Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1978, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS,. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1978. PAGE 15 *76 Mustang, Ladies car, 20,000 mites, overhead Cam. 4 cyl. 35 mtles per gai. am,fmn radio, bucket seats, rear 'defogger, factory under-coated, muet seil asking $3350. certif ied. 668- 1139. April 26, 78 1974 FORD MAVERICK* "Grabber" needs some body work $800. 668-0511. March 8/78 74 VO LVO 142 Automatic Trans. Exceltdnt cond. certified $2,800. 723-1819. March 22/78 1974 Plymoutn Ouster, V/8, auto $1 700 certif ied. Cati 655-4611, or 839-3025 af ter 6 pm. 1974 Pinto, 3 dr. Runabout, 4 speecl, 4 cyl. $1000. 668- 9805. Jan. 18, 78 73 SCORPIAN STtNGARETTE, twin, low miteage,new track $800. Cati1655-4616 af tér 4:30 p. m. March 22/78 1973 Pymouth F.ury - P/S P/B good cond. Wilt cèrtify7 $750. 668-5318 1973 Dodge Swinger - 318, A-i condition. $1500. or best offer 683-8634 1972 Toyota for parts, engine good running cond.1 $140. -or best off er. Can be seen at 1 087 Venus Cnes. Oshawa or' cai 579-4b77 7FORD GALAXIE $700. un- cetfdgood running cond. Cali 655-4776. March 2ý/78 192Volkswagon uerB-le - $700. certlfied, gai heater and radio, rear window defogger. Cali 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m.ý 1971 Renault - good condition, $270. Cali 668-0744. 1971 Volkswageri Super Beetie $600. Gas heater, AM Radio, rear window defroster, radial tires, Cal 668-154 evenings. Aprîl 19, 78 1969 Pontiac, 9 passenger wagon, V/8 auto., with options, fair condition, as is $300. Cati 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m. 1969 Chevy Station Wagon - P/S, P/B, 283 auto., cromne rime, ex. oond., certif ied $500. Cal 655-3481 1969 Ford Gallaxie - 2 dr. hrtp. 302 motor, P/S, P/S, good body and traiter'hitch'. As le- $400. 1969 Buick Skylar k - god cond~- weti kept, snows and rims in- cluded, *$850 or hast offer. Must silI. Cati 668-7028 i969 Ambassador - P/S P/B, motor &body in very good shape not used for 2 years. $400 as is 728-0096 1969 Mercury Marquis Broughaiti Lic. No. BFJ 990, 8 cyl. still in use. $250. Caîl 655-4337 1969 Tornna Conv., factory magi, Vi/Bqauto., good inter, radio, 1968 ontacParesienn, ne« tire, on front, snow tWres good for parts $200 ê-2677 1968 Ford, Montego boit offer. Must soit. 655-4726 Press Emnporium Mà Calii 668M6111 I~- . ~ $275 or Fair cond. 1968 Ford 'Fetura 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto. radio, good cond. $350 or hast off er. Uncert. 655-4498 67 Mustang $200 or best offer. As 15 289 with crome rims. 668-9507. April 26, 78 1966 RAMBER cyl. $100. as is. wi MODEL 220 6 655-3583. April 19, 78 1966 Ford Galaxie, Engine in great condition. Body needi work. Wilt certif y if necessary. Asking $250. or best offer. CatI 655-3654. March 29/78 1938 Dodge Coach,,2 dr., èngine runs $650. as is.- 655-4611, or 839-3025 af ter 6 p.m. RERATIONA V ÇELES BOAT - -CEDAR, Strip $50. Oid authoard Motor .$75. Electric wire & boxes etc. $75. %Y h.p. electric motor, variabte speed $100. Dodge, van flot running $200. 668-4423. March 8/78 1975 Yamaha 400cc Motocrosser and MX equipment. $850. Cati 655-4733. - March 29/78 Trail Stàr Hrtp. traiter opens f0 20', stove, icebox, furnace, portable toilet & -shower. fm 8 track stereo, watl ta wati shag. Other extras. must seIt asking $2100. 