Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1978, p. 5

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Corridor * Capers i folks! Its stili snowing white fluffy stuff out there. Maybe you noticed. GARRARD RD. SUBDMVSION PLAN Monday, January 16, a plan of subdivision for a parcel of land on Garrard Road was discussed at the Administra- tive Committee meeting. The area is located between Lloyd Street and Manning Road on thbe east side of Garrard. Th.e plan has been on display at the Planning Department for the past few weeks, but very few of the area residents were able to get timne off work to visit the Town Hall to review the proposed plan and express their views. For many of us then, it was the first opportunity to glimpse the sgggested subdivision., The subdivision, as presented, contained 33 single famlùly units. One street going off Garrard Rd. would serve as an entrance and exit. A few of the b.uilding lots were in the 50 foot frontage bracket, but most of the lot range d'up- ward' to 65 feet. The depth varied from 100 fett to 160 feet. The plan would be compatible with the surrounding area. It was very refreshing to see a subdivision plan that met with soniuch approval from the residents in the area. It wil be on display at the Planning Departmnent and the subdivision wil be discussed.. again at the Administrative Cornmittee meeting on February 6. If you were unable to attend last Mondpiy's meeting.you will have the opportunity WH1i1By then toý sec the pla~n. Those of us, who viewed the plan after the meeting, certainly liked what we saw. 11Ith OSHAWA CUBS SaturdayJanuary 20,the il thr Oshawa Cubs participated in a winter Activity Day at Camp Saniac. It was a real funsy outdoor programi and the niany children who at- tended thorougirly enjoyed the aaventure. SÇOUT WEEK- On, February 19, the il th Oshawa Cubs, Brownies and Girl Guides will celebrate the> beginning of Scout Week by attending Churcir Service at Westminster Church., The service will be at il -a.m. and parents and friends are in- vited. PINEWOOD DERBY Wednesday, January 18, the 1 1th Oshawa Cubs had their Pinewood Derby run.off. The excitemnent mounted as children, and parents alike ,cheered tire zoomfing cars across thje finish lime. It wasn't'the Indianapolis 500,11but to the mnany Cubs and their dads, who have spent hours creaingr a masteipiece from a block -of wood, four nails and four wheels, it was suspense ail the way.- Congratulations to.al the cubs and their parents. The Pinewood Derby is one of the highlights of the cub activities. The lucky winnersfrom I lth Oshawa were:- SPEED 1 st. Todd Rivers 2n d. Douglas Taylor 3rd. David Smith, 4th. Robbie Robinson 2LEIG lst. John Sharrard 2nd. David Woodill 3rd. Paul O'Hare 4th. Robbie ýBuchanan. These boys will carry the il th Oshawa Banner into the, FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25~ 1978' PAGE 5 finals to be held later in the year, after ail packs have hacl their run-offs. PAPER DRIVE-- WIUTBY SCOMT The paper drive last Saturday was a littie disappointing for the many Cubs and Scouts who were out collectîng. Only about three or tour families managed to put their papers out. The weather certainly was a deterring factor, but the Whitby Boy Scouts would appreciate a littUe more co-operations fromn familles to help rid their houses of un-_ wanted newspapers. They are doing their part by coming around the second Saturday of each month. Please do you r part by' having the bundies of papers at the roa d, in a place where they can be seen by the driver, by 9 o'clock the second Saturday of each month. The area covered isnorth of Dundas Street from Elizabeth Cres. to the Oshawa town- lime. WESTMINSTER UTED CHURH Annual Congregational Meeting - Sunday February 5, a light hlnch and the meeting to follow. Please have reports in by January 25th, in as brief a form as possible. KERYGMA wil re-commence on Wednesday, February 15. Time 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. (Wednesday evening to March 15 to avoid choir practice during Lent.) DANCES - DANCES January 28,'1978 - Oshawa General Hospital Aifrilliary, Dance to be held at Jubilee Pavillion. Tîie 8:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tickets are $8.00' per couple and avallable from any executive member or telephone 723-1680 or 725-8967. Prizes, lunch and refreshments and also a good timne to vîsit with your',neighbours who will be attending. You ail comne. Thats it for this week. Have fun. M. McEachern q Report from, Queen'eS Park Durlwm West op Following is a brief summary of activity in the tLegisîn- ture during the last Session, which will probably have the most affeqt-on the day-to-day lives of constituents in the Durham West Riding. In the, direct interest of the, con sumer, legisation was passed to. require tax. discounters iîn Ontario to pay their clients at least 95% of .any anticipated income tax refund. Also, a Provincial Consumer Information Centre will be opened on Februùary 6th to'help .consumners across Ontario by niaking information' more- accessible- to themn. 