PrAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS ree. ress mpo.rium -CaII1668->6 1 Emporium 'Ads wiII only'be' accepted subjecf f0 the following Conditions. * - IAUTOS FOR,$AI 74 M4AZDA 808, 4 cyl.., 51,000 miles, good cond. $80. WiliI cetf.Cali 668-1041. Aug . '30, 78 73 'PLYMOUTH Fury, Ve, rurnnlng cond. As is $450. cati 668-5318.' JUlY1190 78, 73 MAZDA 808, 4 cyl., radial tires, tape deck, reconditioned englune, Asklng $50. or best Offer.-As ls.'Caîl 666-1741 affer 6:30 p.m Aug. 23, 78 72 MAVERICK, auto., radio, As Is $275. Cali 668-0776. Aug. 23, 78 72 CHRYSLER Town and Country Station Wagon. Fuliy equipped with Vil auto., P/S, P/B, P/W, inciuding tailgafe window, power seat, 8-frack stereo, air cond., roof rack, electric taligate lock, cruise control etc. this Station Wagon has been maintained and is A-I mechaniccally. Transmission was Iust rebulit. Rad juýst recored. New water pump, fan beits, spark plugs, oil f ilfer etc. Recent bis on this work available to prove same. Wili seil certif ied for a reasonable offr. Cal Sue at 668-6111 f rom 9-5. 72 BUCK Electra Ltd., 4 dr., hrtp., greeh interior, matchîng vinyl roof & body, P/B, P/S, P/W, arn/f mn 8 track stereo, ftil steering, aiîr coud., in good concf. Certif ied -'$1895. MAany extras Cali 723-2515. Or t0 be seen at 539 Montrave Ave., Oshawa. Aug. 23, 78 - 72 DOOGE Demon, 318, 3 spd. standard, headers, tack & oul gauge, 60 series tires all around. N eeds work. 'As is $700. or best offer. Caîl 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 71 DODGE Polara 2 dr., hrtp., V8, auto., good cond. $600. Cal 668-5638. Aug. 23, 78 71 MGB English green, rebuilt motor, clutch, and brake, mechanicaily certif ied, gond body, convertible $2500. f irm. Cati 655-4794 affer 6 p.m. July 19, 78 71 PLYMOUTH Fury $250 or best offer. Cal 666-1142. June 28, 78 69 CHEV, 6 cyl. auto., 4 dr., sedan $600 certif ied. Cali 668-6408. Aug. 30, 78 69 CHEV, 4 dr Sedan, 327 in goocl working order. Needs body work. $250. Cali 668-2810. July 26, 78 69 BUICK, 350 engine, good for parts, $75 or best offer. Cali 576 4993.% June 21, 78 67 FORD Falcon. Ex. cond. As is $125. or best offer. Cal 725-6045 or 725-2195. July 19, 78 63 CHEVY Nova, 6 cyl., convertod 283 VS auto., posi. trac rear end wlth 411 gears cornplefely 'ne Inteior. Tear drop hood scoop, hoadors good coud. great winter project $40 or best offer. Calt 655-3481. I RECREATUONAL VEHICLES UTILITY TRAILER, llghl wei<jht 4' x 6' steel box and 1511 radial tires. Handles greaf or highway, behind even small :ars -but can carry 2,000 lbs. :;ood ights, licensed. $325. Cali June 21, 78 14' SPORTS pal canoe, green, ready for sailing. $375. Wili selI on block only. Cal 668-5060 affcr 5 p.m. July 12, 78 73 KAWASAKI 125 good cond. new piston and rings. Nice dlean liffle dirt bike. Asking $275. Firm. Cali 655-3527. JuIy 26, 78 HOME MADE Camper for 1/ ton truck. Complete with jacks $200. Cali 668-8214.t Aug. 2, 78 OFF ROAD Dune Buggy complete tubular frame. New brakes, lines & cylinders. 1200 CC VW engine, runs great, ready f0 go $200. FIRM Cali 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 10 H.P. JOHNSON motor and gas tank with 8' Sea Flea for $150. Cali 655-3710 ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 KAWASAKI 100 CC 400 original mîles A-i cond. Cali 723-7055. Aug. 9, 78 16'1 ALL STEEL Boat $400 18 h.p. motor $200. For sale. Cali 653879. Aug. 16, 78 FOR SALE - 1 flardtop tent- traiter, eiectricity & canopy included. Asking $450. Cal 666-1893. Sept. 6, 78 Ac UTO PARTS CAR TIRES, rims & discs, 12"1 & 13". $15 for the lot. Cali 668-3243. June 28, 78 TRUCK CAP, $75. CaIli 655-8000. JuIy 5, 78 4 - 14" GOODYEAR custom steel guard radiaIs, HR78-14 Whitewalls, asking $65 or best 0f fer. 2 - Atlas Snowshoe belted, H78-15, Whitewalls, Asking, $40 or best offer. 2 - Firestone G78-15 snowtires asking $15. 2 - Goodyear 775-14 snowtires, mnci. rims, asking $20. 2 - Dunlop H78-14 snows, with rims, $15. 2 - Canadian Tire F78-14 snows, with rims asking $15. 