Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1978, p. 16

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PAGE 16. WEDNESDAY, MAY, 10, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS- .Free Pre smorium Cciii 668-61 11 E~I l<onika T3, las? years model, MISCEL N*O S 300mm. telephoto, Hnie Computer flash. 3 cifferent t lense caps. Hannimex heavy Pr. _boys'hockey skates, Jelnek duty trlpod. Leather carrying e 9, $14. 1 Garrard record case. Ail kinds of extras $350. ayer with speaker and stand, Mustýsell going out west. 6a8- 5. -668-9771 j1722. Mettress $15. High Chair $10. Cali 668-9817. April 19, 78 MatchIng Ecru headboards 3W $7. each, 2 matchinç mnattresses 30", $20. each,1 white headboard, 391 $5. 1 box spring (Ilke new) 361$25. 1 box sprlng 39" $10. 1 Foam mat- tress 4"' deep 36", $15. 1 Hi Fi corner speaker $20. 1 Hi-Fi Heathkit Amplifier $20. Cali 666-8943 after 4 p.m. WEDDING dress for sale, siz 14-16. Long sleeves $4C 6515-4289. Wedding Dress Size 17, excellei condition $50. Cal 725-464. March 22/78 POOL table - Burrough & Watts 4%2 x 8'. Cali 668-2421. before 12 noon. T. V. Stand that Is irnEx'ceillei shape with Walnut finish, Blaci Base for Den or Bedroom $30 668-3587. April 5/78 Coleco 18" SwImming Pool Cartridge f liter with over the wall skimmer plus 2 extra cartridges used 2 season. Ex. Cond. $50. or best offer. Cali 6684804. April 19, 78 Air conditioner G.S.W. 5,00 BTU's used one summer $15 Freezer - General Electric, harveg gold colour, il cu. ft., like bran new. $200. 6831 LA DIES'faî11 or i nter coat, greer with fur trim around cuffs & coller, size 18-20, asking $35 or- best off er. Chanille bed- spread, single, brand new, asking $12. 725-6045. WEDDING dress, size 10, full length head piece, new $300. ýasking $100. 668-0429 Electric Lawnmower with grass catcher, hardly used. $48. Cali 655-4627 af ter 7 p.m. Black & White, T.V. - 33" in good condition. $50. 723-9068 For sale - 3 long dresses nov( worn, size 18, $20. each. Rec velvet coat, size 18, new $46 J suede coat size 18, $30. Port. able dishwashor $25. Bodyshirt $5. each size large. Cali 668-6078. March 22/78 ROLL TOP Desk,Solid Mahogany Bird Eyo, Maple Inlay, Walnut trim. Condition a; now.$950. 668-5680. Feb. 22/78 CANON 1218. 12 to 1 power zoomn with slow motion. Movie caera and Eumig Auto. Load sound projector super 8, $1600. value, $800. Singer Fetura 900 wewing machine with deluxe cab- inot and chair, hardly used $500. 655-4871. Spenish Oak Dlnlng Room Suite, 9W" table, six chairs, one captains buffet & hutch. Ex. Cond. $1,Z0. 668-3741. March 8, 78 Large teack desk for home or off ice use, harcliy used $70. Cal 668-9746. April 12, 78 Antique armchair andi match- ing rocker over 100 yrs. old asking $85. for the pair. 6M-. 3523. Boys coaster bike for sale asking 1M. Cati 668-2419. April 19, 74 April 19, 78 5i2i pla s K ce nt k ). io st d ýn v t, 9# ,er d 1 ý 68 s SE 1 ho Ca ET of golfciubs, Wl yr. oid., 3 wo aad covers and 1 ail 666-1419. 1 Baby crib and Good conti. $3. 4193. April 2d iIRLS bicycle,v mOd. suit 8 - 11 yrs de-MiS. ison Medalist >ds, 9 irons, bag. $150. d ma ttress. Cali 668- 678 - very goed '. $35. Cali May 10, 78 ..ACK persian lamb coat, vory >od conti., sizo 36 $45. Cali 58-8747. i boots, so101yr. oid, io0miîcs $25.