rAGE 12, WEDNES1)AY, MARCH 15, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS Camp X agents daâged far mer 's hôuse, but neyer returned from mission Press lby Camp X researchers' ThorntÃ"n Road from farmet awinber of' Cz0'ch. agents. More of the. elosely kept Mlai Loingfield' andi Lynn. Cliff Mlin. Upon its- return to the secrets of Camp X, the World Hodgson: Mr. Allia was reluctant to faim house he was both ai> War TwQ sp>' camp at Whltby, One sumnier,Britlsh Secur- rent his homebut he did, and paUled and disniayed to see are coznlng to iglit. ity Coordnatýqn whcih op-? was xiot ailowed- to visit thie that they somewaht changed The following is an inci- erated Camp X, rente<f a farm house durlng the sûmrner th.e configuration of lits home dent supplied tothe Free _i~~a.te s6ù-tV èi6 ,rwie tà a c -etya for* the purpose of training. liFis kItchen déor had been that a cut off above the second On1 thi hinge, and Mr. AMin was irate. were BSC cordlally patd for the Conser damage, and relations were pa.t -o patched up. assassu Later the farmer found out _ all of the Czech argents fis particular assiginent lost on their mission. fl5us is that they were )f the Rembhard Hydrich Ination. squad. GetaFREE ConiecorsCase wi*th Book2 of