WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1978, PAGE 7 &riaiWjl)ter's H istorical, XA0 Wh itbyI otd Parachute drops into' wooded areas were practiced in the Orono forest - some drops being macle from less than one thousand feet. The General Motors plant in Oshawa and DIL's facilities in Ajax were penetrated and tagged by a- gents acting out their roles as saboteurs. On occasion the, agents' success in penetrating "secure" intallations caused somne embarrassment to the authorities. A Jagoslavý, who sp'oke only a few words of English, was- deposited on the Queen car near'Spadia.. After askîingfor directions from a neighbouring barber shop he successfully penetra ted the naval yards and walked out with somle highy secret communications manuals. Throughout the strees was on realisr and in training on the Camp only live amunition was, used. These exercises observed'by Col. Smith of Oshawa were described by hlm as the "ýmost realistic and blood-curdling exercises that 1 have ever seen outside a theatre ýof war". Fatalities at the Camp were remarkable few, though there were a number of casualties. One prominent South 'American killed through 'a training error posed aproblem to the Camp authorities. Burial at the Union Cemetery in Oshawa was out of the, questfion- since identification of a neutral in a country that was at war would bé a serious breach'of security. Likewise some explanation.would subsequently be required when this' South American was missed in bis native land. A solution was corne upon by deciding to re- turn the body te the countryof origin. To preserve secjirity the body was sewn into a diplomatic bag and sent'along the normal ceurier route te New York and thence back to South America.; continued next week ... Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone! This Saturday, February 11, the Brooklin Cubs and Scouts: 1lst and 2nd are having their paper drive. They ask that you have your papers bundled, two ways, and out on the curb by .9 a.m. Now, some areas can have them eut at 9:30 -dependinig where you are. But te insure your papers are picked up, put them out the night before.' Tho lrooklin Cubs will be having a special drive along wiîh the papers. They are going to be collecting returnable bottles. The Cubs ask that you have the bottles ready, 50 when they >corne to the door they won't have to wait a- round - This way they can collect more: faster. There are just a few thidngs that I would like to mention, regarding the Council Meeting on February 1. I was quite disappeinted in the few people that came out te the meet- ing. It is always the same few who go. What about yeu? You live here you should be interested in what is happening in Brooklin. You have the right te say what gees on; why don't you use thatright. The meeting deait mainly with drainage and types of housing. Te get inte the housing situation would net be geod, as there are plans in the library which were given eut à t the meeting. Be sure te read it. It would tell you what the Consultants pyopese te do - (or wish te do) Remember if yeu don't like it theway they see it - speak up or forever hold your peace. 'Cause it's now or neyer' Also on Saturday February il at the Brooklin Public Authorized AMAà NA Dernier Save energy with high efficiency central air conditioning sales and installations Repairs to ail makes of freezers, refigerators, air conditioners, dehu midilfiers. We cleajc service residential and commercial air condîtioners Repstrs to Ali Mkes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditioriers W. Recturge Automnobile Air Conditioning Library, a Valentine Puppet Show. It starts at 10:30 a.m. and runs tili 11: 30. But cause room is limited. And you want agood seat corneearly. 'It should befun. I hope that everyone has got their ivories. pol ished - and are ready to win, or lose. Where? At Monte Carlo Night. It starts at 8 p.m. If you always wanted to go to Vegas, Reno or any of the 'hot spots' and couldn't afford it. Or you have gamblin' in your blood. Be sure te corne and place your bets. Tuesday, February 14, the Rebbeccas hold their regular meeting. Cr If you missed'Cr Sedore's Hunter Safety Course, don't. fret. You can stili make tomorrew. It starts at 7:30 at the Lake Vista Club House in Oshawa. I feel baci having to asK' you- to please keep in touch. If flot for me but the residents of ail Brooklin. They would like to lknow what 15 going on.- So they can plan ahead, please let me know what is happeni ng. I want to tell every- one. Besides, the column will get smnaller and we would like a littie more voice in Brooklin. Happenings! Thursday February 9 - 7:30 p.m. - lunting Safety Instructor Course. Lake Vista Club House, Oshawa. For more details eall Carl Sedore 655-3250. Friday February 10,- 8 p.m. Annual Eucre Part'y Odd- fellows Hall - $1-50 to get in Plus lunch. Friday February 10 - 8 p.ni. Mone Carlo Night Com- munity Centre - $3.00 per person or $5.00 per couple. Saturday Februairy il - 10:30 a.m. Public Library. Valentirie Puppet Show. .Saturday February il - Cubs & Scouts Paper Drive also a special Bottie Drive. Monday February 6 - 8 p.m. Commrunity.,' Centre Group '74 regular meeting. Tuesday February 14 - Rebeccas regular meeting. Tuesday February 14 - Pancake Tuesday. Tuesday February 14- Valentines Day. Marie 655-30o61. I LIFE SAVER N~' Mme* Fire & Smoke-D---Aor Severol Type$- in Stock 1111in c e-n $3930 *uioeii IEOTNEM a new year.. ANEW YoU!'ý LA CONTESSA >FBAUTYLOUNGE 114> Groea St.6S ê8 CAMP X COMMUNICATIONS CENTRE COOPE,ýR'S PLAC-E Are you tired of 'your old chesterf leld? If so glivé, us a oeil We takçe trade-ins. Provincial Che sterfield Regular $650.- Sale $399. China cabinets, brass beds, rugs, skate exchange etc. 123. Brook Street South Whftby 6618-1 856 FREE DELIVERY HOURS: MON.-SAT. 10-6