668-1139. April 26, 78 Suzuki - 350 - new tires, new etectnicat system. $400.' Cal1 and ask for Rob. 668-5432 69 Woods tent trailer sleep 4 with an1 ad on roomn 14' x 9- $500. 655-4616.AFTER 4:30;p.m. March 22/78 1969 HALF TON Camper, $800. Cati 579-6144. March 22/78 1963 INTERNATIONAL Truck, 3 Ton modet No. 150. $350. CatI 655-4776. . March 22/78 SmaIl Travel Traiter, Sleeps 4 f uîly equipped 2,400 or hast offer. 668-8432. April 5/78 12' Atumlnum boat 31/4 hp. Viking mofor asking $325. CiI 666-1836. Apnil 19, 78 Plywood Cap, Ail angle Iron framo, Siding windows with screens (on sides) $65. Cati 579-9758. April 19, 78 1976 - 20' PROWLER Travel Traiter, fulîy equipped, 3 pce. bath, double axte, 12' canopy, towing packets, brand new cond. $4,800 or hast offor. Cati 668-6110 Feb. 8/78 1975 Kawasaki KS12S Enduro 1300 miles like new $550. Cail 668-5200. - April 19, 78 Rubber boat nylon coated, seat fwo. Sacrafice al $30. CatI 655-499. Aprit 19, 78 75 Mercury outboard 20 h.p. etectric str, ail hook-fps, gas tank and battery $700. 668-2232 Aprit 5/78 EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: When the advertised item is sotd, disposed of, or unavaitable for whatever roason,the item witt be deemed ta haye been sold and a commission wilha charged based onTHEADVERTISED PRICE as ittustrated below, regardlesi if price is stated with 'boit offer'. If the item is NOT SOLD, an disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will apply. Att advertisements must ha placed on an exclusive basis with the WH4ITBY FR EE PRESS and run at leait one month- if not sotd. RATES if article is sold>: 5% of ïadvertised pice up ta $400.00 2% of balance aven $400,00 EXAMPLE: Sotd item advertised for $60.00 -commission due $3.00 (minimum charge is $3.00) P,'ivate advertising onlyt Please natify us if you find a retailer tisted as a pnivate advertiser.. Please notify the Whitby Free Pness immediatety when item is sold sa that weï-may delete it f nom the following issues. AIl ads not f itting the Emporium guidetines wiIl be treated and charged per week as regular ctassified adi on a pre-paid basis such as: services,' heip wanted, clothing, real estate, and personat message type adi, or adi not quating pnice or quantity. Private ctassified adi may appear in the Emporium section under approprilate headings. If in doubt, calt1668-6111 MAIL ADSTO:, FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby >L'N 51 OR DELI VER TO: 121 Brock St. N. Whitby. THE DEADLINE FOR EMP091UM AUS 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT. NOD)N. une Buggy - running condition, fibre glass bodV, asking $400. 655-4479, ask for Henry. AU ARTS Brand new, never been used, HOOKER HEADERS for any AMC Engine. $150. Cal 725- 5275. Apnil 19, 78 390 Motor & transmission for sale 10,000 miles $150. or best offer 668-5432 ask for Rob. .iarr 25/78 FORD 4 spd. transmission in- ctudes, aluminum bell housing, pressure plate, lin kage and reverse lockout shifter $200. 668-2147. Feb. 15/78 2 BRAND NEW Tires mounted on 14<' imi, f its a chev. $50. for the pair cati 668-1305. March 8/78 4 - T - Slotted Atuminumn Rimi, and Shelby Mags $200. 579-7942. April 5/- 78 1 HOLLEY 735 (CFM) Dual- Feed, Carburator, lncuded, Chrome Feed Lines, Adapter for Stock Quad Manifold.ý $10)0. or hast of fer phone 668-4868. Feb.1 /78 Edel Brock intake manifold & carb. for 318 Chryster Engine. $250. Shop Crane 3/ ton Iack $325. Candie Micro-Wave Oven new $M2. Cal 725-6618. Aprît 19, 78 Snowtires - pair mountedi on rims. Good cond. Dunlop f iharglass halted. G 78 15 $30. Pr . Brookîin area. 655-4365 evenings only 14" rims, sumnmer tires $6. each 668-0427 after 6. 