Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Jan 1978, p. 13

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White ig-zag sewlng machine $70. 1 fur fabric short jacket. size 12-14 $20. one floor length red raincoat size 12-14 $10.D3resses madle in England size 10, 12, 14 $3. each. 1 pr. black suede shoes size 7148 $4. 1 pr. tan leather & suede wedge hedlshoessize 5 $10. One pale b lue ski jacket size 10- 12 $7. caIl after 5 at 576-0308. Top Quality Tealc Dlning Room Ste. Dinlng table 4 high back chairs, buffet and hutch, owner mnust -mcl due to -redecoratln $1,000 or best offer. Bella Visia by Collin coffee table & end table $75. or best offer oel - 683-7609. 1 smare drum, stand,9 sticks, brushes and key. very good cond. $45. oeil Brian 655-3411 Steel hampster cage exercise whêel & drinlclng bottle, $7.50. Boy's bicycle good coud. $30. oel Brian 655-3411 SKATES - 2 pir Bouwer, suze 11, nearly new, $20; CMII Jubior Pro gize 12, $20 or best offoer. Oail1655-311 7i Wcddlng Dresi size 7 $70. Brideer mnald dress (Orange) size 9. $50. 668-638. In~its bunting bag, 2 plnk pile, i Igtly .used 1 new, I ne* 2ullted ylon $4 & $5 each. Furnace duct-work' and .fittlnâs for, sale 4, x 10 floor defusers $1.00 each, 4,x 10 angle floor boots $.80 each, 5.' length of S" pipe $2. ach, side take off $.50 45 degree elbows $.50 each, Galvanlzed chain-llnk fenclng 42"6 x 50' for $10. 6554423. UAS FURNACE - biand new, 100,000 BTU, neyer been uised. $250. CaIl 668-6950. ANTIQUE' CHESTERFIELD' SUITE - 4 pce., newly upholstered, green and rust brocade, $250 or best, offer. Oeil 728-4943.' New Brass Bed 39", $210,.one four polster brass knob bed metal bed 36" $120. 668-6330. Galanti X300, 1 year old ful console keyboards & floor bass controls, magic cord &,rhythmn section, headphones, stool and bookds. $775.1 666-13ý72. Nfon's Lang buckle boots, ize 6 and carrying rack, Arlberg 18~5 centimeters skils and Beesher blndings. $45. 7 28-1291. School desk, 1 plece $10. white uewlng machine $35. wooden storm door $35. T. V. amne Blk. & White new $20. Block Plane Antique$14. Antique phone $95. cail 728-2327. 3 OUTOOOR FLOOD LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitable for lighting'patio or pool area, $30 each. Oeil 668-2832 after 5 p.m. 51 poe. set nilkasa- oven to tableware - detergent proof in good oond. Babaspattern' 139. Girls ringette CCM skates, size 4' worn ý3 or 4 times $30. 668-9817. ladies coat -- black izatmitation MIal mfr 14- 16 cleanpd as new. CHICANESET, straight & corners 2 cars: many extras $14. firsm oeil aftcr 5 -668-5060 Singer Sewing Machine, Walnut Cabinet Console ia A-I cond. inc. stand & sSt for $150. or best offer. 655-4238. 4 poe. chesterfiela ste. $350. and a double bcd for $50. caUl 683- 4675. FOR SALE: Girls whte ram Mrots sie 6 & 7 $2. each; pink balet slippoa size 131A - $4. single bcd spread & drapes, yellow with wbite kittens $15. 668-7614.j Black priz lahib coat ini good cond. $75. 576-714. Ladies Aiphine Skiis 72" ex. cond. $40. and ski boots size 9 Cresta $25 Torcan 20" electulc heater newý15. Remington 8 cup Electrlc perculator $5. Minolta camera with honeywell flashbulbs $15. -668-2400 Long suede wlnter coat, size 16 $40. 668-3469. Gendron - foId sp stroller, with weatherguard, adj. back rest &- foot rest, used 1 mth.-was $45 asking $30. 668-4631. Antique armchair and matching' rocker over 100, yrs. old asking $850. for the pair. 655-3523. Chesterfield suite. Newly covered 'Scotchguard' fabric. Burnt Orange. $175. Gold Broadloom 108" x 34". New $10. Television table. New $20. Power Drill. Variable speed. 3/8". New $45. Electrohomne T. V. 21" Black & White. Like New $50. R. C. A. combo unit. Ideal for parts, cabinet, tube, radio, player. $25. T.V. Electronic garne. Hockey Tennis, Squa-sh etc.. New. -sb Hannimex 35m.m. side projector Reniote control. New $7 5. 'Speedsetter* Hair Setter. New. $15. Dual/Noresco stereo record player consolette and speakers $85.,Portable electric compressor. Ideal for model maker. New & unused $75. Fisherman's thigh waders. Size 9. .$6. Antique tin travel trunk $15., Stainless steel kitchen sink $5.