Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1978, p. 13

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WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY t , 1978, PAGE 13 chll's wrdroe. ~ antique, chiUâ, wrdioe. snd naple,: s draWers, perfect condition> astip- ped for reflnishing. $55.;, llth century antique candie cutters. Silver engraved. $25. worth mare. Solid walnut oval coffee table. Unique band crafted $85.; Pr. of oerved wood cashinir lotus lampa $20. each; black & mauve evening gown. size 18, beautiful expenaive gown$25.; yeilow & brown tweed Aquascuturn coat. size 14, $20., off white kitten suit, origlal $65. nieyer warn size 1. $30. blue evening gown, worn once size 14. $10., Bik. & Wlj. Pania- sonicon Pedetat, perfect cond. $300. 668-7415. Set of golfclubs, Wilson'Medalist 1 yr. atd, 3 woods, 9 irons, head cavera and beg. $150. oel 6661419. Four Drawer dresser, sotid wood Turquoise cerpet 8' x 8' with underped. $25. each or $40. for the pair. celi 668-2301. Black persian iamb coat very goad. cond. size 36 $45. calil 668-8747. Coleman Traiter Furnace with blower 24" x 14%" x 14%" like new $75. 655-4337. D repery Double Travecse Rod, Single Puiiey, 22ft., cen be cut ta eny iength, Brand new $25. Projection Screen, 5' x 5~. De- Lite, as New $20. cati 668-2291. Ski". Boots,'size 10, 1 yr. oid, Dotomitcs $25.ceii 705-357-,3787 after 6 p.m. Burme Teek Bdrm. suite heed- board with attached night tables). Nine, drawer chest with mirror, 5 Dravver taiti boy. Was. $900 will1 accept $350. f irm. 668-3876. 2 snowt ires, $15. each, 2 machinist vises. $15 1. each, 100 amp. eiectric service for house, neeniy new $85., % horsepower.,etectnic motor, variabie speed, $90. kitchen cabinet wth drawers for camper yean. $125., .Antique brasa steem whistte $100., Antique 1 cyi. gasolin boat Antique 1 cyi. gesoline boat angine $100. Antique out- board motor. ,$75., Portable camping kitchen. $40. cati 668-4423. Feb. 1/78 ý ARSLE, 1975 Monte Carla, Auto, P/S, & Brakes, Tape ïDeck, Swivel seata centre console, defogger, radiais red with white vinyl top. private sale certified $3300.00 668-2923 or 668-607. 1974, Buick Appollo, 350. Eng.' 2 Dr. A-i cond. 1970 Chev. Conv. very littie work needed. 2 Dr. 985-3393. 76 Mustang i1, Ladies car, 20,000 miles, 4 cyl. overhead cam. 35 mpg, am/fmn radio, bucket seats, rear defogger, undercoted, snow- tires, must seit, certif ied, asking $3200. 668-1139. Çompiete set of kitchen cup- boards, customn buitt, sink & taps. Wall area is 216 ft. catil683-4707. 1972 Vega - lw mileage snowtires. best offer cati Terry et 668-7225. ETSSUPPLIE$ Hampster cage $5. cail 728-8259. M'aie Black Lab. Retreiver wIth White merkings on his chest, Tatooed in lef t eer the No. J8Y1 F. Wearing a back cioth choker with no tags.« Answers to Shenty. Lost in the Whitby Towniine & No. 2 area. caii 668-9492. REWARDII FREE ta good home,2 female cats, bath tiean with good disposition. Must find home for them, liing in apt. at present, pleese phone 668- 7221 after 4p.m. Flarnpster cage, wheel, feeder, food & bedding $8. 725-8162. Aquarium 15 gal. with stand, Jights & filter $50. *668-4495. Irish Stter, Male, Reg., Tatooed and shots $150. cail after 6 pâ.. 683-1410.. 1 Reg. Pint Fiiiy. 9 mths. oid $190. quiet. cati - 655-4541. SUATIONS Day Care on Farm Large Play- roorn, Other chldren (Kinsale Area).phone after.6p.m. 683-2290' ENWATED Babysitter needed for 2 boy§' ini my own homne. 3 days a week. Donevan St.'school area. Whitby. 