Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1978, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3.,1978, WIJTBY FREE PRESS MIEANEOI 1 Pr. boys hockey skates, Jelinek size 9. $14. 1 Garrard record player with speaker and stand, $35. 668-9771 Mattress $15. High, Chair $10. Cali 668-9817. .April 19, 78 Matching Ecru headboards 30"' $7. each, 2 matchlng mattresses 30,1 $20. each, 1 white headboard, 39" $5. 1 box spring <Ilke new) 36"1$25. 1 box spring 39, $10. 1 Foamn mat- tress 4" deep 361 $15. 1 Hi Fi corner speaker $20. 1 HI-Fi Heathkit Amplifier $20. Cali 66-93aflfer 4 p.m. WDDING dress for sale, size 14-16. Long sleeves $40. 655-4289. Wedding Dress Size 17, excellent conditionf $50. Cali 725-4646. March 22/78 POOL 4 1/ x bef ore table - Burrough & Watts, 8'. Cal!, 668-2425 12 moon. T. V. Stand that is in Excellent shape with Walnut finish, Black Base for Den or Bedroom $30. 66à-3587.1 April 5/78,* Coleco- 18" Swimmifg Pool Cartridge f ilter wifh over the wall skln-mer plus 2 extra cartrldges used 2 season. Ex. Corsd. $50. or best offer. Cmli 668-4804. April 19, 78 Air conditioner G.S.W. 5,000 BTU's used one sumnmer $150 Freezer - (ýeneral Electric, harvest gold colour, 11 cu. fi., like brand new. $200. 668-3810- Double bed bookcase style, sprlng & mattress, incl. in ex. cond.$70. Cali 668-3195.- April 19, 78 Double bed $60. Single bed $10. i telephone table $10. highchair $8, coffee table $15. 668-0776. -Feb. 1, 78 Electric Lawnmower with grass catcher, hardly used. $48. Cal i 655-4627 af ter 7 p.m. Black & White T.V. - 33" in good condition. $50. 723-9068 For sale - 3 long dresses neyer1 worn, size 18, $20. each. Redi velvet coat, size 18, new $45. suede coat size 18, $30. Port- able dishwmsher $25. Bodyshirts $5. each size large. Cali 668-6078. March 22/78 3611 wooden continental bed * end. $8. Single bec! framne & springs. Solid metal end with woocigrain pattern. $15. Used f refridgerator good for camp- ing$25. Treddle, sewing machine $20. Beginners Golf Clubs, righf hand 3, 5 & 7 irons. 2 wood, putter, with bag $15. Wooden desk 34" x 60" $65. Wooden swivel armchair on caster. $15. Cali 576-1364. April 19, 78 Spanish Oak Dining Roomn Suite, 90"1 table, six chairs, one captains buffet & hutch. Ex. Cond. $1,050. 668-3741. March 8, 78 Large teack desk for home or office use, hardly used $70. Cali 668-9746. April 12, 78 Antique armchair andi match- ing rocker over 100 yrs. oic! asking $850. for the pair. 655- 2 fwin becis $50. eah ini gooci conc. white with golc trim on headboaîds cl 668-859. Feb. 1. I8 45 Gai. drum $7.00 White baby crib and mattress wiftt bumper pads $35. 15 untused drainage files $10. Caii 668-8«0. April 19, 78 Boys coasterbîke for sale fll(iflg$40.Camli 6682489. Apgi# 19. 78 Press86xiporium. >.. Cai 66i I I __ I Konika T3, fast years modlel, 300 mm. telephoto,- Hannimex Computer flash. 3 different lensg caps. Hannimex heavy duty tripôd. Leather carrying case. Ail kinds of extras $350. Must seil going ouf west. 66e- 1722. Apn Il 19, 78 For sale neve) been used, Bed Chesterfield $300.,kitchen table & chairs $100. 3 living room chairs, $75. each Cal after6 p.m. 668-3889. .Feb. 22, 78 2 Doz. Wine botties $2. per doz. 2 kitchen chairs $3. ýportable sewing machine, not worklng $3. Hanging Iamp, brand new, brass $5. Hockey equlpmerit, for sma 1îl boy $10. Antique wood highchair $20. Hairdresser chair $10. Round table coth with 4 cusrhions and a valance f0 match $10. for the set. Antique grandfathers chair f0 be caned $20. 