WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEM BER 14, 1 977,e PAGE 9 OBITUARIES CHARLES SNELGROVE William Chartes Sncigrove, a druggist in downtown'i Whitby for 21 years, died at his residence, il11 Reedaire Court ,of a lieart attack Dec.3. Mr. Snelgrove was 64 years old, having been born at Port Hope, Nov. 23, 1913. He xvas the son of Williami and Mabel Snelgrove. Mr. Snelgrove owvned and operated a drug store On Brock Street Sout h froin 1944 to 1965, and hud been retirert since lie closed the store. î-le \vus a mie tube r of St. Nlark's tinited (hulrch . an honorary life nienib11er of the Whitby Kinsoien Club, and served on the Whitby Public School Board for a nuiiiterof years. Mr. SnelgrCove is surviveci bv hiis wife, the former Sylvia Nietui; three dlauighters. 1\rs. C. Kidd (Elinor). of Whitby, Mrs. M. Betty (Carol) of Sudbury, and MIrs. J. K. Woods (Janis) of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Ne is also survived by two sons, Steven of Montreal and Normuan of London, Ontario; one sister, Mrs. B. RonÎ2 (Marjorie) of New York, and one brother, Lloyd of Mill- brook. Mr. Snelgrove also had seven grandchildreni. The funcral wvas hield at W. C. Town Funeral Chapel Dec.. 7, conducted by Rev. Johin M. Smith of St. Mark's United Church. Interment folfowed at Groveside Cerne- tery. BEATRICE DALBY Beatrice Dalby, of 208 Warden-Wilson Ave., (lied Dec. 5 at the J. 0. Rurtdy General Hospital ut the age of 83, foltowving. a short ifi- ness. M rs. 1)al by, wvhose tuaiden naine %vas Bendaîl, wvas born in England. May 29, 1 894. She was a mieniber of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Branch Il 2 Royal Canudian Legion) and St. Mairk's Uniited ('hurchi She xvas marrner1 tethle late Charles Dulby who pre- deceased lier. Mrs. Dalby is survived by by three sonsLcetiard, Eranik and1 Williamî, al cf Whitby; two dau(dhtcrs. Mrs. Lwr Misztuk (Isabelle) of 0OSha\vu and Mrs. E-lthel LaForce cf Peterborough; 10 grandciiild- ren and seven greut grand- childrcn. Rev. J. Mi. Smiith of' St. Nlark*s United Chutrchi con- ducteri the futieral service Dec. 8 ut XW. C. Tmvin FuneraI Chuptlel ,'ollo\ved by in tertuent in Muaint Lawn (c tuetery. Contributions to the Otitario I leart 1-nttî dat ioni would be appreciated. VALERE VERFAILLE \Jalere lPaul \/rfaillie, cf' 2 Ilillcourt D)rive, litiby, died 1)ec. 7 ut the Oshawa Gene rat IHospital ut tlîe age of' 57 ,following a Iengtliy illtîcss. Mr. Verfaillie wvas bornaut Loos, France.,l)cc. 3. I1920, sun of' Gastotnatnd H eletna Verfaillie. Eniployed ut General Motors since I1951I, lie was a mninber of St. Johni the Evatigelist Clîttreli, Whitby, and Brauîcli 112 i2 f the R.oyal Caiiadiati Legioti. During the Second Worid War,Mr. Verfaillie volunitcercd in the First Belgiani Fusilier Bat talion iiiI1939. Fie was a prisonier of war, escaped, and becanie ani interpreter of the underground allied forces. Lately lie joined the Algoni- quin Reginient. Ile came to Canadca in 1 947 anid settied ini Oshlawu. Mr. Verfiaillie is survived by his wife, the former Marie Louise (Mary) Rebere, whorn lie married -Sept. 2, 1 939 at Ypres ,Belgioi;two daughters, Mrs. Carl Weis (Rita) of Whitby anc1 Mrs. Kennietlh Cic(Anlita') of' Cobourg; an d l've gafcide. A- nlother cdaughiter, 1inda. died iii 1947. Tie ftu ne ralI was bel a t St. John ithe Evangeý,list Chutrchi Dec. () followed by iinter- inuent iii Resurrection Cealie- tery, \Vhitby. Whitby's etîtry in the recent 'Sun Life Bonspiel at the Whitby Curling Club wvas skipped by Clayton MacKay (left). Ilie MacKay rink lost thîe third event and wvas unable to proceed to thie finals. From left to right are Mr. MacKay,- Keith Lawes, vice-skip; Charlie Fishier, second; and Doug Clifford, lead. The Suin Life Bonspiel concluded Dec. 3. 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