5-Dr-70-14 General Steet Radiais. Li ke new. Spvre never used. White raised tettens. Mountod on sharp sport ims. $250. Cal af ter 6 p.m. 668-2455 318 motor, 18,000 miles & Parts for 67 Plymouth Fury. $300. 576-6592 Reese-type traiter hitch, heavy duty-H frame good for 3500 Ibi. towing, will fit Coronzt and Satellite from 68 and up. 1 Yr. old bas 1 718 & 2 ini. boll, each on its own inserting bar. $80. 668-5060 after 5 p.m. 250 Motor, complete with trans- mission $100 or hast of fer. 750 Holley for sale, <tuaI pump, duat feed $75. or beit of fer-. Wilting to trade for umeller H4olley. 668- 5432. Ask for Rot>. March 22178 Traiter Hitch for VW Beetle - $20 655-4995 1 - l2bott pos-trac rear end tf0ffit fuît size Chev. $85. 1 picture window 5' x 101 $85. 1 double hung stiders Y' x 31 $35. CAII 728-2363. April. 19, 78 "IA P L E S Kelvinator dish washer. Asking $120. phone after 6 P.m. 655-3972. 1.Apnit 26, 78 Freezer, 22 cu. ft. Gibson chest type, $1 50. Cati after 7 p.m. 839-5944 Kenmore gai stave - 30" very good cond. $95. Cai 728-8956 White McClary 10 cu. ft. fridge 4 yrs. od $150. G.E. self cleaning oven, harvest gold $350. General freezer, 19 cu. ft., chest. type, 2 yrs. old $220. Compactor harvest gold $150. Cal 655-4871 Floor polisher $8. Laundry tub pump $25. 655-4536. April 5, 78 22 eu. ft. Atlas freezer 21/4 yrs. old. Ex. working order $200. Buffet, modern design goes with teak furniture 20 x 24 x 72 $100. Blender $16. Coleman stove & tantern $30. Floor polisher $20. Owner moving caîl 668-1473. March 22, 78 Range hood fan $25. Lined drapes for living room, to cover 18, walis $75. 668-5068 af fer 6 p.m. April 5, 78 Westinghouse 30" stove, 4 yns. otd. harvest gold. ex. cond. $250. Cati 6:13-5715. April 19, 78 Old f ridge in working conbd. $25. Cali725-8872. March S, 78 Braun juicer, sf111 in box, under warranty, worth $75. seilling for $50. Cal 579-8151. April1 19, 78 Two burner, wood burnirsg stove with white porcetain sidtes. Ideai for a garage asking $100. Cali 9n39432. April 19, 78 1S yr. otd Whiite McClary easy stove. Gooci working cond. Ideat for hOMe Or cottage "sk- ing $0. Cai 60-9166. j ~Aprl 19, '74 $325. 668-6919. Apnit 26, 78 Apt. size washer & spin dryer In good cond. $40. 1 air condi. 5000 BTU's asking $75. 1 tri. cycle wilI suite 2 to 5 year otd $10. Il - 8 track tape player for car neyer used cost $49.95 asking $20. Cali 668-1013. April 19, 78 Hoover washer,.spindry. 1 yr. old $175. 579-6144. March 22/78 Combination' Automatic Floor Polisher and Sander. Brand new $50. Cati 655-4917. March 22/78 Wringerwasher $33. cati 668-7014. Feb. 22/78 2 Wringer Washers $60. Baby carriiege $30. Ptaypen $15. 2 Mag Type Hubcaps, Ex. Cond. 14" $25. cai 668-9519 after 2 p.rn. March 8/78 Viking Portable Dishwvasher, new' mnotor $75. Double box spring & mattresi, good cond. $20. cati 668-0584. Feb. 8/78 u:MUIAL 1 SNARE drum, stand, --sticks, brushes and key. Very good cond. $45. Cati Brian 65ii-3411 Two pioneer Speakers $150. pr. Concord 2/4 Channel 8 Track $75. Cali 655-3821. March 1/78 Guitar, A-i cond. with carrying case. $50. f irm. Cali 725-2544. Aprli 19, 78 Saxophone "C"' Melody with case $85. Car discs, tires, wheel rimes $15. 