3 Carpef ends 75 cents each. Encylopedlia $30. Old fashioned meaf grinder $2. Antique wooden pedestal table 25 x 261/411 $35. Cali 725-1211. Apnil 19, 78 1 Axminsfer rug 9 x 12 i good cond. Wine & beige colours $75. Cmli 725-9946. Apnil 19, 78 Coffee table & end fables $100. i very good cond. Two Tiffany sfyled lamps. Rusf coloured, crused velvef. $60. Cmli 728-9017 Apnil 19, 78 Compact Vacuum clemner, Ex. cond. less than 1 yr. oic! $300 or besf offer. Sears portable hair dryer $25 or besf offer. Cli 668-5356. April 19, 78 LADIES coat - black immitation seal, size 14-16, claaned as new. $45. or best offer. Cal! 668-01 36 GiILS coat size 10-1 2, aqua blue with sheeps wool trim. Worn, twice. $60. 668-3101 1 CANOPY, Green & White, 9' x 12'. Robe & Poles included $85. 3 Vooden School Desks. $10. each 668-2422. - March 8/78 1 Dresser $35. Wicker chair $20. OI! C hair $20. 3 old fashioned small chairs $30. Lamp $15. Cali 683-6638. March 29/78 G. M. Infantf Bucket, riew foulet training chair, iolly jumper. $40. 8 mm movie camera, Iight bar, splicer, screen, 'polaroid square shooter camera $40. 2 - 14" wheel rims $10. Cmli 576- 6479. April 26, 78 9 x 7 garage door with tracks $75. Kenmore zig- zag sewing machine $65. Marbie vmnify top and sink $75. Cail 655-3411. April 26, 78 SET of golfclubs, Wilson Medalîst 1 yr. oIc!., 3 woods, 91 irons, head covers and bag. $150. Call 666-1419. 1 Baby crib and mmttress. .Good conc!. $30. Cali 668- 4193. April 26, 78 Blue carpet with black * f lecks. $25. Cof fee table $10. Small 0k. Blue velvef arm- chair. $5. cali 668-4002. April 26, 78 Aquarium, 15 gaI. with stand, lights and filter $45. Caîl 668- 4495. March 22, 78 1 Reg. Paint Filly. 9 mths old $190. quiet. Caîl 655-4541. Jumping Saddle spring seat, built in knee roîls, like new. $150. 655-4246 affer 5 p.m. April 26, 78 1 pair of mated Budgies. Larger size, blue & yellow with or withouttwo young ones price $45. for ail four or $30. for the parents. Cml 668-2461. March 1, 78 50 gal. aquarium. Complete with f lorescent lighting, hagen power filer, with underground filter, with a silet giant air pump. Complete with gravel, fish, plants, etc. Plus an R.C.A. 26"1 colour T.V. if perfect cond. 668-3471. Give away f0 good home! 3yr. old part Newfoundland, part lab. dog. 683-5449. 1972 Mazda 808 - 8 track player, good interior. In good running order. Asking $550. certif ied. Must seli now. Cmli 668-8292. 1975 Chev Blazer 4 by 4, in ex. cond. sking $5500. or any reasonabie offer. Cmii 723-8832. Ca mpi ng f ridge, N orcold - 2 way 110 voit & 12 volt. $275. Great for a camper. Size 17 x 22. Cali 728-2580. .1 Toro Roto-tairer 1 Rupp Hustier Mini-Bike 1 Self ProPelledi Lawn Mhower. 1 Viking 30" stove PHONE: 668-6169. TREES FOR SALE: Spruce, Pine, Cedar, Maple, Poplar, Ash, Dek, etc. 2* to la'. $1 .00 to $5.00 each. Some less if dig your own. Also Iimiùted suppIy of ruh- barb- roots, ohion sets, lilac roots, stravwberry plants every- thing at very reasonable priçe. IFor mowre informetion Cali 665-4625. j i Classified _____ Drapes, living room & dining roomn drapes and sheers. like new, customn made. Creamn colovred, living roomn 101 wide x 71 long dining room 6' wide x 71 long. Cali 668-1390. 1 Kenmore washer, stainless sl tu,'0oo od dresser with 1 combination door and solidi door, 80 x 34. 1 kitchen set, arborite table top with 4 chairs. 576-3081. Solid steel tow truck platform, has no winch 985-3393. Skiis- - Alberg Alpine with bindings, 72". Buckle Alberg Boots size 7 with carrying case & poles. Mint cond. $75. complete caî 1668-2183 after 4 p. m. Feb. 8/78 1 SET of downhitl skiis, bindings, and poles, 6 ft., brand new, neyer used $50. Cali 576-8573 after 6 p.m. MEN'S Long buckle boots, size 6 and carrying rack, Arlberg 185 oentimeters skiis and Beesher bindings. $45. 