Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Dec 1977, p. 5

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Gazing through a huge windshield 1 noticed the rain was trying to turn to snow as we wound our way through the maze of thruways that makes up Montreal. By now 1 was beginning to get used to the bumping of, riding along in the cab of an 18 wheeler and my un.s expected trip to the east coast of'-Canada was well under- way. My host and driver and personai friend, Bill MacDo nald, a broker for North Amerîcan VAn Linies in Oshawa, gave up the CB in disgust. There had been littie communication on it so fan during the trip anyway but getting into Montreai it seemed everybody was just t4walking over" everybody else anyway so Bill shut it off. We were rapidly approaching the most easternly point to which 1 had previously been in Canada and the only time 1 got near Montreal was skiing in the winter so I was looking forward to seeing what Canada looked ike east Br« lin ~:Bi es Happy New Year Everyone 1 would like to wish everyone a very happy New Year and hope that ail are safe and well. 1 hope timat Santa was good to ail th e boys and girls, moms and dads too. >On Sunday January 1, 1978, at the Anglican 'Church in Brooklin, there will be Holy Communion at 9 a. m.then a rededication service at Il a.m. The Meadowcrest Baptist Church is having a Bible Study Service at 9:50 a-.m., on Sunday January 1, for ail ages. At il a.m. speciai worship. Than at 7 ýp.mn. there will be an Olde Fashioned-Hymn Sing, to be enjoyed by the whole family. The film called 'Sammy' will also be shown at this time. It is a film not ta miss. t should bring a truer mean- ing to life. Thene is nothing else happening this year, or for the next couple of weeks. 1 hope that in the New Year that there Bilan Winter's H istorical W h*tbYFro a ge4 Mns. Hanny Sinden had thnee radios goîng in three dif- ferent roomns of her house during the garne and couldn't sit still duing the whoie afternoon. Mrs. Bob Attersley told reporters that when her hasband scored the tying goal she nearly dropved her 8.month-old daughter whoni s 'he was holding in her arms. SThe Dunnies'wii received special attention fronn Ontario Premier Leslie Frost in a speech in the Legisature, and the leaders of the Liberals and CCF (now NDP) paid thent tibute too. Even the judge cf the miagistrate's court in Whitby stopped long enouglh to congratulate the Dunnies. In the confusion fellowing the ganie,Bus Gagnen lest l1is passpcrt and had te wait in Oslo whiîe the Canadian Embassy issued himn a new one. Jelmn h1lenderson, known as "Long John Ilenderson" te the Dunnie fans ieft his coat in his hetel, and lest his passport tee. There was even serne doubt that Whitby had won the real world hockey trephy. Ruinons had circuilated that the last time the Russians hiad won the trophy in I1956, the Canadians had given theni a replica of the cuip. I lewever, the trophy won by the Dunnies was dciared te bc "Tue Real McCoy." These are enhy a few cf the behind-the-sceIlOs stonies cf the Whitby Dunhops' charnpionship gane eon March 9,1958. 0f ahI the days in Whitby's histery, it stands eut as the Forms arg parent aci to be held Registration formns for a parent's activity day spcn- sored by three teachens' as- sociations in the Durham Region will , be distributed throughout Whitby duing the first week of January. The -fonms, will, be given to students in each of the e ready;0 ivity day Feb. 15 schoohs in the Durham Board of Education system. Any mnemben of the public wishing to register for the activity day, Feb. 15, 1978, shuuld do so befone Jan. 1 3. Registration information Is also available.,ai. 607 Gilbert Street West, WhItby. ,of Quebec City. i was disappointed. In the early hours of the morniing, with Bill stili driving like he had just gotten 12 hours sleep, 1 managed to grab a little shuteye in his beautifully uphiolstenedafld very comfortable sleeper. Waking up and Iooking out the windows was depressing because it was still raining and mostly because it looked like we had taken a wrong turn and were in Northern Ontanio. 1 said, "is this New Brunswick?" Bill answered that indeed it was and I sud.* denly realized why a lot of eastern Canadians corne to the Golden horshoe anea and to Ontario in general to live. AhI could see was rock and pine trees. Even thie little communities and some big ones we drove through seemed deserted. I don't know what 1 expected but I sure didn't expect a sice of nonthern Ontario. But, bit by bit, the beauty of the Eastern coast graduahly becamne visible and it wasn't long before we were approaching the longest covered bridge in Canada - Or is that the wonld? Whatever. However, there was a notable difference hene in New Brunswick compared to Ontario. There stood the bridge, in what appeared to me to be the middle of nowhere, and there wasn't a snack bar, or a tourist shop or whatever in sight. The bridge stood alone, Iooking beautiful and serving the purpose for which it was built and 1 suddenly realized Ontario had spoiled me terribly. I expected ail the razamnataz that goes with tourist attractions and there wasn't any. 1 asked Bill what the bridge looked ike ilside and .what was nearby and he was no help at ail. He replied, "f don't know, I've neyer been dloser thari this highway, 1 get paid to drive, not ta make like a tounist." will be more people calling me with their news. Rememnber if 1 amn not thene during the day please caîl during the even- ing. I should be home around 5:30 every evening. 