WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1978, PAGE 15 -F ree' AUTOMOBILI FOý R SALE 76 MUSTANG, ladies car, 20,000 mites, overhead cam. 4 cyt., 35 mites per gai., amf,fmn, radio, bucket sea ts, rea r defogger, factory under-coafed must seli asking--$3350. Certif ied. Calt 668-Ã1139. Aprit 26, 78 74 volvo 142-Automatlc 'Trans. Excellent Cond. Certified $2,800. Cati 723-1819. March 22, 78 74 PLYMOUTH Duster, V-B, Auto, $1700. certif ied. Cati 655-4611, or 839-3025 af ter 6 p. m. 74 PINTO, 3 dr., Runabout, 4 speed, 4 cyl. $1000. Cati 668-9805 Jan. 18, 78 73 PLYMOUTH Fury, PS, PB, Good cond. Wili certif y. $750. Cati 668-5318. 73 DODGE Swinger, 318, A-i condition. $1500. or best offer. Cati 683-8634. 72 FORD Galaxie $700. un- certif ted, good running cond. Cati 655-4776. March 22, 78 72 MAZDA $125. uncertified Cati 668-9605. May 10, 78 72 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beette, $700. certif ted, gas heater and radio, rear window defogger. Cati 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m. 71 RENAULT ' good condition, $270. Cati .668-0744. 71 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beefle $600. Gas heater, Arn Radio, rear wFndow defros'- radial tires, Cati 668-1564 evenlngs. - Aprit 19, 78 1971 PLYMOUTH Fury $250. or best offer. Cati 666-1142. June 28, 78 69 CHEVELLE 9 passen ger wagon V-6 automnatic 307 motor with options. One oWner good running cond. Low mîteage. $250. Cati 668-8675. AprIl 5, 78 69 CHEVY Station Wagon, PS, PB, 283 auto., cromne rims, ex. cond., certif ied $500. Cati 655-3481. 69 FORD Galaxie, 2 dir. hrtp., 302 motor, PB, PS,"good body and traiter hitch. As is $400. Cati 668-4009. 69 SU ICIC Skytark, good condi., weli kept, snows« and rims, inciuded, $850. or best off er. Must seit Cati 668-7028. 1969 BUICK, 350 engine, good for parts, $75 or besf offer 576-4993 June 21, 78 d4 poNTIAC Parisiennew, OCw tires, on front, SW tires, gcond for parts S200 Cati 668-26n. Prss Eporium' ___ Ccdl 68-61.11_ _ _ _ 1968 CAMARO, 327 bored ouf, r ýitied heads, new value lob, 750 Holley, 3 speed turbo 400 li.'ins. with shif t ki t. posi rear vid P.S. P.B., new mufflers, brakc's, Air Shocks, bail joints, rn e rican mags, headers, 'luxe interior with tack and juges. AM/FM 8 track& cassette in-dash stereo. Asking $1700.00. Must seli. WiiI seti stereo separately 668-2590. Msy 31, 78 67 MUSTANG $200. or best offer. A s is 289 with crome rims. Cali 668-9507. Aprit 26, 78 67 SUNBEAM Alpin, 56,000 miles, needs minor body work. New brakes ait around. $200. Body in good shape. Cati 668-9057. May 3, 78 66 RAMBLER Model 220, 6 cyl., $100. as is. CatI 655-3583. April 19, 78 64PLYMOUTH, stant 6 engine (economicat) body in good shape;' new radiator instalted tast fait. $225. uncerflfled) or best offer. Cati 668-1076. June 14, 78 54 POCNTIAC, good cond, good mechanicaily $2600 or best offer. 69 Ford Van needs body work, mechanicaiiy good, 6cyt. 3 spd. standard. $500 or best. offer. 668-4817 after 6p.m. 655-3343 f rom 8 - 5, June 21, 78 38 DODGE Coach, 2 dr., enigine ras $650. as is. 655-4611, or 839-3025 af fer 6 p.m. UTILITY TRAILER Canadian Tire modet. Like new $200. Cati 668-4552. May 24, 78 SUZUKI, 350, new tires, new electricai system. $400. Cati and ask for Rob, 668-5432. 