Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1978, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19,1978, PAGE 15 Free. AUTOMOBILES I FOR PIE 74 VOLVO 142 Autornatic Trans. Excellént cond. certified $2,800.1 723-1819. ac227 1974 Pyot Duster, V/8, auto $1700 certIf iad. CiI6515-4611. or 839-3025 after, 6 pm.' 1974 Pinto, 3 dr., Runabout,, 4 speeci, 4 cyI, $1200. 668-9805 1974 FORD MAVERICK "Grabber" needs some body work $800. 668-0511. March 8/78 73 SCORPIAN STINGARETTE, twin, low mi leage,new track $800. Cali 655-4616 after 4:30 p.m. March 22/78 1973,Piymouth Fury - PIS P/B' good cond. Witi certify. $750. 668-5318 1973 Dodga Swinger - 318, A-i condition. $1500. or best offer 683-8634 1972 Toyota for parts, engîne good running cond. $140. -or best offar. Can be seen at 1087 Venus Cres. Oshawa or cai 579-4977 72 FORD GALAXIE $700. un- cartified, goodrunning cond. Cali 655-4776,. March 22/78 1972 Voikswagon Super Betie - $700. certif ied, gas heatar and radio, rear window defogger. Cati 655-4611 between 8andl7p.m. 1971 Renault - good condition, $270. Cati 668-0744. f1971 VoIkswagen Super Beatie $600. Gas heater, AM Radio, rear window defroster, radiai ~'tire s, Cati 666.1564 veniflgs. Aprît 19, 78 199Pontiac, 9 passanger wagon, 8/I auto., with options, fair cnditionl, as is .$300. Cati 655-4611 between $ and 7 pm 1969 Automnatic VOLKSWAGEN BETE as heater, rearwindow dogger, snow tires, $500.. or j best off er. 668-0981. March 8/78 1969 CHEVELLE 9 passenger wagon, V/8 automatic, 307 motor '~with options. One owner, good JIru nning cond. Onty 80,000 miles.' As Is $375. Cati 668-8675, April 5/78 1969 Chevy Station Wagon P/S, P/B, 283 auto., crome rimi, ex cond., certif ied $500. Cai655-3481 1969 Ford Gattaxie - 2 dr. hrtp. 302 mnotor, P/B, PIS, good body and traller hItch. As is $400. 1969 Buick Skyiark - good cond. watt kept, snows and rims in- ctuded, $850 or best offer. jMust soit. Calit 668-7028 1969 Ambassador - P/S P/B, meter & body in very geed shape net usad for 2 yeers. $400 as is 728-009 1969 Mercury Marquis Brougham1 Lic. No. BFJ 990, 8 cyl. StiI in use. $2W0. Cot 6554337 196 Tornne Conv., factry mags V18 auto.. gond interner, radio, as is $300. cati 655-4611 between 8 end 7P.m. 69 CHEVELLE WAGON in run- ning cond. $300 as is. 655-4616 atter 4:30 p.m.. Match 22/78 lm68Pontiac ParwseRMWW tkre, on front, snaw tires- 9good f for parts $200. 668-2677 le~ Ford Montage $275 or hast offen. Must set. F:ait cond. 655-4726 1968 Ford Feturi 2 dr., 6 cyt., auto. radio, gond cond. $350 or has off et. Unoert. 6554498 1966 Ford Galaxji, Engine in yreat codition. Body needsvwork. Wili certilv if neoesswy. Asking $250. or bett of f«.' Colt 6364 Pres Enporium i c al11 668MI6111 I T -N Lan 'béke oot. tz8S 1966 RAMBER MODEL 220 6 cyl. $100. Os 1. 655-3583. Apnîl 19, 78 1938 Dodge Coach,.2.dr.ý angine. runs $650. as is. 655-4611 ,:or 839-3025,after 6 p.m. RATIONAI v VIt 75 Mercury outboard, 20 h-p. electrlc start, ail hook-ups, 'gas tank and battery $700. 668-2232 April 5/78 Tee Pee tent traiter sleeps 4, good cond. branci new canopy & cover $525. 623-5715. 1 1971 Skidoo Nordic, with new motor and new hood, $450. or' best offer. 668-0723. Feb. 8/78 BOAT - CEDAR Strip $50. OId outboard Motor $75. EIectric wire & boxes etc. $75. % h.p. eîactric motor, variable, speed $100. Dodge van not running $200. 668-4423. .March 8/78 Dune Buggy - running condition, fibre* glass body, asking $400. 655-4479, esk for Henry. 1975 Yamaha 400ce Motocrosser and MX equipment. $850. Cali 655-4733. March 29/78 1977 Yamaha 1 25YZ Motocross. Like new, used.only tvm months. Must sali $900. 655-3022 Suzuki - 350 - nea'w tires, new etectricet system.