PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1978, WHITRYT>REE PRESS- ree, Emporiumn Ads wiII only be accepted. subject'to the following Conditions. IAUTOS -FOR SALE 74 MAZDA 8R8, 4 cyl., 51,000 miles, good cond. $800. Wili certify. Cati 668.1041. Aug. 30, 78 73 PLYMOUTH Fury, VS, running cond. As is $450. Cali .tuIy 19, 78 73 MAZDA 808, 4 cyl., radiai tires, tape deck, reconditioned engine, Asking $550. or best offer. As ls. Cali 666-1741 after 6:30 P. M. Aug. 23, 78 72 MAVERICK, auto., radio, As is $275. Cali 668-0776. Aug. 23, 78 72 CHRYSLER Town and Country Station Wagon. Fuily equipped with V8 auto., P/S, P/13, P/W, includlng tailgate window, power seat, 8-track stereo, air cond., roof rack, electrlc tailgate lock, cruise control etc. this Station Wagon has been maintalned and is A-i mechanccaliy, Transmission was just rebuilt. Rad just recored. New water pump, fan beits, spark plugs, 011filiter etc. Recent bis on thîs work available to prove same. Wili seli certif led for a reasonable ofr. Cail Sue at 668-6111 from 9-5. 72 BUNCK Electra Ltd., 4 dr., hrtp., green Interior, matching vînyl roof & body. P/B, P/S, P/W, am/fm 8 track stereo, tilt steering, air cond., in good cond. Certif led $1895. Many extras Ceti 723-2515. Or f0 be seen at 539 Montrave Ave., Oshawa. Aug. 23, 78 72 DODGE Demon, 318, 3 spd. standard, headers, tack & o11 gauge, 60 series tires all around. Needs work. As is $700. or best otter. Cati 655-3491. Aug. 9, 78 71 DOOGE Polara 2 dr., hrtp., V8, auto., good cond. $600. Cal 668-5638. Aug. 23, 78 71 MGB Englîsh green, rebuilt motor, clutch, and brake, nechanically certif led, good body, convertible $2500. f irm. Cal 655-4794 af fer 6 p.m. Juiy 19, 78 71 PLYMOUTH Fury $250 or basf ofter. Cali 666-1142. June 28, 78 69 CHEV, 6 cyt. auto., 4 d r., sedan $600 certif ied. Cali 668-6408. Aug. 30, 78 69 CHEV, 4 dr Sedan, 327 in good working order. Needs body work. $250. Cali 668-2810. July 26, 78 69 BUICK. 350 engine. good for parts, $75 or best offer. Cati 576-4993. June 21, 78 67 FORD with 289 V8, rebuiit engine. 25,000 miles. $100. Cati 668-5201. Aug. 2, 78 67 FORD Falcon. Ex. cond. As is $125. or best otter. Cali 725-6045 or 725 2195. Mùy 19, 78 63 CHEVY Nova. 6 cvi., cpnverted 283 V8l auto., pos i trac rear end with 411 gears complataiy new interior. Tear drop hood scoop, headars. good cond. great winter prolact $400 or hast offer. Cali 655-3481. 54 PONTIAC, good cond., good mnechanicaily $2600 or hest offer. Cali 668-4817 atter 6 p.m. or 655-3343 f rom 8 - 5. June 21, 78 I RECRIATIONALI UTILITy TRAILER, iight weight 4' X 61 steel box and 15"1 radiai tires Handiles great on hlghway, behind even smali cars but can carry 2,000 lIbs. Good lighfs, iicensed. $325. Call 666-1690. June 21, 78 14' SPORTS pal canoe, green, ready for sailing. $375. Will seli on block oniy. Cail 668-5060 at ter 5 p. m. July 12, 78 73 KAWASAKI 125 good cond. new piston and rings. Nice dlean littie dirt bige. Asking $275. Firm. Cali 655-3527. Juiy 26, 78* HOME MADE Camper for 1/2 ton truck. Complete wifh jacks $200. Cali 668-8214. Aug. 2, 78 OFF ROAD Dune Buggy complete fubular trame. New brakes, Unes & cylincters. 1200 CC VW angine, runs great, ready f0 go $200. FIRM Call 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 10 H.P. JOHNSON motor and gas tank with 8' Sea Flea for $150. Cail 655-3710 ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 KAWASAKI 100 CC 400 original miles A-i cond. 'Caîl 723-7055. Aug. 9, 78 161 ALL STEEL Boat $400 18 h.p. motor $200. For sale. Cali 655-3879. Aug. 16, 78 L AUTO PARTS CAR TIRES, rims & discs, 12" & 13". $15 for the lot. Cali 668-3243. June 28, 78 TRUCK CAP, $75. Cali 655-8000. July 5, 78 4 - 14"1 GOODYEAR custom steel guard radiais, HR78-14 Whitewalis,*asking $65 or best offer. 2 - Atlas Snowshoe bel ted, H78-15, Whitewalls, Asking $40 or basf otter. 2 - Firestone G78-15 snowtires asking $15. 2 - Goodyear 775-14 snowtires, inct. rims, asking $20. 2- Dunlop H78-14 snows, with rims, $15. 2 - Canadian Tire F78-14 snows, with rims asking $15. 