Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1978, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRL 19o,1978s PAGE 9 Report on 1977 projects Park 'development is imp ortant for rceto deparmn B3Y RIJiWJN',Ir O.c ti ajor, acom- LastM archt Deputy Dlree- Staff Wrter pllhmeiits of the past year Wor red Beckeftt.,wus was the. decentrallzngof the placed ini ebargeoff U the. Ina 1977 the Whltby Reerea- àoff f thi e eation de. recreation utepartmeat's tiosi Department establùied atett oie etrulig m hi'oea a senoi..contiauity , and "prmein Wmpàoide bo tiebings aw,' n. ther Wopa hope.t Wcontinue tis contin- nsupaeriin an.! ityat Ioaff -the lu indepto uit in tm, gays member lq" a atiyark. anathe . smaicntrpool Director Wayne DeVeau. ' ak.a. i. ematycnrs Lan downuers *want, Iýassistance from town for 'rezoninýg.Iand Some ladustial lan.! owa- ers la Whltby's proposed Neighbeuniiood Ijnprove- ment Area adjacent Wo Ash Creek wouldlîke tue town to assiat them in rezonlng their lan.! te permit a park and, residential develepment. On.eof tue land owners, Bill Winter would like to see bis industrial land rezene.! to residential, an.! suggested the town should make the firat move te avoid difficul- ties such as, neigiibourhood objections., NIP Co-ordinator Steve Hougbten says the rezoning shoul.! b. a joint effort of 'the ownl and* tue landowners. Mr. Houghton toi.! a recent meeting on the. Neighbour- iioed Improvement Pregram that the. town weuld nego- tiate for park land! in the Ash Creek area.before enclosing Asii Creek, whicb would cause industriai lands to be- -ome developable and in- crease their value. A park is où,e cf the. major proposais in the'. program. Mr. Hougiiton said tue en- closure of Asb Creek north of Dundas Street is siated fer 1981, but coul.! bappen as early >as 1979. He, said be wanted te bave the negotia- tions for parkland complet..! before the. enclosure is built, so, 'tbey would involve an honest market value based on the .xisting situation. 1 Mr. Hougbten aise said b.- expecty. the controversial railway spur ine which runs tiirough tue ý Neigbbouniiood Improvement Ares would, b. cut off tuis fali wben recon- struction cf Highway 401 be- tween Wiiitby and Oshawa begins. Its eventuai removai la anticipate.! as part cf the~ progra m.' Mr. Houghton said it would costup Wo $300,000 te acquire the park land, and there was ne peint la spending a lot of money on a Park .wben there, is a lot of ladustrial -land! aroundItL He toi.! tue meeting tuat be considere.! the industriai zening wasi a deterrent te iomeowners la tue ares wiio migiit want te improve their preperties. About 290 famil- les or, 1,300 people live la the Neigbbounbood Improve- ment Ares, bounde.! by Brock, Dundas and! Garden Streets and.tue CPRtracks. Region works depot contraet is acecepted Mfter turni down a bld fromn a Toronto cempany two weeks before, regional- ceun- cil voted'lst Wednesday Wo sccept tue bld et West York Construction Co. tW build.!& werks depot on Garrard Bod The. $1.5mniIlien *bld waa turne.! dewn originaliy be- cause regional coundil waa concerne.!tuat tue coatract might contala hi.!den costa that woul.! appear aft.r tue tender was accepte.!. Even siter it was accepte.! tuere. were some llngeIing doubts. Osbawa Ceunciller Bruce McArtbur said tue regîon's public works staff iacks land-evaluation expertise, an.! la sucb a large project, unsate.! cesta in tue tenders coul.! arise.1 Pickering councillor Alex Robertson question..! tue need for tue depot,-an.! sug- geste.! tue coundil walt four Or five MOntiis before accept- ing the tender. The depot la designe.! te serve the Oshawa-Whitby ares, replaclag three depots, now censidere.! antiquate.!.