2 - Mansfiîeld G78-15 with Ford rims. Asking $25 or best offer a set, brand new. Set of 14" hub caps $20. or best offers. 20 Tires plus second hand tires 14" and 15", $5. & $10). 1: When the advertlsed Item Is SOldI, oîsposed f or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wllIl be deemed f0 have been sold and a commissionwillbecëharged based on THIE ADVERTISED PRICEÉ as 1iîlustrateci below, regardless If price Is stated wlth ,"best offerl". If-the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed'0f, the ad will be run for 3 MOINTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will apply. Al adverfisements must be placed on an exclusive basis wLth the WHITBY* FREE PRESS and run et beasf one month If n6t sold. RATES [if article Is sold]: 5%,of advertlsed'prîce Up te 8400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold itemadvertlsed for 8120.00 -commission duo $.00 [minimum charge Is 83.00] Privafe advertisil-ig onlyl Please notif y us if you find a refailer lîsted as a privafe adverfiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately wheén item is sold so that we may delete itf from the foîlowing issues. Ali ads not f ifting the Emporium guidelines wiIl be freated and charged per week as regular classified ads on' a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanfed, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classlfied ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. i 1'- M THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 394 OLDS IENGINE with 6 pack and Muncie racing parts, with pair -of extra heads, water pump and one Offenhouser manifold for 2 four barrels $475. or best off er. Calîl 668-3495 affer 4:30 p.m. and ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 5 TIRES, E7814, wifh rims $40. 10,000 miles 668-0149. Aug. 16, 78 FOUR RALLY Wheels complete wifh centre Hub, and chrome rings will fit Monte Carlo, Camaro, good- cond., 1 WHITE 30" McLeary easy electric stove in fair cond. suitable for cottage $75. Cali 728-9017. July 19, 78 1 G.E. 30" range, burners need some repairs $25 As is. Cali 668-2427. July 19, 78 EASY SPIN dry washing machine $40 Cali 655-4437. JuIy 26, 78 COMBINATION ELECTRIC fryer & Grill <Moffat) $450. Steam Table $350. Showcase Fridge. $650. Eîectric Deep Fryer $275. Electric Grill $300. Black Vinyl Chesterfield Chair $350. Commercial Gas Stove $250. Cali 668-8091. Aug. 23, 78 LARGE FRIGEDAIR freezer in gond running cond. $75. Cali 668-8178. Aug. 30, 78 WOOOBSU RNI1NG COOK Stove. Warming oven above full price $275. Space heater <propane) complote with tanks, hose & regulator. Full price $175. 20 mfal sash varieus sizes $15 each. 12 pr. of original wooden shutters, with f ittIngs $30 per pair. Cali 655-3488. Sept. 6, 78 COOK WOODSTOVE, new grades, weod or, coal. Asking $300& Cali 655-8081. sept. 6, 7 LýZUALA JVC STEREO Cassette deck. $325 or best offer. Brand new. Cali 579-8400. June 28, 78 8 TRACK TAPE player, good cond. $20. Cali 655-3411. July 5, 78 TRAYNOR P.A. SYSTEM YVM - 3 amp. 2 column each with 4 - 1211 speakers. $395. Cali 579-4605 after 5 p.m. July 12, 78 ELECTRIC GUITAR, two pick up, two amplifiers, volume button, tone control, selector switch for each pick-up. cherry Red colour. Hardwood body, with case. Asking $65. or best offer. Cali 725-6045 or 725-2195. JuIy 19, 78 SET 0F RADIUS 1A loud speakers. Rated at 75 watts RMS. Nine years left on warranty. SelI for $200 for the pair. Phone 668-3471. Aug. 16, 78 ONE BRAND NEW AM Radio with front speaker. Neyer used will fit Monte Carlo or other General Motors Car $70. Cali 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 MISCELLANEOUSI 10 SPEED t.uper cyc. extras included $100. like new, used fwice. Dining room table & Jour chairs, like new $75. Cal 668-5764. lune 21, 78 CHANDIELAIR $30, 2 large Iamps & shades $15 a pr., 3 drawer chest $15. Eîect ic pressing machine. Good coM1 $25. Caîl 683-6638. June 21, la GREY ARBORtITE kitcheý table 36 x 72"'$50. Hanging Ianip, brass fiînish $10. Y'ogurt makter, new, makes one quart $6& Hockey oquipment for small1 boys, panuh, gloves, helmot $10. Staintess stoel single bowl kitchen sink $10. CaliI 725-8812. j I ~1 c 4 LOUNGE EXERCISER, $12. Ca 1l 668-ý0761 af ter 7 p. in.