75 VAMAHA 40OCC Motocrosse r and MX equipmerit. $850. Cati 655-4733. ý'March 29, 70 48 INCH 'widt Gatvanized- single snowrnobite traiter $150. Firm. Amphi-Cat Att Terrain Vehicte $600. Cati 668-3523. May 10, 78 BOAT CEDAR Strip $50. OId outboard Motor $75. Electric wtre & boxes etc. $75. 3/ h.p. eiecfric motor, variable speed $100. Dodge van not rening $200. Cati 668-4423. Marci 8, 78 TRAIL STAR traiter opens f0 20', stove, icebox, furnace, portable foilt & shower. FM 8 track stereo, watt f0 watt shag. Other extras. Must seit asking $2190. Cati 668-1139. April 26, 78 69 HALF Ton Camper, $800. Cati 579-6144. March 22, 78 63 INTERNATIONAL Truck, 3 -Ton modet No. 150. $350. Cati 655-4776. March 22, 78 SMALL TRAVEL Traiter, SteepS 4 futly equipped $2,400. or best offer. Cati 668-8432. April 5, 78 121 ALUMINUM boat 3'14 h.p. Viking motor asking $325. Cati 666-1836. April 19, 78 PLYWOOD CAP, Ail angle iron frame, Stiding windows wifh screens <on sides) $65. Cati 579-9758. April 19, 78 DUNE BUGGY - runnirig conditionflfibreglass body, asklflg SM.0 Cali 655-4419, aSti for Henry. EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY flE ACCEPTEW SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: When the adveirtised item is sotd, disposed of, or*unavailabte for whatever reason,the item wiii be deemed to have been sotd and a commission wiit be charged based onTHEA-DVERTISED PRICE as iilustrated beioW, regardiess if price-is stated with 'best offer'. If the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad witi be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wil appty. Attl advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month if not sotd. RATES (if article is sotd): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMP LE: Sold item advertised for $60.00 -commission due $1.00 (minimum charge is $3.00) Private adlvertising ontyl Please notify us if you find a retailer isted as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is sotd so that we may detete it from the follîoving issues. Ait ads not fitting the Emporium guidetines witi be treated and charged per week as regutar ciassified ads ona pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ctothing, reai estate, and p ersonat message type ads, or ads not qt4oting price or quantity. Private ciassified ads May appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. If in doubt, cati 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUMV P.O. Box 206, Whitby Li.N 5S1I OR DELI VER TO: 121 Brock St. N. SWhitby. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE -FRTDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NODN. 75 MERCURY outboard 20 h.p. etectric start, ait hook-ups, gas tank and battery $700. Cati 668-2232. April 5, 78 70,,VAMAHA 650, Onty 8,000 mites. Asking $500. May be seen at Brooktin Cycle Ciinic. Cali 655-3654. May 24, 78 77 VAMAHA YZ -125 D, A-i cond., New piston, bars, neyer raced. Asking $850. Cati after 4 p.m. at 655-4495. May 24, 78 UTILITY TRAOIt[-l',.- tight weight 4ft. x 6 f t. steel box and 15"Ilradial tires. Handtes great' on highway, behind even smat I cars but can carry 2,000 Ibs. Good lights. Licenced. $325 666-1690 lune 21, 78 OPTIMIST SAILI NO dinghy, 8' long, wooden huit. Aluminium mast & boom.. Boston sait. (.,-iod stable beginners boat si300. fi rm. Phone 655-3700. 1974 VAMAHA 750 very low miteage, with dual disc'brakes, oit cooter, and more boughf in the spring 0f 1M 5new $750. or best offer. Ask. for Bob at 668-3002 or 1d9-5110* June 14, 78. ouTBioARD -moTOR 9.9 Mercury 3 gallon tank. $300. 