ý is -3 hours Parking on streeta in Whitby bas been reduce.! te a tbree-bour litait te conform witb other byiaws in the Durham Region. Formerly a person coul.! Park his car on a Wbitby street for up te, 23 heurs. Councillor Joy Thotapson sai. the. town must have a uniform parking bylaw te avoid confusion, but said the. police will enforce it enly on a complaint basis. SATU R DAY APRIL 22j 1978 kIO&m. b1 P. S22m.lb5r. RECEIVE ONVE 3 2x5. COLOR PRINT BAILEY- PHARMACY 6.68-2100 362 Brock St. South Whitby -me --d hla . S.fe q c.tr H. move.! froni the.muni- cipal building W an cilice at Iroquois Park, an.! ince that trnetiiMeebuasbeen better control et revenues an.! eoSts, improved edministra- tion, hlgher staff morale and a more efficient opeation, says Mr. DeVeau. He expects an evea greater saving Wo the d.part- ment lan1978,, becuase Mr,. Beekette wiil be la ils new position for a full year, in- steadoM aine mont- * Aiso in 1977, thi e*reation departmen-t greatly im- prove.! its programa and community services under the direction of Bob Caspeil, said Mr. DeVeau. He la particularly pleased that an, extension of co-oper-' ation was establishe.! with the Durham Region YMCA,- te provide a more diversifie.! and better set of programs. There la no duplication or. overlapping of programs, says MEr. DeVeau, and on- geing staff meetings b.- tween the. recreation depart- ment and the Y have been .established. Mr. Caspel bas done a lot of work witb community groups and sports organiza- tiens, and the. department expects te expand this work in 1978 by going eut into the cemmunity and hélping existing an.! new neigbeur- hoed groupa. Mr. Caspeil was alse werk- Ling with the. Oshawa-Whitby Social Planning Coundil on is Whitby vandaiismn study,' and with the new Community Car. group which- provides services for senior citizens, until he recently tecka new job with the. Ualersity, ct Waterloo. Aise in 1978, Mr. DeVeau wouldllMe tosatrengtben park clevelopmnent. H. hopes to have includo.! in the budget a large tractor with a front end loader, dise and harrow for smoothlng out the, rough ground in many of the towa parks. The. town has 49 pieces of park property consisting of 263-'acres, more than haifff which is rougb, ground. It takes 28 heurs Wo eut grass in lYHillier Park, says Mr.ý De- Veau-20 hours_ for c eutting rough areas and eight Jieurs for trimming. A number cf construction projects were undertaken by the recreation department ia 1977e most of which were ,completed by the end of the year.- The basebail diamond at Iroquois Park was complet- ed and the, lighting inst.alled, says Mr. DeVeàu. Aise, a start was made on a softball diamond,,with the. llghts to b. installed this spring. IÉ West Lynde's. Central Park, the grass was seeded, an asphait walkway built, and a water fountain is cur- rently under construction. The. recreation department aiso plànted 110 trees and I& installing morality lighting in the park. Landscaping cf the. perimi- ter of Iroquois Park was completed in 1977, and an events sign erected at the corner of Victoria and Henry Streets. With the. aid of a New Horizons grant tib. towa com-plethe ti.bassinent ci the. senior eltizens actlvlty centre. Major repairs weire made Wo the lacrosse boxes la Peel and Willow PîWks, amouat- ing W *8M for Peel Park and $10,000 for Wlflow Pa&.- . I 1977 the town purchase.! eight acresof land! for a park at the. Ashburn Cmmualty Cenitre, four of wblch wiil bu use.! for active recreation an.! four for passive recrea- tien. In 1978 the recreation department will takre over the park , i the Bradley Farm subdivision an.! the Ash CreOk walkway adjacent Wo the. CPR tracks. MEr. DeV.au la particularly cencerne.!-about the Rotary Club's plans for development of Centennial Park. H. would like te see the project start in Septembur, but there are stili political problems regarding thie use cf Burns Street. ."If we don't start this year, there is a danger that laterest in tus preject wlll &rOP,') said Mr. DeVeau. "It couid go down the. drain. I'm very concerned about that.', -M1r. DeVeau considers this park projecis "an excellent concept," 'and "a very im- portant factor la selling the. Town of Whitby tW Wurisis, visitors and people whe may want Wo live here." He considers the munici- pal building and. the'rede- velope.! Centennial Park will b. tue twe most important tourist attractions ln tue, town. SPO"END 15 MINUTES WITH US -TOMORROW -AND FINDOIIT WHAT IS GOING ON IN DURHAM.! Noon, Evenings & Night Reports 12:20 p 6p.m. & llp.m. Weather, Sports and 'Newis 1350 IRE OSHAWA STATION 'ni DM!

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