668-5932. Chiid Care needed for 1 chiid 7:55 e.m. - 4:30 p.m. 5 days a week. Whitby area. cali 668,7848 after 4:30 p.m. HELP WANTED Tuesday to Friday Somne knowledge of the Dutch language desirable WHITBY HOME BAKERY- 141 Brock St. S. 668-3586,. Ride from Whitby t a By& Wellesley, Toronto & return. Cati John et 688-1402. COUPLES or Individuels needing more income from interesting part-time work.- We wiii train you. Phone 725-9424. Wed - Fni. efter 6 p.m. for appointment. SEVES CalRPETRY HOME REPAIRS IMROVEMENT METRO Uc. No. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramie Tling, Drywall, Rec.- Roomis, Cedar Decks sud Patio DOMr. FREE ESTIMATES Cmli 668-468fi SAVE ENERGY NOWI SeaY cooleR Inumamrwrwr in wIntr... INSULATE NOW Syading mad oidesW or "M-olou fim ,D A§dà de-~O~~-hd KMP INSULATION Paid for GoId and SOIves, coins, aid gws *cks, jewefry, 4lses, furaiture crocks, oâ paintnxp mnd ,"aers. Friendly Flea Morket 725-9783 23 Kin West, Oshawa- SWIMMING POOLS - Leading swimming pool manufacturer must dispose of brend new 1978 mnodela. Fuily warranted, coin- plete with pumnp, mtor, raûter, fencing, walkway and deck. Sug- ested retail price ,$2350. Available at pre-season special of $1322. Cali now for early* installation. Long terma finan- cing available. Cail collect any- time 1-416-63-9508. SWINM ,ING POOLS TO RENT - WiII léase 'and -instal fGr bhe ownerga, famlly ýsize alumàiÏuùa swiznnung pools .with-. .pàtio, Çhoièee'. of styIlasý,;meeting* MIl fiigregulations.on a one, twy, or threeyeéar rentaîlhasts'-with option ta own. iry betore you. buy! Calil-collect anytime 1416-663-9508. HADASSAH JEANS & UPHOLSTERY SALE Brand namne jeans. Att sizes Febric by thé yard. Good setection of neariy new items. Wed nesdey Februery 8, 1978 9a.m. -.9>p.m. 144 King St. E., Oshawa. BODY WORK & PAINTINGx Free Estimates,, Low Prices! MIKE TULL WANTED - Oid'Stiit meadow Booki by Giadys Taber. cati 655-4895. Annuel Meeting of the Whitby Progressive Conservative Association wiii be heid on Thurs. evening Feb. 16, et 8:00 et the Whitby Municipal Buiiding ln Rossiand Rd., E, Whitby. George Ashe MVPP for -Durham West, w>Ili be the guest speaker end everyone is welcome. Aiso the etection of Off icers wiIl be heid. Do it yourseif Cellulose filbre High R. Factor biown or Hand pou red CASH & CARRY $2.50 per bag. 668-0412 PEG'S FLEA HOUSE Every Fni. Sat. and Sun., Compare then visit us the friendty onles. Everything from fine fumiture to home baked goods. Space available andgoods on consigniment., LMFR ET_ 2 bachelor apts. for rent. $199. perrmonth phone 728-5890. BOWMANVILLE - Basement Offîe Sacefor rent. 2 rooms,I âp1ro 250sq. ft. each $5. per sq. ft. Including ail utilities. LeaSe ta pay business taxes only, availa- ble now. Cal 723-0575. or 623-4172. BOWMANVILLE - New Com- mercial Space for rent. Prime downtown location. Area of 500 to 5,000 s9q. ft. total of 15,000 sq.ft. available telephone 7 23-05 7 or 623-4172. Wanted to Rent immediateiy smrall unfurnished apt. or two roomns for working young mian. Downtown Whitby area preferred Rent reasonaibe, please phone 623-6333 after 6 p.m. -if youwould liketo be a Whitby Free 1 Press, news carrier,, coul the Free Press circulation department at 668-611il Coffee Cures Coffee has a lang history. When a smallpox epidemnie decimated London in the lBth century' persons living near the coffee-roasting plants escaped the disease and medical authorities at- tributed this to the coffee's protective fumes. Later, cowboys in the American west took to coffee, too. They liked it black, strong and hot. The grounds and water often simmered for days over the campfire. To preserve the accumulated aroma, the large coffee pots neyer were washed. EXPANDING CANADIAN QIL COMPANY needs dependable person- who can work without. super- vision. Earn $14,000 per year plus bonus. Contact