-3710 ask for Stevc(. Aug. 9, 78 KAWASAKI 100 CC 400 original nies A-i cond. Cali 723-7055. Aug. 9, 78 161 ALI STEEL Boat $400 18 p. riotor $200. For sale. Cail Aug. 16, 78 FOR SALE - 1 hardtop tent- traider, eiectricity & canopy included. Asking $450. Cail 666-1893. Sept. 6, 78 75 KAWASAKI 500, 2 stroke, Asking $1000. Can be certif led. Cali 668-8634 Sept. 13,78 TENT WITH attached dining shelter. Tentmaster 12' x 12'» sleeping area, difiing area 6' x 12' in good cond. $100. Cali 668-931ýSept. 13, 78 UTILITY' TRAILIER -Light- weight steel box. WHii carry sand, f irewood etc. $250. Cali 666 1690. Sept. 13, 78 STUDENT MUST SELL 1978 750 Yamah Regular. OnIy 500 Kiiomneters. Askîng $2400 or best offer. Caîl 655-3654 or 668-5471. sept.- 20.,78 cAUTO PARTS When the advertised item ls Soîd, dlsposed 0f, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wlII be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PR ICE as ilIustrated beîow, regardîess If price ls stated wlth "best off er"l. If the Item is NOT SOLD, or disposed 0f, the ad wiIl be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 willi appiy. Ali advertisements must be pîaced on an exclusive basis wlth the W14ITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If not sold. RATES [if article is sold]: 5% of advertised price up te 5400.00 2% ef balance over $400,00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $120.00 -commission due $6.00 1lminimum charge Is $300] Privafe advertising onlyl Please notif y us if you find a retailer Iizted as a private advertiser. Pîcaise notify the Whifby Free Press lmmedlately whé Item Is soid so that we may delefe it f rom the foilowing Issues, Alil ads not fitting the Emporium guidelines wilI be freafed and charged per week as regular classified ads on' a pre paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quofîng price or quantity: Private classified adsmay appear ln the Emporium section under appropriafe headlngs. If ln doubt, cail 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Broclc St. N., Whltby THIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I5 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 1 G7815 1ti res- $30. Cail 655.4437,. MIuy 26, 78 2 F6015 TIGER Paw Raised letter tires, new $90 for th*e pair. Caîl 655-3411. Aug. 2, 78 2 - UNIROYAL RALLY M&S 155 13 Radial snow tires used One winter on Volkswagen Rabbit $24.50 each. Aug. 2, '78 394 OLDS ENGINE with 6 pack and Muncie racing parts, with Pair of extra heads, water pump and one Offenhouser manifold for 2 four barreis $475. or best of fer. Cal11668-3495 after 4:30 p.m. and ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 5 TIRES, E7814, with rims $40. 10,000 miles 668-0149. Aug. 16, 78 FOUR RALLY Wheeis complete with centre Hub, and chrome rings wili fit Monte Carlo, Camaro, good cond., Price $100. Cail 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 2 SNOWTIRES MOUNTED on chev rims 825 x G7814. $25. 2 Snowtires 590 x 15 mounted on V.W. rims $20. 1 Volkswagen gas heater compiete $25. Cali 655-3670. Sept. 20, 78 4 - 14"1 GOODYEAR custom steel guard radiais, HR78-14 Whitewalls, asking $65 or best offer. 2 - Atlas Snowshoe beited, H78-15, Whitewails, Asking $40 or best offer. 2 - Firestone G78-15 snowtires askçing $15. 