- Patio table. White, Metal 30" diameter $20. Caîl 668-5276after 7 p.m. Yashioe TWin Lens Reflex cern- plete with,case, telephoto lens, close* up lens, filter, takes 12 pictures on 127 film. Weston Il exposure meter. $50 the lot.1 668-2923. PESP PLIES, Hampster cage, wneel, feeder, food & e'bedding $8. 725-8162. IRISH WOLFHOUND PUFS- 9 wks. FamnIly Dogs 'From Chamrpions. 'H.D.ý Clear and Replacement Guarantees. $350.00. SANGPUR KENNEL REGID. 613-332-2024. Golden Cocker Spaniel pupPY female, 5 mths. registered. $200 or best offer. 668-5637. Hampster cage $5. call 728 8259. ,Aquarium, 15 ga., with stand, 1ights & filter $50. 668-4495. lrish Setter, Maie, Reg., Tatooed and shots $150. oeil after 6-p.m. 683-1410. Aquariûm, 40 gallons. Complete Wlth flsh, stand, pumps, lights, heater, etc. $85. For further information eaUl 668-8288 after 4 p.mn. 1 cil humner for furnace, 1 forced air fan & niotor for furnaoe. 1 humidifier, 1 bird cage & cromne stand, i 1976 Citation tradler. 18 ft. used 3 tnes. Completely equippeil plus oven & autornatic moll Up awning. 655-3257. 1975 Monte Carlo, Auto, P/S, & Brakes, Tape Deck, Swwvel seats centre console, defogger, radiais red wth white vinyl top. private sale oertified $3300.00 668-2923 or 668-607. 1974 Buick Ai 2 Dr- A-1 o allo, 350 .Ei 1. 1970 Chu 69 Mercury Station Wagon, 8 cyl 302, Best offer 668-9771. 76 Grand Torino, p/s, p/b, rust proofed, 4,000 miles, stilI on dleaiers guarantee, many extras asking'$5,400. 655-4441. DRAPERY double traverse rod, single puiley, new, 22 ft. can be cut to shorter length. Projection Icreen - Dalite glass beaded 50,x 50", like new. 668-2291. ITTIONS < Day carein my home. Chlldren any age Mrs. Goodrick 668- Day Care on ýFarrn Large Play- room, Other children (Kinsale Area).phone after 6p.m. 683-2290.1 BABYSITTING available iri my home - days. On. or two pre- schoolers. Burns St. area. elaU 668-2915. Reliable Day Car. in my home. West Lynde, 668-6671 jELAWATED Babysitter needed for z boys in my own home. 3 days a week. Donevan SI. school area. Whitby., 668-5932. AUCTONS AUCTION SALE: Sat. Jan. 28, 1 p.m. Sale of furniture, antiques, H-eintzinan & Co. Piano (excellent) 9 piece dining oom suite. Pine flat Io> wall cupboard. 1971 Chevelleý Malibu (26,000 miles) certified in ex. cond. Edrin. suite, appi.-, tools, ete.. For the estate of the at. Charles Clemence of Brooklin Sale to -b. held in Brooklin Com- miunity Hall. Full liat next week. Terrms, Cash, auctioneer,' Johin Annis. 655-4663. AUCTION SALE: In Prince Albert Hall, 2 milles *south of Port Perry, Saturday. January 21, at 1 p=m. PROPERTY 0F MR. AND MRS. FRED PEARCE PORT PERRY AND ESTATE 0OF ME.- STEVE PEÉRKINS PORT' PERRY. Antîques.-bow b.d and matching dresser, amali Hariston cook stove, tredie sewlng machine, brassbad, trunka ohl lamps,wicker rocker, hall tables, press baDk rocker,ý old chairs, piano bench, 3 hors. colkgs with harness and hames, fern stand, 2 drop le.af tables, picture frames, writing_ desk, dishes. Furniture-barstools. new chrome set, lazy boy chair, hi-fiÎ set, lawn chairs, end tables, dressera, foot stools, single bed,1 buffet, 2 big chairs, biankets and linens, lampa, card table, pots and pans, dishes, windows, storni door, pocket novels, records, books, 8 x 12 rug (red) and 1.2 x 18 carpet(gold) with under- lay, new. Plus waahing machine 21 " Admirai t.v., Zenith portable t.v. both black and white, three 5' refrldgera tion radiatos, humidi- fier, elec., mixer, 6' baseboard heater,, elec. fan, ironing board, carpet sweeper, dreasmaker's model,table saw, vaccunni cleaner, suitcases, good drapes, coinplete forge, and turnip drill. Good quality items. Don't miss thein -John pearce, Auctioneer. 