Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1978, p. 4

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w ~ . -. PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS PAE4 WDEDMY241,whitby E RS w AJb Voice of the Cou nty Town Michael 14l The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and oper SERVING OVER 28,.000 READERSC an Burgess, Pubiîsher-Managing Editor *r Ik.IL4L. ~ t ~.au I>' y AiALy riaenuwii or U itby lU resicients. Community Editor -Brian Wjnter Pubiished every Wednesday ContruMiting Editor -Jlm Quail Production Manager -Marie Burgess Print & Promotionai by M.B.M. Pubiishingi Manager-RbnLo and Photography hic.j Classif îed Ad Manager'-S. van Deeletr -Phone 668-6111 'Circulation Manager -ý-Sfiaédn L'6fl Mailing Permit No. 460 The Free Press Building, Member of the: 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bureau of Toronto P.O. Box 206. Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chamber of Commerce Reader wants French langu age services legally recognized in Ontario Dear Sir, This, letter is an at. tempt f0 lnform ail Dur- ham leaders of the recent requests that haîf a mil- lion francophones have made- to the, Davis government. 1 lmmedlately extenc my apologies for such an impersonal message. The lack of time kept me fron, communicating wltii each of you on an Indiv- Idual basîs. i aiso want to thank you for glvlng me this oppor- tunlty to write on a sub- led that 15 extremely dear to met namely the weifare of my family, my friends, and a significant number of our fol Iow citîzens of Ontario. What do French-speak- Ing Qite rlains want? 1ltIt s a rocogni on that is not possible unless we have access f0àacitizen's usual governmentai ser- vices "on francais"l when the. numbor of French- spoaking residents justify such services and unless thls right ot have services in our language is legâl ty, and repoat logally rocog- nlzed. là order to understand anyttilng about the crîsis ln Canada or the plight of Ontario's ,French-speak- ing populatIon, if must-be realîzed thaf establishîng tegal equality for both linguistlc and cultural groups is fundamental. Until very, recently, Engiish-speaking Canada neyer accepted the fact that French and English were equal ln this country. This resulted ln Inequal- Ify being built Into our legal and social fabrlc. In the past few years there are encouraging sIgns that Engilsh-speaking Canadlans Increasîngly accept the basic linguis- tic and culturai duality of Canada. This augurs very well for the future. Esfab- llshing such equality be- fore the iaw ln Ontario wili translate Into moasures such as the foliowîng. Ontario will need to ensure that healIth care facilities are avail- able in bath languages, worse for if. Why is if that even today, 111 years affer confederation, we ýt are still faced with a situation where a great e number 0of Ontario' s 5 French speaking citizen are without adequate 1 community servies ln i:theîr mother tongue? e An Ontario government i commission on French 1 language health services *has already documented the crying needs in this 1area. If is not a question of more money, but rather of money spent differently by a govern- ment which ýhas the lin- gui stlc needs of -itscîti- zens ln mind. When we are asking for French language ,ser- vices thîs doesflot moan thttenders for a, con- struction, prolect ln Hamilton or ln Kenora will have fo -be ln both languages; nor does it mean that every-technl- cal government docu- ment wiIi need to b. issued ln both languages, or that* sîmultaneous translation has to be pro- vIdeýd for ail the commit- tees of the legisiature of Ontario Franco-Ontari- ans are not asking for this for the simple reason that the cost would be prohi- bitive and it would be a wasteful expenditure sînce they wouîd not use such things themselves. What we are a sking for is that our right fo French language services be iegally recognlzed ln Ontario. For Franco- Ontarians, this would mean that in areas of the province where they are ln suffîIclent numbers such as the districts of eastern and northeastern Ontarlo, government services would become available ln theîr own language. For the people of Ontario if would demon- strate a basic respect for Canada"s cultural duality. This recognition wouid consfitute a cele- bration of Canada. Some people ln Ontario go ouf of their way to oppose anyfhlng and everything thaf is French ln this p rovine. blive Franco-Onfarians wanf! 1 would like to end this brief presentaf ion by quoting a few men that we have known and re- spect. "If we are to realilze the principle of equal' part- nership between Cana- dians of the fwo languages and cultures, radical changes in public policy are necessary. Perhaps the most funda- mental of these is the urgent need to make. Is possible for French- speaking 'Canadlans liv- ing oufsîde Quebec to sustain their language and culture..." (D.V. SmIley, The Canadian EDITOR'S NOTE -A number of Whifby residents h ave expressed concern during the past month about the damage caused by meadow voles fo . iawns, -shrubs 1and trees on their properties. The foiîlowing isaà,letter from Ontario, Agriculture Minister' William Newman, Infor- mlng the fown council what resîdents can do about confroiling meadow