Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1978, p. 16

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AGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7,1978, WUITBY FREE PRESS __ E n orîu mi ___________668-6111 Free PORTABI T.V. ,in g 728-2280. ADMIRAI T.V. Goo 4# x 6" bri $249. 12 x brand new carpet $17, $34.50. Viki $15. Elec motor $18. ' Coffee tabke $5. 24" fol louvre door Mm. sur ce, mater $85. BAR FRID4 mahogany freezer spa With shelves used only 6 668-7436 aftei BILACIC & Wl ood cond. &$ 1 Pr.- hockey size t $14. 1 player with si $35. CaîIl 668-1 MATTRESSI $10. Cal 668.9 5 MORSE Ric in good workl $150. Caol 6e WEDOiNG O1 size 14-16, LOI Caol 655-4M8. IELLANE LE 14"1,Black & White îodcond. $50. Cal March 15, 78 L 2111 Black & White bd cond. $75. Cal March 15, 78 3nd new box trailer 15.9 f t. <21 sq. yd.) Harding sPice tone '5- 22 X 30" vaffity ing vacuum broom :tric f ire log with 2 larnpsha<g« $950. i $12. 26" insidedoor Iding door $5. >,a# s $9.50. Topcon Uni. mere, buli ln iight Cal 668.0592.- May 17, 78 OIE, Danby model,' coloured, small ice, large Interior on lo,. Likenew, 'J 5mîths. $150. Cal il er6 p.m.a May 17, 74 NfITE T.V. .-33- ln N L0. Cali 723-9U68. N Vsitates, Jolinek 1Garrard record i *eake and stand, as 9771. $15. I-figh Chair Ki 817. April 19, 8Ce du dlng Lawnmower c&i lng order esking Mt -0267. 66 June 7, 78 9 x RESS for sale $5 ng sieevet $40. M& ___________ and WEDDING. DRES$ sizo 17, excellent con-d. $50. Cali 725-4646. March 22, 78 POOL TABLE Burrough& watts, 41/2X 8,. Cal668-2425 before 12,noon. T.V. STAND that is An Ex. shape with Welnut finish. Black base for Don or Bedroomn $30. Cal 668-3587. April 5, 78 LADIES FALL or winter coat, green with fur trim aroundi cuffs & coller, size 18-20, asking $35. or bost offer. Chenille bedspread, single, branci new, asking $12. Cal 725-6045. WEDDING DRESS, size 10, ful lenght head piece, new $300. asking $100. Cal 668-0429. BLACK PERSIAN lamb coat, very good cond., size 36 $45. Cal668-8747. SKI BOOTS, size 10, 1 yr old, Dolomitcs $25. Cati 705-357-3787 af ter 6 p. m. FOR SALE 3 long drosses nover worn, size 18, $20. eech. Red velvet coat; size le, new $45. suedo coat size 18, $30. Portable dîshwasher $25. Body- thirts $5. ech size large. Cati 668-6078. Mardli 22, 78 10 SPEEO bike for sale in good COnd. $50. Caîl 668-2376. N Jame 71 78 one Set cf Encyclopeflia Bn-. tannica, Like new, 1973 lEdi- flan. Ait year Books 'nd inrdex lncluded. $450.00. Phono je». 1,7la I SET 0F golfclubs, Medalist 1 yr. old, 3 v Irons, head covers ai $150. Caîl 666-1419. Wilson toilet training chair,' ioily Iumper $35. 8 mm movie camera, light bar, splcer, screen, polaroid square shooter Camera $30. 2 - 14" wheel rims $10. Cali 576-6479. -April 26, 78 VAMAHA HI-FLEX,- 190 centimeter skiis, bindings, Hook Navada Toes Tyrol Heels $60. 655-3169. March 1, 78 1 SET of clownhill skils, bind. ings, and potes, 6 f t., brand now, nover used $50. Cali 576-8573 efter 6 p.m. MEN'S LANG buckle boots, size 6 and carrying rack, ArI. berg 185 centimeters skiis an-d Beesher bindings $45. Cali 728-1291. G OLO 121 x 24, rug $75. 1 red 10 spd. bike $45. two dunlop snowtires F-18-14 1 yr. old $20. 1 ntiue packlng trunk $25. Cali $66-1634. May 10, 78 M INCH wooden continental' )ed end. $8. Singleobed frame~ prings. Solid motal end with voodgrein pattern. $15. -Used efrigeretor good for-£emping 25. Treddle sewing. machine 20. Wooden desk 341, x 60"1$65. Wooden swivel ermchaîr on asters.