-OCIli705- i7-3787 ah.,' 6 p.m. Ladies 5 diamona weoosn ring and ong. ring set. Exquisite setting. Like new $250 Cali afler 6 p.m. 6U87436. April 26, 74 Skiis - Alberg Alewit]j- bindings, 72". Buckle Alberg *Boots size 7 with carrying case & polos. Mint cond. $75. comploteM ca oel 668-2183 after 4 p.m. Feb. 8/78 L 1 SET of downhili skiis, bindingsÏ, end polos, 6 ft., brand new, nover usod $50. Caîl 576-8573 af ter 6 p.m. MEN'S Langbuckle boots, sizo 6 and cerrying rack, Arlberg 185 centimetors skiis andi Beosher bindings. $45. 728-1 291. Yamaha Hi-Fbex, 190 centimetor 1 skiis, bindings, Hook Névada Tees Lai Tyrol Heels $60. 655-3169. onv March 1/78 $45. par Jolly Jumper $5. 2 Bathtubs $2 - oach; Bottie steri lizer,$3; trai ning chair $5; walker $5; CaIl 683-8467. 1 mil March 22/-78 Twin Betis, in goti conti !65. for sot. 655-3097. . J May 3, 78 BLUE carpetwith black f lecks. $25.'Blk. anti White firoplace $50. D.ining room table wlth arb onite top and brass. trimmi- ing with 6 black f lowereti chairs. $75. Cal 668-4002 a tor 5 P.m. April 26, 78 For sale neyer been used, Beti Chesterfield $300. kitchen table & chairs $100. 3 living room chairs, $75. each Caîl after6 p.m. 668-388?. Feb. 22,' 78 2 Doz. Wine botties $2. per doz. 2 kitchen chairs $3. portable sewing machine, not working $3. Hangin'g lamp, brand new, brass $5. Hockey equipment for small boy $10. Antique wood highichair $20. Hairdresser chair $10. Round table clot?, with 4-cushions and a va lance to match $10. for the set. Antique grandfathers chair to be caneti $20. 3 Carpet ends 75 cents each. Encylopedia $30. Olti fashloned meat grinfder $2. Antique wooden pedestal table 25 x 26¼" 1'$J5. Cail 725-1211. April 19, 78 1 Axminster rug 9 x 12 ln goodi cond. Wine & beige colours $75. Caîl 725-99Ç46. April 19, '78 Coffee table & end tables $100. in very go00d cond. Two Tiffany styled lamps. Rus? coloured, cruseti velvet. $60. CaîIl 728-9017 April 19, 78 Compact Vacuum cleaner, Ex. cond. less than 1 yr. Old $300 or bes? offer. Sears portable hair dryer $25 or best offer. Cli 668-5356. April 19, 78 LADIES coal - black immitation seal, size 14-16, ciaaned as new. $45. or best offer. Cail 668-0136 G1 R ILS coat size 10-1 2, aqua blue with sheeps wool trim. Worn, twice. $60. 668-3101 CANOPY, Green & White, lx 12'. Robe & Potes included '5. 3 Wooden Schooi DesLts. 10. each 668-2422. March 8/78 Dresser $35. Wicker chair $20. dIc Chair $20. 3 old fashioned qall chairs $30. Lamp $15. Cali 13-6638. March 29/78 G. M. Infant Bucket, new toile? training chair, jolly lumper. $40. 8 mm movie camnera, light bar, splicer, screen, polaroid square shooter camera $40. 2 - 14"1 wheel rims $10. Caîl 576- 6479. April 26, 78 9 x 7 garage door with tracks $75. Kenmore zig- zag sewlng machine $65. Marbie vanity top and sink $75. Caîl 655-3411. April 26, 78 NEW papes- iog-rolier $6. Coti 668-9605. 1 May 10, 78 ELECTRIC sowing machine (cabinet> $30 Frost Free re- frieralor- M0.Meta# Shenf unit $10. Cou6&68-677 May 3,17n _________C lassified PE&SUPPLIEJ Jumping Satdile spring seat, buil? In knee relIs, like now. $150. 655-4246 ator 5 p.m. April 26, 78 pair 'of mated Budgies. irger size, blue & yollow with without two young ones price 5.for ail four or $30. for the -ents. Caîl 668-2461. <March 1, 78 ilking goet $l5Ocall 983-9432 May 3, 78 Irish Setter, . MaIe, Reg., Tatooeti anti shots $1,50. Caîl after 6 P.m. 683-1410. Aquarium, 15 gei. with stand, lights anti tilter $45. Cali 668- 4495. Merch 22, 78 1 -Reg. Peint Filly. 9 mths olti $190. quiet. Cati 655-4541. PERSON ex. wlth hoyses seeks gooti summer job. Cali 723-7893. DOGHOUSE for sale Cali 668-7107 between 6 p.m. anti 8 p.m. 11978 GMC Van. Bought ou? t. I options. This van could notbe bought here for the fprice of $10,000. Can be seen at Hamer's Auto Ciinc. Ask for Derek. 