Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1978, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1978, PAGE 5 Corridor Capers Our congratulations and best wîshes go to Lynn and Lou Majoros of Broadvièw, Avenue, who recently celebrated their 22nd Wedding Anniversary. BLOCK PARENTS The Block Parents Associa tion are in dire need of a chairman and committee members for the St. Paul's and Dr. Robt. Thornton School vicinity. The area, atpresent, has an off-and-on comnmittee, but a more seious attempt should be made to educate the çhildren in, the many safety aspects of the Block Parent Prograrn. Puppet, shows or somne form of educational therapy,- could h elp smaller children better understand the advantages offered by the program. Mrs. Helen Clare, 668-5430, the' newly elected chairman. would appreciate hearing from you. Volunteers are needed now if the programr is to get off the ground in the Corridor Area. Cail Mrs. Clarke to-day and offer your services to helçp protect the children. MANNING MEWS The Manning Mews project hias been delayed for a period of one month. Many of the residents' concerns have been satisfied. The two major areas, yet to be resolved are location and a change in the Restricted Area Zoning Bylaw from 10ow density.Residential to Medium Density, requiring an amend- ment to the Officiai Plan. WHITBY COMMUNITY GARE The PURPOSE of the Community Care Programme is to give help that is not otherwise available either thirough another agency in the community or privately, to senior citizens,1 to famiies with special needs, and to the physically, mentally or emotionally handicapped. The AIM isý to provide the suppor- tive, practical help which these people need to enable themn to maintain, and reiffain in their own, homes., Many of. the jobs' will need to be done regularly, while others will be in response to an emergency, situation. .Community Gare provides this service- through volunteers from the Community. The Corridor Arça Ratepayers Associa- tion have endorsed the programn and Edith MacLean 723-4065 will be the contact person for this area. Cali Edith at the above number or the Conimunity Care office 668-6223 for more information. iith< OSHAWA OURS The llth Oshawa Father and Son Banquet will take. place this Saturday at -Camp Samac. Time 5:30 p.m. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH KERYGMA - nest session - Wed. Apr. 26,2 p.m. at the Church - Thurs. ýApr. 27, 7:30 p.m. at the- manse. BAPTISMS - The Sacrament of Infant Baptism will, be administered on Sunday April 30. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING April 30 - A special congre- gational meeting wîll be held- following the Service. To be considered: Applications to C.M..C. for manning Mews Mortgage and Pastoral Relations., CONFIRMATION - Confirmation Service, Sunday, may 7., BIBLE SOCIETY BIKE-ATHON* WALK-ATHON - May 6 from 9 a.m.,starting from Ail Saints Church., ONTARIO FEDERAL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION The. nomination meeting for the Ontario Federal, P. C. Association »t choose their candidate for the next, Federai Election, will take place at Pickering Highschooi on May 4 at 8 p.m. Have a. good week., Caîl 725-8967 with'fnews items. M. McEachern- 725-8967. This week I would like to give you a littie "behind. the scenes" look at the operational procedures in the' Legisiature, and to tell you about a resolution I will be introducing on April 27th. In February of last year, some changes were made in the rules governing procedures in the Legislature.'These improve- ments were, based upon recommendations made by, the Ontario Commission on the Legisiature, otherwise known as the Camp Commission around Queen's 'Park. I think one of the foremost improvements lias been the lengthening of Quesion Period in the House to one hour. This extended time period allows more members of the legislature to question Ministers about government policies and niaters of concern relevant to their particular ridings. Another improvement, which bears mentioning is the provision of extensive background material provided to al members after any policy statement or introduction of a government bill bas. been made. This procedure' allows members to fully familiarize themselves with the nature of the legislation and to pose any questions or criticisms. they might have. Paramount to these and other improvements is Private Members Hour. This period is scheduled, every Thursday, after al routine proceedings in the House have been taken care of. This procedure is a fist for Ontario. It allows someone, other than-a Minister, the opportunity to introduce a bill that has every chance of becoming law. Thus each week, during the Thursday Session, two private member's bills are debated, with each of the political parties taking a turn in sequence. HoWever, if twenty members, regardless of their political affiliation, object to the bill, it does not proceed through the various stages of debate. My colleéague, Jack Johnson from the Riding of Weh.lington- Dufferin-Peel is the first person to have his bill receive the required three readings and become legisiation. His bill permits newspapers, which are published weekiy or less frequently, to accept election advertising when the regular publication day comes on the day before polling day. Previously this was not allowed. That was a year ago this month, and although no other private member's bill has been passed into law, many are at the interim stage - which means they are being studied by various appointed committees. On April 27th i, too, will be participatinig in Private Members Hour.* i arn flot, however, introducing a, bill, but rather a resolution which, if adopted, meansthat the-,government should give immediate consideration to my proposai. In essence my proposai would prohibit the publication of broad-easting of al public opinion polis during any provincial election that purport to, indicate the standing of any leader, candidate or party, or the status of the issue in the election. The generai complaint about such public opinion poils centre on the notion that they can create a "bandwagon" effect'for the preferred party, or caný harm the chances of a party flot so preferred. These charges have, of course,, not been provei.~ However, such polis, can detract from serious consideration of party platforms and candidates' virtues. Lýt is my belief that the goalof every democratic society is an educated, alert and active electorate. We should encourage every effort to have voters weight the issues, balance the dlaims of the competing parties and individuals, and make .a rationale decision. DENTURE, THERAPY CLINIC 111 Dundas St. W.e .Whitby 668. 1464 HfitchUN- PIow' «RAI.LER. HITCES amd ACCESSORUES Check, these features V Chrome plated L0ICustom fit to your Car 01 Reasonable prices /iFast friendly 'Service jTrained personnel PHONE 666-1819 900 HOPKINS » et BURNSr WHUTBY "The EnnISkidlen, Ontario LOB 1IHO Have A Good Day LTD. R* Meat" (416) 2387 OXFAM STANDING UP TO INJUSTICE GIVE US A HAND SEND VOUR CONTRIBUITION TO BOX 18,000 TORONTO HALIFAX OTTAWA ST. JOHNS ELDORADO u CHEESE& DAIRY BAIK* e' 102 COLBORNE ST. E. Whitby- 668-1621 Iocated behind Bowmon and Gbson Cheeses direct from the Eldorado Cheese Factory Hours: Mon. 10:30-6, Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 9-6 Fri. 9-9 Sat 9-6 REASONABLE PuiCES si lt FREE ESTUMATIS PRINGTIME IS IMIE/op T- Panaramic Replacement Windows ITWHITBY ALUMINUM. 66822 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE Repo)rt fr Queen ' Park IB Georg 'Au~M.P.P. BROOKLIN 'NURSERIES Hwy 7 114. Miles West of Hwy.-12 NOW AV AILABLE Good selection of our own Fieldgrown trees,, Evergreens, Shr ubs, Ponderosa, and Austrian Pines,.Colorado Blue, White and Black Spruce. Customers may, select th.fr own trees in theo field. Maintainence9 work, landscaping and grass cutting also available 655-36 71 CONTACT US NOW FOR ALUMIMUM SIDING Soffiît Fas cia and Semless Gutter (Cash & Carry for the Do-t-Yorselfors) Also Vynal Siding Avaiable

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