Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1977, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS HYDRO RATES In my column last week 1 talked about the energy crises ln relation to supply, and 1 thought it might be appropriate this week to touch upon the energy crises again, but this time as it relates to consumer rates. There has been a great deal of publicity lately concern- ing the electric power rate differentials between rural and urban customers. While many of the reports exaggerate the rural/urban rate differences by using extreme cases for corn- parison, the general conclusions are correct in that rural customners do pay more for their electricity. Ontario Hydro's mandate limits it to setting prices for IDANCE AND SOCIAL EVENING HILL TOP ROOM FANTASYLAND PARK Friday Night Dec. 9th 8:30 p.m. tili 1 :00 a.m. Single Aduits or bring a Partner Dress Informai Music by your favourite D.J.'s Admission $3.00 per person Includes late night snack SPECIAL GALA CHRISTMAS PARTY NIONT DEC. l6th EVERYONE WELCOME Hwy. No. 12, Whitby ',4 Mile north of Taunton Rd. Phone 655-3031 FAMILY TRUST CORPORATION REALTOR 6684865 uol Brock Street South Whitby LAKE SCUGOG - $79,900 The many features of this home are: 4 large bed- rooms, 18 x 13 ft. grotind f loor famiîly roorn with fireplace and walkout, 80 ft. frontage on Lake Scugog and quality construction. Let me show you this home today - cati Margie Aukemfa at 668. 8865 or 655-4248. LWHITRV Three bedroom backsplit only four years old Large kitchen overlooks main Ievel family room Nvith fireplace and walkout to fenced yard. Priced to seil fast at $63,900. Margaret Cox 668-8865, 668-4498. electric power which recover only the costs incurred to supply that power, as closely as is reasonable. This principle of power-at-cost has been the basis of power pricing since Ontario Hydro, was founded in 1906. To.this end, customers haying sirilar characteristiCs are grupd Jnto.classes,ýegch,ý of* which înay have. its own r ate" sche ,dule. The 'rate schefiles are so designed to reflcct the different costs associîated with serving the type of custonier included in each class. A rural customner is on a different rate schcdule than an urban customner and will probably face a larger bill for the same arnount of consumption, because the costs of serving him are significantly higher. For example, more distribution lines mnust be installed and maintained to serve each rural customner than is the case for his urban counterpart, and the pricing system is designed to reflect such differences. This being said, the fact is that the degree to which rates vary between customner groups is often a point of con- tention. In fact, just last year an Ontario Hydro study teamn completed a very major report which looked at the way prices are determnined. In February, the Minister of Energy asked the Ontario Energy Board to look at this matter, and in s0 doing, to publicly review the Hydro study teamn's re- port. It is possible that when the Board completes its re- INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for tie projecis or services listed below, addressed to the Regional Manager, Finance & Administration, Ontario Region, Department of Public Works, 4900 Yonge, Street, (1l2th Floor), Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6A6, and en- dorsed with the Project Nanie and Number, wiIl be received until 1500 houri on the specified closing date. Tender documents can be seen or obtained through the office of the Director General, Departrnent of Public Works, Ontarîo Region, Tendering Office, l2th 1-loor, 4900 \'onge Strect,Willowdale, Ontario. PROJ ECT No. 641936DNOI10 - Installation of Scissors Lift, Post Office, 200 D-indas Street 1-aýst, Whitby, Ontario CLOSING DATE: TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1978 Deposit: Nil Enqiries: 41 6-224-4240 INSTRUCTIONS To bc considered caci tender must bc submnittcd on the forrns supplied by the Dcpartmient and must bc accompanied by the security specified in the tender documnents. The lowest or any tender not necessary acccpted. B. R. Warren Regional Manager Finance & Administration Ontario Region December 14, 1977 NOTICE TOWN 0F WHITBY APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Citizens wlio may be iîterested in serving on the follow- ing Boardîs or Commiittees are invited to subrnit thieir namne along with a brief resumne to thie undersiened * for consideration by the Council, on or before Decemiber 221ld1, 1977. Cemetery Board Conrnmittee of Adj o st mc tt Fence Viewers Garne ireserve Cornittee Library Board 6 Appoirtients-l Year terni I Appointment- 3 Year terrn 6-Appointnients-l Year terrni 8-Appointnients-l Year terni I -Appointiyent-3 Year terrni Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Commiittee 5-Appointnîents- 1 