PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31,1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS MarCh 15, 78 ADMIRAL 211" Black & White T.V. Good conci. $75. Cali 655-4974. March 15, 78 4'1 x 6' brand new box trailer $249. 12 x 15.9 f t. (21 sq. yd.) brand new Harding spice tone carpet $175. 22 x 30"1 vanity $34.50. Viking vacuum broom $15. Electric f ire log with ~,motor $18. 2 lampshades $9.50. Coffee table $12. 26"1 Inside door $5. 24" folding door $5. 48", louvre cloors $9,50. Topcon U ni . mm. sur camera, built in light meter $85. Caîl 668-0592. May 17, 78 BAR FRIDGE, Danby mnodel, mahogany coloured, small freezer space, large interior with shelves on cloor. Like new, used only 6 mths. $150,. Cal 668-7436 af ter6 p.m. May 17, 78 BSLACK & WHITE T.V. - 33"1 in good cond. $50. Cati 723-9068. 1 pr. hockey skates, Jelinek size 9, $14. 1 Garrardl record player with spealce and stand, $35. Cal 668-9771. MATTRESS $15. High Chair $10. Cali 668-9817. 1 April 19, 78 MATCHING ECRU head- boards 30"1$7. each. 2 matching mattresses 30, $20. each, 1 white headboard, 39"1 $5. 1 box spring (like new) 36"1$25. 1 box spring 391" $10. 1 Foam mattress 4" deep 36" $15. 1 HI-Fi corner speaker $20. 1 Hi-Fi heathîcit Amplifier $20. Cali 668-8943 after 4 WEDDING DRESS for sale size 14-16, Long sleeves $40. Cal 655-4289. WEDDING DRESS size 17, excellent cond. $50. Cal 725-4646. March 22, 78 POOL TABLE Burrough & Watts, 41/2 x 8'. Cal 668-2425 before 12 noon. T.V. STAND that is in Ex. shape with Walnut finish. Black base for Den or Bedroom $30. Cal 668-3587. April 5, 78 AIR CONDITIONER GSW 5,000 BTU's used one summer $150. Freezer - General Elec- fric, Marvest gold coloun, il cu. f t. like brand new $200. Cal 668-3810 LADIES FALL or winter coat, green with fur trim around cuffs & collar, size 18-20, asking SM. or best offen. Chanille bedspread, single, branti new, asking $12. Caîl 725-6045. WEDDING DRESS, size 10, full - lenglht head piece, new $300. asking $100. Caîl 668-0429. BLACK PERSIAN Iamb coat, very gooti cond., size 36 $45. Cail 668-8747. SKI BOOTS, size 10, 1 yr. old, Dolomltcs $25. Caît 701-357-3787 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE 3 long dresse never *Orn, size le, $20 each. Red velvet coat, size 18, new $u5. suede coaf size 11, $20 Portabte dlshwasher $2. Bdy- thirts $5. ech size large. Caîl Ma"* 2 7M CANON 1218. 12 to. 1 power zoom with slow motion. Movie camera and Eumig Auto. Load sound prolector super 8, $1600. value, $800. Singer Fetura 900 sewing machine with deluxe cabinet and chair, hardly used $5W. Cal 655-4871. SPANISH OAK Dining Room Ste. 90"1 table, six chairs, one captains buffet & hutch. Ex. Cond. $1,050, Cali 668-3741. March 8, 78 LARGE TEAK desk for home, or office use, hardly usêd $70. Calil668-9746. April 12, 78 ANTIQUE ARMCHAIR and matching rocker over 100 yrs. old asking $850. for the* pair. 655-3523. LADIES 5 diamond wedding ring and eng. ring set. Exquis- ite setting. Like new $250. Cali after 6 p.m. at 668-7436. April 26, 78 NEW PAPER logrol ler $6. Cal1 668-9605. May 10, 78 BOYS COASTER bike for sale asking $40. Cali 668-2489. April 19, 78 KONIKA T3, Iast years model, 300 mm. telephoto, Hannimex Computer flash. 