Sicott Fennlis P.C canicdidate, BAITLE 0F ATLANTTC RMEMEE Members of the Whitby Sea Cadet Corps stood on guard at the Cenotaph Sunday as wreaths are laid te commemorate the Battle o! the. Atlantic during the. Second World War. Members of Brancb 112, Royal Canadian Legion turned eut for th. brie! service, the first in whitby in about five years. The. Cenotaph was cleaned and saedblashed oniy a few days before the. service and presents a briglit new appearance. Fre. Press Photo by Brian Witer Scott Fennell, 50, of New- castle, received the Progres- sive Conservative Party's nomination as candidate for Ontario Riding at a well-at- tended convention at Picker- ing 111gh Scbool Tbursday. Dean J. Kelly, a journalist from Port Perry, who was expected to contest tbe nomination withdrew and did net attend the. meeting. Mr. Fenneil has lived ine the Durham Region since. 1973 and bis family bas developed tbe port of New- castle. A businessman for 27 years, Mr. Fennel bas been an insurance breker and bas heiped te rebuiid a number of ailing businesses. H. bas been on the execu- tive of the Canadian National Sportsmen's Shows for 12 years and' was vice-chair- man from 1974 to 1977. He was aise president of the Canadian Ski Association, and is interested in conser- vation. Mr. Fenneil told about 650 delgates that he is "con- cerned about this country. "W. have enougbt philoso- phers, lawyers and mander- mns in the government," be said. "We need people ex- perienced in aie reai world of business and economies." Mr. Fenneli said it was timne te make -a change "because Canada is, in peril." He told the delê-gates îthat 10 years ago the federal government had a budget of $11 billion, and now the national deficit is more than that. government spending bas increased five times and the national debt increased 10 times during that period, he said. Both mr. Fenneli and guest speaker Sinclair Stevens, Tory financial critie ln ie House cf Commons, said that Ontario Riding is one of the Key ridings in the province, anid remninded aie delegates that liberal incumbent Norm Cafik Won it by only four votes in 1972. Mr. Stevens predicted that if the Conservatives won 60 te 65 of aie 95 seats in aie Province of Ontario, tbey would b. 'the next federal governnment. Mr. Stevens said he brought the delegates a challenge ta return good government ta, Canada and a hope te restore the economy and weli being of aie country to the role it once had. Mr. Fenneli piedged hbe would begin bis campaign immediately and try tae, al on every person in jhe riding, giving equal time toalal parts of the redistributed riding. Mr. Fenneil will be running against Liberal Minister of State for Multi- cuituralism, Norm Cafik. The New Democratic Party bas net yet picked a candi- date for the riding. A public meeting will b. called at St. Leo's Schoolinii Brooklin lçfore May 15 te discuss the. proppsed closing of the school. The Durham Region !ipparate School Board voted te reconsider the proposcd clesing of the school, after a delegation of concerned parents met with the board May 1. An ad hoc committee was estabiished after this meet- ing to direct the boa rd's sta ff te prepare and compile al informatien available on aie scbool before aie public meeting. The matter wiii be. brought before the board again at its next meeting May 15. More than 40 parents ap- peared befere the board te protest the proposed ciosing, and Rev. Anthony Mea gier of St. John the Evangeiist Church ie Whitby warned that clesing the school could do a lot of damage in the Cathoiic community unless there were substantial financiai reasons for it. Trustee Ivan Wallace moved that, the imatter b. reconsidered, admitting that the parents bad not been given enough time tu com- ment on the proposai. Trustee Andy Miller said closing the scheol wouid un do the work of militant Catbolics who bad worked bard te build it. The school presentiy bas 90 pupils and is the only place wbere Mass is said in Brookiin, the parents said . Wmtario cornes Auge 3 bitby's Iroquois Park Wîntario draw. e variety na will be the. site o! aie show will feature local talent 13 Wintarîo draw. Gord as it bas ah past County Town ýna, President o! the Carnivals. by Chamber o! Cern- The live coverage o! the ce aenounced F'riday. draw by Global television r. Hanna said h. had will begin ah 8:30 p.m., ac- ived confirmation from cording ta present plans. arîo officiais Tbursday The Wintario draw is ex- Wblitby has been ap- PeChed ta be On. of the. major ,ed as the draw site. highlights o! this year's ans cail for Bert Heaver Count.v Town Carnîval, esent a variety show for whicb salutes the Golden iublic ah tthe arena for an Jubile. o! the. Chamber o! before the. teevised Commerce. frwe fgtr inpact be twertc a new cole- ifus oely negobalahe as of Cagreernent ee rati.fled DeCembor 3lst, 19718. rnloy at separate mie«- TheIi.97 wage settiemient sheld by the. Whitby provides for an average in- mcil and L.ocal 2M36of the c«?ase cf 5-39% and improv- matimeaI Associatimof e d 1fe imsuwaiftcoverage- e FWters. Other dhanges inadude a lie settfriuiet provides layai!. senionty% and recal a two ywa agreenwluit clause~. The. agreemnent kng Doeomber 31st., uMcaver 2 full time i W«M &ea trI,*e baee-cf the Pire UepartuI. Secot Fenolithe zaoiaumed Progremive Conervative Candidate for Ontari. Riog ad*ees the Mduiegates at the. rldng's nemination meing at Plkering Higb ScW Thursdav.. An insurance broker and devekqxwrof Newe-astlbe Harbor, Mr. FSeel is seeking poldtial cffic. for the fiast time-Fie Preas Phato Public meeting calfled -on proposed school clos«ng wi Arei Aug. Hant mer Mr recei Wintl tha' provt thepi tive mci cu Fie -ib Houng authority starts with ôoffcesi Whitby The Durhamn Area Housing David Phelps of Beavertcm, Authority will be inaugurat- Fred Taylor of Uxbridge, ed on May 11, it was an- Mrs. Grace Love of Port nounced this week by Hous- Perry and Rloss Stainton of ing Minister Ciaude Bennett. Hlampton. With its offices in VWhitby, The new authority wil the new authority wiil be manage 577 senior citizen responsîble for managixwail rentai unîts in the towns of public bousing units in the Ajax. Newcastle (Boman-. town, whli har pesnty ville), Pickering and Wltby, under direct management of and the townships of Brock Ontario Housing Corpora- (Beaverton and Cannington) tion, as weIl as pro>ects Sego (Port Perry> and spread through various Uxbrldge. It will aise be mnmicpalities Inthie regias responsible for 58 rent al municipality of Durham. supplement units for famille The shaa Hosin in jaxandWhitby. Tii. Osawa Hosing e Durham Area Housing Autboity will continue ta be iioemity buings the. number resonsIlefortIý unts f local hoeing audboeitao locaed n tht cty. LHA) to56Its formation William lLean o.Ajax in s artcf the. mlnistry's plan -hairman of the. new author- to decentralize assisted tY. Othe members are: bousing management by ex- Noel Mar-SIMll andClarmenre - iiithelocal hoeùIng Itewson, bath of Whitby, auuwîv systm. FI lE IE P R E$$t, j