voles. Dear Mr. Wallace: RE: Meadow Voles Replying to your recent letters of March 31, April 2, 7 and 11, i must report that the' past winter's conditions were ildeal for the life of the Meadow Vole, which is known'aiso as the Meadow Mouse or Field Mouse. Meadow voles winter In sheiferod areas and live on the tender bark of young trees, shrubs and grass. To repair damage f0 treos and shrubs, if the tree has been girdîed, bridge grafting is recom- mended as eariy ln the season as possible. The trees shouid b. pruned as weli. Forfunafely, iawns are nof usualiy badly damaged. The root sysfem is not usuaiiy touched, and a good raking eariy ln the season to remove the dead grass Is ail thaf is required and the lawn should refurn fo normal. For cont roi of the Meadow Vole, the use of rodent icides is recom- mended, part icularly ln the fail. There are a number of rodenficides In bait form avaliabie. These Include Chioro- phacinone, Diphacinone andI Warfarïn, andI are Political Nafionality, 1967) ---"For more than fhree centuries, the French men and women have played an Important part ln Ontario's deveiopment -begînning' with explorers and'fur trades 0f -New France. The Frnco- Ontarian communify Is sf111 playing thîs role today. Ontario and ln fact ail 0f Canada is rîcher and stronger due to the presence of ifs French- speaking -resîdents."" (Mr. John 'P. Robars, Ottawa speech, August ,24, 1967) --- *"The, greatest con- trast befween the Ameni- can nation and ours is thaf the United States Is a markefed- under trade, 1names. The labels on thé contasiners Ili~t the active compounds and gîve full Instructions on theîr. use. These-are -a. safe and effective control If hand- led properly. country of one language and basically fwo cultures. Let - me say quite frankly and humibly thaf If has faken us ln English-speakîng Canada a long timne fa realize thaf there *are two cultures ln this country and thatýour French-speaking feiiow citizens were here first.", (Vincent Massey, First Canadian to becomne Governor General of Canada) The question actuaily directedto the Anglo- Ontarian majorify is the foiowing: Do you wanf to preserve the weaîth and strength of the French language and culture? Do you wanf fo retain your historicalIidentity? Wili inedbyr If youhv any urte questions, o'ur Agrîcuif- ural Representative for Durham, Mr. O.A. Dairymple, 234 King Street East, Bowmanviile telephone number 623-3348, wiil be oniy fo you be able fa surpass ancient racial, lingual and religlous prejudices and ask the government to conéede resources f0, avoid the assimilation *hro.mt +o vour French .minorify? If you 'agree, you wiIi demonstrafe your, respect for history, your,.love for justice and fair-play and, you wiIli reveal the proof of your mafurify to the resf of the country. For haif a million Franco-Onfarians, living "on francais" C(infrench) is a basic righf I I A sincero Ontarian neighbour,, Normand Pollerin# 323, Hilîside Avenue, Osbawa, Ont. nUnùoter pleased fo help you. I' trust the foregoîng Information will be of assistance fo you and vour residents. YOUrs sincerely, William 0. Newman P.C. candidate wants decisions made Doar Sir: As the federal Progres- sive, Conservative candi- date for Ontario Rlding, i sense that the mon an d women of aIll politîcal parties are eager for an ,election. SThe Prime Minîsterý's decision notto go fo the polis Is another exampie of the Irrosponsibie atti- tude of the Liberai government. At. basf the Inept, handling of the election Issue is consist- ent wifh the lack of direc- ftion this country has been given over the Iasf ton years. The Trudeau party Is old, stale and tîred. This country does nof want a Prime Minister who is afraMid of the electorafe. The vofers 0f Ajax, Pickering and Whitby no longer wanf governmenf by bureaucracy. We wanf a responsive government that makes decisions. Decisions on such Issues as: 1<( The Pickering air- port. 2) A national vote on the Issue of capital punlshment 3) A new concept of employmenf insurance. Lef's replace unempIoy- ment insurance wîfh ïsîiîs f0 newand expanding mnufactur- fing and procêsliiIj Industries. This wouid encourage job creat ion for the many who want fo work and wouid discour- age those who abuse our present unempioyment Insurance system. 4) Tax crodifs for investment in smaii busInesses togetterwîth a change In the bank acf fo encourage equîfy In- volvemnent by Ibo banks. This would iower the total debt load on newly estabilshed enTerprises. 5) -Tax 'deductîbility on fhe f irsf $25,Mocf a homneowner's niorfgage Inferest.- .This 'wouîd mhake thIngs easler for the new 'homeowner, wouid stImnulate the hous- Ing -market, and would get construction workers back on the job. As a serlous politician, I Plan fo campalan in- J harai tashîon over mne nexf season. l'il soo n be estabiishîng, a campalgni headquarters ln order to meef Ontario Rlding constituents and become more aware of thoîr concerns. Scott Fenneil, Progressive Conserva- five Candidate for Ontario Riding Iveryone reads thme Whitby Fres Wmtto express yur views? Lettersm to the Editor Box 206 Whitby or drop off ai 121 Broek St N~orth e.. e~ ~ -e. e~* e ee~e e e~e e... ~ ~ .. -~ q Vole con trol is, outi ,qmmmý

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