Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1977, p. 26

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, DECEMIIER 21,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS English tessons taught at st. Mark's Church bouse On Tuesday and Thursday ternoons just over20 people )m 1i different countries ~et at St. Mark's Church )use in Whitby for lessoris English as a second iguage. The classes are sponsored ntly by the provincial nistry of Culture and 1 ýcreation, and the Ourhami l;,oard of Education. Super- ývisor is Mrs. Barbara Bagneil. \'olunteer teachers are Mrs. Linda Bandel, Mrs. Margaret Burke, Mrs. Mary Dalgleish A rs. Marie Fagan, al Whitby housewives. A nursery program for the children of students and of volunteer teachers is run by Mirs. Anne Finlay. This group is one of 91f similar projects operating al over Ontario. The original Whitby project began in St. John the Evangeist Church five years ago.-TwÃ" years ago it moved to St. Mark's. Volunteer teachers are pro- vided with teaching manuals, and they attend seminars and workshops on the method- ology of ESL (English as a Second Language) teaching. Besidcs actual langtrnge in- struction,' orientation sessions take place to ac-, 'quaint students with the com- munity. The Whitby project âdvanced class has had guest speakers from the Oshawa Little Theatre and the VWtby Arts Station Gallery. Al classes wilI benefit from a St. John's Ambulance demonstr'a"tion in the new year. Basic studerits (those with very lirnited English) have been taken to Whitby's Library to obtain library cards and have been 1'elped to find easy reading. A Christmas party is held annually to which each pupil brigs some of the food of his coUtItry. Once a year, an afternoofi of bowling is a popular event. Canadian cus- tomis such as bridal showers and baby showers are also observed. Countries represented in- clude: Poland, China, taýly,Chile Mexico, Venezuela, Turkey, llolland, India, Portugal and Fînlaind. Public meeting off Brooklin The final public meeting on the Donovan F. Pinker study on Brooklirî growth wili be held in January, says Mayor Jim Gartshore. Originally scheduled for Decernber, it was cancelled on account of recent heavy snowstorIfl. Mayor Gartshore says the meeting will be held as early as possible in ianuary, at the municipal building on Ross- land Road. H-e said the meet- ing. is being held there be- cause the matter is as im- portant to the peuple of southern Whitby as it is to Brooklin residents- Public meetings have ai- ready brought out much com- ment about the supplying of sewers to Brooklin. Con- solidated Building Corpora- tion ,which owns about 1,800 acres around Brooklin, has offered to help finance tHie construction of a trunk line to Brookiin- Other large landholders in the area are Markborough Properties and Ontario Hous- ing Corporation. THE CM.,'--N Whitby seils harbourland to Federal Govt. for $1. decided to seli some of its iand at the north end of the- harbor to the federal govern- ment for $1 so that federal fuinds can be obtained to start harbor developmnent. According to- Develop- ment Co-ordînator Forbes McEwen, the lands are re- quired to permit the expen- diture of federal funds on .the propcrty. Whitby will lease back the property of $100 a year and eventually use it as a water- front park, council decided recently. The federal govern- ment has already pledged $500,000 forharbor dredging, of which $250,000 was com- mitted in October. Dredging is expected to begin early in 1978. The Town plans to also, lots along the north and west sides of the harbor for $100 a year. Mr. McEwen said the dredged material wilI be de- posited on the western shore after the top soil is removed, and the soil will be spread over the dredged miaterial to dry sufficiently, said Mr. McEwen. - ' During the dredging the area where the mnateriai will be deposited wiil be ftncedý off fromn the public, he said. Although the sale of some of the harbor lands is required to get fedelral assistance, Mr. McEwen said the lease back by the town wili have a claum giving Whitby re-purchase rights for the land if it is not. used for harbor purposes- The icase would extend up to 20 years. oAaILEYIA HRMC Wish te Annouce that The Wnner of Dur Came-ra Qraw .was H. G. Huntley Whitby HohjldayjHours Wed. - Fr, -10- 10 Saturday 24 - 9 9 Tuesday 27 -1 Sunday 25 -12-2 Sat.Dec.31 -9 7 Monday 26 -11-6 Sun. Jan. 1-11-6 NOW OPEN w' NDMILL DONUT SHOP AWEEKI OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS Stop in for a Great cup of coffee. and a wide selectiofl of your favourite Don uts. OPEINING SPECIAL $1.49 Please Phone in your order 666-1164 Part Orders FiIIed Promptly Happily singing Christmas arols i their new language are thew, members of an English Language class held at St. Mark's United Church House.- From left to right are Sonia Roman, Stephen Poon, Janet Poon, Leonard Colucci, Julietta Sales, Martha Casanova and Alex Mucillo. The English classes are sponsored jointly by the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation and the Durhanm Board of Education- Free Press Photo CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE BRY-LAW REQUIRING REMO VAL 0F SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY. TAKE NOTICE that By-Iaw No. 164-69 of The Town of Whitby requires that every occupant and/or owner of property in The Town of Whitby to clear the snow and ice from the sidewalk in front of or abuttiïig their property within twelve (12) hours after a snowfali or fail of freezing ramn. The penalty for flot complying with the requirernents of this By-law is $1 ,000.00. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T.,C.M.C. CLERK-ADMINISTRATOR The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY. Ontario WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR 5th YEAR UN BUSINESS WITH AN OPEN HOUSE AND SALE AT OUR NEWLOCATION 1626 Charles St. Whitby WRKSHOPVictoria Baselifle 668-9511 668-1202 Io our wonderful friends HOUSE 0F COMMONS CANADA Ay~ou'r.Me.mbept oéÇ PakZamen-t 1wou.d tLae. ta extend to yjou duL.ng thi&s joyýudf- and happy ,6ecLson o4 Ch trncLmaô mq 6inc.QIee pplLeCctiofl ýox the. oppo/tunityj to be. oý ôexvi'ce to qou. May1 e.xtend to qou acnd y'oupt <amiymy waxmreJi-t gooct wiihe5 Ço/L-Chxi.6t,L5and the N~ew Ye.aJ. NORMCAFJK AND FAMILY MI 1013 DUNDAS ST. E. WH ITBY 1

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