3 different lense caps. Hannimex heavy duty trIPod. Leather carrying case. Ail kîns of extras $350. Must seli going ou$ west. 668-1722. April 19, 78 9 x 7 garage door with tracks $75. Kenmore zig-zag sewing machine $65. Marbie vanity top and sink $75. Cali 655.3411. April 26, 78 2 DOZ. Wine botties $2. per doz. 2 kitchen chairs $3. portable sewing machine, flot working $3. Hanging lamp, brand new, brass $5. Hockey equipment, f or smal11 boy $10. Antique wood highchair $20. Hairdresser chair $10. Round taille cloth with 4 cushions and a va lance to match $10. for the set. Antique grandfathers chair to be caned $20. 3 Carpet ends 75 cents each. Encylopeia $30. Old fashioned meat grinder $2. Antique wooden pedestal table 25 X 261/411 $35. Cali 725-1211. April 19, 78 1 AXMINSTER rug 9 x 12 in good cond. Wine & beige colours $75. Cali 725-9946. April 19, 78 COFFEE TABLE & end tables $100. i very good cond. Two Tiffany styled lamps. Rs coloured, crushed velvet. $60. Cali 728-9017. April 19, 78 COMPACT VACUUM cleaner, Ex. cond. Iess than 1 yr. old $300. or best off er. Sears portab e A-er 25.&r-be VAMAHA HI-FLEX, 190 centimeter skiis, bindings, Hook Navada Toes Tyrol Heels $60. 655-3169. March 1, 78 1 SET 0f downhill skiis, bind- ings, and poies, 6 f t., brand new, neyer used $50. Cali 576-8573 after 6 p.m. MEN'S LANG buckle boots, size 6 and carrying rack, Arl- berg 185 centimeters skiis and Beesher binidings $45. Cali 728-1291. 1 GOLD 12' x 24' rug $75. 1 red 10 spd. bike $45. two dunlop snowtires F-78-14 1 yr. old $20. 1 antiue packing trunk $25. Cali 666-1634. May 10, 78 36 INCH wooden continental beti end. $8. S ing le bed f rame & springs. Solid metal end with woodgrain pattern. $15. Used refrigerator good for camping $25. Treddle sewing machine $20. Wooden desk 34" x 60"1$65. Wooden swivel armchair on casters. $15. Cal 576-1364. April 19, 78 45 GAL. DRUM $7. White baby crib and mattress with bumper pads $35. 15 unused drainage tiles $10. Cali 668-8408. COFFEE TABLE, end tables and Iamps matching s et. in ex. cond. $100. for the set or Iamps can be sold separate. Wooden rocker 2 mths. old with cushion and back padding $35. Cal 668-3195. May 10, 78 1 old chair $10. 2 plastic green chairs $10. Crown sealers 1 qit. 50 cents per doz. (2 114 doz.) old kitchen table and 2 chairs $20. Electric f loor pol isher $15. Cali1725-6849. May 10, 78 GIRLS\BICYCLE, 20" wheel, 3 spd., bananna seat $25. Cali 668-3131. May 31, 78 8000 BTU Westinghouse Air conditioner. 2 spd. upright model for sliding or casement windows. $175. Cali 666-1198. May 31, 78 CHILD'S MASONITE play- house approx. 4' X 4' x 41 $15. Electric f on polishen $10. Hooven upright vacuum with attachments $15. 4 drawer bureau $20. Golf bag & clubs $15. Panasonic 8 track tape deck with box of tapes $35. Cali 668-1921. May 31, 78 MALE AFGHANE, 9mths. old. Black face with apricot colour. Reg. with papers. Al shots, good show dog. $200. or best offer. Cal 655-8017 after 9 p.m. May 31, 78 1 milking goat$ 983-9432 May 3, 78 1 pair of mateci Butigies. Larger size, blue & yeiîow with or without two young ones price $45. for ail four or $30. for the parents. Cal 668-2461. March 1, 78 1 Reg. Paint Fitly. 