2 - Mansfield G78-15 wîth Ford rims. Asking $25 or best oter a set, brand new. Set of 14" hub caps $20. Set of Super-Sport 14"' hub caps $20. or best otters. 20 Tires plus second hand tires 14" and 15" $5. & $10. each. Cail 725-6045 or 725-2195. Juiy 19, 78 1 G7815 tires $30. Cali 655-4437. Juiy 26, 78 2 F6015 TIGER Paw Raised latter tires, new. $90 for the pair. Cai 655-3411. Aug. 2, 78 2 - UNIROYAL RALLY M&S 155 13 Radial snow tires used one winter on Volkswagen Rabbit $24.50 each. when the advertised Item 15 soid, disposed of, or unavaliable for whatever reason, the item wil ha deemed ta have been soid and a commission wiii be charged basedi on TiE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliustrated heiow, regardlless If price Is stateci with "hast offer"l. If the item is NOT SOLO, or dlsposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wilI appiy, Ail adverfisemants must ha placed on an exclusive basis wlti the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run et least oe monfh if not sold. RATES [if article is soldi: 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% 0f balance'over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $120.00 - commission due $0.00 [minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising onlyl Piease notif y us if you find a refailer listed as a privata advertiser. Pleaise nof if y the Whitby Free Prass immegiately whè Item Is sold 50 that we may deiete itf from tha fotlowing Issues. Ail ads nof f iffing the Emporium guidelinas wiii ha treated and, charged par week as regular classlfied ads onf a pre paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personal message type a ds, or eds not quotlng price. or quantIty: Prîvate classified ads may appeau' In the 'Emporium section undar appropriate haadings. tf Indoubt, caîl 668.6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whîthy THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS'15 THE FRIDAY PREVICUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 394 CLOS E NO NE wtth 6 pack and Muncie racing. parts, with pair of extra' heads, water pump and one Offenhouser ffianifold for -2T6ur barrais $475. or basf off er. Calîl 668-3495 affer 4:30 p.m. and ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 5 TIRES, E7814, with rims $40. 10,000 miles 668.0149. Aug. 16, 78 FOUR RALLY Wheels complete with centre Hub, and chrome rings wiil fit Monte Carlo, Carnaro, good cond. Price $110. Cati 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 j 'APIPLIANCES z' MOFFAT PROPANE gas range with dlock, timer, rotisserie & broiter in good cond. 30" white $100. Firm. Cali 668-2190. June 7, 78 1 WHITE 30" McLeary easy electric stove in fair cond. suitabie for cottage $75. Cali 728-9017. July 19,.78 i G.E. 30" range, burners need som*repairs $25. As is. Cali 648-2427. Juiy 19, 78 EASY SPIN dry washing machine $40. Cali 655-4437. Juiy 26, 78 RANGE HOQD brown $20. Cali 668-5201. Aug. 2, 78 MOVING 1 G.E. dryer, used a dozen times only $190. Cali 668-9M0. Aug. 23, 78 COMBINATION ELECTRIC f ryer & Grill (Mottat) $450. Steamn Table $350. Showcase Fridge. $650. Eiectric Deep Fryer $275.,Eiectric Grill $300. Black Vinyl Chesterfield Chair $350. Commercial Gas Stove $250. Cati 668-801. Aug. 23, 78 LARGE FRIGEDAIR freezer in good running cond. $15. Cati me-élis. Awg. 30# la I - MUIAL 8 'TRACk sfereo, with metrics, 4 channel, ploneer dual cone speakers $70. Cali 725-6955 in the evenings. Junie 7, 78 JVC STEREO Cassette deck. $325 or best off er. Brand new. Cati 579-8400. June 28, 78 8 TRACK TAPE piayer, good cond. $20. Cati 655-3411. - July 5, 78 TRAYNOR P.A. SYSTEM YVM - 3 amp. 2 column each with 4 - 12" speakers. $395. Cali 579-4605 af fer 5 p.m. July 12, 78 1LECTRIC GUITAR, two pick (,two amplifiers, volume bit ton, tone confrol, setector sv-. tch for each pick-up. Cherry Red colour, Hardwood body, Nith case Asking $65. or beF offer. Calit 725-6045 or 725-219 Juiy 1' 7. SET 0F RADIUS IA loud speakers. Rated at 75 watts RMS. Nine years' left on wprranfy. Seil for $200 for the pair. Phone 668-3471. Aug. 16, 78 ONE BRAND A4EW AM Radio with front speaker. Neyer used Aili fit Monte Carlo or other General Mofors Car $70. Cali 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 * MISCELLANEOUSj WOODGRAIN VINYL book case headboard $10. Caý 576-4993. Juný 7, 7b 1920CIl.