Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1978, p. 19

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Iom Ev- KIWY WEÉLII SHOW Ktty Wells, "'& Qýfenof Couiftry Music" anid a Ïiember of tie, Country Mosic Hllof Famâ, will be aeaugat Iroquois Park Areria m.ay 18 for tWo shows, at 7: 3t1p.m. 9:30 p.m. Appearing. with Kitty Wells will be Johnny Wright, Bobby Wrigbt and the Tenessee Mountain Boys. Ticket outiets for this special country mqusic show wilI be an'nounced soon - BIBLE SOCIETY WALK-A-THON The Whtby brandi of the Canadian Bible Society will be sponsoring its annual walk-a- thon,bike-a-thon May 6, with proceeds to be used for child- ren's seriptures 'for Egypt. The goal for 1978 is $3,000. For further information, cail Mary Dalgleish at 668-9240 or Rosa- lie Reynolds at 668-4343. H-ISTORICAL TRIP The Whitby Historical Society's bus trip to Niagara- on-the-Lake June 3 is open to all members andnon-mem- bers. Anyone wishing to go is asked to caîl Erle Bond at 668-4318 for reservations. ODDS AND ENDS SALE All Saints' Anglican Church will be holding an Odds and Ends S-ale May 6 at 1 p.m. in the churcli hall. This sale lias become an. annual money raising pro- ject to send funds (over and above those budgeted by the parish) to specially chosen outreach projects. Proceeds this year will go to the Downtown Churchworkers Association, the Canadian North and development pro- jects in Third World Coun- tries. ART EXHIBITION The work of Oshawa artist Irja Ketola will be featured at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery May 5 to 28. Irja Ketola completed her studies at the Ontario College of Art in 1974 and lias studied extensively in Europe. She lias been a studio instructor at The Station since 1976, teaching drawing, painting and film- making for children's art classes. WEST LYNDE DANCE Tickets are available now for tlie West Lynde Community Associatinn 's 4 Swing into Summer" dance at Heydenshore Pavilion, June 10 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $8 a couple, but the price will rise to $10 a couple June 2. For tickets, caîl Dave at 666-1130, AI at 668-1173, Lynn at 668-646, Tony at 668-6130 or Annette at 668-6610. A buffet will be served and there will be more than $500 worth of spot dance and door prizes to be given away. SPRING AUCTION A spring auction and bake sale will be lield at the Myrtle United Churcli May 6, starting at noon. Lunch wil beavilbl.if you have 12-piece band, and door prizes are a 1978 Chevette automatic and a mink stole. Only 500 tickets are avail- able, by advance' sale, from and Lions member or at the Bank of Montreal at Brock and Dundas Streets. SAFETY IN THE HOME Ron Hawklns of St. John Ambulance will lecture on "Child Safety in the Home" at the Whitby Public Library conference roomn May 4 at 7:30 p.m. The lecture is arranged by thé Whitby Block Parents in connection with Child Safety Week. Tickets are 50 cents each to cover the costs of refresh- ments, and are available from any area chairperson, NEWCOMERS CLUB A pot luck supper and auction sale will be featured at the next general meeting of the Oshawa-Whitby Ne 'w- comner's Club, May 9 at 8 p.m. in the Consumers Gas Building. For futher infor- mation about the club, con- tact Ronni Zolumoff at 576- 2554. "TRAVEL CANADA" FILMS A series of "Travel Canada" films will be showri at the Whitby Public Library auditorium May 17 and 24 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. -May 17, films on the Atlan- tic provinces and Quebec will be ýshown, featuring historic and scenic attrac- tions. There will also be a fastpaced tour of Canada, covering ah regiorns of the country. May 24, films on Ontario, the West and- the North will be shown. Admission is free. ART DISPLAY A special showing 0f drawings, painting and prints by artists- Marlene Hilton and Michael Burgess will be held at the Whitby Public Library frorn May 5 to June 3, with the officiai opening taking place May 5 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Mrs. Hilton has exhibited at the Oshawa District Art Association and the Whitby Arts Station Gallery, and has won several awards for her drawings. Mr. Burgess (not to be confused with Mike Burgess, publisher of the Whitby Free Press), lias taught life draw- ing at the Robert McLaugh- lin Gallery and the Oshawa filmý nights during May. May 9, David Attenbor- ougli visita the sites of pre- Columbian splendor in the iAxuericas and examines some of-the few objecta that >escaped the pillaging Con- quistadors. May 16, Sir Kenneth Clark will journey through Egypt and the Nile Valley to dis- cover the ways in which this home of civilized man came into being. May 23, The theories