1972 PLYMOUTH Satellite Station Wagon. P-B3, P-S, radio, radial tires, gooti conti. $900. or bes? offer 668-3961. 65 DODGE, goed running cond. neeis body work. Practicly new tires $200. Caîl 668-5272.- 51 CHEV, with a 392 Hemi môtor completely rebuli? andi transmission. Will sell complote or for parts. Phone 668-9162 anytime. TREES FOR SALE: Spruce, Pine, Coder, Meple, Poplar, Ash, Dek, etc. 2' te 10.'. $1 .00 te $500 eech. Some less if dig your own. AIse limited supply of ruh- barb ,roots, ohion sets, liiac moots, strawberry plants overy- thing et very reasonable prioe. For more information Oeil 655-4525. 20 cubic ft. deep freezer, 1225.00 bed chesterfieli, ex. cond. $125.00. Large, side by side, GE fricigo-freezer, full separate doors, $325.00. New, black 9 chrome parlor wood heater with grate, $125.00. Old fashion- wood stove-heeter comb, being usoti, 1100.00. 912 Rosiant Rd. E. One heavy duty 5 hp. rote tiller ex. $M0.00 Phone 668-7989 9 x 12 canvass tont complote with f loor, polos, pegs $60. Cail 668-4M2. SIMPLICITY apt. size washing machine. G. E. Floor polisher, kitchen table, (wood> with arborite top. 668-5710. a ftl1l0Mgx 10 ft. wide mobile hom, in gond con.d 579-5016 or 7115-662-3M6 (LakefIeid No.) 1 Kenmore washer, stainless steel tub, ln good cond. 1 dresser with 1 combination door and Solid door, 80 x 34. 1 kitchen sot, arborite table top with 4 chairs. 576-3081. COLEMAN hartop tent trallor, sleeps six, complote with furnace $1500. or best offor 655-451. Utility Trailer, Can. Tire model, like now 4 x 6'1$200. Cati 668-4552. Swimpming Pools te Rént.- Will bease and instail for home- owners, family size aluminum swimming pools with 'patio.. Choice of styles, meeting--all fencing rogulations on a one, two, or three year rentaI basis with option to own. Try before you buyl Catil1 oh Fre anytime 1-800-268-.1944. Swimming Pools - Leading swimming pool manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1978 models. Fully warranted, -omplete with pump, motor. f ilter, fencing, walkaround and deck. Suggestedl retail price $2350. Availabie at pre-season special of $1322. Cali now for early installation. Long term financing availabie. Caeil Tol Free anytime 1-800-268-1944 EIAUED PART TOME PERMANENT HELP WANTE.P Eff icient sales person for roteil store. Varying heurs, fuil day Saturdays. This could loati te e managorial position. Ploaso apply in writîng, giving two roferonces, by May l5th f0: The Nearly New Shop 131 Brock St. South Whitby, Ont. LUN 4J9 WANTED Live In housekeeper for eIder couple. References requireti. Reply te P. 0. Box 206, Whibhy, Ont. BINGO EVE RY THURSDAY JUBILEE PAVILION OSHAWA $550 JACKPOT MUSTGO FREE ADMISSION '7:30 STARTING TIME WANTED te buy used furntiure anti collectables 683-9863. WANTED useti 24, - 20' ext. latider, smnatl portable cement mixer, Yard type whoelbarrow. cal! 668-5423 WANTiEO TO RENT 3 or,4 bedrooni home for famiiY wilh a dog, within Wh ilby area, referencos avoulable. 6681-3627. AUCTION SALE Saturdey, May 13, il a.m. PROPERTV 0F RON RANKIN & SONS, Reach industrial Park, Port Perry. 