Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1977, p. 15

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WilTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, IDECEMBER 14, 1977, PAGE 15 MCapers Snow, snow, beautiful fltuffy, blowy snow. Dîd youi know thiat no two snowfltikes are shaped the sanie?, Looking out miy widow its liard to tell, they Al look alike. t really is quite nice since I discovered a niarveloiis young lad in the neiglibourhood who hias started a snow cleaniflg operation. Hie has a haif-ton pick-up, with ail the snow pushing gadgets attachied. For $5.00 hie'Il l ean your driveway anytinme. He even supplies the personal service of nmoving your car and returniflg it to the driveway whien the job is completed. He sure lias been a Godsend this past week. 1 don't think we would be out yet without his assistance. Best of luck with your ventiure Joel, the comimunity can certaiflly use your services at the present timie. On nice sunny days, go out and ski, but don't sit home praying for sflow. Westminster United Church December 24 il p.m. Christmas Bye Communion Ser-vice. Dec. 25 il a.rn. Special Faniily Christmuas Service. Children miay bring one of their presents. 1978 Church Calendars are available at S$1.00 eachi. Oshawa Generat Hospital Auxilliary Dance The dance will be hield at Jubilee Pavillion on Saturday Î' Jantiar'y 28, 1978, with dancing f0 the Eddie Grof Orches- tra. Tickets are SIl5.00 a couple. Lunch, prizes etc. Con- tact Elizabeth flatter, 576-821 8 by Decemiber 1 8, if yoit are hiterested in attending. Welcomie home to Mrs. Rogozinksi on Powell road. Shielias hiad a little trouble and spentsomie tine in the hospital.. Ilowever, shie is back homle and looks wonderful again. Thats it for this wcck. j Have a good day. Mhccn 725-896)7 SUN LIFE BONSPIEL WINNERS These happy curlers are the Loti Dugre Rink, of the Dugre,skip, Jolin Winford, Len Lawson and Randyv Garland. Rouindeil Curling Club, Ottawa, wlio won the $3,000 first Mir.Dugre's rink w3S the l2th different rink to win the Sun prize in the Sun Life Bonspiel Dec. 3. Seenl here receivirlg Lif trophy ini the 12 years the bonspiel bas been held. The the trophy froin a represenltative of Sun Life are: Lou bonspiel was lield at the Whitbv Curling Club. Mçosithi i l~dcoine in litres OUR NEW HOLIDAY HOURS q pouir, spiasi) &spl Your toothpastecCoDWs inl Millilitres (MI) 20'C iS a good YooIT tIl1ti ie 30'C is swimming t iu-ï)c 10'C - wear a coal * Saturday 11lam - Spm Sundayl12 noon - Spm Christmas Eve 11lam - 4 pm * Closed Christmas Boxing Day 11lam - 6pmn * DADiN-RODMINS f ICE CREAM STORE Sofeway Centre Brock St. Sou*h Whitby 75 Mercury Wagon Marquis - wcl cquipped with extras, in good cond.certif ied. $4,000 -725-3637- 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - low mileage, rustproofad, wil certif y, $3,000 or best offer. Cati 723-9180. lor Sale 1 haîf ton truck< cap A-I cond. insulated, aluminium, $300 or best offer 668-3776 or 649-5204. 1974 VOLKSWYAGON BEETLE- new radiais, starter motor, tape deck, and radio, tuned up and ready to go, engine A-i. $1,250; chrome 14" mags, $50 for four. Cal 723-7405. 1974 Vega - Good Condition $650. - calil 666-1 255. 1973 Dodge Swinger 318 A-i Condition $1 500. or best off er 683-8634. 1973 FORD CORTINA - GI - 4 speed, AM/FM, radial tires, good condition, $1,100' Calti 668-6319. 