655-3670 TEE PEÉ Tent traiter, sIeeps 4, good cond., brand new canopy 623-5715. & cover $450. Cati AUTO PARTS BRANDO1NEW, neyer been used, HOOKER HEADERS for any AMC Engine. $150. Cati 725-5275. April 19, 78 -CK r;p arirox. 5 yx 8 al ir m ù- cond. fr r - 'cî *ur ý $2ý Cali May 31, 78 ONE 327 cubic inch Chevy engine conipiete with auto. trans. $150. One atuminun manifold wifh 2-4 barre', carburafors for smaiblock Chev. $150. Cati 723-6451. May M0, 78 REESE TRAILER hitch, Custom fiît Volare or Aspen car or Wagon. Like new $35. Cati 668-506 af ter 5 p.m. PRO-STOCIK HOOwith a fibreglass scoop for 1967 - 68 Mustang $W0. Cati 668-343. May I# 78 14" RIMS, summer' tires $6. each Cati 668-0427 after 6 p.m. 5-DR-70-14 Generai Steel Radiais. Like new, Spare neyer used. White raised tetters. MAounted on sharp sport rims. $250. Cati after 6 p.m. at 668-2455. 318 MOTOR, 18,000 mites 9 parts for 67 Plymouth fury, $300. Cati 576-6592. 1 - 12 BOLT pos-trac rea r end to fit fuit size Chev. $85. 1 picture window 5' x 10' $85. 1 double hung siiders 51 x 3' $35. Cati 728-2363. April 19, 7.8 250 MOTOR, compiete with transmission $100. or best O.fer, 750 Holley for sale, duat pbilp, dual feed $75. or best offer. Witting to trade for smatter Holley. 668-5432. Ask for Rob. March 22, 78 390 MOTOR & transmission for sale 10,000 miles $150. or b est offer Cati 668-5432 ask for Rob. -Jan. 25, 78 289 MOTOR in great cond. Vatves'& head refinished. $100. Ftathead' V-Il $100. 56 VW engine rebuiit $100. 48 chev truck engine rebuiit $100. 3 ton chassis $100. and 1 ton chassis ex. for trailers. $100. Cati 655-3654. May 3, 78 EDEL B ROCK infake manifold & carba. for 318 Chrysler Engine $250. Shop Crane 31/2 ton jack , $325. Candie Micro.Wave oven new $325. Cati 725-6618. April 19, 78 SNOWTIRES, PAIR mounfed on rims. Good cond. Dunlop fibergiass betted. G 78 15 $30. pr. Brookiin area, 655-4365 evenings oniy. TIRl7S 2 onty - Steel beitpd rad, 1 ply 155 SR î! "semperit M- ~- useci 150. mites onty. Fit, VW Rahbil and some Jar.inesc mortels $45. for the pair. Ca I 721, 5881. May 31, 78 CAR TIRES, rims & discs, 12" &13". s15 tor the lot. 668-3243 June 28, 78 2 BRAND new Tires mounted on 14" rims, fits achev. $50. for the pair caît 668-1305. Mardi 8, 78 TRUCK CAP, $75., Chesterfield' and chair $100. ,Electrîc 24" stove $135, Dishwasher $75. Arm bell tent $35. Compresser $25. VAcuumn cleaner $15. Cati Jialy S, 178 APPLIANCESI WESTINGHOUSE,30" Stove, 4 yrs. oid. Harvest gold. ex. cond. $195.ý Cati 623-5715. Aprit 19; 78 GENERAL ELECTRIC range, 24" in good working cond. $40. Hardwick gas range, 30"1 in good working cond. $100. 666-1142 June 28, 78 HOOVER WASHER, spindry. 1 yr. oîd $175. Ma rch- 22, 78 GAS STOVE in good cond. $65. Cati 668-2806. May 3, 78 McCLARY ÉASY deep f reeze. 20 cubic f t. 8 yrs. old. Asking $160. Cati 668-4750. May 24, 78 FREEZER,22 cubic ft. Gibson chest type. $150. Cati after 7 p.mn. 839-5944. APT.' SIZE 'washer & spin dryer in good cond. $40. 1 air cond. 5000 BTU's asking $75. 1 tricycle wiii suite 2 to 5 year oîd $10.