that ancient civilizations were started by astronauts from outer space will be exa- mined., May 30, ancient mysteries of the earth wiîl be examined and. questions asked as to how they, came about.' Ail films are free and start at 7 p.m. -in the program room. CHILDREN'S FILM The Red Pony, a film for older children, will be shown on Professional Develop- ment Day, May 4at 2p.m. at the Whitby Public Library. The film features a boy's love for a pony, and the actual birth of a foal. Admis- sion is free, and no pre- schoolers please. BROOKLIN LIBRARY AFTERNOON GROUP Special speakers will be featured at the Brooklin Li- brary on Saturday after- noons during May, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. <On May 9, Mrs. Anne Van Tslot will share her experi- ences in Peru and other countries, with particular emphasis, on the role of women. May 16, there will be a film on the Nile Valley, featuring Sir Kenneth Clark. May.23, Jim Cook from the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority will give a presentation on conserva- tion. May 30, area beekeeper, Dan Biesen will discuss various aspects of beekeep- ing and honey production. For futher information, caîl 655-3191. AUCTION The Couples Club of St. mark's United Churcli will hold its annual auction at the churcli May 27, starting at il a.m. The Couples Club is looking for items which can be sold. 13A'1TILi OF ATLANTIC PARADE & SERVICE Whitby residents are in- vited to attend a parade and servrice at the Cenotaph in CONSERVATIVE NOMINATION The nomination for the Progressive Conservative candidate for Ontario Riding in the next federal election will be held May 4 at 8 p.m. at Pickering High School, Churcli Street in the former Pickering Village. Ail in- terested persons are invited to attend. FOOD SEMINAR A semînar on f ood and world development will be held %May 3 at 8S p.m. at Al Saints' Anglican Church. There will be a film presen- tation by Roberta Rivers of the Ontario Working Group for the People's Food Com- mission, which is conductmng a grass-roots (non-govern- mental) cross-Canada in- quiry into the food situation in Canada and the Third World. Also to be discussed is the formation of a Whitby f ood co-op. Everyone is welcome. OSHAWA UKR. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH BIG BINGO ZOLLY'S FORUM EASTSIDE IN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MON. MAY STH $3'1OOO OFFERED IN PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME 20 - $25.00 REG' GAME 50/50 GAM E 3 JACKPOTS 5 - $30.00 LATE GAMES FREE ADMISSION 7:30 P.M. CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED le LIC. NO. 238399 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1978, PAGE 19 Organîc Fortîlîzor and Soit Conditionor for Vogotable and Flowor Gardons. Top Soit - Good Quality GRAVE I AND MATERIALS For Lanovymys and Drivoways. (Ail maris dolivorod in any quantities) GRAOING La ndways and par king lots. BARCLAY TRANSPORT LIMJTED <Kinsalo Sand & Gravet) Brooklin, R.R. No. 1, Ontario phones 683-4461 & 683-4458 GREAT WALL RESTAURANT ~D- 7O~ i ~'e. 73*1 FREE DELIVIRY BUSINESS HOURS Monday - Thur ay ........................1 a.m. - 1 a.m. Frlday and Saturday ..................1 a.m. - 3 a.m. Su d y... ........................ 1a.m. - 10Op.m. nOw open Tuesdays 116 Dundas St. West Whitby BROOKLIN NURSERIES kwy 7 11/4 Miles West of Hwy'12 NOW AVAILABLE Good selection of aur own Fieldgrown trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, Ponderosa, and Austrian Pines, Colorado Blue, White and Black Spruce. Customers may select their own trees in the field, Maintainence work, Iandscaping and grass cutting also available 655-3671 Whi.tby Cmmniy ingo ,Jaycoes, Kiwanis kinsmemi jJ~5Çf & Optimlsts 2 50>0JACKPOTS EVERY MONDAY NUIT Monday, May 8 19 78 Lic. No. 235432 FIRST JACKPOT AT 53 NUMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 58 NIJMBERS 7:15 p.m. No children under 16 admitted PROCLAMATION THE CORPORATION 0F TN! TOWN 0F WHITBY' TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Whitby hereby proclaims the period of May 7th to May l3th, 1978 as "Arthritis Information Week" in and for the Town of Whitby. The purpose 0f "Arthritis Information WeelC' is to make the public aware of the numerous types of arthritis and the treat.ments available. Ail citizens of the Town of Whitby are urged to take this opportunity to become informed about arthritis. of May, A.D., DATED at the Town of Whitby this 3rd day 1978. J.C. Gartshore, MAYOR. NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HEX DENSIIORE PAVILION (corner Water St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby>

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