- $15. Caîli576-1364. April 19, 78 nd bag. CANON 1218. 12 to 1 p"~ ZOOM With slow motion. Mo% camera and Eumig Auto.. Lc sound proiector super 8, $16( value, $800. Singer Fetura9 sewing machine with delu: cabinet and chair, hardly usi $500. Cali 655-4871. SPANI'SH OAK Dining Roci Ste. 901" table, six chairs, or caPtains buffet & hutch. Eý Cond. $1,050. Cali 668-3741. Mardi 8, LARGE TEAk'dsk for, hoiT or office use, hardly used $7( Cali .668-9746. April 112,7 ANTIQUE ARMCHAIR anc matching rocker over 100 yii old asking $850. for the.pair- 655-3523. LADIES 5 diemond weddng ,ring endeng. ring set. Exquis- te 'settiýng. Like new $250. Cali if ter 6 p.m. et 668-7436. April 26,.78 NEW PAPER log roller,$6. Cali 68-9605. May 10, 7n OYS-COASTER bike-for s'ale isking $40.,,Cali68-2,489. Apri 19, 78. CONIKA T3, lest years model, M0 mm. tefephoto, Hannimex :omputer flash. 3 different mne caps. Hannimex heavy Ùty tripod. Leether carrying ose. Ali kns of extres $350. qust 'self going out West. 58-1722. Aprll 19, 78, x 7 ga rage door with tracks 5. Kenmore zig-zag sewlng achine $"5. Marblè vanift oj d sink $75. Caîli655-3411. April 26, 78 vie Dad 900 ixe ed ne x. 78 ne 78 t id - ai 9 6d I 3d w $2 Wi cri Pa( KIF Mir (f Io bru. new $300 $10. dra; $75. 19208 ref lr 579-41 2 DOZ.Wi[neobottles $2. Per doz. 2 kîtchen chairs $3. portable sewing machine, not workîng $3. Haniging lamnp, brend new, brass $5. Hockey equipment, for smail boy $10. Antique wood highchair $20. Hairdresser chair $10. Round table cîoth with 4 cushions and a valence to match $10. for the set. Antique grandfathers chair to b. caned $20. 3 Carpet ends 7.5 'cents each. Encyîopejia $30. Old fashionecd meat grinder $2. Antique wooden pedestel table -25 x 26141,$35. Cal 725-1211. April 19, 78 1 AXMINSTER rug 9 x 12 ln 900d cond. Wine & beige colours $75. Cali 725.9946. April 19, 78 COFFEE TABLE & end tables $100. in very go0W conci. Two Tiffany styled lamnps. Rust coloured, crushed velvet. $60). Cali728-9017. April 19, 78 COMPACT VACUUM cleaner, Ex. cond. less than 1 yr. old $300. or best Offer. Soars Portable hair dryer $25. or best offer. C ali 668 -3 6. A r l 1 , 7 LADIES COAT, black irmmita. tion seal, siue 14.- 16,, cleaned as new. $45. or best offer. Cali 668-0136.-I GIRLS COAT size 10 - 12, aqua blue with sheeps wool trim. WorM twice. $60. 668-3101. ICANOPY, Green & White, 9 xj 12. Robe & PoleS includefi $85..3 Wooalen School Desks. $10. each. 668-2422. Merda 41 7a DRESSER $35. Wicker chair I $»0.014 Chair $20. 3 old faon ed $nul chaiss $. Lamp $15.. Cali 683-"».~ GAL. DRUM $7. White baby Ilb and mattress with bumper SC $35. 15 unused drainage ls $10. Caîl 668-8408. ýRY VACUUM cideener, Iracle Head .ettachment IOr- Poilsher & cèarpetpfie sh) extra beîts Indiuded, m Bag. New $499. asking 0. ex. cOnd. Woodgrain vinyl )board bookase headboard 1lvory, & White Damask ipes, 2 pr. one 10, pîeated 1h, one 16' Pleated wldth. .576-4993. Jue7, 78 0CIRCA,walnut dlning rn suite, complete. Table is nished, good cond. $700. 4904 af ter 5 P,.m. June 7, 78 B3LACKC & White Portable T.V. M35. Cal 668.0505. .lune 7, 78 CRAFTSMAN EL.ECTRIC lewnmower $s5. White shag rug e x 9 $30. Walnut shelving unit $20. Buffet or stereo cabinet 72"1 long Sailem meaple coîoured $70. Cal668-1473. June 7, 78 CHILD'S MASOTIE play- house approx. 