668-3243. March 22, 78 F.M. Stereo 8 track underdash mount only $30.00 U.H.F. Antenna $5.00. Moulded ski boots in size 5 only. $8.00 Portable A.M. radio record player $1 0.00 Cali 668-2478 after 6 p.m. GALANTI X300, 1 yoar oId, fuit console keyboards & f toor bas contraIs, magic cord & rhythm section, headphones, stoot and books. $700. 666-1372. March 8/78 Hi-Fi RCA good for Rec room or cottage $40. Calt 655-3607. March 22/78 ELECTRONIC Piano - as new,5 full octaves $500. or hast off er. *Whte birch gas f ireplace logi, used one winter $80. or hast off er. 668l-6319 MILCLLAEOUS LADIES coat - black immitation seat, size 14-16, claaned as new. $45. or hast offer. Cali 668-0136 GIRLS coat size 10-12,aqua blue- with sheepi wool trim. Worn twice. $60. 668-3101 Mattresi $15. High Chair $10. Cal 668-9817. Aprîl 19, 78 1 Pr. boys hockey skates, Jelinek size 9, $14. 1 Garrard record player with speaker and stand, $35. 668-9771 1 Stk1 of downhil kils, bindongi. and poles, 6 ft., brand nSw, nover Used $50. Calt 576-8573 after 6 p.m. SKI boots, size 10, 1 yr. old, Dolomitcs $25. Colt 705- 357-3787 after 6 p.m. tSkiis - Alber Alpine vwith bindingi, 72'. Buckle Alberg Boots sîze 7 wvith carrying case & poles. Mint cond. $75. complote colt 668-2183 aftut 4 p.m. Fet>. 8178 FOR SALE March 15/78 Admirai 21 " 8bck & White T. V. Good cond. 8765" 8-974. Mwch 15/78 Free and carrying rock, Arlberg 185 'oentiTeters skIls' and Beesher bindi.ngs. $45. 728-1 291. Vamnaha Hi-Flex, 190 centimeter skiis, bindings, Hook Navada Toes Tyrol Heels $60. 655-3169. March 1/78 BABY carrnages, $25& $40; Jolly Jumper $5. 2 Bathtubs $2 eech; Bottie sterilizer,$3; training chair $5; waiker $5; Cati 683-8467. March 22/78 Carriage $35. Jolly jumper $1'0.' Carbed $5. Infant seat $1. Um- brella strolter $10. cait 579-2791. Feb. 15/78 LA DI1ES fail1 or wi nter coat, green with fur trim around cuffs & collar, size 18-20, asking $35. or best offer. Chanille bed- spread, single, brand new, asking $12. 725-6045. WEDDING dress, size 10, fuil length head piece, new $300. asking $100. 668-0429 I-OLL TOP Desk,Solid Mahogany Bird Eye, Maple Inlay, Walnut tnim. Condition ae new.$950. 668-5680. ~Feb. 22/78 CANON 1218. 12 to 1 power zoom with slow motion. Movie ramera and Eumig Auto. Load sound projector super 8, $1600. value, $800. Singer Fetura 900 sewing machine with deluxe cab- inet and chair, hardly used $500. 655-4871. Old Classic.pinbalt machine works perfectly. Requires refiînishing $250. Cali 728-2484., March 22/78 FURNACE duct-work and f it- tings for sale, 4 x 10 floor defusers $1. each, 4 x 10 angle floar boots $.80 each, 5' length *of 5" pipe $2. Each, side take off $50. 45 degcee etbows $.50 each, Galvanized chain-Iink fencing, 42" x 50' for $1,0. 655-4423 Almost new pale green & paie yellow mixed shag, aipprox. 10x 121/2, plus haavý? bubbte foam underpad. $190. 666-1851. Chest of drawers inrgood cuiid. $18. 53 Mad pocket books. $15. 655-3411. March 22/78 IHeatatator New $45. Brown & Gotd Jtweed living room chair $30. cati 725-0776. March 15/78 Doghouse suitable for a large dog. $35. Acuostic guitar with case practicaly new $45. judo outfit size one $10. Cati 688-8961 after 4 p.m. March 22/78 1 natural gas fpaoe heater - 85,000 B,T.U.'s con ha converted to propane $75. 668-2528 or 668-1730. FOR SALE 1 Potaroid Square Shooter camnera $15. 1 - 23 chan- ,iel Realistic mobile CB radio with base station accessories $95- or hast offer. Must self 668-2314. after 6 p.m. and ask for Scott.

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