Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Jan 1978, p. 3

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WHITBY FRRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18,1978, PAGE 3 Parent volunteer program, gives mo ré attention to students Studerits in the elemnentary sohools of the Durham Ro. man Catholic Separate School Board will be recceiving more individual attention ftom their teachers this year, thanks to a new parent vol- unteer programn being masti- tuted ità the schools. A general meeting 'will be hcld at St. John the Evange- list School on Giffard Street Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.ni. ta cover ail the separate schools in Whitby and Brooklinand will consiat of a slide presentation on what the parent volunteer prograrn la al about. Joan Rainaberry, co-ordina- tor of the program, has been working, along wîth four convenera of speclal progratnf since last September to orient teachers in the separate school system ta the volun- teer programn. Now ahe has reached the point wbere she ia sending out a eall foi volunteers, so that the program may be goingwz under the admninistraion of each school before March. Mrs . Ransberry iîs working under a Canada, Works grant ta set up the program, andl the grant runs out in March. The parent volunteer pro- gram is being instituted in six areas-.ibrary,1 tutorial, junior' and senior kindergarten, general classroani work for grades one to eight, special skills and talents,and clerical work for teachers. Whitby Sohool Trustee David Sims 'wants school, authorities ta have.the right ta search students' lookers, and, at his suggestion, the Durhanm Board of Education is drafting- a new locker policy. Mr. Sims says there have been many tofies of achool lockers being-used 'as empor- lumas for druga and he con- sldered the private domain of the student. The school board policy whlch Mr. Sinis aaked for, will caver the assignment of lockers, their re-assignmnent and the right of schoal au- thorities ta forcibly enter a locker if a student refuses ta open it. Normaily the lock la rented ta the' tudent but there is no charge for the *locker. Thli board had soughl a advice on the riglit ta inspect IcaO The parent- volunteers are being brought- in ta reinforce and back up the teachers so they will have more tixne to give individual attention ta studentssays Mrs.Ransberry. The avprage student gets two and one-third miinutes per day of individual atten- tion from the teacher, she says, and this can be doubled with a parent volunteer pro- gram., The parents can, do many thinga such as supervision, eni- couragement, and general paper work that often bogs, dowrn, a teacher when she is trying ta do lier job. The school board is look- ing not jUat for parents, but anyone interested in children, and they don't have taý be Separate Sohool supporters, says Mrs. Ransberry. Four Schools in Whitby are involved in the program-- St., John the Evangelist, St. Theresa's, St. Paul's and St. Leo's in Brooklin. Currentneeds are for 20 volunteers for -St. John's, eight for'St. Theresa's(Kinder- garten only), 10 for St.- Pauls and eight for St., Leo's. St Leo's already has ane volun-. teer for special skills. Each volunteer works haif a day a week in the school, and a roster is set up alloting the vaiaus times for the volunteers . Training sessions will be lockers, and waks advised by its solicitors that a principal shoulId not break inta stu-,- dent's-. locker u nleas the school has withdrawn its per- mission for that student ta use the locker and the student neglects or refuses ta open it and remave its contents. The board was informed that "except in a very senious case, it would be inadvisable for the sehool principal ta utilize the right ta enter a locker in order ta effect a search for hus own or for police purposes. Search warrants issued under the Crimmnai Code can be exercîsed only by day, unlesa a niglit search' la specified. Police operating under the Narcotic Contrai Act, do'not require a searcli 'warrant, and have the riglit ta break open a locker. DIIElI FIRANKFOUT ZMIRED DII 10VNIR held for the volunteers, Feb. 7 and 14 from 1--30 p.m. ta 3:30 p.m. at St. Paul's School on Garrard Road. Topies ta be coveréd ini- clude confidentiality, school policies, ethios, and special skiIls for cert'ain areas.. Mrs. Ransberry says that anyone who wants to beconie a volunteer should attend the meeting at St. John'School Jan. 26, or phone the princi- pal of any of the participa.ting schoola . Voluntecring can provîde a dloser relationship between parent and child; she says. With more individual atten- tion from the teachers, the acadnmic level of the student goes up, and this is attributed tâ the volunteers, says .Mrs. Ransberry.