* June 21, 78 BIRD CAGE and stand S25. Te'n gall on 'aqua-rium .wlth ail accessories $25. Çanlster style vacuum cleaner, ex. cond., lke new $50. 51511 helght x 317# widtti, double, glazed wood f rame window, brand new, $75. Cail 668.1874. June 21, 78 PETERSON MODEL 75 Infant Toddler car seat $25. Lounge exerciser $12. Cali 668-0761 af fer 7 p.m. June 21, 78 2 CHI1LDR ENS 14" bicycle with, or without training miheels $10. each. 1 childs large tricycle $10. 1 gallon wine bottles 25 cents each. CAII 683-16021 June 28, 78 1 AIR CONDITIONER iindow ,size $75. Cali 668-3840. July 5, 78 WINDOW DOUBLE mullion 517" x 41211 wood aluminum storm windows and screens $75. Cali 668-8534. July 5, 78 CHESTERFIELD AND chair $100. Electric 24" stove $135. Dishwash. r $75. Ari bell tent $35. '*aci m tieaner $15. Cali 655 8000. JuI'y 5, 78 BOYS HIGHRISE, chopper style bicycle $30. Caîl 655-3411. July 5, 78 1 ENGLISH Pedigree Navy Blue Baby Pram, metal body lifts off. Large wheels $75. Navy Blue & White older model by Lloyds, Body lifts off. Ex. cond. $50. Cali 683-1574. July 12, 78 KITCHEN CABINRiT5 $100. Push lawn mower $1. Aluminum storm windows $10 each. Aluminum storrn door $5. I3athtub, toilet & sink $50 for the set. Birdcage complefe Yvith stand $10. Birdcage $5. Ail articles price listed or best cf fer. Cali 728-2484. July 12, 78 VIP!*fL matchstick bamboo Shades, 68" wide, 36"1 wide $15. for both. Caîli 66.2427. JuIy 19, 78 GREEN FLORAL brocade,- two piece living roomnsuite with matching crushed velvef love seat. Cosf $1,000 wili selI for $550. only 8 months old. Good cond. Caîl 668-4621 after 5:00 p.m JuIy 26, 78 1 COCKTAIL tablé oak and one hexagon side table f0 match $200. for the pair. 4 years old. 1 - ONE LAZYBOY chair US5. >Amplifiler, walnut -abinet 3 x à and speaker $150. or besf offer. Woodon chest 5 x 2-x 3 $25. 2 Tables $7. oaci.. Press back chair, rot inished, $30. Cati ENGLI$H CLASSIC Chester- f ield and chair ln Ex. corid. $700. Cali 6688403. Alîg. 2, 70 OLYMPIA PORTABLE type, writer made ln W. Germany. Like new wlth case $119. Super spray tin. 1 gel'. compressed air, gardon sprayer $9.50 Cali 668-0592.1 Aug. 2, 74 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, good coud., GreenI & gold brocade $130. Lady Torcan hood dryer $15. Hardwick g«s stove, micro ray rotîsserle, upper grill, Ilko new $250. Occasional chair, Scarina. vlan teak $25. Gents 10 speed bike $50. Cali 68-5276 affor 7 p.m. Aug. 16, 78 14.-61 USED, cernent drlvoway curbs. $2.50 each. Cali 68-8119. Aug. là , 78 SWIMMING POOL above ground 15 feet diamefer. New liner al equipmenf included $200. Cali 668-4430. AuS. 23, 78 2 -10 SPEED bikes, womans& mens, $100 each or $175 for both. Cali 666-1101. Aug. 23, 78 KENMORE VACUUM cleaner with power beater. Like new, Cost $270. SelI for $140. Cali 668-5638. Auq. 23, 78 PtING PONG TA*L1E $3.TWO lamp shades, white ex. $4.50 each. Electric ftire log with motor $16. 1-26"1 inside door $5. 2 silken brocade bedspreads made ln 1India. Turquois & golci, YeIlow & gold $35. each. Cali 668-0592. Aug. 23, 78 i LARGE ROUND White table $20. 1 double bcd $60. 71/a x 9 (approx.) carpet $10. 6 x 9 (approx.) carpet.$15. 3 - 2x6 runners $10. each. 2 x 10711f0 - match runners $20. 3 or 4 varlous length runners $6.50 each. Cali 666-1896. Aug. 30, 78 26" COLOUR consoFe felevision n wo rking cond. $160. Cali 668-1041. Aug. 30, 78 CONTINENTAL BED with mattress $25. table with 3 chairs $20. Dresser $10. Bird- cage $5. Carpet Shampooer $10. 2 Afghan's, $30. each. Cali 668-4032. Sept. 6, 78 PURPLE CORDROY Bean Bag couch. Round foam chip chair $100. for both. Cali 668-4757 affer 4 p.m. Sept. 6, 78 i# la P1 ese Iss lffbéd Pasefer mon Ibons Aug.278 ~ ______ If ln doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby 1 1 1