Year terni (g) Property Standards Conittee 3-Appointiiients - 2 and 3 Year terins. (h) Board of Management of Museum 2-Appointments- 1 Year termn Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk-Administratôr, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. LIN 2M8 M viewi, it will make recommendations which, if implemented, coùld a f fect rate differentials between customers. Hydro rates' are an ongoing concern of mine, and in this regard I have very recently been appointed a member of a <Select» Commlittee ofthe Legisiature set- up to examhine, a- mong other thlngs, power rates. Also, efforts have been underway for some time now by myseif and others, to es- tablish a Local Study Group, whose responsibility it would be to make recoinmen dations for the restructuring of the electrical utility services in the whole region. Where such re- structuring has taken place in other areas, the residents can look forward to lower electricity rates because the P'UCs involved will be serving a larger number of people, resulting in more users sharing the costs of common services. In conclusion, 1 would like to assure you thàît 1 wilI be very active both in the Select Committee of the Legisiature and in promotîng a Local Study Group, to ensure that the lowest hydro rates possible are shared equitably by ahl users in Durham West Riding. 1 arn very pleased to report that the Provincial Govern- ment recently awarded the Town of Whitby a $25,000 grant under The Parks Assistance Act, to carry out planning and development work for the establishment of Iroquois Beach Approved Park. The Park site comprises twenty acres of undevelopedland fronting on Lake Ontario, alorig the west side of Whitby harbour to the east of Gordon Street. The Council of the Town of Whitby plans to undertake preparation-of a de- velopment plan to include filling, grading, landscaping and other general development., I1t's Christmas ýSeat time It's Christmas Seal time again,and the Durham Region Lung Association is counting on contributions from Whitby area residents to help people in the Durham Region with lung problerns. This year marks the SOth year of ý Christmas Seals -in Canada. Tlîe Durhamn Region Lung Association's objective for 1977 is $75,000, a $5,000 increase over last year's successfully achieved target of S$70,000. The money is raised only through annual through-the- mail Christmas Sealsý-The as- sociation has contactcd 22,000 previous contributors and sent out 75,O00household mailers. Last ycar the Christmas Seal Camnpaignîraised $70,301. 0f this a total of $17,574.32 wvas sent to the Provincial and Federal LongAssociations as Durhanm Region's contri- bution to research projects and operating costs. The remaining $52,727 re - rnained ini the Durham Region to be adnîinistered for Icial comrnunity benefit through the following programs and services: conditioning courses for asthmatic children, smok- ing withdrawall cliîîics, health education services odf free literature and films, patient education services with spec- ialized literature for distribu- ting by doctors, training courses for babysitters, trans- portation of respiratory patients to clinics, and finan- cial assistance in the purchase of drugs and home oxygen for needy respiratory patients. Lung disease is the single greatest cause of absenteeism by illness says the Durham Region LungAssociaton. Four million Canadians suffer from respiratory ailments, and 2,600 Canadians had active Tuberculosis last year. Lung disease is the third leading cause of -disabiity ini Canada today and in Ontario alone there will be 150,000 hospital admissions from iung disease at a cost of $1 14,000, 000, thiis year. Approximately 70 percent of chronic bonchitis and ernphysemna are dirfectly caused by cigarette smoking and is therefore entirely pre- ventable, says the Lung As- sociation. More than 500,000 Canadians have asthma. The Durham Region Lung Association is hoping for a good public response to its Christmas Seal Campaign this ye ar. Big Bite Americans eat more than a haîf billion pounds of peanut butter a year. ROLLING MEAD OWS-E-XECUTIVE HOMES in OTTER CREEK,WHITBY 1977 FINAL CLEARANCE SALE of the Iast 2 honies at unheard-of prices. The best location and the largest lots in Otter Creek. AIl lots are backed onto Pickering Farms. Alil homes are situated on highland overlooking magnificent view of Whitby and Oshawa area. Ail homes have 2 walkouts, copper wiring, 10"' 'concrete block basemnent, 2 metal clad thermal exterior doors, smoke detector, front and side door chimes, and double sliding patio door Stuike a bargain before it's too late. Sales Office (Lot 330) SALES Manager: Tony iu, B.A.,M.L, Hentob Construction Ltd. /Brenmore Real Es- 668-2227 .S.,B.EI). state ltd.

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