1 will be reporting to you on this Centre in more detail in the near futur'. Coffee house opened Aduit residents of the Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped have a new recreational facili- starting this month. The Lucky 8 CoffeeHouse was .opened this' month in one Pf the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital cottages, and is staf- fed on Monday evenings for about two hours by, regular staff and members- of the centre's volunteer association. Tire coffee house is equip- ped with a juke box, shuffle- board, table tennis and space for informiai actîvities. The coffee house differs considerably fromn the highly structured programs at the Durham Centre. The v'olun- teer association hopes to -bring i local musicians to provide entertaimment for the coffee house. Anyone inter- ested in providing music or other entertainment- may cal Julie Moore at 723-4413. An average of 40 residents of the centre are expected to attend the, coffee house on Monday niglits. Seniors' craft, programs A number of craft pro- grams began this montir at the Whitby Senior's Activity Centre. 1 Ceramics programs are be- ing held on Tuesdays and Thursdays Ïkrôm 9:30 a.m. to 11: 30 a.m. and the pottery program iîs Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 4p.n1. The programns are 10 weeks long, at a cost of $3. For further information, cal the Seniors Activity Centre at 668-1424. Unt 'il the Rent Review Program is replaced in Decemnber of this year with a comprehensive tenant protection pro. gram, thej'rovincial Government iras set the new maximum rent increase to be at 6%., .I ami sure many of the rural residents in the Riding will be happy to learn that legislation was adopted allowing the municipalities to regulate the removal of good topsoil from agricultural land. This lias been a particular problem for those areas immediately adjacent to Metro Toronto, such as Durham West Riding. For labourers, the Provincial Government passed legisla-. tion establishing province-wide, single trade bargaining in most of the construction ýindustry>. This reform is seen to b e a major step in simplifying and streamling labour negotia- tions in this crucial segment of »the workforce. The Provinces social services have been expanded to enable the elderly and the handicapped to maintain their own homes. To eliminate a great deal of confusion, the, administra- tion of all services for chldren was transferred to the Minis- try of Community and Social Services. As reported previously, the Municipal Elections Act has, been extensively revised,-the main change. being that municipal election' day will now be-the second Monday in November, rather than the first Monday in December. >A 'Significant new policy initia tive hasbeen adopted byý the Ministry of Correctional Services for a community work order programf whereby petty offenders who are not con- I SELOY, MADGETT, BOLER &MHAR Chartered Accountiants, I The Colico Cat 20)% off uN yarn u.J... 21 t. SýUt. J... 28 AIL SALES FINAL W.A.D .Selby C.A.,M.C.A.B.V. C.J.Roberts C.A. B.K.Madgett C.A. A.D.Chapman C.A. Offices 171 King Street East, Oshawa, 1-18 Walton Street Sheridan Mail, Pickering 1R.W.Boler C.A. C.W.Marlowe C.A. T.Haar C.A. Telephones 579-5531 885-2335 839-0153ý YOU CAN NOW BOOK VOUR CHARTERS TO - -- - LONDON AMSTERDAI MANCHESTI PRESTWICI Passport m DUBLIN FRANKFURT ZAGRED DUBROVNIK Pictures Complimentcary with Booking Contact 6648-S0 sidered a, threat to society Will work on projects and carry out servicesin the community., in total, some sixty govemnment bils were passed by the House from October 1 7th to December 1 6th, 1977. How- ever,the people of Ontario, as elsewhere in Canada ,continue to be plagued by serious problems of unernployment and inflation. It is, apparent from this situation, the next Ses- si'on which is scheduled to begin sometime in mid-February wiil be -as equatly demanding uponthe MPPs as the last Session., >It reýmfains the view of the Government of the Province of Ontario that a heaithier, long-termn solution tô these problemfs must be sought in continiued restraint on govern- ment expenditures'combined with stronger, more produc- tive private sector initiatives. CORPORATION 0F THE. TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F-INTENTION TO STOP UP AND CLOSE A SECTION 0F DUCHESS STREET, ELAINE COURT, JONES AVENUE AND MYRTLE STREET NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of tire Cor- poration of the Town of Whitby intends.to pass by-laws to stop up and close all or a section of the following public highways in the Town of Whltby:-' (1) Mll of Duchess Street as shown on Registered Plan 70,' designated as Part 1 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Plan 40R4075; (2) AI! of Elaine Court shown on Registered Plan M-60, designated as Part 1 on a Plan of Survey prepared b y Horton & Wallace, Ontario Land Surveyors on Novemnber 23rd, 1977 under Job No. 11077; (3) That portion of Jones Avenue shown on Registered Plan 431, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on a Plan of Survey designated in the .Regstry Office for the Regîstry Division of Durham fîo. 40) as Plan 40R-4076; (4) AUl of Myrtle Street on Registered Plan 431, as shown on a Plan of Survey prepared by Donevan & Fleischmnann Co. Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors on October l2th, 1977 under Job No. 1.701F. AND FURTHER TAXE NOTICE that the Operations Comnmittee of the Council of the Town of Whitby will, at the hourý of 7:30 p.m. on tire, 6th day of February, 1978, in Cornmittee Room No. 2 i the Municipal Building àt'575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agenit, any person who dlaim lis land will be prejudicially affected by such by-laws and who applies to be hcard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario this 2ist day of December, A. D., 1977. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clcrk-Admiùnistrator, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, bu &§Là

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