41 x 4' x 41 $15. Eîectric f boor poilsher $10. Hooer Ilpright vacuum with ettachments $15. 4 drawer ,bureau $20. Golf bag & clubs May 31, 78 1 old chair $10. 2 plastic green chairs $10). Crown soalfers 1 q t. 50 cents per doz. <2 1¼ doz.) old kitchen table andi 2 chailrs $20. Eîlectric f loor Pol isher S$15. Caî11725-6849. May 10, 78 GIRLS BICYCLE, 20" wheel, 3 sPdt., bananna seat $25. Cati 668-3131. May 31, 78 MO S TU Westinghouse Air conditioner. 2 spd. upr.ight model for sliding or casenent windows. $175. Calil666-1198. May 31, 78 CLASS FIEDÀ~5 iAquarium, 15 g'al. with stand, lights and f ilter $45. Cal 668, 4495. March 22,' 78 OOGHOUSE for sale Cali 668-7107 botween 6 P.m. and 8 p.m. 1 milkinggoat$50.éali 983-9432 pair 0f May 3, 78 1 piofmated Budgios. Larger size, blue & ybllow with Or without lwoyoung ones price $45. for ali'four or' $30. for the parents. Cali 668-2461. March 1, 78 HALF ARAS gelding seven years old. A beautiful animai, quiet with children, bey & white markîngs about 14 hancls. Must seil, as we are over Stockedl. Price. $200. Cal294-1383. Jue 7, 78 1lrish Setter, . MaIe,- Reg., Tatooocj and shots $150. Cali after 6 p.m. 683.1410. 1 Reg. Paint FiIly. 9 mfths old $190. quiet. Cali 655-4541. 1968 PLYMOUTH Satellite, V/8 Automatic, Good Condition, Asking $300.00 Phone 668,9064. DAYn CARE0.n0 mho me At m M r . G dic k 6 8 65T Da , allal n my ho hlrnen any age welcome. References RELIABLE CIlLD care In my home. Fenced ln yardi.,Pleesee Cali 668-5292.. FOR RENT Iustria 1/com.merciai/Of c Space., Up to 20OSq sq. 1fi sprinklered Hopkins St. Ca cîetToronto63.15 1 - --%V 1 wu muroms, Fr11 Swimmng Pools - Leading stov. $100. per Week. Phon, swsmming POOl manufact'rgr 668-9404. must ctisposeO f brend new '1978 modols. Fully warranted, -om let wih p mp, m ot r' 2 O FFICES & stores for rent Of -'omletewithPUMP motr,, ground floor. 1 iust renovat« f isi,fenc:ing, walkaround sid, bbth aPp x 5 q..Po dock. Suggested rotail price the Submarîne Machine foi I$2350. Av ilable at pr-seasori details 868 fspecial of $1322. Caîl.nowfor early installation. Long termn ifinancing avaliable Caoli Toîl TO RENT 1 lfree anytimne 1 -800-26841944 , BIU-Mountein L09g Cebin or Cottage equippe<j A.1 swim. Ming, fishlng. Linde 369-3155, ISwimming Pools to Rent--. 265-1382. CArol 964-852. Wil biase and instaîl for home- ownors, famnily size alumiînt4m, gURNSHED ROOM ila ne» swimmning pools with.patio. home use of kitchen for. elderly Choio ofstyls, metih~aIl person 3 195. a month. within fencing regulations on a one, Walking distance, Phone two, or three yer renter beSis 6U07 with option to own. Try, bofore you buyl Cali Toit Free' anytime 1-800.268.1944. 17"' OMC Tri-Hull FIbreg:s f HOMES Boat, inboard outboard, Good W FORS L running order. $195. or R SAL offer. Phono 723-5349. WN-ITBY 16, GLASTRON Fibergîass Brick»Bungalow, wîth garage, 4 boat, 60 HP motr & tilt trailr, bedroorp 2 kitchens, patio Complte. and ready to go. doors from living roomn. Extra $1875. or best offer. Phono large lot. $55,900. Cali 668-6208. 723-5349. Beautiful dlothes for Sale, WA NTED Drosses, PanÎtsuifs, blouses, coats, ian oufits, long dresses, go0d as new, some nover worn, sizO 16 & 18,s BUSINESS COUPLE want 2 or roason for sale, now wear size 3 bedroorn house in eny area. 12, Hair Dryer L.P. $25. Bed For July lst. Roasonable Rent. Chesterfield, new $200. Wocl- Cali 728-8881 ask for Heather. ding dress with train $75.00 $300.00 new. Phono-668-6078. WANTED le Fe chairs. Cli 1668-6872. Oauto., 8 CVI., 351 dr. in good cond. Best e ng i te, 4<de offe or"8-M I MALE AFGHANE. 