-l - 8 track tape player for, car neyer used cost $49.95' asking $20. Cati 668-1013. April 19, 78 COMBINATION AUTOMATIC Floor Polisher and Sander. Brand new $50. Cati 655-4917. March 22, 78 BAR FRIDGE, Danby model, mahogafly cotoured, smait freezer space, large interior with sheives on door. Like new, used onty 6 mths. $150. Cati 668-7436 after 6 p.m. May 17, 78 WHITE McCLARY 10 Cu. ft. fridge 4 yrs. old $150. G.E. self cIeaning oven, harvest .gold $350. Generai freezer, 19 cu. f t., chést type, 2 yrs. otd $220. Compactor harvest gotd $150. Cati 655-4871. HOOVER UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner with accessories, In good cond . $50. Cati1 af ter 5 p. m. and weekends at 668-9849. May 10,'78 BRAUN JUICER, stili in box, under warranty, worth $75. seliing for $50. Cati 579-8151. April 19, 78 KENMORE GAS stove - 3011 very good ýcond. $95. Cati 728-8956. i FRIG for sale in goqd cond. $165. CAtI 668-0920. June 14, 78 TWO BURNER, wood burning stove with white porcelain sides. 1ideal for a garage asking $100. Cati 983-9432. April 19, 78 PORTABLE WASHER, gond cond. $70. B. & W. T.V. $25. Rabbit Ear Aritenna $5. Cati 668-8178. June 14, 78 8 TRACK TAPE player, good cond. $20. Boys highrise, chopper style bicycle $30. Cai 655-3411. Jialy 5. 78 I è SNARE drum, stand, StiCks, burshes and key. Very good cond. $45. Cati Brian 655-3411. 8 TRACK stereu, with rnetrics, 4 channel, pioneer dual cone speakers $10. 725-6955 in the evenings. June 7, 78 HI-Fi RCA good for Rec Roomn or cottage $40. Cati 655-3607. March 22, 78 FM STEREO 8 track under. clash mount only $30. U.H,F. Antenna $5. Mouided ski boots in size 5 oniy $8. Portable AM Radio record player $10. Cali 668.2478 after 6 p.m. GUITAR, A-1 cond, with carry- ing case, $50. f irm. Cati1725-2544 April 19, 78 JVC STEREO cassette deck. $325 or best offer. Brand new. 579-8400 June 28, 1978 TWO PIONEER speakers $150. pr. Concord 2-4 Channel 8 track $75. Cati 655-3821. March 1, 78 GALANTI X300, 1 yr. otd, fuit consite keyboards & f loor bass controls, magic cord & rhythm section, headphones, stoot and books, $700. Cali 666-1372. March 8, 78 ELECTRONIC PIANO - as new, 5 fuli octabes $500. or best offer. White birch gas f irepiace logs, used one winter $80. or best offer. 668-6319. WINDOW $40. 1 door $15. Caiji 725-7081 or 725-1057. - Ma y 17, 78 OLD CLASSIC pinbatl machine works perfectty. Requires refinishing $250. Cati 728-2484. March 22, 78 BABY CARRIAGE $30. 2 Mag type Hubcaps, Ex. cond. 14"1 $25. Cati 668-9519 af fer 2 p.m. March 8, 78 1 pr. hockey skates, Jelinek size 9, $14. i Garrard record player wlfh speake and stand, $35. Cati 668-9771. ALMOST NEW paie green & paie yeiow mixed shag, approx. 10 )( 121/2, plus heavy bubbie foamn underpad. $180. Cati 666-1851. ROOM DIVIiDER, brass and amber $35. 4 teattier bags, for sale 2 for $10 each. 2 for $2. each. 10 yds. of materiai $1.00 each. 6 indoor plants 50 cents each. 2 used fuse boxes $1.00 each. Desk, $45. Boys & Girls skates $5. a pr. Mens bike $10. Louvre door, brand new haif price $20. Love seat $35. Arm- chair $10. 3 Mintptants 50 cents each. Smail boys hockey equip- ment $10. Cali 725-1211. May 24, 78 PETERSON MODEL75 infant- ToddIer car seat $25. Lounge êxerciser $12. Cati 668-0761 af ter 7 p. m. June 21, 78 HEATALATOR NEW $45. Brown & Gotd tweed living room chair $30. Cati 725-0776. March 15, 78 DOGNOUSE SUITABLE for a large dog $35. Acousfic guitar wifh case practicaty new $45. Judo Outfit size one $10. Cati 668-8961 af fer 4 p.m. March 22, 78 2 AIR wîndow 655-3m4. CON DITION E RS, size $75. each. Cati .iuIy 5, 78 2 A78-13 TIRES mounfed, $1_5. eech, 3 way carnag'e $35. high chair - fable $2., Crib with mattress $30. 2 bean bags. 15. cati1 668.4780. MaY 31, 78 1 . 1 à e e 61 à rmý bý