Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1977, p. 19

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WH-ITBY FREE PRE~SS, WEDNESDAY, DECEM BER 14,1977, PAGE 19 Conimg EveBnts itor sclool age CHRISTMAS PARTY Sister Giselle Pilon and her singing group, Les Tournesols, from Corpus Christi School in Oshawa will be perforrning at the Whitby Arts Station Christmas Party Dec. 16 8:30 p.rn. to rnidnight. There will be festive punches and assorted cheeses. To reserve tickets caff[.isa Chang at 668-5398, or die Station, at 668-4185. CANDLELIGHT CHORAL SERVICE St. Mark's United Church tiloî'r and youth choir xill present a candlelit choral ser- vice aI 4 p.m . Dec. 18 aI the church. There will be music also by violiriist Johin Boaton, accom'panied byDorisBeatort, and congregational singing of Cbristrnas carols. holding its AimiaIs' Christîmas Party at the shelter on Thick- son Road North Sunday start- ing 2 pm. Everyone is wel- corne to corne 10 this open house at the shielter, and if you like, you can bring sonie food for the aniimais. SENIORS' ACTIVITIES Thiere are plenty of Christ- mas activities aIthle Whitby Seniors Activity Centre on Brock Street southl this moo01th On Thursday Dec.l15 [roml 1 p.ni. lu 4 p.mi. the cenitre birfhday party. Luncheon will be served from I1 p.m. to 2 p.m., followed by entertain. mient by the centre's Jubile Choir and Stephen Potter. Merubers and guests are wel. corne. Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m. there will be a Christr-nas Dance Party at the centre, with Blert Heaver acting as master of ceremionies for a programi of enitertainfien t. Dec. 28 fromi 2 p.ml. to 4 p.nm. is Family Day at tho Centre. Ail iemibors are in- Juvenile charged in several thefts ANIMALS CHRISTMAS A -ya-o jtei[as PARTY beenc ch:trged viib five eouunts The Dcrrhano Branchi of the 'If bertft loiboitg several ini- Ontario lluniane Societv k ercdeol sý in whithy lasi ek Kitchen by Joan Ficîden Home Economist Consultant Release 2-"ShlouildtIle Con1sumer be Cotîcetiied Over the Colour of Ground Beef?" Coisu mers haive recent ly ex pressedcl oncCFt over thle differences in colour soniîctimes secti iin grottnd beef sold by the 1xckagc. i)on*t \orry. t lus varia- tion is pcrlcctiy natulrailtnd 1)1t etC1Iltlue addii- tioof o odtcolon rings or lycs. Whcen beef* is frcshly eut it k clark puctrlisli-recL luowcver tl'is changes lu a bihrîc he cirry red wlieo uIlenicat is ex posed luo xyge n. 'llie re-asofilo1,01 h is (;o1c)cr chat'tgclîcs \itb iun )lohiO ciiol 1 Ilepig- ments founl iin thew ctscle ut* Oteait. NM yoglobilo uncrg-Locs a cbeo't ical citange atntd1 ecoies a briglît rcd colon r whco ti J t sct rlaee ut tVtLlitlis Cx puýeci c) air. :re.sli lv gri ncin c 11atI. ýl l i n g c lireetIv lrunthtli Li n1de r ont o the lctica t travs. lias ve rv brice xj3o- suîre lu air tic tcre il is covereci wit lu mocre il1'ttlancd then t iudtly 1)LckLtgocl. \rapping fIlialerials arc spe- cially selectecci letcI xygen only 1throttgli (nl tiioist ctre ). As a resit ithI lu )t e r Lt ver ofl* thlieica 1 hecomles rcd lbuit thle inle rioî si ili remtai os ptrpl isil or bro\Viiisl-reci Police saud ti tIle ('anaI- ianl TVire store bat1 sotlC golf 1)alils anid'a litllIel stolefl 011 t wo cilerî occasionls. all t- acktLpe plLtyer \V85 stoiei froui I liiltou lAutlo Ser-vice. 411i Duo dus ýSti . ,anîd six 8 11rack tapes \\CIC stolen irouli 1)tl't 's Auto 1ouuld oit)(11 bop Street î:ýast. Police silialI ll te to ck 1llieatre \.5;loerîteicci .but îîttrgtaketi j Dog stoleii l)ctrbaini Reo!i(tmal policej are ookiulot ma 3.veut-oi ntie colie (log whîichî was~ St oIe i olStiic1az fitii a 7~ vear-old %woiîîail Police say the CI()" Na- tLtkeii t'rolui thle back yard oft jf1 Reva 1Fc'ski t 1. .3 15 IDunrlop st teet last . The clouaî~Wts -c t-ie -iiat -uut 11 a-i1ti I For further information write 10:ornoOtai Joan Fielden, P.0, Box 35, Station "W", Trno naj ciedren anganhrt mhe San andClus. ecial eetant ias.rranefor eterkidien s arndfr tekDe. 