2 - Goodyear 775-14 snowtires, mnci. rims, asking $20. 2- Dunlop H78-14 snows, with rims, $15. 2- Canadian Tire F78-14 snows, wifh rin-s ask ing $15. 2- Manstiîeld G78-15 with Ford rims. Asking $25 or bcst off er a set, brand new. Set of 14" hub caps $20. or best of fers. 20 Tires plus second hand lires 14" and 15" $5. & $10. each. Cali 725-6045 or 725 2195. July 19, 78 2 SNOWTIRES on 13" Ford rims. Used one season $50 Or best offer. Cali after 5 p.m. 668 0127. Sept. 13, 78 4 STYLE STIEEL wheels 13", Trim rings- dust caps & lug nuts $100.00 or best offer. Cali 668-404. Sept. 13, 78 ~~Fil LARGE FRIGEDAIR. freezer ln goodl running cond. $75. Cali 668 8178. Aug. 30, 78 WOODBURNING COOK Stove. Wcirrning oven above full price $275. Space heater (propane) complete with tanks, hose & regulafor. Full price $175. 20 mtal sash various sizes $15 each. 12 pr. of original wooden shutters, with f ittings $30 per pair. Cali 655-3488. Sept. 6, 78 COOK WOODSTOVE, new grddes,,wood or coal. Askîng $300. Cali 655-8081. Sept. 6, 78 ACME STOVE an oldie but goodie, 4 burner works perfect. Stove a bit unpredictable $35. Caîli.668-2301. Sept. 13, 78 1 WHITE 30" McLeary easy electric stove in fair cond. suitable for- cottage $75. Cali 728-9017. JUIY 19, 78' 1 G.E. 30- r, rir(:, burners need sotnie rcpFir. $25 As is. Calil 668-2427. JUly 19, 78 EASY SPIN dry washing machine $40 Cali 655.4437. JuIy 26, 78 COMBINATION ELECTRIC fryer & Grill (Moffat) $450. Steam Table $350. Showcase Fridge. $650. Electric Deep Fryer $275. Electric Grill $300. Black Vinyl Chesterfield Chair $350. commercial Gas Stove $250. Cali 6688091. - Aug. 23, 78 I MUSICAL I ONE BPAN'r" v ' !. f rcrit 4 w/ill fit fl/'. Gencral Mýol 668 3587. NrW AM Radio kr' Ne-ier used C-r 10 or other - (..' $70. Cali Auq. 23, 78 turnta ble and speaker enclosect ina 34" x 231, cabinet. Bargain at $e0 or bestoffer. Phone 668-4915 Sept. Il, 78 Ph use 8 TRACK TAPE player, go> cond. $20. Cali 655-3411. July S, TRAYNOR P.A. SYSTEJ YVM - 3 amp. 2 column eac with 4 - 12" speakers. $395. Ca 579-4605 af fer 5 p.m. July 12,7 ELgCTRIC GUITAR, two pic Up, two amplifiers, volurr button, tone control, selectc switch for each pick-up, cherr Red colour. Hardwood t5odî with case. Asking $65. or bes off er. Call 725-6045 or 725-2195 July 19, 7 SET OF RADIUS 1AA ouc speakers. Rated at 75 watt. RMS. Nine years left or warranty. Self for $200 for thE pair. Phone 668-3471. Aug. 16, 71 DIîNETTE TABLE LEAF and4 chairs, 6 rnths Old $40. Gendron pool table, compiete with pool & snooker balîs, cues & rack:2 yrs. old $400. or best offer. Antique dining room set, round tble, 5 chairs and buffett $500. Caîl 668-0006. Sept. 20, 78 -KITCRIEN, CABINETS $100 Ï:ush, lawn ý mower $M( Aiuminum storm windows $1( each. Aîuminum storm door $5. l3athtub, follet & sink $50 for the set. Birdcage complet> wvith stand $10. Birdcage $5. Ail articles price listed or best off er. C"-I728-2484. July 12, 78 78 m -k e y y#' . 