73 Plymouth Eury P/S P/B good ond. wili certify $750. 668-5 31 8 72 Volkswagen, gas heater, electric defroster, radiais, askiiig $550. 668-O640between 9:30 a-m- - 1 p.m. 1972 Toyota for parts, engine good running cond. $140. or best offer. can be seen at 1087 Venus Cres. Oshawa or caîl 5794977. 72 Pontiac Station Wagon, 350, P/S,P/B3. needs some rninor work f0 certify, as is $450. or bcst offer 655-3481 72 VolkswtugCln,gs het f electric defrostt radiais, $785. 668-0640 betweef 9:30a.m.-Ip.m- Press ]Emporu Cali 68-8111i ~t1 O l..4 T l v,,i,, wuon 1963 Internationial truîck, 3 ton p / , p b r d e - 8 .; a i on mti . .1 1 e ',ro .Ic A - O 1972 HONDA CB 350 - excellent condition, $550, certified. Must seil. CailiPeter 655-3253 af ter 4:30 pi.._ l 1971 MAVERICK 1 p< mechanically sound. new tires, Plus 2 snows, needs new fender, some body work, $200 as is; 1969 CHEV IMPALA, p/s, p/b, $200 as is. Caîl 668-8698.,.. 1971 VAUXHALL -- 43,00ù miles, new parts, $450 or best offer. Caîl 668-5704.* 1971 PONTIACCATELINA - 2 door hardtop, running condi- tion, $750 or best offer; 1971 TOYOTA, running condition, $300 or best of fer. Caîl 668-7279. 1971 RENAULT - Good condition. $270. caîl 668-0744. 1970 FORD TRUCK - redf, crewcab, f air condition. Ip'eat mileage, $600 as is. CaO: 655-3545. 1970 CADILLAC -' needs some work, good buy, $12C0; 1967 CH EV, 6 cyl., auto, $150; Caîl 579-5451. 1970 Chevelle SS 396,4 spd.with mags, FM stereo, 8 trace, *widc tires, some front end danmage, asking $1200. or bcst offer. - 1974 GMC heavy duty 1/2 ton, with cap, 35,000 orig. miles wilI çertify for $2500. or best offer. 655-3280. 1969 TOYOTA - unregistei-ed, ideal for r.pare parts, $100 or best of fer. Cati 668-3675. 1969 BUICK SKYLARK- good condition, weii kept, snows and riros inciuded, $C50 or best offer. Must selI. Caîl 668-7028. 1969 FOR3D CORTINA- is,$liO. Cali 668-6216, EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBi ECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLE-ASE READ: Advertiw FRIT ini the iFRIT :PRizi Ss 1IMPlolIUNI, payONLY when you self! There wilI flot bc any charge to advertisers in the FRIT PRElSS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. Whcn the advertised item is soid, you pay a comisiSon based on TH1E ADVI-RTI SF1) PRICE as illustrated bclow, regardless if' price is stated wit1i bcst offer. Ail advertiscilefts must bc placed on an exclusive basis with the W-IIT111W REFT PRFSS and mnl at Ieast one mionth if flot sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 21;1 of' balance over $400.0J EXAMPLEL SoId itemi advcrtiscd for $50.00 -commission due 52.50 (minimum commission is $1 .50) Private advertising oniy! Please notit'y us if you find a retailer Ilslcr' as a private advcrtiscr. *Please notify the Whitby Free Press iinimediateîy when item is sold so that wc miay deicte it fromi the folîowing issues. AIl ads flot fitting the Enmporiuîn guidelines will bc treated and charged per wcck as regular classifiedl ads on a pre-paid basis su ch a s: services, lp %vanted, clothing, real estate, nd personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ads mnay appear in the Emporium section under appropriate lieadings. If in doubt, cal] 668-61 Il MAIL ADS TO: FREIE' PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby LIN 5S1 111E DI-EAPLINE Fror' EMPORIUM ADS IS 111E FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 65 Chevy lin pala, 1/S, P/B, 283, certified $3 50.00 655-4479. 