- $400. Cati and ask for Rob. 668-5432 1976 - 20' PROWLER, Travel Traiter,' fully equippad, 3 pce. bath, double axie, 12'. canopy, towing pockets, brand new cond. $4,800 or best offer. -Cati 668-6110 Feb. 8/78 69 Woodis tant traiter steep 4 wth an ad oçn room 14' x 9' $500. 655-4681 6AFTER 4:30,,p.m. March 22/78 1969 HALF TON Camper, $800. Cati 579-6144. March 22/78 1963 INTERNATIONAL Truck, 3 Ton modal No. 150. $350. Cali 655-4776. March 22/78 Small Travel Trouler, Sleeps 4 f ully equipped 2,400 or, hast offen.' 668-8432. April 5178 12' Aîuminum boat 31/4 hp. Viking motor asking $325. Cil 666-1836. April 19, 78 Plywood Cap, AIl angle mron frome, Sidlpg windows with screens (on sides> $ý4S. Cati 579-9758. April 19, 78 Rubber boat nylon coated, seat two. Sacraf ice at $30. Colt1 655-4995. Aprli 19, 78 1975 Kawasaki KS125 Endure 13w0 miles 1ke new $55. Colt 668-200. April 19, 78 1 - l2bolt pas-trac tsar end te f it full sire Chev. $8S. 1 picture Windows,' x 10' $85. 1 double hung sildIers 511 x 3" $35. CAII 72M2363. April 19, 78 Trader iitch for VW Osetie . $20 86"5996 EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBJECF TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: Whan the advertisad item is seid, disposed of, or unavailabte for whataver reasonthe item wil be deemned te have been sold and e commission will ba charged based enTHEADVERTÉISED PRICE os ilustrated below, regardless if price is stated with 'best effet'. If the item is NOT SO LD, or disposed et,,the ad will ha run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 witl apply. Ail odvariàtÎimnts must be plaoed on an exclusive basis with'the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at laast one month if net sotd. RATES if article is sold): 5%,et advertised prica Up te $400.00 2% et balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised fer $60.00 --commission due $1~00 (minimum charge is $3.00) Pivate advertising ontyl Please notify mis ifyeu find O retailer listad as a private odvartiser. Pleasa notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sotd se that we may deleta it from the fol lowing issues. Ail dds net f itting the Emvperium guidelines will be treatad and charged par week as ragutar classified ads on a pra-paid basis such as: services, help wantad, clething, reot astate, and personal massage typa ads, or ads net quoting price or quantity. Pivate cîossified ods may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate haadings. 1If i n dou bt, caî11668-6111 MAI L ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WhitbY Li N 5S1 OR DELI VER TO: 121 Breck St. N. Whitby. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT N0DN. Brand naw, neyer been usad, HOOKER HEADERS for any c AMC Engine. $150. Cati 725- 5275. -April 19, .78 390 Motor & transmission for sale. 10,000 mites, $150. or best offer 668-5432 ask for Rob. Jari 25/78 250 Motor, compiate with trans- mission $100 or bést offer. 750 Hotiey for sale, duet pump, dual feed $75. or best offer. Wlling to trade for smatler Holley. 668- 5432. Ask for Rob. March 22/78 FORD 4, spdl. transmission in- ctudes, aiuminumn bell housing, pressure plate, in kaga and reverse lockout shifter $200. 668-2147. Feb. 1 5/781 2 BRAND NEW Tires mounted on 14"' rims, f its a chev. $50. for« the pair cati 668-1305. March 8/78 4, - T - Stotted Aiuminum Rims, and Shetby Mags $200. 579-7942. April 51. 78 1 HOLLEY 735 (CFM) Duat- Faed Carburator, includeci, Chrome Feed Lines, Adapter for Stock Qued Manifotd, $100. or bast offer phone 6684868. Feb.1 178 Edet Brock Intake manifold& carb. for 318 Chryster Engine. $250. Shop-Crafle 31/2 ton jack $325. Candia Micro-Wave Oven new $325. Cati 725-6618. Aprit 19, 78 Snowtires - pair mounted on rims. Good cond. Dunlop f ibergiass beited. G 78 15 $30. Pr.