9 mths etd $190. quiet. Cal 655-4541. lrish Setter, Male, Reg., Tafooed and shots $150. Cali afer 6 p.m. 6imm41. Aquarium, 15 gai. with stand, Iights and f ilter $45. Cali 668- 4495. March 22, 78 DOGHOUSE for sale Cali 668-7107 between 6 p.m. and 8 P.M. REGISTERED FEMALE Irish Setter, 9 mths. old, ail shots $150. f irm. Cali 655-8016. LOOKING FOR GIFT Makçe it a painting, acrylic paintings $10. and up. FramS inciuded. 579-3794. 1811 CORSAIR house trailer, 3 burner stove, with over, andl has a furnace, two way fridgg, 3 pce. bath. Asking $2500. Cali 649-5201 af ter 6:30, ask for Ron or Donnia. Swimming Pools- Leading, swimming Pool manufacturer must dispose of brand newh 1l978 m nodels. Fully warranted, ,omplete. with pump, motor,. f ilter,' fencing, walkaround iid -cdeck. Suggested retail price' '$2350. Ava ilable at pre-season special of $1322.ý Caîl now for eryinstallation. Long term financing available. Caîl Tol Fçrpe anytime 1-800-268-1944. Swimming Pools Io Rn- Wil lease and instaîl for home- owners, family size aluminum. swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meetingesall. fencing regulations on a-one,, two, or three year renta[ basis *ihoption to own. Try, before you buyl Cali Tol Fre anlytime 1-800-268-1944. OPTIMIST SAI LINO dinghy, 8' long, wooden huli. Aluminium masf< & boom. Boston sail. Good stable beginners boat $300. firm. Phone 655-3700. CAMPER TRAILER. cond. sleeps four. $275. 655-3833. 70, DUSTER 57,000 miles'. 70 ROAD RUNNER, C0nv., rebuilt engine. Best offer Cail 668-5582. SITUATIO NS WANTED DAY CARE in my home. Children any age. Cail any- time. Mrs. Goodrick 668-8659. WI LL BABYSlT children ln my own home after school break begi ns In June. Callafter 6p.m. Mrs. Raynsford. 655-4944. 2 OFFICES & stores for rent on ground f boor. 1 just nenovateti both approx. 250 sq. f t. Phone the Submanine Machine for details 668.666$ FOR RENT Industrial/Comimercial/Office Space. Up to 20,000' sq. ft., sprinklere<I. Hopkins St. Caîl collect Toronto 633-1615. BUSINEI 3 bedroor For'July' Caîl 728-8 HARRIS, (Peck) a nounce f- second di born May lbs. 1l/2 oz iS COUPLE want 2 or n house ln any'area. lst. Reasonable Rent. 3881 ask for Heather. Dave & Joan neeJ ire pleased to an- he arrivaI 0f their ýughter Ellie May 29th at 5.40 a.m., 8 rA sister for Buffy.j Ex. Cal 100 PATIO Stones 24 x.32 $1.25 each. Pick up. Caîl 668-3995. 1 SERVEL propane refrigena. tor, Approx. 10 cu. f t. 30"- deep, x 5' high, 3311 wide. $400. 3 - 20,000 BTU space heatens, suit- able for small cottage or green house. 30 f t. of 511 gas vent pipe. $40. for the lot. Cali 725-6437. 77 YAMAHA, 650, low mileage, in good cond. Cali 668-9496. LAWN MOWER 21/2 yrs. old. Ex. cond. $60. Buffet or stereo cabinet, salem., maple colour, 72"1 long ex. cond. $70. 668-1473. SUNBEAM electnic lawn- mnower $25. Cal 655-4104 af ter 5 p.m. FOR SALE 3 H.P. Roto Tiller <Toro) $150. Cali 668-6169. 74 GREMLIN* Ex. condition, set of snw tires inclusdt. $19000 6661295. 