customers around Whitby We train. Write A. Y. Dick Pres., Southwestern Petroleum BaponOt L6T 2J6. H1ELP WANTED 2 ADULT SCH-OOL CROSSING GUARDS The Town of Whitby is accepting application for the position of Adult -School Crossing Guards. They are required for two new locations - for the West Lynde Public School and the Kathleen Rowe Public School. Positions will be of interest tO anyone living close to Michael Boulevard and Jermyn Street and to Bumns Street East and Athol Street. Applications are 10 be addressed 10: Mr. Wm. H. Walace, Clerk Administrator, Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontarlo. LIN 2M8 no lter thbm January 31st, 1978. R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. Ki1tchen Talk Food Sense In Canada SANDWICH HISTORY "Sandwiches are greet," seys Joan Fielden, Bekery Councit of Canada nutrition consultant. "They make a nutritious nibbter et coffeé break or an attractive centerpiece et a dinner Party. The art of sand- wich meking, however, has corne a long wey since it wes popularized- in Englend in the middle 1700's. John Monteque, the fourth Egri of Sandwich, Secretary of State and f irst Lord of the Admiraity hed e passion for hem sandwiches which he ordered in great supplies. His preference for the sandwiches became sa femous that when the Engtish explorer James Cook discovered a cluster of islands in the Pecif ic Ocean he named them the Sandwich Islands, after Mr. Monta- que. Today, they are known as the Hawaiien Islands, At the time, the choice of sandwiches was limted ta hem, beef or cheese between two stices of bread. Todey, however, there seems ta be no li mit. Sandwiches range f rom delîcetety decoreted f oidovers. ta submerines severai feet in length. For every country in the world there is a favourite sandwich fiiling that is enjoyed nationaity. The Japenese, for exempte, make sandwiches of seaweed, the English like 'chip but- ty", french f ries between two suices of breed. The*Greek fui their breed with grilled meet and saiad. "Although peenui butter and jelly is an ail time favourite of younger Canadiens." Joan Fielden'points out, 'there are-many other fittîngs that are more nutritious for the family LivefflAILrst (Fi/ing for2-3 sandwiches) .1 cup m ashed Liverwurst 2 tabtespoons minoed pickie 1 teespoon mînced onion 4 teblespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon minced parstey 1/ cup min ced cetery Combine ingredients, season to teste and chili until ready to use. Ham and Raisin (Filing for 2-3 sandwiches) 1 cu p min ced cooked hem 14 cup seedless raisins 1/4 cup cream style cottage cheese 1 teaspoon chopped sweet pickles 1/ cup mayonnaise Mix inqredients and season to taste, and chili iintil ready to use. PUBLIC RELATIONS VOLUNTEERS 1NEEDED - To be trained as a team to inlorm th~e public about mental retardation. . Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped, Whitby. - Cali ý668-7745, ext. 435 between 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. - Elizabeth Gô'mes. Take the uncertainty out of Preparing Your INCOME, TAX RETURN TELEPHONE 668-6610 Returns prepared by Brock Bookkeeping Service DAY TIME -VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - To help with teaching programs for te mentally retarded. . Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped 668-7745, ext. 435, cati between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. . Day Care provided at registered nurseries, Monday- Friday. NOW US THE TIMEI To Order Your WIN TER FUEL Mo.y on DX PI.. 683381 DXFUEL OUL Colt Us To-Deaye .« Propt Cou -1517 L>JN DAS St. EAST WH hrvke

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