- Brooklîn area. 6554365 evanings only 14" rims, summner tires $6. each 668-0427 after 6. 5-Dr-70-14, Genaral Steet Radiais. Li ke new. Spore neyer usad. White raised letters. Mounted on sharp sport rimns. $250. Colt' alfter 6 p.m. 668-2455 318 motor, 18»00 mites & parts for 67 Plymouth Fury, $300. 576-592 R eese-type trouler hitch, heavy, duty-H frame good for 3500 ibs. towiîng, wilt fit Coronst and Satellite from 68 and up. 1 yr. old has 1 7/8 & 2 i. bail, each on its ovwi inserting ber. $0 668-506 after 5 p.m. EAU CIE 1 Wringerwasher $33. clil 658-701l4. Feb. 22178 2 Wringer Washers $60.* Baby carri@ga $30. Playpen $15. 2 Mag Typa Hubcaps,' Ex. Cond. 14" $25. colt 668-9519 fter 2 p.m. March 8/78 Viking Portable- Dishwasher, new miotor $75. Double box spring & mattrass, good cond. $20.,colt 668-0584. Feb. 8/78', Hoover wosher, spindry. 1 yr. old $175. 579-6144. March 22/78 Combinati-on Automatic Floor Polisher *and Sander. Brand new~ $50. Cail 655-4917. March 22/78 Freezer, 22 cu. ft. ,Gibson chest typa, $150. Coli atter 7 p.m. 839-5944 Kanmore gas stave - 30," very good cond. $95- Cati 728-8956 White McClary 10 cu. ft. fidga 4 yrs.'oid $15ý0. ýG.E.. self cteaninig oven, harvest gotd $350. Ganeral freezer, 19 cu. ft., chest typa, 2 yrs. old $220. Compactor harvest goîd $150. Cati 655-4871 White Viking stove'30", sultable for cottage $15. Floor pe.lisher $8. Laundry tub pump $5 655-4536. Aprit 5, 78 22 cu . f t. Atlas f reezer 2/ yrs. old. Ex. working order $200., Buffet, modern design goes with teak f urniture 20 x 24 x 72 $100. Blander $16. Coeaman steve & tantern $30. Floor polisher $20. Owner moving caîl 668-1473. March 22, 78 Range hood fan $25. Lined drapes for IlivIng room, te caver 18' walIs $75. 668-506 after 6 April 5, 78 Westinghouse 30" steve, 4 yrs. old. horvest gotd. ex. cond. $25. Colt 623-5715. April 19i, 78 Old fridge ln workIng cond . $25. Colt 725-8872. March 8, 78 Braun iuicer, stilil l box, uncter warranty, worth $75. seilting fer $5. Cati 579-8151. Aprit 19, 78 Two burner, wood hurning steve with white porcelain skies. ideai fora garage askirig $100. Coli 983-9432. Aprit 19, 78 a yr. aid White McClary easy steve. Good working cond. Ideai for haone or cottage ask- ina $40. Cali 6-91d65. APiwil19, la forin dA-i cend. asking 100Brad borest offa . a 728-7235. r April 19, 78 A pt. siza washar & spin dryer i ,geod cond. $40. 1 air cond. 5000 BTU's asking $75. 1 tri- cycle wilI suite 2 te 5 year old $10. i - 8 trock tape -ployer fer carý neyer used cost $49.95 aslcing $20 . Cali668-10113. ApriJ 19, 78 F.M. Stereo 8 tra%;k underdash mounit only $30-00 U.H.F. Antenna $5.00. Moulded ski boots' in size -5 oniy. $8.00 Portable A.M. radio record player $1 0.00 Cati 668-2478 after 6 p.m. GALANTI X300, 1 year old, full consola keyboerds & f loer boss controls, magic cord & rh.ythm section, haadphenes, stcol and books. $700. 666-1372. March 8/78.' Hi-Fi RCA geod for Roc, room or cottage $40. Cali 655-3607. March 22/78 ELECTRONIC Piano - as naw, fuît octaves, $500. or best off ar. White birch gas fireptaca legs, used, oe winter $80. or bast off ar._ 668-6319 iSNARE drum,. stand, sticks, brushes and key. Very good cenhd. $45. Colt Brion -M-341 1 Two pioneer Speakers, $150. pr. Concord 2/4 Channel 8 Track $75. Cati 65âm3821. Mrh17 Guitar, A-i cend. with carr$'ing case. $50. firm. Cali 725-2544. April 19, 78 Saxophone "CI' Meîody with case $85. Car discs, tires, wheel rimes $15. 