ýCA,ý, nu uîninroc,,ri suite. 'm P, Lte. Taule retinisht ..u. co0d cond. $700. Caît1 579 1904 a.ftfer 5 p. m. June 7 78 ONE SET of Encyctopedia Brifannica. Like new, 1973 Edition. Ail year Books and index inciuded. $45 Cali 668-063. Julie il le FOR SALE 1 portable toiet suitabie for cottage or trailer $50. K itchen sinks and taps £25. Bath tub and taps plus shower nozzie aiso sinks and taps $125. 1 propane cook stove 4 burner $100. l'propane space heater £100 1 pair 14" snowtires on rimn! reasonable $20. A quantity of copper piping and f ittings hait price $20. Apply 704 Burns St. W., Whltby or Cail 668-5272 or é6-1192. June 14, 78 SC)LID TEAK dining roomn tivale a I1four cha irs. Ex. cond. $. >, or ?st ffer Cali 668-5396. June 14, 78 10 SPEED tuper cyc. , extras included $100. like ntiw, usedl twice. Dining room table & tour chairs, like new $75. Cali 668-5764. Jtune 21, 78 CHANDELAIR $30, .2 large iamps & shades $15 a pr., 3 drawer chest $15. Eiectric pressing machine. Good cond. $25. Cati 683-6638. June 21, 78 GREY ARBORITE kitchen table 36 x 7211 $50. Hanging iamp, brass finish $10. Yogurt maker, new, makes one quart $6. Hockey equipment for smali boys, pants, gloves, heimet $10. jStainiess steel single bw kchen sink $10. Cati 725-8812. June 21, 78 BIRD CAGE and stand $25. Ten galion aquarium wlth ail accessories $25. Canister style vacuum cleaner, ex. cond., like new $50. 5'5" helght x 31711 width, double giazed wood trame window, brand new $75. Cati 668-1874. June 21, 78 PETERSON MODEL 75 Infant Toddier car seat $25. Lounge exerciser $12. Cali 668-0761 after 7 p.m. June 21, 78 2 CHILDRENS 14" bicyclewith or without training wheeis $10. each. 1 chitds large tricycle $10. 1 gallon wine botties 25 cents each. CAII 683-1602. June 28, 78 1 AIR CONDiTriONER VWindow size $75. Cali668-3840. Juiy 5, 78 WINDOW DOUBLE muliion 5171, x 41211 wood aiuminum storm windows and screens $75. CatI 668-8534. July 5, 78 CHESTERFIELD AND chair $100. Electric 24" stove $135. Oishvr ash - $75. Arm bell tent $35. 'ac' m tleaner $15. Cati 65560u00. JuIy 5, 78 BOYS HIGHRISE, chopper style bicycle $30. Cali 655-3411. JuIy 5, 78 1 ENGLISH Pedigree Navy I~. GREEN FLORAL brocade, two piece living ro@m$sulte wlth matching crushed veiVet love seat. Cost $1,000 willi sel for $55. only 8 m@oths aid. Good cond. Cail 668-4621 after 5:00 .mJ.u Iv 26, 78 à COCKTAIL table Oak and ane hexagon sîde table ta match $200. for the pair. 4 years aid. Cali1 576-4993. July 26, 78 GIRLSCOASTER bike $25. boys 3 speed raclng bike $40. CaîIl 655-4437. J uiy 24,, 78 POOL TABLE 4 x 8 with honeycomb bed, compiete snooker and Boston halls, and aIl other accessories lncludlng score board, table tennis set. Pkg. price $400. Cali 668-2646. Aue. 2, 78 ONE LAZYBOY chair $35. Amplifier, waînut cabinet 3 x 5 and speaker $150. or best offer, Wooden chest 5 x 2 x 3 $25. 2 Tables $7. each. Press back chair, reflnlshed, $30. Cali 683-6638. Aue. 2, 78 ENGLISH CLASSIC Chester. field and chair ln Ex. cond. $700. Cali 668.8453. Aug. 2, 78 OLYMPIA PORTABLE type. writer made ln W. Germany. Like new with case $89. Super spray tin. 1 gai.. compressed air gardlen sprayer- $9,50 Cali 668-0592. Aue. 2, 78 30 ',,2 TON'truck ioads of Clean F111 at $3.00 per Ioad. No delivery. Please cali 668-4047 after 8 p.m. 1 Aue. 9, 78 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, good cond., Green & gold brocade $130. Lady Torcan hood dryer $15. Hardwick gas stove, micro ray rotisserle, upper grill, like new $250. Occasional chair, -Scandina- vian teak $25. Gents 10 speed bike $50. Cali 668-5276 atter 7 p. M. Aue. 16, 78 14 - 61 USE D, cernent drlveway curbs. $2.50 each. Cali 668-8119. Aue. 16, 78 SWIMMING POOL above ground 15 feet diameter. New liner ail equipment included $200. Cali 668-4430. Aue. 23, 78 2 - 10 SPEED bikes, womans & mens, $100 each or $175 for both. Cali 666-1101. Aug. 23, 78, KENAMORE VACUUM cleaner with power beater. Like new, Cost $270. Seil for $1"0. Cali 668-5638. Aue. 23, 78 à m