4 2 10 VIP! y'L matchstick bamboo shades, 68" wlde, 361, wide $15. for both. Cali668-2427. JuIy 19, 78 GREEN FLORAL brocade,' two piece living roomsuite with matching crushed velvet love seat. cost $1,000 wiIl self for $550. only 8 mnonths oîd. Good cond. Cali 6U5.4621 atter 5:00 p.m JuIy 26, 78 1 COCKTAIL table oak and one hexagon side table to match $200. for the pair. 4 years old. Cali 576-4993. July 26, 78 GIRLS COASTER bike $25. boys 3 speed racing bîke $40. Cali 655-4437. JuIy 26, 78 POOL TABLE 4 x 8 with honeycomb bed, complete snooker and Boston bails, and al other accessories including score board, table tennis set. Pkg. price $400. Cali 668-2646. Aug. 2, 78 ONE LAZYBOY chair $35. Ampl ifiler, wa inut cabinet 3 x 5 and speaker $150. or best offer. Wooden chest 5 x 2 x 3 $25. 2 Tables $7. each. Press back chair, refinished, $30. Cali 683-6638. Aug. 2, ?8 OLYMPIA PORTABLE 'type. writer macle in W. Germnany. Like new wïfth case $89. Super spray tin. 1 gai. compressedi air gardien sprayer $9.50 Cali 668-0592. Aug. 2, 78 GIRLS HIGHRISE bicycle $25. Sept. 2o. le LEATHER BAR in ex. condf. $175. Single dresser with mirror $35. Drapes 84 x 150 gold thermolguard foam backing $25- Cali 579-4605 after 5 p.ni Sept. 20, 78 SWIMMING ýPOOL above ground 15 feet diameter. New liner ail equpment ncluded $200. Caîli668-4430. Aug. 23, 78 2 -10 SPEED blkes, w omasfl mens, $100 each or $175 for both. Cali 666-1101. Aug. 23, 78 'KENMORE VAcuuW~ceaner with power beater. Like new, Cost $270. Sel for $1ý0. Cai 668-5638. Auq. 23, 78 PING PONG TABLE $39. Two lamp shades, white ex. $4.50 each. Electrlc f Ire log wlth motor $16. 1-2611 Inside door $5. 2 silken brocade bedspreads madle ln 1ndila. Turquols & goîd,. Yellow & gold $35. eacli. Cali 668-0592. Aug. 2,178 1 LARGe RUND White table $20. 1 double bed $60. 71/ x 9 (approx.) carpet $10. 6 x 9 (approx.) carpet *$15. 3 - 2x6 runners $10. each. 2 x 101711 to match runners $20. 3 or 4 varlous length runners $6.50 each. Caîli666-1896. Aug. 30, 78 26" COLOUR con'soli-e teevîsion in wo.rking, cond. $160. Cali 668.1041. Aug. 30, 78 PURPLE CoRDROy,,Bean, Bag couch:ý Round foam chip- chair $100. for both. Cali 668-4757 after 4 p.m. Sept. 6, 78 MESH PLAYPEN $25. Infant rocker $5. Cali after 5 p.m. 579-2791. Sept. 1ý, 78 ANTIQUE -SECRETARYý Desk - Needs refinishlng but is in good condition. $175.00 Caîl 666-1690. sept. 13, 78 TABLE WITH 3 chairs $20. Birdcage $5. Carpet Shapooer $10. 2 Afghan's $30 each. Straight stitch sewing machine $30. Cali 668-4032.Set6,8 USE DBE D$30. 2 sets of sheets to fit and bedspread $20. SmaiI 10 inch wheel tricycle $12. in ex. cond. Cai 668-6087. Sept. 13, 78 1 AIR CONDITIONER îklndow size $75. Cal668-3840. VINDOW DOUBLE mullion 171 x 41211 wood aluminum torm windows and screens 75. Cail 668-8534. July 5, 78 st $7 CHESTERFIELD AND chair S100. Eiectric 24" stove $135. Dishý1ash, r^ $75. Arm bell tent $35. 'ac, m tleaner $15. Cali 655 d000. July 5, 78 BOYS HIGHRISE, chopper style bicycle $30. Cali 655.3411. JuIy S, 78 1 ENGLISH Pedigree Navy Blue Baby Pram, metai body lifts Off. Large wheels $75. Navy Blue & White older model by Lloyds, Body lfts off. Ex. cond. $50. Cali 683-1574. .luly 12, 78 [~UPPLI~ 12 VEAR OLD maie cross Ce#lie. Free to goed kind homne. Ail expenses paid. Cati 668-8770 for further informaton. PONY FOR sale. s year old Gelding $75. or best offer. Cal i atter 5:30 at 655-38M., Au& 1 'l S" Free Press Emporium nu" 1, 1 lm ýffl «M -- - rira rd RECEIVER WITH Gari Lmý-sCELLANEOU'S-* ýLPýËte& SUPP ýl!ý -1

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