PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25,1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS -)2 Cottonelle Tissue Assorted colors single ply. 4 roils package Facial Tissueé Scottles White box of 200 - 2 ply Temple -~Oranges FloridamwnLage Size F -Ibs. & », Celery, il Stalks brddaGown, Caniada No. 1 Grade L ea. i- wp WH COUPON 911.0WJ * ELERY STALKS* Mfflcb v n wn aikNo. 1I adl. =lbt en I~~~9" » cnrwsuWVM0S20Mof&*h i I " ba.CoupnSsola mS 1Oi TOdS. I TB Pilous eo uauay 25 - 3Ist, 19781. t à k.v...h mod uce vwnt~items. Tomatees MexicariGrown Canada No. 1 Grade Large Luceme Canada Grade 'A' W"THCOUPON BELOW LARGE EGOS Coupon Ettective Untit Ciosing, Tuesday.- lanuasry -13ii 197m. Cash Vakue I /20th 0f 0ne Cenit. OneCeupon Per Famy. OS., WITH COUPON BELOW WfCOUPON BE.OW *CATELU SPABHEF **GROUND COFFEE* orMcr.2lb. pade. ULngOne CoupoPflPCh~ & Saibom, 160oz. ba. Un* One Coupon I Customef Wifth A $10 Purctuse"and Over I Per Cissiamor WIIh A $ 10 aucm id Over. Couponl Effective Mi# tItCecn. Tuesday. Coupon Effective UntH Cloeing, Tuedy January 3 1 s.1978. Cash Value 1/i2Otf0# One - JanuaCash 1 sie198.20Ui V"<1ana 4A1~Paper Towels 99. 8tmMh ICPÎOO 9% FISbeF Niblets Corn Green Glant Canada Fancy 12 fi. ozti mea1 reatell 1Spaghettil «rMacaroni 2 tbPackage