3 rm9pr.t 1ec a31 h centre will be 1haing ahewetrs Party, he first sNewil oened Pat yerhe frsne il be eelsh- etand muse ic by a dsc- jocey. Everyonc y a is ce joceistratoneor Nwear'si eotato fillNbe De. 2 rm 2v p.m.li b4 p.12As on9 ticke.ts are avi Aoaly re0 istrationi is required. CEREAL SEMINAR A seiiiiinar on cereal pro- duels will be hcld Dec. 1 7 at 1:1 5 p.m. ai the Brooklin Unitcd Clhurch by the 4-H1 Ilonieitnakiuig Club. Public oxhlibits, demlonstrationis andi skits \vil] 1)0 prescet. A\ utiber ci"of spocial ( 'hrisi ou s '111-01r1111s 8are bl)OiOg liel icit is ioib la t t [te Whitli1w Dec. -() ai 7 pr.. bere \i ic [ ,ela Christtmas F li Partry. wuti hfibus, mutsic aoid triln milg t lle ('bristimltastree I FROM THE BEST SELLER LIST 135 BROCK STREET SOUTH, WHITBY, ONT. 668-1 221 DAI LV MON'- -FR1. 9AM-- 9PM SATUIR DAY 9 AM -86PM FROM N-wember 14 UNTIL December 24 I a -t children). Tickets rnust be picked up at the f ilmi desk before Dcc. 1 6 as attendance will be limlited. Dec. 28 and 30 froili 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. there will be Chrfstilas Holiday Fun and Games for the children at the library. Dec. 29 at 2:30 p.m. there will be a programi of songs for childrcn by Janet'Butler and stuidents -of Mhe Accordin Academly. This prograrn is for al ages and admission is froe. The Brooklin Branch of the libr-ary will have a Christ- mais party with gamies, carol sîoging and trcats, Dcc. 23 fronm 2:30 p.mi. to 3:30 p.m., and thore will ho movios frorn I 2:30 p.1-n. to 3:30 p.rn. Dec. 28 and 29. FAMJLY NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY St. Mark's United Church is holding a family NewYear's Eve Party in the church hall Dec. 31, under the auspices of the Couple's Club. For information, call John and Glenda Wastle, 579-2914. CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY SERVICE St. Mark's United Chiurch will have a Christmias Eve Farnily Service at 7 p.m. Dec. 24, with at presentation of the Christmnas story for the child- re n. CatererS bokedl Doîf t panic. You can fecd grouips of 30, 50, 200 or more 'ju gel plates. ,Ipork-., serviettes. servttig spc()Orls, wet tcîvwels. îabieclOtb, sLltlS 'recîaii breadc, anîd iîrec pieces of' Kentcîckyý Friec Clickeil'or everycmne. Caîl tuie mnatger of \'cilr ilcarby Scott's Chlieken \'illa lt'or details. Coel a es OVTfl 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO - SEC VOUR PIONE BOOK FOR THEf ONE NEAREST YOU. r, WUTUsUIlv pats lace PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE 20% OFF GIRLS LONG DRESSES BOYS TARTAN PANTS LIMITED QUANTITY SIIOP EARLY 10% OFF ALL REG. PRICED MERCHANDISE (OVER $5.00) WHEN YOU CASH YOUR BABY BONUS. Special Christmnas 1-ours Startitig Wed. . 14 9:30 - 9 Wed., Thurs., Friduys 103o Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-6607 Jaycees Kiwanîs Knsmen Optimists, 2 - $500 JACKPOTS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Monday, Dec. 19 Lie. No. 235 419. FIRST JACKPOT AT 57 NUMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 52 NUMBERS 7:15 p.m. No children under 16 adînitted NO ADMISSION CHARGE! H1EXDENSUORE PAVILlON ~corn er Water St. &. D-unl1op Dr., Whitby) STVLI NG' ~ MEN'S HAIRSTYLING 3(5 roui, St. S, WihithVy Plaa, 668-6922 k~i~J I. -e. m Id 1 m to the liaille of 1-ilddle 0

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