69 Chcvy Station Wagon P/S,P/B1 283 auto. crome rims. ex. colid. certified $500. 655-3481. For Sale -1-i1969 Dodgve Dar' 340. Engine completelY rebît >with Bis to slow,4 barrel, accel. ignition, Iess thian 1,200 miles on il, 450 or bcst offer.66-8-l 196. 69 Anibassad)r 1/S P/B notor .& body inri cy god sha1Pe, notI used for 2 years. $400. As Is > 728-009 trac bars, magr., tinted windows, 8 track stereo, good condition, =0. Cati 668-4654. 68 Volkswagen Bectle good cond. neds 2 tires for certification $300. cali 668-11 74. 68 Pontiac Pariesienfle, new tires, on front, snow tires - good for pxirts $200. 668-2677. 1968PONT1 ACPARISI ENNE- 327,' 2 door hardtop, $400. COî 655.3006. $400. uncertified 655-3607. 1968 Ford Fetura 2 dr., 6 cyl, auto. radio, good cond. $350. or best offer unicertified 655-4498. t)8 PONTIAC PARISIENE, 2 dr. 1trtp). tilt steerinig \wheel ý:32.$l00. 68 BICK WILDCAT 4dr. Ilrtp. Top Mechanicul Conidition $500 after 6 caîl 666-I1665 1968 Coroncet 500, 318, 2 dr. hirtp., auto, )/s, radio, $200. as is or best offer 668-5060 caîl after 5 68 Ford Montego $275. or best offer. NIust selI, Fair cond. 654726 68 Volksvagen Station Wagon 1600 imotor, radio, gas heater $250-00 668-4962. miles on new imotor, needs body wvork,unccrtified $300. 576-6592. 1967 Ford Falcon standard, ii good running cond. asking $200. or best offer. 1967 Ford Galaxie 500, auto. asking $100. or best offer. 725-6045. 1967 MUSTANG - 289 vith three speed f loor shift, good dlean condition, $400 or best off er. Cali 668-38819. 1967 VW 9600 FASTBACK- $250; also 1500 VW engine, $1 50; eiectric brass f ireplnee $50. Calil 668-0010. 1967 FORD STATION- WAGON - 4 dr., 8 cyl., $300. or best offer. Cail 655-4441 affer 6 pa. 1966 - mustang - siowvrooni cond automnatic console, Rcgncgade Belted tires, white wliels, 289 engine - VIRM $1,300 . Cal 579-9236. STATIONWAGON - rebuilt motor, ,(easy to certifyl, $500. Cell-668-9124. 1962 FORD FALCON 289 - 62,000 miles, factury body and paint., best offer, $200. CaltI 655-3972 af ter 6 p.m. 1957 CHEV - ;2 dr. hdtç.. Kentucky car, completel'/ rebuilt 327, 300 hp motor, 3 sp. -.iuto transmission, new brakes, tires, shocks, exhaust, newv carpet, custom seats, no rust, certified. asking $2.600 mustý selI. Call 668-1 139 after 5:30 weekdays. RECEATIONA V EILES 1 Maie 10 SPEED TOURU'»- BIKE - 20" frame, generator lights, pack racks, $100; MOTORCYCLE, 1971 350 HONDA, new parts and paint, certif ted, $500. Cali 668-0187. 1969 SKIDOO -- with '71 motor, good condition, needs some motor work, best off er over $100. Call 668-0744. Suzuki Motorcycle - good cond. 150 c.c. asking $175. or best offer 655-3411 70 Snowcruiser, lias reverse $600 or bett offer 655-4741. 15' MOLDED PLYWOOD BOAT - with steering wheei, needs few repairs, $75. Cati 668-9860. A-i l4ft. aluminium van wy. roll up door, side door and 2,000 pound tait gate loader. Like niew. $2,000. Cati 683-0141 betvveen RAM & 5 DM. 1975 Yamalha motocro~scr, 400 ('.C.'s jtîst rebut, miany extras $800. 655-4733. 1977 BE 250 - in A-i condition, ' 1500 miles, asklng $1 ,360. Cali 6565-4238. ]Free AUTMOE FOR SALE

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