668-3243. March 22, 78 worn, size 18, $20. aach. Red valvet coat, sire 18, new $45. *sueda coot size 18, $30. Port- able dishwasher $25. Bodyshirts $5. aach size large. Colt 668-6078. March 22178 Wedding Dress Size 17, excellent condition $50. Cal 725-4646. March 22/78, LADI ES fait or wintar coot, green wvith fut trim'around cuff s & coller, siza 18-20, asking $35. or best offer., Chanille bed- spread, single, brand new, asking $12. 725-6045. WEDDING dress for sale, size 14-16. Long slaeves $40. 655-4289. .BLACK pension lamb ceat, very goed cond., size,36 $45. Cati 668-747. LADIES coat - black inramtation seat, sire 14-16, claaned os new. .$45. or best offer. Cati 668-0136'- GI RLS coat sire 10-12, aqua blue With sheeps moi trim. Worn twice. $60. 668-3101 WEDDING dress, siza 10, ful iength hoad piece, new $300. asking $100. 668-0429 1 Pr. boys hockey skat, es linek sîze 9, $14. 1 Garrard record ployer with speaker and stand, $35. 668-9771 1 SET et dewnhiliskiis, bindings' and potes, 6 ft., brand new, newer used $50. Cali 576-8573 af ter6 p.m. SKI boots, sire 10, 1 Yr. aid, Dotomitcs $25. Colt 705- 357-3787 atter 6 p.m. Skiis - Alberg Alpine with bindings, 72'. Suckle Aibarg Boots sire 7 wvith carrying case & paies Mit cond. $75. cormplte catil 68-2183 after 4 p.m. F.b. 8178 ,centimneters Iskils and Beesher bîndinigs. $45. 728-1 291. Yamnaha Hi-Flex, 190 centImtvr skiis, bindings, Hook Noyade Toos Tyrolt Heets $8. 655-3169. March 17 BABY carrnages, $25& $40; joliy Jumper $5. 2 Bathtubs $2 eoch; Bottle sterilizer,$3; training chair $5; watker $5; Cati 683-7 March 22178 Carriage $3u. joiIy jumper $10. Carbed $5. I nfant- seat $1.- Um- brella stroller $10. cai 579-2791. F eb. 15/78 Baby crîb & mattress $35. High chair $5. Umbrella stroller $5. Walker $5. Cail 668-9817. Aprit 19, 78 SET of getfclubs, Wilson Medaîist 1, yr. otd.*, 3 wvoocs, 9'irons, head covers and bag. $150. Cali 666-1419. ROLL TOP Desk,Sotttl Mahogany Bird Eye, Mapie Intay, Walnut trim. Condition- a new.$950. 668-5680. Feb. 22/78 CANON 1218. 12 to 1 power- zoom with slow motion. Movie camera and Eumnig Auto. Load sound prejector super 8, $1600. value, $800. Singer Fetura 9M~ sewing machine with deluxe cab- inet and chair, hardiy used $500. 655-4871. Otdý Ctassic pinbai machine works perfectly. Requires refinishing $250. Cati 728-2484. March 22/78 PUR NACE duct-work and f it- tnsfor sale, 4 x 10 floor defusers $1. each, 4 x 10 anglefloer boots $.80 each, 5' iength of 5", pipe $2. Each, sida' take off $.50.- 45 dagree etbows $.50 each, Galvanized chain-link fencing, 42" x 50' for $10. 655-4423 Almost new pale green & pela yeltow mixed shag, approx. 10x 1212, ptus heavV bubble foam underpad. $190. 666l-1851. Chiet of 'drawerb inrgood cond. $18. 53 Mad pocke.t books. $15. 655-3411. March 22/78 Heetalator New $45. Brown & Gotd tweed living roem chair $30. oell 725-0776. March 15/78 Doghouse suitable for a large dog. $35. Acuostic guitar wlth casa practicaly new $45. judo outfit size one $10. oeil 668-8961 after 4p.m. March 22/78 1 naturat gos spaca heater - 85,000 BT.U.'i con be converted to propane $75. 668-2528 or 668-1730. FOR SALE 1 Poiaroid Square Shooter camnera $15. 1 - 23 chan- net Reaiistic mobile CB radio with base station acoessories $95. or best offer. Must sait 668-2314. 0after 6 p.m. and esk for 'Scott. Feb. 8/78 TOP Ouatity Teak Oning Rcoma Ste., Dîing table, 4 high bock chairs, buffet and hutch, ow*ner must salt due to rodecoratiflg $1 ,000 or bost offer. BallaeVViau by Collin coffea table & end table $75. or hast offer.- Cati 683-7609. Large & Sal iîtuzed SI'ANISI pictures - $75. & $25. Sponlish coff ea table & 2 end table <orid wood> $375.00 cati 666l-1372. March 8/78 Colour T. V., Floor model 26' Ex. cond. $200. 668"932. March 15178

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