728-1291. Vamaha Hi-FIex, 190 centimeter skiis, bindings, Hook Navada Toes Tyrol Heels $60. 655-3169. March 1/78 BABY carrnages, $25 & $40; Jolly Jumper $5, 2 Bathtubs $2 aeach; Botte sterilizer,$3; training hair $5; walker $5; Cali 683-8467. March 22/78 Twin Beds, in good cond. !65. for set. 655-3097. May 3, 71 PýETS S & LE 1 milking goat$150.call 983-9432 May 3, 78 Irish Setter, Male, Reg., Tatooed and shots $150. Cali affer 6 p.m. 683-1410. AUCTION SALE <Friday, May 5, at 1:00 p.m. auction sale of Real Estatt- property, household con tents, including rméarly new uine of househoid applian- ces, riding tractor, boat, furniture etc. for Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Clarke, located i y2 miles west of Hwy. 12 & la, on Durham Red. No. 21, in village-0f Utica. CONTENTS. Coldspot frost free fridge (16 cu. f t.); Lady Kenmore stove& dishwasher ( 8 cycl.);- Ken- more washer dryer (.D.); Admirai freezer (12 cu. ft.); 7 pc. kitchen set (iust new); French colonial china cabinet; chesferfield & chair (iike new); 3 pc. trench prov. table set; 3 pc. bedroomn suite with queen bed brass plated head- board; bookcases; elegant Iamps; chairs; tables; asst. of glass & china; records; complete aquar- ium; radio equip. antique radio tubes; picnic table; swing set; garden tools & chairs; firewoocl; bricks; G. E. sterep;R. C. A. Color T.V. (22"l); 1977 A-C garden Tractor complete with mower, snowblower, whts. & chains; complete unit of boat, motor & trailer (excellent cond. hmrdly used); ladlies 3 spd. CC.M. bike; boys bike 9 miany other miîsc. items. please not. pracficalîy everything in excellent condition. Terms cash or cheque. No reserve (on above). Lunch available. REAL ESTATE: (condi- fionai f0 prior sale) - con- sisting of 7 room home (1400 sq. ft.), sifuated on 1 acre lot (more or less); with. small barn. Large country style kitchen; Ex. large 4 pc. bath, f loor f0 ceiling f ireplace, large sun- porch, waikouf off kitchen & living room. Ail faste- fully decorated & broad- loomed. A Real 6eauty! TERMS AND CONDI TIONS ON PROPERTY: Cash f0 Mortgmge (Buyer mmv take over existing mortgmge). $5000.00 CASH OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE DAY of Auction, with balance on closing (30 dmys). Properfy subiecft te reserve bic!. Property to be sold ai 3:00 p.m. For viewing phone 985-2663 or 985-8161 for arrange- ments. Kahn Auction Services 985- 8161. Monday evening May 15 at 6 p.m. Auiiiun Sale of househoid furnifure. Antiques, Riding lawn mower <new>, power lawn mowers, snow blower (new), garden tiller, Pool table, ping pong table. Press back rocker Captain chair, trunks, T.V (Portable) ottier furniture, carpenters tools, garden teels etc. the property of Bruce Shier 604 Gilbert St. whifby. 3 block soufh 0f Fairview Lodge fui cietails nexf week, everytfltng in good condition. Reg & Larry Johinson, auctioneers. PART TIME PERMANENT HELP WANTED Efficient sales person for reta il store. Varying hours, full day Saturdmys. This cou Id Iead f0 a -managerial position. Please apply in writing, giving two references, by May lSth f0: jThe Nearly New Shop 1131 Brock St. Sotuth il Whitby, Ont. L-1N 4J9 SWANTED - A babysitter for 2 children, 51/2 & 1 yr. oIc!. From 2p.m. to 6 p.m. 2 or 3 evenings per week. No weekends. Pre- ferably in the Otter Creek area ICaîl 668-0423. LSITUATIONSI WANTD IDay Care in my Home, Children any age, cal anytime, Mrs. Goodrick 668-8659. Female country singer looking for a full or part-timne job. No back-up. Will audition if necessary. Cali 723-8890 andi *ask for Alice. WANTED TO RENT Beginning June 15, Ajax, Oshawa, Bowmanville area. Responsible executive family -of 4 to lease suitable 3-4 bec!