1 wouhd like to let the whole of Brooklin know what is going on in their town. And the only way h know how is to have you tfie peopfe of Brooklin to tell me when these things are happening. The Brooklin Public Library will be showing films for the kids on Wednesday December 28 and Thursday December 29. For more information and times please cal the Librarian. Happenings Wednesday Decenber 28 and Ihursday December 29 - Brooklin Public Library - Films for the kids. Sunday Jan. 1 - Anglican Church - Brooklin - 9 a.m. H-oly Communion - il a.m. Rededication service. Sunday January 1 - Meadowcrest Baptist Church - Brooklin - 9:50 ar.. Bible Study Service - il a.m. New Year Worship - 7 p.m.-Olde Fashioned Hyrmn Sing - 7 p.m. the film 'Sammny' Everyone is welcome to ail the New Years Services HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERVONE Marie 655-3061 bld it please! Lets look again say town -staff CouncîI was ready to pass a site plan application for an expansion of the Whitby mnal before Christimas, but somne couniciliors and staff memibers feit that the proposai had not been given enough con- sideration. Deputy Fine Chief Ron Hlawkins asked thatthe south entrance to the mnaIl net be closed until Nichol Avenue is built south of the Mail. If thc presenit south entrance is cicsed, he said, there will be no means of bringing' fine hoses into that part of the mail. Ho aiso asked tba t a water main be provided on Nichol Avenue. Ceuinciller Joy Thernpson watcd te refer the nmatter back te the administrative coniittC~e SO that tue un- rcselved prebleins could bc cieared up, but Mayor Jimn Gatshere said any delay wouîd hold ,,p the mall's develepers for up te eight weeks because of the Christ- On a motion from Coun- cillor Bob Attersley, council voted to proceed with draw- ing Up the agreerneint' and have the administrative corn- rnittee meet before the next couincil Meeting to lock into the i)roblemis voiced by the deputy fine chief. "This is the first tinie this haippened and it's flot going te happen again," said Mayor .Gartshore when lie disco-ver- ed that ail the staff had not hiaci tinte to properly examine the application. The application is to ex. pand the Whitby Mail to the south, and enlarge the McDcnalcl's restaurant in the ncw year. The plan callcd for the closing of the south entrance fromi Thickson Road and rcplacing it with a new entrance irorn Nichiol Avenue. The expansioni of the mail will aise require con- siderable redesigniiîg of the parking lot. De THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668. 7797 Hours Mon--Sot. & Eveniogs by Appoiftnelittfly 3Y FREF PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28,1977, PAGE 5 To that 1 gave Bill my most unapproving frown but it made absolutely no différence and of course 1 knew he was right; it just seemed a shame to be that close tô the bridge so mnany times and not stop to take a dloser* look. I guess 1 would stanve as a long distance trucker because I'd spend too rnuch time, sightseeing and not enough driving. Well to make a long trip short ,rock gave way to white houses and bigger communities and gradually we were wheeling in the Dartmouth - Halifax twin city area and the truck was finally in for a rest. I was happy to spend a night on a bed that wasn't constantly trying to get out from unden me and it took. me a few hours to lose my "&sea',' legs. The next morning 1 turned into slave labour and helped Bill and another Bill manhandle a house ful. of furniture out of the truck. Sunday mnonning, anmed with a rented car and rny camera gear, and having convinced Bill that he should play tourist with me we headed out fùr a drive to Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia. Bill convulse d with laughter when I stopped at a roadside fishing >ut and bought a real lobster trap for $5 but what does he know anyway - he's fot a tounist. Peggy's cove was -everything the pictures show and more - sait spray that hits you like a wall and ulays proper you-know-what with a cameralens. Anyway, 1 saw part of the east coast and it has con- vinced me to come back which 1 wil- as soon as -1 lean more of the "down east" language and dialect so, 1 don't wind up, engaged to some village mayon's daughter on somesuch. And next week l'1l tell you about my -at- tempts at getting "sea" legs on my train trip horne. NOTICE 1978 COIINCIL.MEETING The public are cordialiy invited to attend the first public meeting of the council in 1978 on January 9th at 8:00 p.m. in the Côuncil Chambers, at which time the Mayor and Members of Council will set forth. their' comments and .objectives of the ensuing yean,followed by various items of Town business. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Clerk-Administrator Town of Whitby YOUR KEY TO SATISFACTION When yoti buy a certif led used car from MacDonald Ford TAKE DELIVERY NOW AND RECEIVE A SEVEN DAY A MONEY-BACK WARRANTY and if Voure nol satisfied for any reason rturn the car you purchased for au FULL REFUND 75 THUNDERBIRDA V-8 Auto, p.s., p.b., * AM/FM Sterea, Power Windows, Air Cond. Lic. JNP 122 ....$4677. C 75 FORD LTD SQUIRE sV-8 Auto, p.b., p.s., AirR Cond. Power Windows, AM/FM. 76 PINTOA 4 cyl. Auto, Radio. A Lic. KLB 927.......$2888 72 CHRYSLER NEWPORT N 2 Dr. Hdtp. V-8, Auto, p.s., p., Certified.T T ~6 cyl.,Auto, ertified Lic. HFB 203....$1688. 74 PINTO 3 DR. 4cl,4spd., uncertified1 OLic. HEZ 14 . ... $850. E N1 IGS.W a L

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