197 MONTEGO MAX Wagon, P/S, P/B, air cOnd., a cyl. certif ied Caîl 6661 Il VROA Ex. cond. Brand w tires. $14W. Cati 615.409. WHITBY FOR SALE LARGE LOT, 3 bedroom bungalow, pool, immaculate, private through Principals Only. Reduced for quîck sale. Caîl 655-4492. "COUNTRY LIVING"# 3 BDRM. bungalow, full base- ment, lg. fenceti lot, easy access f0 401. Make an offer. Caîl 355-3741. WHITBY Brick Bungalow, with garage, 4 bedroomp 2 kitchens, patio doors f rom living room. Extra large lot. $55,900. Cail 668-6208. HELP WANTED -PART-TIME gas bar attendant wlling te work weekends. Caîl 655-3484. "ICE MAKER"-e THE WHITBY Curling Club le seeking the proper Individuel to fil1 the 'Position of "ICEMAKER"1. Duties te com- mence ln mid Sept. 78. Apply lni confIldence befor. Tu«ey June 13th, 1978., Statlng qualifi- cations andi salary expecte t t: Mr. R. Ashby >. 3 Lynde Cnt. Whltby, Ont. LUN 3H6. AUCTION SALE Rotary Club of Whitby, Auction Sale & Bake Sale. Sat. the 3rd. of June, 78. 10:00 a.m. House- hold and gadnn utensîls andi homemade baklng. Corner of Brock St. S. andi Ontarlo St. E., Whitby. Auctioneers, Stapleton Brothers. AUCTION SALE- The property of Mrs. J. ROY# R.R. No. 1, Whitby on Basé Line just west of Whitby town- line, Sat. June 3rd, 11:00 a.m.' Household furniture, antiques, a large quan<lty of tools, farm equipment, oîd cupboards, grape press, stamp collection, f iling cabinet & safe, radios, beaver bench saw, SkUI saw, electric drill & press, chain saw, grain auger, meat slicer for f rozen meats, creamn separators, Massey-Harris 3 pt. hitch mower, 3 pt. hitch, cultivator, cockshut 3 furrow plow, 3 pt. hitch double dlsc, 3 pt. hitch rotary moW~er (new) 100 bales 0f straw, garden Roto-tiller, <ex.) Old guns, and numerous other articles. Terms Cash No reserve, lunch available. Auctioneer, Earl Gauslin. AUCTION SALE Sat. June 10, at 1:00 p.m. Clearning Auction of, House- hold Furniture, Elect. Appli. ances, Misc. etc. The property of Mrs. Louisa Mitchell, located 31/2 miles west of manchester (HWYS. 12 & 7A) on Durham Rd. No. 21; or 11V2 miles west of Utica, on south side. Partial list Includes: 2 old brass beds; oak drop front desk; oak dressers; wash- stand-- 2 old wooden kitchen tablesý; china cabinet; 6 match- ing pressback chairs; spool bed; vict. parlour table; 6 matching ornate oak chairs; 6 pineseat chairs; pine f lour bin; various old rockers; blanket box; treadie sewing machine; old fashioned upright radio; walnut buffet; chesterfield & chair; platform rocker; quebec stove; cucko dcock; gone-w- wind lamp; Old 011 Iamps; staffordshire dinner set (for 8) ; cups & saucers; glass; china; small elect. appliances; washer; viking fridge (2 yrs. old); moffatstove (excellent); moffat spin dryer; freezer; portable t.v.; quilts; linen; bedding; oval1 frames; pictures; pots; pans; garden tools; outdoor storage shedi (6 x7); and other misc. Terms Cash or good cheque. No. Reserve. Giving up the House. Lunch available. Kahn Auction Services - 985-8161. BARN & GARAGE SALE 1410 Ouridas St. W., Whilby on Sat. June 3rd-, at 10:00 a.m. Caîtl 668 -Caîl 668-3140 HOW TO EARN MORE MONEV - MEN & WOMEN I need a full or part-time persan to help mee'tte demanti for a mnuch needed service for metorisis. Pleasant, dignlf ied, good paying work. ne experience necessary but a car is. For full information contact BLIZASETPI J. PARMI 6" BND STREET, E., OSHAWA* ONTARIO P140NE: 72S-2"4. M2. Old Cha ir $20. 3 Old fash iort- 40 smaà lt chairs $M. Lamp $5 Cà a11 de3463. mare 29, 8.7