- roomn home, 2-3 baths, family room, f ireplace, 2 car garage. Prepared to pay $55 to$SMper mnonth for the right home. Cali Fred' Pattons 668-3363 f rom 8a a. m. to 6p. m. or 686-343 affer 6 p.m. WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 bedroomn home f or fa miîly witth a dog, within Whitby area, references available. 668-3627. C L EAN TOP SOIL 14 Yards - $75.00 Delivered Smali Quantifies Delivered WHITBY 655-4335 DRESSMAKING Ail inquiries welcome. Good quality professional finish reasonaibe prices. 683-4271 Swvimming Pools to Rentn WiIl lease and instaîl for home- owners, family size aluminum swimming pools wvith patio. Choice of styles, meeting-.,ail fencing rew.lations on a one, two, or three year rentaI basis witjh option to owvn. Try bef ore you buyl Cali Toil Free anytime 1-800-268-1944. Swimming Pools - Leadir-1ng swimming pool manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1978 models. Fully wyarrantecj, -*omplete with pump, mtor, f ilter, fenceng, vwkaround and cieck. Suggested retail price $2350. Available at Pre-season special of $1322. Cali now for early installation. Long term financlng available, Cali Toit Free unytime 1800-268.1944 .Free IONS 'l ANTIQUE AUCTION Sat. May 6'- at 1:00 p.m. - complete dispersai auction of ail antiques, for "lnow & then" -Antique $hop, located in 8~rooklin (north end), on Hwy. 12. Partial list incl udes: Ornafe China cabinets; Oak roll top desk; socrcfary dsesk; drop front desks; pine flat. to waIl cupboard; pine side. board; pine sailmakers table; large selection of chairs, tables; dressers; "Guelph- pump organ (1894 excellent); elegant 6 g pc. wash set; Mary Gregory tumbler & pitcher; art glass signed "Hawkes"; stueben cat in opaline; chinese porcelain water pot (c. 1796 - 1850 W, Authenticity papers> ; cruet signed "J. Hoare"l (1853); selection of carni- val bristol, limoge, royal doulton, etc. vari ous oil lamps including bullseyes; antique dlocks consists of O.G.'S, English fusee, schoolhouse etc. (ail cdocks in good cond.) sleigh belîs, swords; wo.odenware, primitives, and dozens of other items. Termns cash or good cheque. No reserve, Giving up business, lunch available. Kahn Auction Service. 985-8161. BINGO EVERY THURSDAY JUBI LEE PAVILION OSHAWA $550 JACKPOT M RUST GO FREE ADMISSION 7:30 STARTING TIME. ENWATED Lost in the vicinity of Meadow- crest School in -Brooklin (April 20) Pair of men's gold rimmed glasses in a black leather case. If found please phone 655-4985. WANTED used 24'1- 281 ext. ladder, small ,portable cernent mixer, yard type wheelbarrow. caîl 668-5423 VEGETABLES GROW VOUR OWN 1/4 acre totally cultivated, fertilized, 655-4492. WHITBY FOR SALE Large lot, 3 bedroom bunga- low, pool, immaculate, private through Principals Only. 655-4492,- WHITBY Pretty white bungalow, lovely lot, no steps, ideal for older people. Privatly through Principals Only 655-4492. Custom Garden Tilling >Let me and my Tory-bult prepare a perfect garden seedbed for you. Cali WELLS evenings after 7:30 p.m. at 655-3579. EAVESTROUGHI NG AND FLASH ING CALL 668-4007 Lawnmower repair. Ail makes and models.FREE PICK-UP. Also grass cut- ting and Rotor tilling. 668- 6750. HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Brick, Block, Cernent Work CHImNEYS REBUILT Repaired, Tuck Poining. Roofing, Painting FREE ESTIMATES No job -too0 Small Phone 666-1481 Whitby. :AUTOS n ý 4 FOR FOR SALE

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