416- 985-7492. WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1918, PAGE 13 E SR-ES CARPMTRT HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEWENTS METRO UÂc. No. e-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tlihtg, UDrywal, Rec. Rooms, CedarDecks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMÂTES Cail 668-4686 RUGHNST PRICES" Paid for Gold and SMl~r coins,%ldguns, *docks, fewelry, clises, furniture crocks, nil painting and sealers. Friendly Flea Market S725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa SWIMmING POOLS - Leading swimming pool manufacturer mulst dispose of brand-ùew 1978 models. FuUly waranted, com- plete with pump,. motor, filter, fencing, walkway and deck. Sug- gosted retail price $2350. Available at pre-season special of $1322. -Cali now for early- insalation. Long term finan- cngt available. Cal collect any- time 1-416-663-9508S. SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT - W<iii lease 'and' instali fer hofQme ownr -.,* faffilly size aluminum swiminng 'pools wiîth -pt io.' Çhoice of. styles., meeting. al fincing regulatioris on a onie, two, or three -vear rientai has1s' With option t'>u wfl. Try before you buy! Cail collect anytinie 1-416-663-9508. FIREWOOD- Flash Forestry Service. Pick up or Dellvery DON'T DELAY CAÊLL fÈocay 655-3654. BOB'S SNOW PLOWAN 24 HOUR Service, .éJob too 'Smial orBi Reasonable Rates, cail 668-9591. GUITAR LESSONS - ail levels, reading; ear training and theoxy popular, rockc, folk, country etc. Call LOU at 6M61979. Dec. 27th. Vicinity of Cochrane St., Rossland Rd. and creek area. White highland terrier, has tagsý on. She's a very friendly dog and if bast would make her homne with any nice family. If you have her please return. Sadly missed. Reward. Phone 668-2923 or 668-6607 PRIVATE SALE EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW attached garage, 3 bdrm. 2 bath- rooms, lg. living & dining room with balcony overlooking acres of greenbeit. Lg. family roomi, with fireplace. A walkout to 167ft. lot. Desirable northwest Oshawa Area. $75,000-00 oel 728-8884 after S p.m.< They say the answer to your problems is just around the corner. Why not take a walk and find out. Walk ablock.Today, THE ATRE 66843618 Chlldren's Mutne SATURDAY 1:30 p.m. ALI SEATS 1 Joum.y ft theCentre of the. Earth EVENINOS STARTING JANUJARY 24 "DAMNATION ALLEV" PLUS FORRET 2 bachelor apta. for rent. $199. per month phone 728-5890. BOWMANVILLE - 'Basement Office Space for rent. 2 roomas, approx. 250 sq. ft. each $5. per sq. ft. includlng ail utilities. Leasec to pay business taxes only, availa- ble now. Cail 723-0575. or 623-4172. 3 bdmm. seml-detached central Whitby, quiet location, rec roomn and extra washroom. Available Feb. lst. $320. monthly, oel 683-6277 or 666-1091. BOWMANVILLE - New Comn- mercial Space for rent. Prime downtown location. Area of 500 to 5,000, sq. ft. total of 15,000 sq.ft. available telephone 723-0575 or 6234172. Basement apt. foirent, south >lhtb, Private entrance phone 668-9910 after 6 p.m. BRANTON CUSTOM HOMES REC. ROOM S. GARAGES & RENOVATIONS. FREE ESTIMATE WITHOIJT OBLIGATION PHONE JIM BRANTON 668-7629. EdItoî's (luote Dook' in'making our de- ckons, we must use the brains that God has gwven us. But we must also use -Our' hecrts which he also gave us. F'ulton OursierA PRIYATE Bay Ridges, beautiful, 4 bedroom, 2 storey home,, detached, newly decorated, broadloom, central air, swirnining pool , finished basement, large lot, askinig, $67 ,900.0Large First. Cali 839-7260 for appt. NO AGENTS PLEASEI' WHITBY VOLUNTEERSNEEDED Want, to, help Us assist the elderly to live independently? Would you, drive? Do minor repairs? Cleaning? Friendly visiting? Give financial advice? Do office duties?.. eal Wit by Comnmunity Care 668-6223. 9-12 noon, weekdays, mileage compensation provided. Take the uncertainty out of Preparing Vour INCOME TAX 'RETURN TELEPHONE 668-6610 Returns prepared by Brock Bookkeeping Service Thxe Fiat 128.e It handies four. And i«t's f un to handie,. Standard or Custom models. Plus a snazzy hatchback coupe. Whichever, 128i wagon and a way, the -Fiat is'rugged, roorny - and, with front-wheel drive, it haridles, beautifully. Corne give it a whirl. IRE" Cars for pIpe who love te drive 1MARIAN AUTO Oshawa 25- Grenfel St NOW 15 TME TIMEI To C)rder Your WINTER FUEL * Phone 6U8 - .1-81 728-511 7 j) Boutique Fushions 1/2 Price Sale Designer & Well Known Labels, The Neariy New Sho p 131 Brock St. S. Whitby, Ontario 668-4100 Shop Daîly 9:30 - 5:.301 TNING"' 'l'rHUNDER A

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