- 1The parent volunteer pro. gram is new for -Durham Re- gion, but in Halton County there are already 1,600 volun- teers in 23 schools. Fifty per cent of ail schools in Ontario have volunteer programs, says, Mrs.-Ransberry.,,, The general classroorn vol. unteer assists ,the teacher in grades one ta eight with sucli tasks as listening, to -a, sinal group read, assisting students in i seat work, and reViewing work with individual students.-- Kindergarten volunteers assist in putting on and taking off of winter clothing, rnixing paunts, and readmng stories ta groupa of children. The clerical volunteer can assist the celerical,,staff and teachers with suchtssa typing, running of ditto machines, distribution of niail to teachers and answerlng phones. The library volunteer can organize books on~ shelves, read to small groups, make study prints, and Icollect re- source materials. The turotrial volunteer can listen to a child read, reinforcc mathematical skills, help children with an instructional game, use flash cards, and any other tasks assigned by the teacher or principal:. * pot s place rýýCàwlls W«.oaR»& F.hM~ Sale doe4a& 10% 20% Off Vour Welcome to Corne in end Browse 10S/ Off AU Sales Ovor $5.00 with Baby, Bonus Cheque cHMl(;K~ On Regular PricedMerchan dise 1030 Dwmdu St. W. Whlty 668-6607 NOCW YOU (AN. "ýl. SAVE MONEY; : WITHfOLD WINAI Frcm Jnuary 20, you can use your Wintario tickts for discounts on Canadian books and magzies. Wbysitcd.d Its called HALFB?«X becaus e if you paricipate in the pragnnn, you cget hall back. Y<w pçid a dollar for each Witario ticket YCA get f ifty oents bock. lt's simple. If your Wintaio tickets dont win in the drcw, don't thzow thezn awayjust endorse them on the back with yourriame and adidress. Now they're worth 5Oit each on the purchase of any book by a Canmadian aruthor or on the purchase of a subscrîption to any participating Cana- diari mnagazine. S>Ycu can use up to 4 tickets fora total discount af $2.00 op any qualifying bookarsubscriptian. There's no lumit ta the nuznber ai bookcs o.r subscniptions yau con purchase as lonig as. each one costs at least $3 00. %lst, endorse your Wintario tickes on the bock with your name and address. Then, take them ta any prtîipating Ontorio bookstore. Participating baokstores are easy ta recognize by the distinctive HALF BACX Signs they display. Book rebates arfe also craoable through pcf-ticipating baok clubs. Check your monthly mail- ings for details. Fcr every 4 Wintanc tickets yau bning in, you will get $2.00 off on a Canadian-authored book that costs $3.00 or more., the bookseller has a wîcde selection of books eligible for 14AL BA'X rebates and will be glad ta help you makeea choice andturn your Wintanio tickets inta scwings. A descriptive HALF BAQ< leciet is avoulable at partic- ipating bookstores, many- Wiritcfro ticket outlets and at your regional office of the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreatiari. It lias an aidler f on- attached. In the leaflet, you'll f ird a list and desmrption of the Canadiain magazines that aire eligible for the rebate. Simnply nnake your choice, 1111 out the faormcand send it off wthyour endo>rsed Wintaiio tickets and a cheque f or the bolance. Whssdmsituid HALP BAX is a three- month programlsponisored by the Ontario MiistY Of Cultuie and Becreation. It sta[rtson Jariuary 20 and ends onApril 12,197. Tickets for 6 Wiritaio drawswill be eligible: JANUARY 19 MARCH 2 FEBBUARY 2 MARCH 16 FEBRUAIRY 16 mARCH 30 Tickets for the January 19 drrw go on sale JcnulrY 6. The last day tickets coni be tumed in for rebate under the progxrin is April 12,1978.-..0" --Mnistrof Ontario HAUB BACK RUNS UNT I~1Cuture and Lottery AMRI 12,r1978,o AI.WHTARKC Sims wants'right to. <er Iockers, YOU CAN NOW BOOK VOUR CHARTERS Passport Pictures Complrnntary wit-h Booking, v a À" b MI&M

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