1 mile wosteof new arene, 1/4 mile East of Highway 7 & 12, turn a? Swamp Garage. Antiue & modern furniture, dishes, Tea *Table, deacon's bench, trestle table & benches, roll-top desk, wash stand, hall bench, mahogany dresser, corner cup- board, chairs, umbrelie table, round dlning table, cedar planters, pine plenters, coffee tables, knlck-knack sholves, picture frams, foot stools, ln- laid table, plus gardon hoses, elecfrlc metors, tools & pumps,' 10 ton hydraulic jack, barn fan, 1001 link fence, gerden tools, 2 aluminum boats, bath tub, 16' freighter canoe, laundry tub, and many more gooti items. Sale inside if It reins. Lunch avaliable. John Pearce Auction Service 416-985-7492. AUCTION SALE iMonday evening May 15, at 6 Ip.m. Auction sale 0f household furni- -ture, antiques, Riding lawn- mwr now blower etc. the proert ofBruce Shier, 604 fGilbert St. W., Whitby, 3 blocks fsouth 0f Fairview Ledgo, <west sideo0f town) Sears 8 H.P. riding lawn mower 26"1 used 6 times liko new, Elec. Start. Arins snowblower 6 hp. (new) Elec. Start. Canadian tire lawn mower 19"1 used 2 yrs.,Viking electric lawn mower 18", Croslot frig, Coronado upright deep freoze, Viking spin dry washer, Brentwood garden tiller, Ping Pong table (motel frame, like new) Pool table liko new) with bails, cues, and rack. Mastercraft fan 3 speeci <good) Davenport Press back Inursing rocker, Captain chair, iLarge steamer trunk, antique organ stool. Picture fremes, coffee table (glass top) G. E. instametic 12" portable T.V. <good) Base board heater j(new) Qu of glass ware, table, jshempocer, f 1cr pelisher, fcopper beiler, Set 0f woocten hames with brass tops (gooti) new elecfric chears, Qu 0of carpenters tools <gooti) new stable broom, Qu 0f sealers organ stoil rose trellis. Auto- metic Electroholme humidifier *wooen extension ladder 18f?. Black and Docker reversible 1/ drill <new) steel wardrobe, pocket size cermera (halina) Binoculars (nearly new> 100 f t. new clothes line, 100 ft. rubber gardon hose, 50 f?. plastic hose. *Many other articles, this is a retirement sale everything ln excellent condition. Terms Cash, sale at 6 p.m. Reg and SLarry JIohnson Auctioneers. Lunch wil be avaluable. Phone (705) 357-3270.' LOST LARGE WHITE LONGHAIR MAALE caf. in Perry St. area, jWhilby. chiltirens pet. Ci 666-1271. 1 GOLD 12' x 241 rug $75. 1 reti 10 spd. bike $45. two dunlop snowti res F -78-14 1 yr. olti $20. 1 antique packing trunk $25. Cali 666-1634. May 10, 78 LIVING ROOM chair swivel & rcker type $25. 1 living room carrocker type $20. 1 pull eut dayped $25. 5 end tables 17.50 grill înc. $30. Above items ideal for cottage use. Cali 723-9176. May 10, 78 DOUBLE bed $60. Single beti $10. Telephone table $10. Coffe table $15. Cali 668-0776. Feb. 1; 78 36 INCH wootien continental Ibed end. $8. Single bed frame & fsprings. Soliti metal endi with Iwootigrain pattern, $15. Used i-ef ridgerator gooti for camping $25. Treticle sewing machine $20. Wootien tiosk 3411 x 60"1 $65. Wooden swivel armchair on castor. $15. Cal 576-1364. April 19, 78 DOUBLE b.d bookcase style, birch, with box spring and mattross $75. B.d chesterfielti anti chair golti $65. 1 old chair $10. 2 plastic green chairs $10. Crown sealers 1 qt. 50 cents per doz. (2 1/ doz.) olti kitchen table andi 2 chairs $20. Electric f loor polisher $15. Cai 725-689. MAay 10, 78 COFFEIE table, endi tables and lamps matchlng set. ln ex. cond,$100. for the set or lamps can b. sotti separate. 668-3195. Wooden rocker 2 mttis. olt i wth cusion andi beck padding $35. MAay 10, 78 SWIMMING POOL, above ground 18, circuler, 4A'tdeep, 4 yrs. olti. 6"1 top rail, includes Muskin sand f ilter, through the watt skimmer, aiuminumn latider, vacuum, 1 yr. supply chIenine, testing kit, winter cover in good cond. !250. or best offer. Cali 668-6768. May 10, 78 z LmitmucTýIONS TOS LMUMAMU j<

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