9rnths. old. Black face witts aprkoet colour. Reg. with paspes. Ail shots, ROnd show dog. $2M. or hast ol-.CatI68-l» 7tter 9 p.m. 74 GRE 'MLIN* Ex. condition, set of snow tires inclu<ie<. $1900.00 666-1295. 1M7 MONTEGO Mx Wagon, P/S. P/8, air cond. 8 cyl. certif ec 1775. Cati 6-76. 73 VEGA Ex. con. rai- new tires. $1400. Cali 655-4M9. AUTwNS AUCTION SALE iSet. .Iune 10, et H00 p. M. Clearning Auction of House. hold Furniture, Elect. 'AppUi- ances, Misc. etc. The property of Mrs. Louisa Mitchell, located 3/ miles west of marichester <HWYS. 12 & MA on Durham Rd. No. 21; or,½/ miles west of Utica, on south side. Partial list lncludes: 2 old brass beds; oak drop front desk; oak dressers; wash. standl, 2 oW, wooden kitchen tables; -china cabinet; 6 metch. ing pressback. chairs; spool bed; vict. parlour table; 6 matching Ornate oek chairs; 6 pine.seat Chairs; pîne fltour bin; Ivarlous old rockers; blanket box; treadle sewing machine; old fashionedi upright radio; ,walnut buffet; Chesterfield & chair; -platform rocker; quebec stove; cuckoo dcock; gone.W. wind lump; old 011 lemps; Staffordshlre dînner set (fors>;, cups & saucers;. glass; china; small elect. appliances; washer; vikin fridg. <2 yrs. old); moffat stove (extcellent>;. -moffet spin dryer; freezer; Portable t.v.; quilts; linen; bedding; oval1 fruames; pîctures; pots; pans; gerden tools; outdoor storage shed <6 X7); arnd orner misc. Terms Cash or good Chaque. No. Reserve. Giving Up the House. Fl I 1! COUNTRY YARD SALE Set.- lune 1Mt, Rein date June l7tta 12-5 p.m. Brooklln i1mile West Of #7, f Irst bouse n"rt on Cochrane ST. Infants cîothing, meternity clothes, weddting gown, camper jacks, Sth wheel house trailer, English saddle and misc. GARAGE SALE Brookla4tla Annuel George st. Garage Sale. Antique furni- ture, househoîd ap liances, childrens clothing, toys, gardon toolS, and more. Set. I 7» DUSTER 57,000 miles. le ROAO RUNNER, COnv., rebulît amneîl. Sest clrCali I Upo-Esa Jtohn & ppreafre Ibekln.sm sanSc h b th nk.ase. June IO SOh 0 A.m LE pm Wednesday,Ilune7,6:30p.m.In Prince Albert Hall, 2 miles Soujth Of Port Perry. Good qualitY consignments. Furni. ture--wlcker chairs, drop leaf table, chesterfieîd with two chairs, iron beds, sturdy lawn chairs, dressers, kitchen table, wooden chairs, chrome chairs, Appliances, Moffat built-In range, Findlay 241, stove, Inglis twin-tub washer, mix-master, SmIall Westinghouse fridge, lamps, kettie, toaster, G.E. iron, upright freezer, Kenmore 301, stove, Viking Fridge, Allin good condition. Tools- lawn-rnower, hand culti- vator with attachments, buck Saw, 31/2 horse roto tiller, 6, woodien step ladder, table saw, motor and Sander, 4 horse garcjen tractor wlth attach. monts, gardon hose, 2W0'Of nylon rope 491, x 42"1 complete window. Plus Imperial typewriter, Spode dishes, Arc amplifier, depression glass, dishes, plat. ters, vases, crock, t.v. 30' tower & rotor and many more items. No. Reserve. John Pearce Auctioti service 416-9U5.7492. EARN $2«.00 OR MORIE PER WEEIC-TARTPART TIMEI Leus than $700.00 cen stuul y'oj in your wn autorecoWidîtning and polishing business. For FREE Information Cali or write: R. H«"r, Moble Shie ro ff ov y n é 10 nt le 1 VAWM

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